I think we'll pass Jiraiya's test so long as we are honest and forthright. We shouldn't try to do anything sneaky like "encrypt our thoughts," fight off Yamanaka's mind scan, or otherwise interfere with the process. Any grievances we have should be layed on the table before subjecting ourselves to the scan.
  • Ask Jiraiya if this will expose our secret stuff (location and info on "The Guardian")
    • If so, respect his decision, but ask if we can at least have some discretion in other things.
      • The Pangolin secret technique
      • Bloodline secrets
      • Clan secrets
      • Other stuff?
    • If not, thank him and list some other stuff we'd like concealed if possible
      • The Pangolin secret technique
      • Bloodline secrets
      • Clan secrets
      • Other stuff?
  • Tell him "well, this info wasn't exactly relevant, but you should know:"
    • Hydra Foundation might be Orochimaru
    • Scorch squads are horrible. You know about this stuff, Jiraiya-sama?
      • If he wants it to be on the down-low, then great, shut up about it and ask for it to be put on the "no mind-scan" list
      • If he doesn't know about it, then tell him it's a highly secret and unsavory thing done by hidden villages, and does the Yamanaka have clearance for that kinda thing?
      • If he knows about it and wants to talk about it (seems unlikely), then have that conversation.
    • Anything else?
  • Inform them about our bloodlines, especially Keiko's, and that we think this could end badly for the Yamanaka
    • Actually, I think Keiko's the only one who we should really be concerned about. If we can have any one of our group not be scanned, it should be her, unless Yamanaka are versed in scanning Mori.
      • Be very clear that Keiko communicates with something alien and incomprehensible, and that it has a history of causing Mori, people who are trained to deal with it, to become mentally crippled.
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So is that "Buy some more VD levels." or "Do some more research."?
Buy more levels.

Voting was extended to Sunday, but, um... we should probably address the elephant in the room that is our knowledge of scorch squads in whatever fashion the hivemind finds appropriate and make plans for how we deal with the sealmistress.

First off, we can't just blow her the fuck up because we need her head in tact, so that lessens our chances there. Although if we did blow her up Jiraiya would be more likely to forgive us than if we just didn't kill her at all, so there's that.

...wait. Jiraiya wants her head. It strikes me that... high level yamanaka interrogators may very well be able to pull information from a dead body. That's... huh. Something worth considering, I guess?

Anyway, given that, I think it's worth considering the use of those dragonflies' in combination with macerator or PMYf to deliver it and disable her for Nobby's draining, though we'll need to test how long it lasts and if it prevents someone from channeling chakra as well.

@eaglejarl @Velorien Is asking Keiko to train in her use of the Frozen Skein something we CAN do or that would be necessary to? It strikes me that it's kind of just something that by existing at all she trains, so...

She trains it automatically, although it's slow going since she has no one to teach her the clan techniques / knowledge.

And I am now on a plane so offline for six or seven hours. See you all anon.
@Twofold: @Cariyaga is correct, we have 46 hours (9am Eastern on Sunday)

That being said, here's a collection of things relevant to plans or making plans.

Okay, I put together at least of most what the thread has come up with so far. @eaglejarl knowing whether you guys were kidding about the Yamanaka posting in-thread and knowing what Hazou knows re: Sharingan getting passed on would be super helpful for planning.

