@Twofold I tried to include a stronger statement against getting scanned - let me know what you think?

It is better but I still feel like that soured relation is an afterthought and not an actual point against the mind scan. I can't really see the plan convincing Jiraya as is.

What support is available to us for this mission?

Oh yeah, ask for some money; it is always useful.

@Twofold you should copy-paste OliWhail's plan and put in a more forceful argument if it's still not to your liking. We can have two versions of the plan to vote between ;)

The only problem with that is that it would require me to actually do stuff. I'm also not quite sure if I have the time to come back and do edits before the deadline.

If someone else wants to do it, feel free. Remember that you don't need to ask for permission or forgiveness for copy-pasting anything plan related in this thread.

I think that is about much as I have to contribute for this round of voting. I'll drop by with a vote later just in case @OliWhail gets meaningful competition.
@Twofold I'm not sure how you're envisioning a conversation where it's more central? Like, what does Hazou actually say - just blurt out that doing this will upset the team? I have a really hard time imagining that J won't laugh it off if the conversational groundwork isn't laid first.

@Cariyaga I dunno if it matters to CounterBot, but there's a : after Action Plan
'Deal Making' is a sub-skill of Diplomacy. The attributes are 3 * Manipulation + 3 * Composure. (This is a subset of the requirements for Diplomacy.) It only covers negotiating mutually agreeable exchanges between willing parties under calm conditions, and can only be used once everyone has already agreed to negotiate. If skill checks are necessary then you would use Diplomacy to convince someone to negotiate, then use Deal Making for the actual negotiation.

When you're in a situation that allows the use of Deal Making you may add (½ * Deal Making) to your Diplomacy rating for purposes of the deal. Deal Making starts at 0. If you have Diplomacy 10 and Deal Making 8 then you have 14 dice when negotiating with someone who wants to work with you and it's possible to find an arrangement that makes everyone happy.

Example: If you're at 10 Diplomacy and want to go to 14 it would cost you 50 points (not counting attributes). Getting Deal Making from 1 to 8 to end up with the same total would cost 36; it's a significant savings but not enormously so. Alternatively, Diplomacy 20 costs 210 XP whereas Diplomacy 15 + Deal-Making 10 costs (120 + 55 =) 175.

Diplomacy is a superset of Deal Making in that it can be used in the seconds leading up to a fight, can be used to make agreements that are not happy-making for all parties, and can be used to convince people of things that are true but not known/believed by that person. All that Deal Making can do is let you haggle effectively when the other person is willing to haggle, things are calm, and you can find a win/win solution. It would not have been useful back in 'Epic Diplomancy', for example.
Here's the information on Deal-Making, by the way. I think Keiko should get at least 6 points of it. Also holy crap she's got a lot of XP, we should look at what to do with that.
I will probably be out of wifi range the rest of the night but will try to make any final revisions ~12 hours from now, so anyone with critiques should try to get them up by then! :)
It basically leads us to forfeit all the valuable information we have about everything and gives Jiraya insane amount of ammunition to manipulate us as he wishes.*

Not to mention, imagine someone reading your mind. Even if they never used that information for anything (EDIT: J will use everything that he can get away with), would you be okay with that?

Then shouldn't the actual argument be that the mind scan should be limited to the specific events we've been talking about and not an open fishing expedition into everything we've ever thought or done (which truth to tell, they probably don't have time to do anyway)?

We have no idea IC how mind scans work, but we can make guesses. It is probably not an open dump of everything you've ever thought or done or witnessed. If they could do that Yamanka would be way more feared. So just ask them to keep it on topic.
@OliWhail During the mind scan, if Hazou senses questioning emotions given his resolution toward changing the Elemental nations, he should redirect them to how he feels about the stuff that he's seen and knows re: civilians, scorch squads, etc.

e: Also, make note of how long the plan should last at maximum, that should probably be kept predictable.
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...Hm. I wonder if Whisper on the Wind would be sufficient to carry an airborne paralytic.
@Twofold is right about the mind reading. If Ms Yamanaka learns our secrets (overtly or covertly) then we can't assume that Jiraiya is negotiating in good faith from then on.

Given that, would it still be possible for us to work for him?

If no, that might give us more bargaining power. If mindscanning us will mean we quit then he might reconsider. Of course, quitting might not be a survivable experience.
@Twofold is right about the mind reading. If Ms Yamanaka learns our secrets (overtly or covertly) then we can't assume that Jiraiya is negotiating in good faith from then on.

Given that, would it still be possible for us to work for him?

If no, that might give us more bargaining power. If mindscanning us will mean we quit then he might reconsider. Of course, quitting might not be a survivable experience.
Quitting after this mission would likely be acceptable to him. But not before it.
You guys are serious about quitting?
Not particularly, but it is a bargaining tool.

e: If a member of our team died, I would be very likely to, however. Whatever virtues Jiraiya might have for us are far less useful when we're on resurrection quest, whereas Orochimaru's... are much moreso.

e2: On that note, we need to make preparations in the form of training plans for Keiko and Nobby in particular. I think it might be worth it to raise Water Whip to 18 for low-jounin level combat on him.

Depending on the defenses miss Arikado has we may be fighting a chuunin team or multiple jounin, and in either case we need to be prepared for that. We should also make special note to develop strategies to use while Mari is disabled using genjutsu.

e3: Question about genjutsu: Is constant eye contact required, or could we kawarimi her away without breaking it?
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