As a casual reader of this quest (assume minimal familiarity with mechanics), can anyone orient me on how strong/what the jutsu do, that we just received (and in comparison to other people especially)? From my basic skimming/understanding, Strength of the Storm, and Cloak of the Wind God are just basic, punch harder jutsu? Like, character strength x Some_Value, without any new abilities? Geode Coffin can trap someone, and then explode, and wind barrier creates a wall.
Strength of the Storm is a very good melee buff. It sports a higher bonus than just about any technique we've seen. It also increases the weapon rating you have, which basically translates to more damage. It also lets you attack people that are in your zone, but not directly next to you.
Cloak of the Wind God is very, very good. It has a very high bonus to your attack roll, it increases your weapon rating (more damage), and increases your range (crazy, crazy good). That last tidbit combined with the fact that it lets you move an additional zone away means that Kei will be very good at hitting her opponents without letting them get close enough to hit her.
Geode Coffin is... not great for us. It's not a melee jutsu which makes it hard to buff (For example, stuff like Rocket Boots won't work with it). It takes a standard action to use defensively, which means you won't be able to counterattack if used in that manner. It does have an inherent bonus to attack, but it's not impressive considering how difficult it is to otherwise boost the jutsu. In short, it would be good if it was your capstone, but borderline unusable if it's not. I do not recommend we level it.
Whirlwind Barrier is everything we hoped it would be. Very very strong. At AB 6 (Level 50s, not an insignificant amount of XP but solidly within Mari's FOOM capabilities), you need to roll above a 100 to even damage it.
Can I get Aspect Bonus's explained?
Take the level of whatever skill/jutsu you are looking at, divide by 10, round down, and add 1.
In other words...
Skill/Jutsu Level | AB
0 - 9 | 1
10 - 19 | 2
20 - 29 | 3
etc etc
How does (I believe) AB increase, linearly or double? (Is it 1 to 2*AB like a range for the effect (I can only go from 1-10.) , or is 2*AB the effect (given AB of 6 the effect is 12), and each increase (10, 30, etc, leads to a corresponding increase in AB? (1, 2, etc))
Effect and AB are different things. When it says that Effect is 1 to 2*AB, it means that you can cast the justu at any effect level between 1 to twice whatever your jutsu AB is. So if you had the jutsu at level 49, you could choose to cast it at effect 1, effect 10, or anywhere in between. Higher effect costs more chakra and usually has more significant effects.
What effect does leveling up the jutsu have?
You can use some jutsu to attack or defend direction (as opposed to buffing a "normal" skill like athletics or taijutsu). Leveling the jutsu will let you have a higher chance of beating your opponent's roll.
All jutsu have and AB score. The higher level the jutsu, the higher the AB is.
And just to check, stress is just a smaller unit for the chakra cost of the jutsu?
Strain is a smaller unit of chakra cost for jutsu.
Stress is a measure of damage taken.