Action Framework Hail Brain-Cthulu:
  • Before getting scanned bring up the following:
    • Hydra foundation (J probably already knows, but still)
    • Info on employer + Mr. Spy
    • Are their any weird interactions with bloodlines that affect the mind or nervous system?
  • Get scanned, hopefully don't cause a war with Mist and/or accidentally break the Yamanaka's fragile little mortal brain
    • Can Akane and maybe Kei be exempted on the basis of sealing secrets?
  • Get our time/date info on where to find this sealing lady
    • Also in general what info can we get about the sealing lady - known seals, favored techniques or styles, crimes committed against humanity, habits and personality traits, is she secretly orochimaru in disguise..?
    • Specific mission parameters - do you ideally need her alive, or able to produce seals?
    • Enough time for us to go get accelerated healing in Yuni? Noburi is awesome and all, but we need as much as possible
  • Talk to J about Hidden Mountain one way or the other
  • Rest/train for as long as reasonable before doing the mission (probably not much)
  • Unless someone has a really good idea for how to capture a notorious sealing mistress (maybe she's lonely and Mari can seduce her?) AND nobody objects to sealing slavery (Kagome), probably figure out the most likely way to kill her (deliberate fail-cthulu'ing / storing a bunch of seals nearby? As many explosives as physically possible? orbital bombardment?)
    • Maaaaaaybe try to figure out how to get Hazou to see a couple of them, then kill her so he's the only one who can provide them to J for bonus cookies
    • Those paralytic venom wasps from the forests in Iron seem like a good candidate to keep in mind
Things to definitely not think about somehow?
  • We know scorch squads are a thing and really want to stop them
    • But we have ideas on how to do it peacefully through disincentivization!
  • We've got vague plans to revolutionize/uplift the world
    • But they seem to largely align with J's designs, so that's nice?
  • Batshit insane sealing ideas, and also some useful ones
    • Hidden Heaven / airships fall in this category
  • We can make Sharingan babies
    • But not lots of them (unless Tsunade or someone who isn't Orochi-tan knows a lot about genetics and medical jutsu and can help us out) and we don't know that they pass it on
Background considerations:
  • Mari - long lasting genjutsu? What is it, how does it work, under what conditions?
    • Also we should get to work on developing better protect-the-mage tactics for when she's zoned out
  • Kagome - how good is his transformation? Can he take on animal shapes yet? (Certainly knows about the possibility, given the Weasel he made Hazou blow up back in like ch 26)
  • If Noburi continues having issues, have a sit-down with him + Kei (+mari? +Akane? Whole-team?) and CCnJ it out
  • Address Kagome's response to getting genjutsu'd - anger? Addiction? Putting up safeguards against it working again?
- The sealmistress, Arikada Sugako, is a mercenary who has been working for various factions.
- Her latest employer [name withheld because I haven't discussed it with Velorien yet] has contracted her out to Rice.
- The cipher ended with the words "Her guards will be..." Whether that was going to say "absent" or "a massive army of S-rank ninja" you aren't sure.
- She isn't a legendary seal expert like Jiraiya. He knows her only by reputation and doesn't have specific information on what she can do, but based on tentative reports he has significant respect for the depth and breadth of her skills. She can of course make explosives and storage scrolls, but she's also good with trap seals and alarm seals.
- There's some uncertainty in her travel schedule, but she will be in Sarubetsu (a small town in the southwest corner of Rice) in a week to ten days. She will probably be coming from the west.
- She will be meeting someone in Sarubetsu who will presumably take her to her final destination. It's unknown who this person will be.
- She'll be moving on the QT, trying to stay under the radar.
- Description: mid fifties, black hair with plenty of gray, about 172cm (5'8"), a little pudgy.
- She is reported to have physical combat skills, emphasizing seal-equipped kunai on ninja wire. Her exact skill level in unknown.
He makes no comment on [whether they want her for intel or sealing sweatshop]. When you ask [what if we get her not to go to Rice but she won't go to Fire] he looks at you like you're an idiot and says "be more convincing."
He wants her alive and unmaimed -- ie, all bits attached and functional, all damage must be able to self-heal with only minimal intervention. Bruises, minor cuts, some soft-tissue damage, maybe a broken bone that isn't the spine / skull are all okay but nothing beyond that. Failing that he literally wants her head, in a recognizable state. Complete body would obviously be better.

Alright, here's a proto-plan with ideas gathered from the thread, but mostly from @OliWhail's post here. It has a lot of missing parts but the most critical ones in my opinion are:
  1. How to bring any of this up without stepping on Mari's toes and making her look not in control?
  2. How to actually hide anything from the mind probe
Ping me if I missed your ideas or you have new ones. I'll turn this into an action plan after I get some feedback.

[] Proto-Plan: The Doctor Is IN

Turn the Yamanaka incident into a counseling session and see if she can help the team with their issues.

  1. Survive the meeting with our minds intact
  2. Keep anything directly dangerous to mom or the team secret
  3. Make sure the Yamanaka survives with her mind intact
  4. Acquire more information about the mission and the target
  5. Get counseling from the Yamanaka for the whole team
  1. Things to keep secret from the Yamanaka NEEDS MORE STUFF
    1. Iron Nerve - Sharingan connection and the potential for Sharingan babies
  2. Details Mari didn't mention
    1. Mr. Spy - high level operative in the same inn
    2. Hydra Cult in Tea - We thought about messing with that, but in the end decided we don't want to risk pissing off a Sannin (hehe)
  3. Ask for some clarifications and safety questions
    • Does Jiraya want us to forfeit some of our promises to keep certain things to ourselves?
      • Pangolin stuff (Keiko, Akane)
      • The one year agreement Mari mentioned earlier
    • How does the Yamanaka jutsu interact with bloodlines, especially the more mentally oriented? Does she have experience with Mori, Kurosawa, or Wakahisa bloodlines?
    • How does the Yamanaka jutsu interact with already existing mental trauma and brain damage, say from excessive Sealing research or the like?
  4. Does Yamanaka have experience with mental health counseling? The kind you use for and not against people? Because our team has issues
    • If she is going to mess with our heads, we might as well get something useful out of it
    • Not that Mari is doing a bad job, but the team has plenty of issues and an outside perspective could be useful
  5. Get mission specifics
    • Everything they know about the target
      • Who is she what has she done?
      • What kind of Sealing does she specialize in?
      • Example seals?
      • What other skills does she have?
      • Habits and personality traits
      • Known associates?
    • Specific mission parameters - do you ideally need her alive, or able to produce seals?
  6. Ask for medical help
    • Nobby is good, but we are still pretty wounded

