Greetings players, we come in peace, bearing many minor mechanical modifications.
After a valiant crusade by
@Shrooms, we've been convinced to drop the variable initiative system. Initiative will now remain constant throughout an encounter. The following rule will be added to the rulebook:
- When initiative is determined at the beginning of an encounter, combatants may use any reflexive actions they have available to change their initiative. Once the initiative order is determined, the same initiative order is used for all subsequent rounds – effects that increase or decrease initiative have no further effect.
Accordingly, a number of jutsu and seal effects need to change.
- Earth Element: Living Roots – This technique is not Reflexive, and cannot be used at the start of an encounter. However, if it is active at the start of an encounter, it will grant +(Effect) to initiative (rather than the +3*(Effect) bonus granted while the user is immobile, as the user will generally be assumed to be moving throughout an encounter). This has been clarified in the jutsu's specification.
- Lightning Element: Pangolin Flash – While we could give this the same treatment as Living Roots, it would be substantially weaker, as there's basically no reason to have it active before a fight starts. Additionally, the decaying-bonus would have no effect, so the jutsu needs to be reworked. Accordingly, we're substantially buffing Pangolin Flash – it is now a Reflexive Supplemental technique that buffs Alertness and initiative by +2*(Effect). Full details are available in the jutsu doc.
- Chakdar – Previously, this granted +AB for the first round of initiative, but no bonus thereafter. Chakdar is being buffed. It will now grant +AB to initiative throughout the entire combat (provided combat starts in the appropriate range).
Feedback on this decision is appreciated.
The following rule will be added to the rulebook:
- When rolling a ninjutsu's level, the user may use the AB of the highest-leveled ninjutsu in its element, rather than the ninjutsu's AB.
- For example: Noburi attacks with Water Dragon Bullet (L30). It has an innate +AB, so would normally roll at +4 (34 total). Instead, with his Water Whip's +6 AB (L50), he would roll at +6 (36 total). If he invokes "Star of the Show", he would add another +6, and roll at +12 (42 total) rather than at +8 (38 total).
- This doesn't affect the ninjutsu's maximum Effect, or any ninjutsu-mechanics that aren't rolling its own level (e.g. Flame Aura's bonus to other rolls is still based on its own AB, rather than the highest Fire-Element technique's AB).
After a couple months with access to the Primordial Sealing rules and no game-breaking exploits found with its capped-bonus interaction with Sealing, we're adding the following stunts, which will be accessible to all characters.
In truth, ninja skills are closely related, and exceptional skill in one can transfer to passable ability in another.
XP Cost: 25 XP
Prerequisites: Athletics 20, Alertness 20, Level 20 in one of (Taijutsu, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons)
Select one skill of (Taijutsu, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons) as your Primary, the remainder are secondaries. Add a bonus of ⅕ Primary to your secondaries, capped by your level in Primary. This does not affect AB.
E.g. If you have level 35 Taijutsu as your primary (bonus of +7):
- Your level 20 Melee Weapons is buffed to level 27
- Your level 30 Ranged Weapons is buffed to level 35 (cannot exceed level 35)
XP Cost: 50 XP
Prerequisites: Genin Combat Training, Athletics 40, Alertness 40, Level 40 in one of (Taijutsu, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons)
Select one skill of (Taijutsu, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons) as your Primary, the remainder are secondaries. Add a bonus of ¼ Primary to your secondaries, capped by your level in Primary. This does not affect AB.
E.g. If you have level 52 Taijutsu as your primary (bonus of +13):
- Your level 30 Melee Weapons is buffed to level 43
- Your level 44 Ranged Weapons is buffed to level 52 (cannot exceed level 52)
XP Cost: 75 XP
Prerequisites: Chūnin Combat Training, Athletics 60, Alertness 60, Level 60 in one of (Taijutsu, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons)
Select one skill of (Taijutsu, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons) as your Primary, the remainder are secondaries. Add a bonus of ⅓ Primary to your secondaries, capped by your level in Primary. This does not affect AB.
