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Naruto reimagined as a deathworld without most of the canon plot holes.
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Info Post
Rules, Stunts, Jutsu, Characters, etc

Welcome to Marked For Death, an AU Naruto-verse quest by and for the rational fiction crowd. The protagonist, Gōketsu-née-Kurosawa Hazō, is a young ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist who went missing, had adventures, and then managed to buy his way into the Village Hidden in the Leaves by way of a seal that he co-invented which transformed warfare.

For anyone new to quest participation, the basic notion (for the purposes of this story) is that everyone in the thread controls a single character (Hazō) by voting on what the character does. We use approval voting, meaning that you can vote for as many plans as you like.

This AU has some significant changes from canon, so be careful relying on OOC knowledge. Also, very important: Filler is not canon in MfD unless explicitly stated to be.


Author: Your humble poster, eaglejarl. I'll be posting every Sunday.
Author: Velorien. He'll be posting every Thursday.
Gentleman, Scholar, Master of Mechanics: Paperclipped
Grandmaster of Questions and Documentation, He of a Million Omake: OliWhail

Special thanks to:

Loremaster First Class: faflec. His photographic memory has made it much easier for both players and QMs to keep everything straight. We've started checking things with him before deploying them, just to make sure we don't accidentally contradict ourselves.

Former QMs: AugSphere and Jackercracks for their early contributions in setting up and running the first portions of the quest.

Thank Yous and Acknowledgements

The QMs would like to say that we have the most amazing players ever. They spent time, energy, and real-world money to commission professional fanart as birthday presents for myself (eaglejarl) and Velorien. These are actual physical paintings that they snail-mailed to us. You folks rule.

Expand the following so that you can see both of the amazing pieces:

Finally, a special thank you to the talented artist and Naruto fan 'ShadowRebirth' (I think that's the right name), who created the gorgeous map of the Elemental Nations that we based our setting on. They are not associated with us, but tip of the hat regardless.
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PSA: Your Sealing-related notes are an XP bonus
PSA: Your Sealing-related notes are an XP bonus

The Gōketsu had Jiraiya's sealing notes, which they contributed to the contest and are now available to all Leaf sealmasters. Additionally, in chapter 505 Orochimaru offered you access to two different sets of sealing notes from collaborations that he and Jiraiya did back in the day.

  1. Each of these three sets of notes is represented as a separate pool of XP. (NB: We may or may not treat sealing notes from other sealmasters in this way going forward. It depends on whether the information is broad enough / well enough organized / complete enough, etc etc.)
  2. Anyone with at least 10 levels of Sealing can read the notes to tap into the XP.
  3. Studying the notes gets you N XP/day/instance, to a maximum of 4 instances. This XP may only be spent on Sealing.
    1. N is your XP base rate rounded up (for QM convenience). Hazō would therefore be getting 4 XP/day from the pool for each instance of him that is studying the notes.
    2. "Per instance" accounts for having Shadow Clones helping you with the studies. Prime is one instance, each Shadow Clone is another instance.
    3. At most 4 instances of you (4 clones or 3 clones + Prime, either way) can be working on a given set of notes at the same time. This limit is based on the number of people who can usefully be reading the notes at a time, how many worldlines the human brain can handle integrating at once, and because chakra is bullshit and a troll so we don't gotta explain nothing.
    4. You must study "a few hours" (on the time ladder) per day in order to get the XP. Call it one SC training block.
(NOTE: Until now we were representing the notes as Aspects that could be invoked while sealing. That is no longer the case; they are XP pools, not Aspects.)

Hazō has had access to Jiraiya's notes for months and presumably has reviewed some of them. Therefore, your current options (assuming you accept Orochimaru's seals) and advancement is:

  • Jiraiya's lifetime notes (publicly available): 1,500 XP. 20% complete
  • Orochimaru's Seal #31, Collab w/Jiraiya, May 1042: 200 XP. 0% complete
  • Orochimaru's Seal #32, Collab w/Jiraiya, July 1042: 200 XP. 0% complete
Pyramid management is a thing so we aren't going to auto-level your Sealing stat. You may vote on how much (if any) of the award to retroactively spend on Sealing. Note that this will not affect research rolls that were made in the past, as that's too much hassle. Please tag your votes as follows:

[x] (Notes XP) Spend <number>

Also, the Oro+Tsunade notes that Oro offered you are worth 100 to MedKnow and 100 to MedNin. You need 10 in both stats in order to extract the XP.

Most notes are not going to be represented this way. These are special; there may be further "XP loot boxes" out there but they will be rare. Precise conditions for notes counting as a lootbox are not determined and we would appreciate it if you didn't poke too hard.
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Bonus XP for Short Plans
PSA: New Bonus XP experiment

It's clear that no one finds the existing "bonus XP for short plans" motivating, and we're already starting to see plans creeping back up towards the hard-to-handle sizes of yesteryear. As such, we're going to try something new. Short plans will get bonus XP that goes straight into the general fund, while egregiously long plans will be penalized.

Prior experience shows that 300-350 words is plenty for a concise, well-written plan that covers as much as we can manage to write for one update. With that in mind:

0-300 words: +1 XP
301-400: +0
401-500: -1

Word counts will be determined by Google Docs since the SV counter includes tags in its total, which is not fair to you. Please do not try to game the system by (e.g.) replacing "and" with "&", as that would make us sad.

Given that these rules are being announced partway through a voting cycle, we won't be charging penalty points on this one -- you'll either get +1 or +0.