[X] Action Plan: Kagome's Worst Nightmare


  1. Survive.
  2. Don't piss off Jiraiya.
  3. Exchange information with Jiraiya & Agent Black.
  1. Give additional intel to Jiraiya.
    1. Full description of the Hydra Medical Foundation. Suggest that this may be another one of Orochimaru's little expansions.
    2. Full description of the guy who gave us the Hot Springs mission. Include our Henges in case Jiraiya wants to pay him a 'visit'.
      1. Include a full description of Mr. Spy. Suggest that a rival village may be involved in the whole affair.
    3. Ask whether or not Jiraiya wants us to disclose information on the pangolin guardian to him.
  2. Survive Agent Black's mindrapescan.
    1. Make sure Agent Black's jutsu has no negative effects with mental bloodlines (use Uchiha & Nara as comparisons).
    2. Pray that Agent Black doesn't get his mind fried.
  3. Get information about the target.
    1. Location and time.
    2. Appearance and mannerisms.
    3. Jutsu, sealing proficiency, combat style.
    4. Allies and their combat/social skills.
So uh lazy strat, trying to make sure we don't fuck up via deadline.
Hmm, did we ever settle that discussion about what sort of plan -> post correspondence we wanted?

The two major options were:
  • What we do now. A plan gets voted in and, barring major changes in circumstance, can be executed over multiple updates without voting periods in between.
  • We treat plans as "Hazou's current plan of action" and the post runs with that, stopping whenever the QM wants. At which point we vote again, even if some/much of the plan went unused.
I'm strongly in favor of the second method, especially since we can always just re-vote for the unused portions of the previous plan. But I think the thread has had no clear consensus.

So, this question has bothered me each time it has shown up, which is that it looks to me like we're arguing about a category error. My problem is that it's a judgement call that depends on individual facts in each case - and sometimes doesn't have a "correct" answer. I don't think we should try to make it a rule that can be generically applied always. Pretending for a moment that there are not multiple unrelated reasons this plan wouldn't make any sense right now:

[example] Action Plan: A Sealing Resercher is You
  • Go to that village in Iron where we met Kagome.
  • Build a sealing lab.
[example] Training Hazou: Research PMYF 2.0

And @eaglejarl rolls some dice and it results in a rousing update involving ninja patrols, a mole-people ambush, and a lupchanz farm. Dealing with all of that takes enough words to be a full update, so @eaglejarl is getting ready to wrap it up. At the end of the update, we are:
  1. At the village in Iron, having successfully avoided all patrols, dealt with mole-people and de-lupchanzed ourselves. From this state, there's a reasonable argument that we're still in the middle of the plan we chose, and there's no reason to put it back to a vote on the group just because the word count got large enough that it's time to swap authors.
  2. In one of Orochimaru's cells, having been captured by Hidden Sound patrols. I think we can all agree that the update should not end with, "No vote. @Velorien will continue with the rest of the plan next update, where you will arrange what little furniture you have, along with the clothes on your back, to build a makeshift sealing lab, and start writing down sealing research notes on the walls in your own blood," because that's what we had voted to do.
  3. At the village in Iron, having just cleared out the nest of mole-people that ate all of the villagers. Is our plan on track or not? It depends on why we wanted to be at the village. If we were hoping to do more interactions with civilians when we finished our research, then this is not the correct place to set up. If all we wanted was somewhere we could get to Yuni reasonably easily while being out in the boonies for sealing research, honestly it probably works out fine. And different people who voted for the plan might have had different reasons to want the village, making it hard to say that there's an actual answer to the question.
Obviously, there must be some line at which the plan has sufficiently derailed that we need to make a new decision, so "Never vote" isn't a viable option. "Always vote" would be workable, but it would feel weird to me to vote in scenario 1. Among possible line drawing exercises, then, I would want to vote in scenario 2, so my preference would be "Vote unless we're pretty clearly within the expected parameters of our original plan outcome."
So, while rushing in is a bad idea, so is allowing miss Arikado to reach her destination, as then we'll be falling to the same trap as we did with respect to Joutaro. We can neither afford to wait too long nor rush in at the last second. That being said, I would like to put forth that we figure out her route (somehow) before she reaches Surubetsu -- it would be easiest to accomplish our goal, whether it is to kill, capture, or convince her, if she wasn't among vast quantities of civilians and in the company of one or more of Orochimaru's men.

