So Jiraiya is okay with us taking over a small country in the middle of nowhere and establishing a Merchant Empire?

Well that makes things easier on us. All we have to ask for our reward after this seal mistress business is done is the chance to travel abroad and/or some time to mess around with seals for seal-based tech.

Once we have a reliable Zeppelin conquering travelling to Vegetable shouldn't be too hard.

We could also ask for a basic education too just so that we don't commit any blunders like we did in the DMZ. There is too much "common knowledge" that we don't know and it will bite us in the ass again if we aren't careful.
Ooh, ooh, did the team ever got that latest edition Bingo Book they wanted since until page ~700?

I would like to see the Team's bingo book entry, as well.
Land of the Sea

Hmm... worked well as a hidey hole for Orochimaru, should be good for us. Just gotta hope we're not stepping on the MfD Orochimaru's toes. Do you have an in-depth post on the benefits of Sea?

So, filler episodes are completely ignored for MfD's canon. Also Orochimaru has shown very different choices of where to go and things to do in this timeline.

My main benefits are that it is a large isolated landmass with no ninja village. There are probably single clans or other ruling ninja, but they are likely easier to destroy or co-opt than a complete hidden village.

It's 200ish miles long with a mountain in the center meaning there's likely a large amount of arable land. Because it's surrounded by sea it should be easier to protect than a land border, and possible to seal off completely if we have minions. This means we could experiment with uplift quest in a more controlled environment that's relatively out of the way of the ninja world wars.

The existence of a mountain gives us a head start on a number of hidden heaven options, simply because we have access to altitude. 5SB which are only locked by distance to center of earth, not orientation. So they'll stay at a particular height. If we get really creative, we might just be able to lop the top of the mountain off and put it directly on a floating platform.