E.g. If you have level 66 Taijutsu as your primary (bonus of +22):
- Your level 40 Melee Weapons is buffed to level 62
- Your level 50 Ranged Weapons is buffed to level 66 (cannot exceed level 66)
Mastery of a single element of ninjutsu may allow a wielder to reap incredible rewards.
Two notes:
- For all stunts here, the Elemental Advantage bonus counts as a buff.
- For every additional Element you have, the requirements to acquire one of these stunts drops by 5 levels.
- E.g. with 4 Elements, the requirements would drop by 15 levels, so you could learn Elemental Master with 3x level 45 skills in a given Element.
XP Cost: 25 XP
Prerequisites: 3x techniques above level 20 or above in your chosen element.
Designate your highest leveled ninjutsu in your chosen Element as Primary. Add a bonus of +⅕ Primary when making rolls with other ninjutsu in the Element, capped by your level in Primary. This does not affect AB.
When you have the Elemental Advantage (i.e. Water > Fire > Wind > Lightning > Earth > Water) with this element, add +2*AB instead of +AB.
XP Cost: 50 XP
Prerequisites: 3x techniques above level 40 or above in your chosen element.
Designate your highest leveled ninjutsu in your chosen Element as Primary. Add a bonus of +¼ Primary when making rolls with other ninjutsu in the Element, capped by your level in Primary. This does not affect AB.
When you have the Elemental Advantage (i.e. Water > Fire > Wind > Lightning > Earth > Water) with this element, add +3*AB instead of +AB.
XP Cost: 75 XP
Prerequisites: 3x techniques above level 60 or above in your chosen element.
Designate your highest leveled ninjutsu in your chosen Element as Primary. Add a bonus of +⅓ Primary when making rolls with other ninjutsu in the Element, capped by your level in Primary. This does not affect AB.
When you have the Elemental Advantage (i.e. Water > Fire > Wind > Lightning > Earth > Water) with this element, add +4*AB instead of +AB.
XP Cost: 100 XP
Prerequisites: 3x techniques above level 80 or above in your chosen element.
Designate your highest leveled ninjutsu in your chosen Element as Primary. Add a bonus of +½ Primary when making rolls with other ninjutsu in the Element, capped by your level in Primary. This does not affect AB.
When you have the Elemental Advantage (i.e. Water > Fire > Wind > Lightning > Earth > Water) with this element, add +5*AB instead of +AB.
Hazō's "Apprentice Stoneshaper" stunt is currently nonfunctional apart from permitting him to cast Multiple Earth Wall. If he satisfies the pre-requisites for Earth-Element Apprentice, he will be able to swap his Apprentice Stoneshaper stunt for Earth-Element Apprentice, which will also function to permit him to cast MEW.
Finally, we're considering adding the following rule for Elemental Specializations. Discussion on this topic would be helpful, but do not get attached to the rule – we could well decide not to add it.
- If you have Elemental (Apprentice/Journeyman/Master/Grandmaster) in (2/3/4/5) Elements, you may increase the cast by (1/2/3/4) Effects without paying additional chakra. This cannot increase the Effect above maximum allowable by your level in the ninjutsu.
- E.g. ninjutsu-spec jounin with 3x Elemental Journeyman stunts, max Earth Element 52, Earth Wall 40. They cast Earth Wall at Effect: 1 (31 CP), and the Earth Wall would take effect with Effect: 3 (71 CP).
- This would let the user defend with min(52, 40 + ¼*52) = 52, plus Earth Walls +(Effect*AB): 52 + (3 * 6) = 70.
- With Elemental Advantage (against a Water ninjutsu), the user gets an additional +3*AB, and defends at = 88.
- They save 40 CP.
- If the ninjutsu-spec jounin instead had Earth Wall 30 (max Effect: 2), they could only increase the Effect to 2.
Feedback on all these mechanical changes would be greatly appreciated.