In preparation for that, we should ask Jiraiya if he has any airborne poisons handy for us to use -- given the timeline we're running with, I'm not actually all that sure that we can manage to get the dragonfly poison in time. Well... maybe Mari can if she goes alone? But that strikes me as a bad idea for multiple reasons.
Voting was extended to Sunday, but, um... we should probably address the elephant in the room that is our knowledge of scorch squads in whatever fashion the hivemind finds appropriate and make plans for how we deal with the sealmistress.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. But then again, our planning has not really progressed from what it was 24 hours ago, so I still suggest we start making some sort of moves.

I'm out of ideas what we can do with this mind scan thing. If people don't want to try the therapy idea or argue against the mind scan, the only useful thing we can vote for is in preparation for the next mission.

*) If you pass, Jiraiya will tell you the following:

- The sealmistress, Arikada Sugako, is a mercenary who has been working for various factions.
- Her latest employer [name withheld because I haven't discussed it with Velorien yet] has contracted her out to Rice.
- The cipher ended with the words "Her guards will be..." Whether that was going to say "absent" or "a massive army of S-rank ninja" you aren't sure.
- She isn't a legendary seal expert like Jiraiya. He knows her only by reputation and doesn't have specific information on what she can do, but based on tentative reports he has significant respect for the depth and breadth of her skills. She can of course make explosives and storage scrolls, but she's also good with trap seals and alarm seals.
- There's some uncertainty in her travel schedule, but she will be in Sarubetsu (a small town in the southwest corner of Rice) in a week to ten days. She will probably be coming from the west.
- She will be meeting someone in Sarubetsu who will presumably take her to her final destination. It's unknown who this person will be.
- She'll be moving on the QT, trying to stay under the radar.
- Description: mid fifties, black hair with plenty of gray, about 172cm (5'8"), a little pudgy.
- She is reported to have physical combat skills, emphasizing seal-equipped kunai on ninja wire. Her exact skill level in unknown.

So here is roughly what we need to do:
  1. Get to Sarubetsu and set up
    • Identify local players and make sure they don't interfere with us
  2. Identify Arikada when she shows up
    • From the get go, everyone coming to the town is a suspect
    • Depending on the rate of traffic, identifying her can vary from imbossible to hard
  3. Capture/Kill her
    • We need to take care of her guards
    • We need to take care her and her sealing contigencies
  4. Bring her back
    • Make sure she is properly subdued
    • Make sure no one can track us back
  5. Keep the collateral damage to minimum
    • Ninja fight inside the town will lead to dead civilians
Sarubetsu locals are our first problem. They can either help or hinder us greatly, so we need to deal with them somehow. There's also a chance that Arikada or her contact has subverted them somehow, so we need to think about how to minimize that risk. For this, we need to know who has power in Sound and specifically in this town.

Identifying Arikada is the biggest hurdle. Checking all the people coming to town might be unfeasible, so we need some solid ideas how to eliminate most of them from our suspects list.

If we can identify her successfully without her noticing, taking her out will become way easier.

I should also note that there are only six of us and only two of us have Awareness/Stealth skill good enough to even hope to spot jounin level opponents. Creating a solid enough perimeter that lets us spot Arikada without her noticing in the wilderness is probably not going to happen.
Hazou's mind is going to be full of stuff about Scorch Squads, Hidden Heaven, and other delusions of grandeur. I hope Yamanaka just categorizes us as "crazy" along with Kagome.
I was waiting for someone to reply so there would be no double post, but with @Twofoe there it looks like I'm triple posting. :cry:

I wrote out some arguments against the mind scan. Feedback would be very much appreciated.

