The mine is in the hills west of Keishi, about 100 miles from Leaf, meaning about 5 hours away. You can travel 8 hours per day, or 10 if Noburi is with you.
Damn, that scuttles the unified trip plan. Thank you for answering so promptly; it really helps with planmaking!

Bringing significant ore from deep underground up to the surface is the work of around 12 hours, probably.
Wasn't it only a matter of a few hours when we went to a dry iron mine? I don't even think we used Shadow Clones then since we were with Asuma….
In the Academy, Hazō always appreciated it when a long class or training block was unexpectedly cut short, giving him unplanned free time. To his surprise, he still felt excited.

That morning, Asuma's shadow clone had taken him to the quarries behind the Hokage Monument, where the already sparse iron veins had finally run dry. Hazō had expected the process of extracting any reasonable quantity of iron ore to take ages, but for some reason, he'd been able to manipulate the ore far, far easier than he'd been able to during his last tests on the Seventh Path.

At Asuma's request, he only pulled the purified ores to the surface rather than fully extracting them. This way, Asuma said, was fully legal. No civilian could alter the ore location, but mining them would be a violation of the Merchant Council's rules that Asuma was reluctant to do even in secret. As an added bonus, the miners would keep their jobs instead of being obsoleted. Within a few hours, Hazō had pulled enough iron ore to the surface to keep Leaf supplied for a year, and then he was free to go.
I remain skeptical that we have time for a Toad Apprenticeship right now.

May I suggest this plan, instead?

We're don't really have time for a Toad Apprenticeship.

Here's something EJ expressed interest in.

[x] Action Plan: Sound Science and Trading Tech
Words: tbd
  • Sanity Check/Optimize with Mari, Snowflake, Kei, and Kagome
  • Naruto
    • Disclose we're about to do (potential) heavy weapons testing. Request a very safe/isolated location for it.
    • Also, how about that Minato Seal, though ;>
    • Maximum Safety Measures. Learn from our near-fatal mistake with initial EM safety measures.
      • Pull Kagome in for maximal safety measures.
      • Distanced skytower, observe, at range, via shadow clones and telescopes.
      • Silence mines all over platform
      • Wear our silence mine earrings.
    • Snowflake (or other crystal sister) casts Echolocation Jutsu. Hazou Clone activates an earburster seal, which the jutsu then records/replays.
    • Observe results, have substitution targets ready. Be prepared to flee or reverse summon.
    • If deemed safe, repeat with a Banshee Seal after renewing protections.
    • Destroy the landscape with Kagome after the experiment's conclusion to obscure results from unwanted investigation.
      • Discuss the results amongst ourselves. Any way to improve the results?
        • Stronger sound seal?
        • Higher leveled Echolocation jutsu?
        • Air dome over the Echolocation jutsu's AoE?
  • Offscreen
    • Continue training Orochimaru
    • Continue learning THing
    • Meet with the KEI for a trade deal [link to later]
  • Sealing Research!
    • Test difficulty on Noburi's Barrel seals and Improved Strobelights
[x] Action Plan: Sound Science and Trading Tech

I am swayed by the concerns about keeping Oro happy, approaching the Sages when we are still injured, and by the missed opportunity of failing to put Oro and the Sages in the same room for a LORE conversation.

I'm also much more interested in the KEI trade deal than whatever is going on with the Minami in Marked for Economic Negotiations

[X] Action Plan: Gold and Lore

This plan has more votes
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The Orochimaru Deal
Behold! After much wrangling, the details of the Orochimaru deal have arrived.

The various jutsu and stunts are below and will be added to the appropriate documents have been added to the relevant documents because pasting them here screws up the formatting and renders them illegible.

Elemental Combat Ninjutsu
  1. Geode Coffin
  2. Strength of the Storm
  3. Cloak of the Wind God
  4. Cloak of the Reaper (This is mostly from the Concealment section of the deal but it does have sniper benefits so I'm listing it here.)
  5. Whirlwind Barrier (This is the barrier technique requested for Mari.)

