- Location
- The Deep Blue Sea
@eaglejarl @Velorien ping. Will add to Current Questions in a sec, when I go remove the ones that have been answered.Can Nobby make Water Whip longer now that he's better at it than he could at the beginning of the quest? Or is the length built into the technique?
In well-controlled non-combat conditions? I think he can do pretty much anything he could pull out of an equivalently sized lump of ground. He doesn't think it would be feasible to do in combat without a decent amount of training, given the difficulties in timing associated with substituting to be close enough to the flying log for long enough to activate MEW.
Adding to the Pangolin Cultural Exchange Program
More fleshed out plan, in case anyone is feeling lazy and doesn't want to scroll up. @Twofold, unless someone came by and killed off all the wasps, it sounded like something that village had been dealing with for a long time, so they're probably still there.
[X] Action Plan Hopefully Not Cthulu
- Get through the rest of the meeting unscathed and in good standing with J
- Make our way to the town the target is expected to appear near and perform initial recon/contingency preparation
- Before getting scanned:
- Mari gets over her brain fart and brings up the following (or Hazou does, if she forgets):
- Hydra foundation and its possible connection to Orochi-tan (J probably already knows, but it's still good to make sure)
- Info we have on on employer + Mr. Spy
- Address the following concerns:
- Why the scan?
- It sounds like Agent Black already knows we're telling the truth
- J is already confident we're loyal operatives given that we showed up, we were honest, and he's giving us a mission
- This makes it seem like the scan is just to obtain information not relevant to the current situation
- Can he guarantee that Agent Black will only be certifying our honesty, and not digging up clan secrets/military intel/the Pangolin Clan jutsu Akane swore to keep secret?
- If not, we need to start negotiating for those things, and he should be aware that we know at least one highly classified multi-village secret (Agent Black is probably cleared to know it given her presence, but just in case)
- Similarly, is this going to reveal the information about the pangolin scroll guardian, and if so does he just want us to tell it to him?
- Ask if there are weird interactions between the Yamanaka jutsu bloodlines, especially ones that affect the mind or nervous system.
- Get scanned, hopefully don't cause a war with Mist and/or accidentally break the Yamanaka's fragile little mortal brain
- If we get to pick order, Kagome is free to go last so he can verify the rest of us haven't been affected.
- Order of who should be exempted, if that's an option: Kagome (paranoia, Black already knows he wasn't lying), Keiko (summoner/clan secrets and bloodline), Akane (secret jutsu), Hazou (clan secrets and bloodline), Noburi (clan secrets), Mari (military secrets and jutsu)
- Obtain further mission details
- How small is "small town" and who's in charge of it? Does the place have ninjas, and if so what intel can we get on them?
- Are there organized ninja forces in Rice as a whole we should know about?
- What support is available to us for this mission?
- Reversible paralytics especially. (J doesn't happen to have paralysis seals handy?)
- Any contacts in the area
- Can we resupply on basic supplies?
- Sealing paper and ink
- Kunai, ninja wire etc.
- Trapmaking materials for Akane, esp. nets that won't disintegrate immediately with ninja strength
- Any known personality traits of Arakida? Personality quirks, phobias, vices?
- Run to Iron
- (If J doesn't provide an alternative) Collect samples of paralytic wasp powder, test on animals to see if it's permanent, test macerator delivery by Keiko
- Check whether the party, Kagome in particular, objects to what we assume is putting this lady into sealing slavery strongly enough to turn down an open-ended favor from J.
- Ask about Mari's minutes-lasting genjutsu - how does it work, what are its limits
- Relatedly, work on developing better protect-the-mage tactics for when she's zoned out
- Kagome - how good is his transformation, given that he got a (sarcastic?) compliment on it? Can he take on animal shapes yet? (Certainly knows about the possibility, given the ferret he made Hazou blow up back in like ch 26)
- Keiko should try and make at least one new contract over the course of the week. Hazou recommends either a sensory specialist (to make sure we catch Arakida) or a combat specialist (to make sure we beat her)
- Get to Sarubetsu at least a couple days ahead of Arakida's earliest expected appearance
- Begin surveillance of roads or areas to the west, where we expect her to come from
- Set up multiple escape and meetup contingencies in the area - Kagome and Akane's jobs
- Mari and Team Talky start investigating the town
- Mari look for people Arakida may be meeting - this person is probably really sneaky, sic the jounin infiltrator on them
- Noburi and Hazou identify locals in positions of power, try and figure out leverage points to make sure they don't interfere with us
- Identify Arakida when or ideally before she gets to town and take her down or convince her to come with us
- Everyone coming in, and eventually everyone going out, is a suspect
- We need ways to take care of her guards if any are present and to defeat her and her sealing contingencies
- We need some solid ideas how to eliminate most people from our suspects list, or increase the likelihood of catching Arakida before she gets to town
- Specific mission parameters already known
- Arikada Sugako - mercenary sealmistress of non-legendary but Kiraiya-respectable skill, particularly with traps and alarms, physical combat emphasizes seal-tagged, ninja-wired kunai. Mid fifties, black hair with plenty of gray, about 172cm (5'8"), a little pudgy
- Alive is best, the less harm the better, specifically avoid damaging the spine or skull
- Make sure Arakida is either properly subdued or willing when we leave, take measures against tracking
- Keep the collateral damage to minimum - ninja fight inside the town will lead to dead civilians, prefer doing so outside the town limits
- Buy any supplies Jiraiya doesn't provide us with while in Iron
- Prepare what we think are sufficient quantities of exploding tags, directional explosives, PMYF tags, and macerator seals loaded with sawdust, mist, and toxin, then make like 10% more
- If it will make a difference, spend some time getting accelerated healing in Yuni. If possible, Noburi should take this opportunity to brush up on his skills, possibly offering payment or assistance in exchange. Still arrive at least two full days ahead of Arakida's earliest expected arrival in Sarubetsu.