Arguments against the mind scan:
  • Argument 1: Jiraya already knows that we were not lying in our report and that we are not intentional working against him
    • We showed up, that should be the biggest indicator of our honesty
    • We are still alive and he is already talking about the next mission
    • Besides himself, he has two specialist there who can tell if we are lying
    • There's six of us, no way all of us (read: anyone besides Mari) can lie successfully at this level
  • Argument 2: Mind scan will negatively affect our mission performance
    • No idea what Jiraya's mental profiles about us say, but to us it is pretty evident that all of our our team members have issues
    • Kagome: Clearly has mental issue, from tragedy to sealing experiments gone wrong; if you mind scan him he won't be functional for the time window of the mission
    • Inoue: Has cartloads of mental baggage, secrets, and trauma that she won't even admit to herself; even the chance that someone might dig any of it up will compromise her performance
    • The Genin: 13-14 year old kids who have been one traumatic incident to the next
    • Mori, Kurosawa, Wakahisa: Mental bloodlines, interaction with mind jutsu might be really bad
    • The whole process will just exacerbate our individual issues, which leads to more stress on our already strained team dynamic and will culminate in bad performance in the field
  • Fallback options if Jiraya insists
    • They don't need to mind scan all of us, our preferred list of mind scan targets would be:
      • Akane, Hazou, Noburi, Keiko, Mari, Kagome
    • Since Jiraya is clearly doing this to fish information instead of verifying our truthfulness, we want the following things in compensation for the mind scan:
      • Really, does anyone have anything we should ask for here?
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I was waiting for someone to reply so there would be no double post, but with @Twofoe there it looks like I'm triple posting. :cry:

I wrote out some arguments against mind scan. Feedback would be very much appreciated.

Arguments against mind scan:
  • Argument 1: Jiraya already knows that we were not lying in our report and that we are not intentional working against him
    • We showed up, that should be the biggest indicator of our honesty
    • We are still alive and he is already talking about the next mission
    • Besides himself, he has two specialist there who can tell if we are lying
    • There's six of us, no way all of us (read: anyone besides Mari) can lie successfully at this level
  • Argument 2: Mind scan will negatively affect our mission performance
    • No idea what Jiraya's mental profiles about us say, but to us it is pretty evident that all of our our team members have issues
    • Kagome: Clearly has mental issue, from tragedy to sealing experiments gone wrong; if you mind scan him he won't be functional for the time window of the mission
    • Inoue: Has cartloads of mental baggage, secrets, and trauma that she won't even admit to herself; even the chance that someone might dig any of it up will compromise her performance
    • The Genin: 13-14 year old kids who have been one traumatic incident to the next
    • Mori, Kurosawa, Wakahisa: Mental bloodlines, interaction with mind jutsu might be really bad
    • The whole process will just exacerbate our individual issues, which leads to more stress on our already strained team dynamic and will culminate in bad performance in the field
  • Fallback options if Jiraya insists
    • They don't need to mind scan all of us, our preferred list of mind scan targets would be:
      • Akane, Hazou, Noburi, Keiko, Mari, Kagome
    • Since Jiraya is clearly doing this to fish information instead of verifying our truthfulness, we want the following things in compensation for the mind scan:
      • Really, does anyone have anything we should ask for here?
In exchange for the mindscan we can ask for material help with the mission, perhaps? That way it'll keep us alive and it's in his interests anyway so he won't fight against it too much?
In exchange for the mindscan we can ask for material help with the mission, perhaps? That way it'll keep us alive and it's in his interests anyway so he won't fight against it too much?

We can ask for material assistance for the mission anyway since that helps Jiraya directly. For the mind scan we should ask for something that is valuable just for us.
We can ask for material assistance for the mission anyway since that helps Jiraya directly. For the mind scan we should ask for something that is valuable just for us.
Hm... I dunno, anything I can think of would be on the level of "favor" and not "exchange". Like, as far as favors go, I do have a few ideas there (ask for something that'd help with sealing safety -- surely he has to know a few tricks he can share, helping our mom out of Mist, etc.), but lesser things... well, I know something Mari would ask for, but that aside, I'm dry on ideas right now.
Happy to come back and talk about arguments more in-depth after class, but I dunno if this is true for Nobby? His screwed-upness mostly stems from bullying + emotionally distant and demanding dad, his bloodline just affect his chakra system IIRC.
Yamanaka may interact with chakra systems to some extent, it's worth mentioning. All the genin have the potential to screw with Agent Black's head.
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Happy to come back and talk about arguments more in-depth after class, but I dunno if this is true for Nobby? His screwed-upness mostly stems from bullying + emotionally distant and demanding dad, his bloodline just affect his chakra system IIRC.

Actually, I don't see Nobby as being screwed up at all. He seems like the most normal person out of the group. Or that might be just lack of screen time.

I don't actually know if Wakahisa bloodline affects the mind at all, and neither does Hazou, but the chakra system in general seems to have a strong connection with the mind (examples: genjutsu, Yamanaka jutsu). I don't see Hazou not making that argument and even if J or Black has specifics to counter it, I don't see it undermining Hazou's position too much.
...wait. Jiraiya wants her head. It strikes me that... high level yamanaka interrogators may very well be able to pull information from a dead body. That's... huh. Something worth considering, I guess?
Could just be that it's a good way of confirming that the person is dead. Heads are recognizable, it's difficult for one to survive once separated from the body and vice versa, and the damage threshold for a beheading is probably enough to break most clone techniques.