Medical Combat Ninjutsu
  1. Chakra Scalpel Technique
  2. Pain Induction
  3. Pain Suppression

Substrate Creation Ninjutsu
Bones of Creation

Technique Hacking Notes

1000 XP lootbox. You must have level 10 in Technique Hacking already to use it. Follows the same rules as Orochimaru's other lootboxes.

Dossiers on Akatsuki
Will be delivered at a later point (once the QMs have finished writing them).

Concealment of Self and/or Locations
  1. Cloak of the Reaper (Primarily from this section but also linked above under Elemental Combat ninjutsu.)
  2. Scenery Clone Seal Array. Takes a holographic image of a location, projects that regardless of what is inside
  3. Silence Shell Seal ArraySounds goes in but not out

Interesting Locations

He delivers three dossiers, as promised. The dossiers are detailed and helpful; we are providing summaries until you actually decide to go there.

  1. A cave complex in the deserts of western Wind, near the mountains. There is a medium-sized pool inside the cave, making it a huge draw for the local wildlife. Heavily populated with scorpions, snakes, and other desert creatures. The lichen and mushrooms that grow in the cave have powerful medicinal effects, and bathing in the depths of the pool smooths your chakra coils and opens your tenketsu. As a result, ninjutsu, genjutsu, and chakra boost cost significantly less for about a week. It does not affect summoning. Also, the monsters are a good source of parts for biosealing, and some are nutritious / useful enough to be valuable on the general market.
  2. On the northern side of Demon (eastern continent) there is a species of tree that has developed a symbiotic relationship with a local species of large rodents. The sap of the tree is extremely nutritious and provides a strong healing effect, intended to draw wildlife in. The trees shed a soporific pollen which can lull you to sleep so that the rodents can eat you and your blood and bones can fertilize the tree. The sap and the pollen are both chakra-laden, and cannot be stored. However, while the pollen decays too quickly to be useful away from the tree, the sap stores quite well and is occasionally used by the local ninja communities for its healing factor.
  3. Kiko Island, just off the coast of Sea, is a breeding ground for crabs whose shells contain chakra-conductive metals. Orochimaru includes a process whereby the crab shells can be processed in order to filter the chakra metal into an ore which can then be smelted and forged into useful items. The harvesting is extremely labor intensive and inefficient, plus the crabs are dangerous and hard to kill.
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Minor safety changes

[x] Action Plan: Sound Science and Trading Tech
Words: 219
  • Sanity Check/Optimize with Mari, Snowflake, Kei, and Kagome
  • Naruto
    • Disclose we're about to do (potential) heavy weapons testing. Request a very safe/isolated location for it.
    • Maximum Safety Measures. Learn from our near-fatal mistake with initial EM Test.
      • Consult Kagome for maximal safety measures.
      • Distanced skytower, at the edge of SC Range. Observe via shadow clones and telescopes.
      • Silence mines coat the observation platform
      • Everyone wears wax earplugs, wool ear-muffs, and silence mine earrings.
    • Snowflake (or other crystal sister) casts Echolocation Jutsu. Hazou Clone activates an earburster seal, which the jutsu records/replays.
      • Hazou Clone activates earburster at range, via MARS.
    • Observe results, have Summons and substitution targets ready. Be prepared to flee or reverse summon.
    • If deemed safe, repeat with a Banshee Seal after renewing protections.
    • Destroy the landscape with Kagome after the experiment to obscure results from unwanted investigation.
      • Discuss the results amongst ourselves. Any way to improve the results?
        • Stronger sound seal?
        • Higher leveled Echolocation jutsu?
        • Air dome over the Echolocation jutsu's AoE?
  • Offscreen
    • Continue training Orochimaru
    • Continue learning THing
    • Submit Sundance and Bleeding River Impalement to Minami Trade Network.
      • Ask clan members what jutsu they need to round out capabilities
    • Trade Deal with KEI
  • Sealing Research!
    • Test difficulty on Noburi's Barrel seals and Improved Strobelights
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Strength of the Storm
Are the mechanics of this completely final? A lot of the new features in it run completely opposite to its intended useage, as expressed previously on thread:
Absolutely not. The fact that this does damage to the caster and specifically lets the user trade off their defensive bonus for more power (like what Akane did with Flame Aura) are two features that are completely antithical to the purpose of this jutsu.