Alternately, if we want to create Hidden Depths, either underwater or underground, the options are there to make that easier. Admittedly all of that is possible elsewhere, but this is a place which is likely (we'd have to check) safer than the rest to do that in.
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The stuff that hasn't been done yet.
[X] Action Plan: Hopefully Not Cthulu
  1. Get through the rest of the meeting unscathed and in good standing with J
  2. Make our way to the town the target is expected to appear near and perform initial recon/contingency preparation
As always, feel free to stop the update at an appropriate point before the whole plan is done - suggestions would be as we leave for Sarubetsu, after initial Sarubetsu recon, or after our trip to Iron.
    1. How small is "small town" and who's in charge of it? Does the place have ninjas, and if so what intel can we get on them?
    2. Are there organized ninja forces in Rice as a whole we should know about?
    3. What support is available to us for this mission?
      1. Reversible paralytics especially. (J doesn't happen to have paralysis seals handy?)
      2. Anti-sealer techniques or seals?
      3. Any contacts in the area?
        1. Updated code words / why Joutarou didn't respond to ours? We'd really like to not fight any other agents.
      4. Cash so we can get shit ourselves and not bother J
      5. Basic supplies
        1. Sealing paper and ink
        2. Kunai, ninja wire etc.
        3. Trapmaking materials for Akane, esp. nets that won't disintegrate immediately with ninja strength
      6. Tips and tricks on making contracts quickly?
      7. (If we expect accelerated healing will help) Does J object to us getting in touch with his medic contact in Yuni for healing?
    4. Any known personality traits of Arakida? Personality quirks, phobias, vices?
  1. Run to Sarubetsu for initial recon
      1. Identify locals in positions of power, try and figure out leverage points to make sure they help us or at least don't interfere with us
      2. Keep an eye out for people who may be contacts of Arakida, e.g. new people in town, people placed highly in organized crime or ninja business
      3. Track the traffic to, from and inside the town
        1. How many people come and go and when? How is the traffic controlled?
        2. Where do people congregate and when?
        3. Where do travelers stop inside the town - Inns, resorts etc.
          1. Who owns them? Where do they get their food and other services?
      4. Keep an ear open for notable current events
      1. Map out the town and area, identifying routes of approach, places travelers stop to rest, spots for ambushes
      2. Any natural obstacles surrounding the town?
      3. Large bodies of water for a chakra refill? Rivers for quick movement?
      4. Any interesting chakra monsters around?
    1. Keiko should try and make at least one new contract over the course of the week. Hazou recommends either a sensory specialist (to make sure we catch Arakida) or a combat specialist (to make sure we beat her), preferrably both. She should come back each night unless there's a particular reason to stay, in which case we trust her judgement.
      1. Tell Pandaa he has to send her back if she thinks we sent her away again.
      1. Ask about Mari's minutes-lasting genjutsu - how does it work, what are its limits. Relatedly, work on developing better protect-the-mage tactics for when she's zoned out, and see about obtaining binoculars to try and extend her range.
      2. Kagome - how good is his transformation, given that he got a (sarcastic?) compliment on it? Can he take on animal shapes yet? (Certainly knows about the possibility, given the ferret he made Hazou blow up back in like ch 26) Ask about why people don't go around henged as themselves most of the time to prevent aging/illness.
    1. Make a trip to Iron, unless we have an alternative paralytic AND we would get no benefit from a couple days of accelerated healing in Yuni/we are forbidden from contacting the Yuni medic
    2. (If J doesn't provide an alternative) Collect samples of paralytic wasp powder, test on animals and chakra beasts to see if it's permanent and/or stops breathing, test macerator delivery by Keiko
    3. (If it will make a difference to our combat capabilities and J allows it) Spend some time getting accelerated healing in Yuni. If possible, Noburi should take this opportunity to brush up on his skills, possibly offering payment or assistance in exchange.
    4. Keiko should keep working on finding contracts, or help setting up and analyzing tests of the powder if she's already found them.
    5. Get to Sarubetsu at least two full days ahead of Arakida's earliest expected arrival.
    1. Be theret least a couple days ahead of Arakida's earliest expected appearance
    2. On the way, look out for anyone else approaching the town, since we'll be coming from roughly the west and our intel says Arakida will be doing the same
    3. Begin surveillance of roads into the town, as well as of areas to the west
    4. Set up multiple escape and meetup contingencies in the area - Kagome and Akane's jobs to trap/explodify the routes
    5. Mari and Team Talky continue investigating the town
      1. Mari takes point on sniffing out/ hunting down/ eliminating Arakida's contacts, but the boys should be present for backup whenever possible.
      2. Noburi and Hazou get experience by taking point on pulling whatever influence levers the team found when we were here the first time
    6. Keiko should keep working on finding contracts, or help puzzle out who Arakida may be meeting if she's already found them.
  1. Buy any supplies Jiraiya doesn't provide us with while in Iron
  2. Prepare what we think are sufficient quantities of exploding tags, directional explosives, PMYF tags, and macerator seals loaded with sawdust, mist, and toxin, then make like 10% more
  3. Check whether the party, Kagome in particular, objects to what we assume is putting this lady into sealing slavery strongly enough to turn down an open-ended favor from J.
  4. Travel under long range movement SOP.
  5. If Hazou senses questioning emotions given his resolution toward changing the Elemental nations, he should redirect them to how he feels about the stuff that he's seen and knows re: civilians, scorch squads, etc.
  6. If QMs allow it, spend time training (esp Kei, Noburi) - weapons/deal making/ stealth or tacmov, water whip/ VD/ medic stuff (if we go to Yuni) - will get back to you on how much to buy.
  7. Ask J about the situation at the academy we mentioned last time (Mizuki, but don't say the name unless he does)
Goddammit Jello, I almost started cracking up during my lab meeting

Don't worry about it. I crack up all the time in meetings for no visible reason. People just think I'm crazy. It's fine because you're in grad school. The only people in grad school who aren't crazy are insane.

Source: I'm also in grad school.
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Alternately, if we want to create Hidden Depths, either underwater or underground

Hidden Underdark?

That's actually a reasonably good idea. If we can get a tunnel-digging jutsu for Hazou (or hire a pangolin construction crew?) then we could make an underground base. No light, so we'd need lamp seals. And the lamps would have to approximate sunlight to allow agriculture (although maybe we can make mokuton seals for creating crops ex nihilo?). Water is more available below ground than in orbit.

Would be just our luck if we ran into a mind flayer colony, though.
Hidden Underdark?

That's actually a reasonably good idea. If we can get a tunnel-digging jutsu for Hazou (or hire a pangolin construction crew?) then we could make an underground base. No light, so we'd need lamp seals. And the lamps would have to approximate sunlight to allow agriculture (although maybe we can make mokuton seals for creating crops ex nihilo?). Water is more available below ground than in orbit.