@eaglejarl @Velorien A question I'd been sitting on for a while of which this update reminded me: does chakra use have any applications in cryptography? If not, is there a reason why the HVs use ninja as dedicated cryptographers instead of commoners?
I wonder if Jiraiya would be willing to trade a seal for something. Because if we combined our ideas for civilian-usable seals with a storage seal that only opens for one person's chakra... well, it would make a very easy way for him to guarantee that messages are received only by him (and if we happened to figure out a way to duplicate what goes into one storage scroll with appropriate materials provided, well... we'd effectively have a backdoor into his network.)
Updates in blue:

Sure, I've been meaning to do this for a while.

Note: Seals that branch off from other seals don't need the previous seals to be researched first, but doing do makes the requirements less severe mechanically.

  • Storage Seal [DONE]
    • Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA PMYF_V1 [DONE]
    • Timed-Storing Storage Seal
      • Matter-Eater Seal
        • Siberian Seal
    • Increased-Volume Storage Seal
    • Multiple-Item Storage Seal
      • PMYF_V2 (Additional Requirement: Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal)
    • Ranged-Dispensing Storage Seals
    • Ranged-Storing Storage Seals
    • Linked Cargo-Transferring Storage Seals
    • Storage Seal Where Time Passes in Storage (possible requirement for PMYF_V2)
    • Kinetic-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA Gun Seal
      • Sentry Turret Seal
    • Macerator Seal (No Stress Limiter) [DONE]
      • Macerator Seal (Amplified Stress)
        • Macerator Seal (Scalable Stress)
        • Fabricator Seal
    • Stressless Storage Seal
      • Pokeball Seal (Additional Requirement: Animal Training Seal)
    • Matter Increaser Seal
    • Material-Selective Storage Seals (other than the types listed elsewhere)
    • Fluid/Powder Area-Dispensing Storage Seal (Dispenses contents uniformly over a defined area)
    • Fluid Storage outside of containers
      • Storage of Wakahisa-Water without loss of chakra
    • Kagome's Implosion Seal
      • Extinguishing Seal (stores all fire in a massive radius)
      • Anti-Seal Seal (stores all chakra-ink in radius except for itself, deleting all other seals)
      • Instant Crater Seal (stores all earth in radius)
      • Air-Cannon Reactive Armour Seals
      • Reverse Rocket Seal
      • Mummification Seal
      • People-Eater Seal
      • Poison Removal Seal
      • Light-Storing Seal
        • Laser Cannon Seal
  • Explosion Seal [DONE]
    • Bombification Seal (makes all objects in radius that match a specified criteria explode)
    • Non-Thermal Explosion Seal
    • Shaped Explosion Seal
      • Explosive Reactive Armour Seals
    • Ray-Gun Seal
    • Explosive Mine Seal
  • Seal of Grand Fireball
  • Seal of EM
    • Seal of Shaped EM
  • Summoning Seal Analysis
    • Hiraishin
      • Automatic Teleport-Dodge Seal
      • Remote-Subject Teleport Seal
        • Telefrag Seal
        • Mass Teleport-Evacuation Seals
    • Time Travel Seal
    • Time Dilation Seal
    • Nullify Spacetime Manipulation Seal
    • Seal of Kamui
    • Webway Seals
    • GPS Seal
    • Clock Seal
    • Vista Seal
  • Casino Chakra-Detection Seals
    • Chakrameter Seal (detects amount of chakra, not just presence)
    • Chakra Analysis Seal (detects features of present chakra: yin, yang, elements)
      • Detailed Chakra Analysis Seal (detects more precise information about present chakra, allowing understanding of what that chakra might be doing in terms of jutsu or seals)
    • Chakra-Sensor Seals AKA Extrasensory Seals
    • Warning Light Seal
    • Sound-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
      • Speaker Seal
        • Mosquito Seal (pumps out unpleasant headache-inducing noise as a non-lethal deterrent)
        • Hypersound Seal
          • Sonic Cannon Seal
        • Microphone Seal
          • Noise-Cancelling Seal
            • Shaped-Area Noise-Cancelling Seal
      • Sonar Seal
    • Light-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
      • Flashbang Seal (Additional Requirement: Sound-Output Seals)
      • Laser Gun Seal
      • Monitor Seal
        • Digital Camera Seal
          • Silent Video Camera Seal
            • Video Camera Seal (Additional Requirement: Microphone Seal)
      • Radar Seal
  • Seal of MEW
  • Seal of Henge
  • Seal of Earth Clone
    • Seal of Tiny Earth Clones
      • Seal of Nanoclones
  • State Seals
    • Logic Seals
      • Computer Seal (Additional Requirements: Speaker Seal, Monitor Seal, some kind of input)
        • Internet Seals
  • Force Wall Seal
    • Force Wall projected from a single Seal
    • Single-Direction Permeable Force Wall Seal
    • Selectively Permeable Force Wall Seals
    • One-Way Mirror Force Wall Seal
    • Force Shuriken-Extension Seal
    • Force Kunai-Extension Seal
    • Curved Force Wall Seal
      • Spherial Force Field Seal
      • Dome Force Field Seal
    • Force Cage Seal
    • Opaque Force Wall Seal
      • Force Hut Seal
        • Programmable Force-Architecture Seal (Additional Requirement: Computer Seal)
        • Force Tower Seal
          • Force Citadel Seal