If you have any ideas for additionally functionality for Strength of the Storm's melee and athletics focus — for example, the jutsu granting the user the ability to strike a second target within melee range of their original if their first strike completely took the original opponent out of the fight — I'd welcome them, but this is just a completely different jutsu.
That would work! It doesn't really matter how things are priced so long as the intend effect makes it to the final jutsu. Honestly, I can see your point about it costing far too few chakra for what it does. There's an argument to be made about an S-Rank jutsu being extremely cheap for what it does, but this was supposed to be S-Rank in terms of its bonus, not in terms of its cost.

As for taking far too long to level…. I actually agree. EJ said y'all would end up balancing it to the right level in the end, so I wasn't too concerned with what I gave you beyond trying to illustrate the intent. Maybe change the max effect from AB - 2 to AB - 1 or just AB? Or whatever the equivalent mechanics will be in its final version, really.

Hmmm. I'll do some thinking on it. This was very specifically intended to be like putting your thumb on a hose — a much narrower but much faster stream coming out of the uncovered hole.

If that truly isn't an option, I'll put some thought into what additional functionality would still help with boosting melee attacks and athletic dodges beyond further numerical advantage. I'm sure there's probably something creative that would be very nice to have but would not affect the numbers directly…
If so, just say the word and I'll drop the subject. But if not, I can type up some specifics for y'all to consider as potential modifications.
[x] Kei Training Plan: S-ranks Buff as Hell
Cloak of the Wind God 0 -> 30 (-232.5xp)
Akimichi Chakra Enhancement (-20 XP)

XP Remaining: 21 (once you include the XP from here)
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@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped
Apologies for bumping this after only a few days, but the answer is very likely to determine whether we have the Toads Sages demonstration this update, or whether we should save that for substantially down the line.

How likely is it that this question is going to be answered before voting closes today? My understanding is that Paper has a spreadsheet keeping track of the relevant rolls and, so long as it is up to date, finding this information would just be a matter of looking at the number of shifts we have remaining.
The sheet is accurate to within a couple days, meaning he'll be healed up around May 20.
Wasn't it only a matter of a few hours when we went to a dry iron mine? I don't even think we used Shadow Clones then since we were with Asuma….
Eh. Time is fuzzy, mines vary, blah blah blah.

Can you confirm at this time how much XP is in the TH notes we got in the original Orochimaru deal?
Nope, sorry. I'll check with @Paperclipped since I think he knows.

Are the mechanics of this completely final? A lot of the new features in it run completely opposite to its intended useage, as expressed previously on thread:
After the amount of wrangling that went into this: all of the mechanics of all of these jutsu are one gazillion percent final because I am not going back into that well.

