- Location
Yeah that cinches it for me. The best, most skilled, most well conditioned, civilian fighter in the world would get trashed by an 12 year old genin straight out of the academy. If the genin is Tajitsu spec they could do it without spending a single CP.
Theres no way in hell there's not superhuman physiology there. To the point where I could see our hypothetical genin having far worse technique, and only winning through sheer physical superiority.
At best you could add an extra tier to the 3 tier system @Rihaku described. Somewhere between "passive durability" and "active chakra boosting durability" you could add "reflexive boosting".
Our bodies automatically regulate blood pressure on a level far below conscious awareness. To the extent that your body will adjust blood pressure in anticipation of your actions before your conscious mind even registers your intent to, say, get up off the couch. Perhaps low-level chakra boosting works in a similar way?
Perhaps Tsuande's physiology resembles something near-human if she's totally relaxed and at ease. Yet even mundane stressors would have her chakra system automatically hardening her bones until they're harder than steel?
This would work synergetically with high alertness. Someone with jonin level alertness MUST have biologically impossible reaction times.
Maybe actual neurons are being altered, or synaptic connections are constantly flooded with chakra. Maybe there's something entirely magical going on and some portion of a jonins' awareness and cognition is offloaded into their chakra coils (or even chakra itself registering an attacker's low level "hostile intent"). The details don't really matter.
As far as I'm aware, the only confirmation we have that RERs generate absolutely zero warning on target is from Hazou IC:
A mile away, the rock with the giant '17' painted on it ceased to exist as the massive power of an explosive rune erupted in front of it with no warning
Except Hazou was a mile away and has shit Alertness. Absent WOG to the contrary, it makes perfect sense that someone at the explosion site and w/ Jonin+ levels of Alertness might be able to notice some tiny bit of warning 50ms before the explosion actually goes off. A normal human couldn't react in that time period, but a normal human literally cannot level Alertness anywhere close to 60+.
These all together explain how how someone with jonin stat lines could conceivable survive a suprise TN100 explosion.
A 3x RER2.0 barrage would have a min TN of 132 even if all 3 missed by 1 zone. Make that 152 if even 1 hits directly. That should most certainly kill any exposed Jonin. Probably any exposed Akatsuki.
If the fortress attenuated the explosion down to 120TN or less, I could see most of the Akatsuki each having at least an even chance of surviving.
What do you think @Buggy ?
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