    • Blood Loss Prevention Seal (Additional Requirement: Single Diagnostic "Detect Wounds" Seal)
    • Razorwire Seals
    • Force Buckler Seal
      • Force Tower-Shield Seal
      • Skintight Forcefield Seal
  • Five-Seal Barrier
    • Kinetic Resistence Seal (F-SB without the four extra seals, only partially decreases movement and damage instead of eliminating them)
    • One-Seal Barrier (F-SB without the four extra seals, locks position relative to the Earth)
      • Mobile One-Seal Barrier (O-SB that locks position relative to the target itself, allowing indestructibility without immobility)
  • Tripwire Seal
    • Civilian-Usable Storage Seal (two tripwires run over the surface of the paper, tripping them activates their functions, one stores, the other unstores) (Additional Requirement: Storage Seal)
  • Single Diagnostic Seal (monitors a single biological function) (Additional Requirement: Any Output Seal)
    • Multiple Diagnostic Seal (combination of multiple SDSs)
      • Lie-Detector Seal
      • Rengeneration Seal
      • Monogenic Mutation Seals
        • Polygenic Mutation Seals
    • Auto-Dispel Seal (Requires: Single Diagnostic "Detect Foreign Chakra" Seal)
  • Sealing Modularity
  • Seals that can maintain their charge by drawing from supplies of Wakahisa water
  • Beacon Seals
  • Automatic Seal Reactivation
  • Flesh Maintainance Seal (required component for putting seals on flesh)
  • Seal Self-Repair (alternative component for putting seals on flesh)
  • Seal Error-Checker (scans a seal blank for known errors) (Required: any output)
  • Altered Gravity Seal
    • Anti Deva Path Seal
    • Black Hole Seal (plz no)
      • Gravitational Time Dilation Seal
      • Wormhole Seal
      • Gravitational Space Warping Seal
        • Gravitational Warp-Drive Seal
  • Seal of Light-Weight Rock Technique
  • Seals of Pangolin-Element Techniques
  • Seals of Composite Element Techniques
    • Seal of Ice Element Freeze Ray
    • Seal of Ice Element Ice-Cube Dispenser (makes ice cubes from real ice, like MEW makes walls from real stone)
    • Seal of Dust Element
    • Seals of Mokuton Anti-Bijuu Techniques (Additional Requirement: ACL Microorganism Generation Seal)
  • Chakra Draining Seal
    • Chakra Battery Seal
  • Artficial Chakra Lifeform (ACL) Microorganism Generation Seal
    • ACL Plant Generation Seal
      • ACL Minor Demon Generation Seal
        • ACL Demon Generation Seal
  • Seal Neural Interfacing
    • Sensory HUD Seal
    • Animal Training Seal
    • Unadaptive Genjutsu Seals
      • Sensory Deprivation Seal
      • Pain Seal
      • Imbalance Seal
      • Knockout Seal
      • Shinigami Seal
      • Paralysis Seal
      • Empathy Seal
    • Retrograde Amnesia Seal
    • Anterograde Amnesia Seal
    • Suggestibility Seal
    • Linked Genjutsu Vector Seals (when the user and victim are both in range of/in contact with the appropriate seal, the user can cast genjutsu on the victim without needing to see their eyes)
  • Poor Man's 64 Palms
    • Area Chakra-Disabling Seal
  • Stun Seal
    • Poor Man's Chidori
  • Seal of Lightning Boost
  • Seals of Elemental Construct Generation
  • Seal of Invisibility (physically bends light around the subject, not genjutsu based)
  • Linked Chakra-Transmission Seals
  • Force Generation Seal
    • Gyroscope Seal
    • Cannon Seal
    • Mass Driver Seal
  • Proximity Motion Detection Seal
    • Projectile-Storing Storage Seal (Additional Requirement: Ranged-Storing Storage Seals)
  • Intoxication Seals (different seals for intoxication with different drugs)
    • AoE Intoxication Seal
      • Time-Delayed AoE Intoxication Seal
  • Edo Tensei (how am I only just adding this now?!)
  • Chakra Rebalancer Seal
  • Chakra-Construct Dispulsion Seal
  • Silence Seal (cancels sonic waves through the air in radius)
  • Nadir Seal (Seals or negates a large amount of energy within radius, regardless of what form that energy takes. Induces massive Slowing/Darkening/Chilling/Quietening effect.)
  • Zenith Seal (Massively amplifies all types of energy in its radius. Movement gets faster, light gets brighter, sounds get louder, temperature gets hotter.)
  • Arbitrary Timer Trigger Seal
  • Trigger Multiplexer Seal
  • Arbitrary Detection Seal (Scans radius for a thing, gives output if it finds that thing.)
    • Arbitrary Detection Trigger Seal (Scans radius for a thing, triggers connected seal if it finds that thing.)
  • Voice Command Trigger Seal (Listens for a command word, activates connected seal if it hears that word.)
  • Trigger-Blocker Seal (Connects to the connection between a trigger and another seal. While Trigger-Blocker is activated, it will prevent the trigger from activating the other seal.)
  • Seal-Blocker Seal (Connects to another seal. While Seal-Blocker is activated, it prevents the other seal from activating.)
  • Power Weapon Seal (Coats weapon in raiton, katon, and/or futon chakra while seal is running, allowing it to imitate a chakra-blade.)
  • Paired Relative-Kinematics Seals (Seals that attract/repel/reorient each other/themselves relative to each other.)
I'm out of ideas what we can do with this mind scan thing. If people don't want to try the therapy idea or argue against the mind scan, the only useful thing we can vote for is in preparation for the next mission.