If we get Earth Apprentice and add +10 to the level of BoC, do we get the ability to create substrate with this jutsu at level 20? As written, we should, since it's not an effect-locked capability.
Will get back to you.
[X] Action Plan: Many Generous Teachers Await You
Words: <399
  • Intended timescale: 2? days
  • Buy up to 6 FP (-30? XP)
  • Sanity check all with Kei/Snow/Mari/Noburi
  • Demonstrate lithosealing to the Toad Sages, w/ Kei and Noburi
    • Prep the blank for infusion the day previous (timeladder up)
    • Bring out the blank a good distance from Leaf to demonstrate (40+ miles)
    • Bring refilled SCs as chakra batteries for Nobs if he needs them.
    • We know we made some pretty wild claims about getting Jiraiya back, but we can back it up.
      • Even if we can't see the path to get there right now, we haven't given up. Will never give up.
    • Ask them about origins of the Seventh Path. Is it somehow weaker than the other Paths?
      • We know sealing infusion is banned(?) there, but we've seen Jiraiya do it.
      • If we must repair the Great Seal we'll have to infuse there at some point. We understand their concerns however, and won't ever attempt an infusion there without their express permission.
      • Is there a possibility of Dragon's being the anchor point of something important? That's why the Sage sealed them away instead of killing them?
        • The Kangaroo summoner implied the possibility
  • Invite Hagoromo priest we've been attending services with to tea
    • Ask him about the time of the Sage
      • We've been trying to gather ancient lore from various places to better combat the Dragons on the Seventh Path.
        • Ask Naruto to write a letter to him imploring him to share his lore
      • We're specifically interested in the Sage, his Companions and the Tenfold Abomination. What legends do the Hagoromo have of them?
      • Has he ever heard of something called an External?
      • We heard an interesting word in a language we don't recognize, what does "ninshu" refer to?
  • Offscreen
    • Continue THing lessons
    • Continue teaching Orochimaru
    • Allow Reo access to the Orochimaru THing Notes
    • Approve Mari's plan, with regard to the Minami Clan.
      • Submit Sundance to the Minami Trading Cabal.
      • Have her ask Goketsu Ninja what jutsu they'd need to fill out their capabilities.
      • Ask her to train Reo in basic admin
        • Have him sit in on a few of Hazou and Gaku's meetings.
  • Sealing
    • Do a few prep days as time permits
      • Noburi Barrel seals - consult with the man himself
      • Improved Strobe seals
      • The least-difficult time-manipulating rune Hazou can conceive of
Okay edits made, I'll take a bit off and get ready for the last round in an hour or so.
The sheet is accurate to within a couple days, meaning he'll be healed up around May 20.
Thank you for your timely response!

Wow, Tsunade is about as useful as a lifeguard at an Olympic Swimming event. Having her spend three hours every day healing us made literally zero difference over sticking with Noburi! I guess she saved Noburi time for reading notes?

EDIT: Wait. Nevermind, her healing is what let us use Shadow Clone again… I think. That's extremely useful. It's still hilarious that for 99.9% of ninja she would be no better than our chūnin brother.
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After the amount of wrangling that went into this: all of the mechanics of all of these jutsu are one gazillion percent final because I am not going back into that well.
@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Paperclipped

I'm very much swiss-cheese/post-work-brained right now, but thank you for putting in the effort to get this to us so soon! I can't imagine it was easy to hash these out, and I suspect that the discussions were fraught with stress from all parties involved. We appreciate you, and we don't want to let this effort go unacknowledged!

Big thanks, many hugs <3
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Boosting this.

Has us leveling the RW buff to 30 (which was always the plan), and gaining the next level of ACE (NB: I knew asexuality had a spectrum, but didn't know about the levels :p )

[x] Kei Training Plan: S-ranks Buff as Hell
Cloak of the Wind God 0 -> 30 (-232.5xp)
Akimichi Chakra Enhancement (-20 XP)

XP Remaining: 21 (once you include the XP from here)
Boosting this.

Has us leveling the RW buff to 30 (which was always the plan), and gaining the next level of ACE (NB: I knew asexuality had a spectrum, but didn't know about the levels :p )
Everyone please note that this plan has us spend a sizable quantity of banked XP on a jutsu we did not have access to in-character until just now.

You may not want to vote for it for any of the following reasons:
  • Doing so would be incredibly gamey, and you would prefer to avoid it.
  • Some QMs have expressed strong disinterest in allowing us to spend banked XP in this matter, and this plan may be rejected if it passes, potentially repeating our previous issue with ACE.
  • If it does pass, it would set a precedent allowing charterers such as Orocohimaru to spend banked XP on things like Earth Infusion and Earth Shaping, speeding up his progress in learning primordial sealing by up to years.