Would be just our luck if we ran into a mind flayer colony, though.
I wonder how a mind flayer would handle reading Keiko or Kagome's mind.
I think Leaf doesn't have traditional sorch squads. Instead, they're kidnapped into ROOT. What, did you think Danzo was successfully systematically stealing the kids of preexisting ninja? Fuck no.

Also possibly mindscrubbed and dropped into orphanages.
So, filler episodes are completely ignored for MfD's canon. Also Orochimaru has shown very different choices of where to go and things to do in this timeline.

My main benefits are that it is a large isolated landmass with no ninja village. There are probably single clans or other ruling ninja, but they are likely easier to destroy or co-opt than a complete hidden village.

It's 200ish miles long with a mountain in the center meaning there's likely a large amount of arable land. Because it's surrounded by sea it should be easier to protect than a land border, and possible to seal off completely if we have minions. This means we could experiment with uplift quest in a more controlled environment that's relatively out of the way of the ninja world wars.

The existence of a mountain gives us a head start on a number of hidden heaven options, simply because we have access to altitude. 5SB which are only locked by distance to center of earth, not orientation. So they'll stay at a particular height. If we get really creative, we might just be able to lop the top of the mountain off and put it directly on a floating platform.

Alternately, if we want to create Hidden Depths, either underwater or underground, the options are there to make that easier. Admittedly all of that is possible elsewhere, but this is a place which is likely (we'd have to check) safer than the rest to do that in.

So we'll get a base to recuperate in. How does that change our relationship with Konoha?

If it become a nation, then it's one more political thing to consider for the spymaster.
Re: Research

I'd like to suggest that at the end of every update we evaluate whether doing research right then would be a bad idea, and if not, we spend either as much time researching as is sensible, or complete one research project, whichever takes less time.
@eaglejarl @Velorien Hey, ends at regular time, right? Just wanna be sure.

I think the actual question is: Are we voting for anything now? @eaglejarl @Velorien

If there's room for training plans within our already voted in action plan, the option to vote in training plans sounds like a good idea. I don't think anyone will complain about voting something in this time, since the last vote had only individual votes for training options.
Can Weapons give fighting styles?

I'm fairly sure water whip can't.

Edit: Although if they can, what would that look like? Using different weapons? Moving the whip in different patterns?

In the real world I know of at least three different styles of smallsword, two for rapier, three for foil, etc. I'd say yes, you can have weapon styles.

@eaglejarl @Velorien Hey, ends at regular time, right? Just wanna be sure.

I think the actual question is: Are we voting for anything now? @eaglejarl @Velorien

If there's room for training plans within our already voted in action plan, the option to vote in training plans sounds like a good idea. I don't think anyone will complain about voting something in this time, since the last vote had only individual votes for training options.

Sure, go ahead and vote for training plans. Note that they might end up not happening during the scope of this action plan, depending on what happens. In that case we'll use it as the plan the next time there's a training opportunity.

And yes, it closes 12pm London time on Wednesday.
This update was hilarious. Great job on it EagleJarl.

On a different note, since the Kurosawas occasionally produce a sharingan baby, shouldn't the Uchihas also have occasionally produced an iron nerve baby?
Hidden Underdark?

That's actually a reasonably good idea. If we can get a tunnel-digging jutsu for Hazou (or hire a pangolin construction crew?) then we could make an underground base. No light, so we'd need lamp seals. And the lamps would have to approximate sunlight to allow agriculture (although maybe we can make mokuton seals for creating crops ex nihilo?). Water is more available below ground than in orbit.

Would be just our luck if we ran into a mind flayer colony, though.

Hi! This is literally my first post ever on this website so maybe take this with a grain of salt. I do not feel comfortable at all with living in what is essentially an anthill. I feel as if that would be incredibly weak to Earth Jutsu, a complete collapse of most of the tunnel system wouldn't be too unimaginable. Not to mention the psychological effects of living underground for a long time, I'd really hate for us to be Snow Elves that turned into Falmer.

(Note: I've only actually read up to page ~ 127 on the forum, and then only read the threadmarks after that, this discussion has probably already come up so if it has please forgive me.)
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