Eaglejarl explicitly promised, "You'll pass the mind scan; nothing too objectionable," violating his usual firm rules about not telling us what's going to happen.

So there doesn't seem to be a lot of utility in wasting time arguing against it.
@eaglejarl @Velorien Can Pandaa reverse-summon Keiko between different points in the Human Path (e.g., can he go to another hideout and bring Keiko there via summoning)?

Nope. When Keiko is reverse summoned she always goes back to where she was originally summoned from. Also, summoning is a pull-only event -- Pandaa appears on the Human Path wherever Keiko is, and Keiko appears on the Summon Path wherever Pandaa is. (Or wherever her summoner is, if it was one of her other contractees that summoned her.) That means that Pandaa can pull her to one location, send her back, walk to another location, and pull her to there. Can't do it while they're on the same Path, though.

Could just be that it's a good way of confirming that the person is dead. Heads are recognizable, it's difficult for one to survive once separated from the body and vice versa, and the damage threshold for a beheading is probably enough to break most clone techniques.

@eaglejarl @Velorien A question I'd been sitting on for a while of which this update reminded me: does chakra use have any applications in cryptography? If not, is there a reason why the HVs use ninja as dedicated cryptographers instead of commoners?

There may well be civilian cryptographers as well. We haven't talked about it, but it's not unreasonable.
Nope. When Keiko is reverse summoned she always goes back to where she was originally summoned from. Also, summoning is a pull-only event -- Pandaa appears on the Human Path wherever Keiko is, and Keiko appears on the Summon Path wherever Pandaa is. (Or wherever her summoner is, if it was one of her other contractees that summoned her.) That means that Pandaa can pull her to one location, send her back, walk to another location, and pull her to there. Can't do it while they're on the same Path, though.
So on that note, if Keiko summons Pandaa and then another Pangolin reverse summons her to Pangolin Village, can Pandaa move somewhere else (on the Human Path) and summon Keiko to that new point?
Eaglejarl explicitly promised, "You'll pass the mind scan; nothing too objectionable," violating his usual firm rules about not telling us what's going to happen.

So there doesn't seem to be a lot of utility in wasting time arguing against it.

Passing the mind scan doesn't mean that Jiraya didn't get information to use against us or that it doesn't have negative consequences for the team or the people they care about. For example I'm genuinely worried about Kagome's reaction to a mind scan and I can't say I want to give Jiraya any more ammunition that he already has.

Not to mention how we are probably leaving shiny things on the table and appearing pretty damn weak by not trying to argue against it.

On a meta level I'm also annoyed by decision points where we make no decisions. What are we here for if to not feed Hazou stuff to say and do?