After this update, we'll run the experiment as written for another 3 updates (i.e. it will include this Thursday, Sunday, Thursday, Sunday) and then reexamine to see if we want to continue as-is or change something.

We're a little concerned about XP inflation and can see some exploits / failure modes in the proposed system, but they may not be anything we need to worry about in practice. We'd also like to get your feedback once we've had a chance to see how it works.

As a final note: 4 XP / day is supposed to be an above-average plan, and updates have been covering a very small number of days lately, often <= 1, so getting a nearly-guaranteed +1 XP per plan is a pretty significant boost. I recognize that people might react badly to the potential for negative points, but I am extremely confident that that will never actually happen. Prior evidence shows that 500 words is far more than actually necessary for a good plan.

How does this seem to all of you?
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Ami-style training sessions
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail

If you would enjoy writing "Ami-style training" scenes and also would give additional XP for them to represent the increased training effectiveness, then making a statement confirming the XP increase would incentivise the thread to put them in plans, thereby allowing you to write them.

(I am making this statement because I keep not getting an answer about whether or not Ami-style training actually does anything in the way of mechanical improvements. And also because QMs seemed to like the idea of writing these kinds of antics in the past.)​

You may conduct up to 1 Ami-style training session per IC day. This will earn you 1 bonus XP. QMs may rule a a particular session impossible to carry out due to external constraints (including, but not limited to, time and stamina), or ineffective for whatever reason (including being boring and thus not representing a sufficient improvement over standard downtime training). A failed training session will use up as much time as a successful one.
Compilation of Ami-style training ideas
Compilation of Creative Training Ideas
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Reminder: We've declared Rock Lee our eternal rival in creative training.

Once per day, do one:
  1. Spend a day moving only by the way of substitution.
  2. Mimic the personality, style of speech, and body language of some other person (Mari/Noburi/Sakura/...) in all social interactions.
  3. Spend the entire day without using your left arm or leg.
  4. Spar with Lee while underwater.
  5. Try to move back and forth a long hallway by chakra adhering your head to the ceiling and shifting your weight.
  • Meta:
    • Convey the idea of creative training to Rock Lee. Declare yourself his eternal rival.
  • Social:
    • Manipulation:
      • Get five ninja to owe you favours without spending significant resources.
      • Convince a ninja that a crazy conspiracy theory is true.
      • Teach Lee basic social skills.
      • Create a civilian fanclub for a randomly selected ninja.
      • Manipulate three people into starting arguments with others in a way that doesn't get traced back to you.
      • Try to get another ninja to stalk you without them realizing that you want them to.
    • Acting:
      • Disguise yourself as another person. Convince five people that you're [the person you're disguised as] disguised as Hazou.
      • Mimic the personality, style of speech, and body language of some other person (Mari/Noburi/Sakura/...) in all social interactions.
      • Convince someone that you are Rock Lee.
    • Information-gathering:
      • Learn the birthdays of five chuunin outside your social circle without them finding out.
      • Learn the favourite colours of every Leaf jonin.
    • Composure:
      • Hold a ten minute conversation with Anko without displaying any outward signs of loss of composure.
      • Experience three different jounin auras.
      • Tell Lee to preach to you about Youth. Meditate as he does.
      • Meditate while chakra-adhering to a running ninja (Lee?).
      • Ask Keiko to hit you with her aura while hanging upside down from a tree branch over a lake/river.
      • Eat a full meal at the Yabai café. Attempt to emulate Keiko's/Shikamaru's mental state as closely as you can in the process.
  • Physical:
    • Binge-eat strange foods.
    • Spend a day moving only by the way of substitution.
    • Spend the entire day without using your left arm or leg.
    • Exercise with a jump rope while chakra-adhering to a ceiling/wall.
    • Juggle chakra oranges without wearing protective gloves.
    • Draw explosive seal blanks with one hand while sparring with the other.
    • Spar while singing.
    • Spar with [insert jounin here].
    • Spar with Lee while upside down on the ceiling/on a tree/underwater/running.
    • Try to move back and forth a long hallway by chakra adhering your head to the ceiling and shifting your weight.
    • Play an instrument by using chakra adhesion to pluck the strings.
    • Have a spar where your opponent is allowed to call out one limb you can't use, which they can swap at will.
  • Mental:
    • Spend exactly one minute in a shop. Memorise every product being sold. Do not draw attention to yourself.
    • Draw a map of Leaf from scratch. The map should show all roads and places of interest.
  • Mixed:
    • Assume that everyone you meet (sans the team) secretly wants to kill you. Don't give them opportunities and don't let them know that you know.
    • Stalk people (civilians/genin/chuunin/jounin). If discovered, attempt to make a positive impression despite the bad start.
    • Cross the city via sequential stalking. You can only change targets when your current target interacts with the potential new target.
    • Go to the busiest district. Engage with people. You can gain "points" by making highly positive impressions on people. If someone touches you, you lose a point. If your points are ≤0, you lose.
  • What worked:
    • Create a civilian fanclub for a randomly selected ninja.
    • Meditate while chakra-adhering to a running ninja (Lee?).
    • Exercise with a jump rope while chakra-adhering to a ceiling/wall.
    • Spar while singing.
    • Play an instrument by using chakra adhesion to pluck the strings.
    • Have a spar where your opponent is allowed to call out one limb you can't use, which they can swap at will.
    • Spend exactly one minute in a shop. Memorise every product being sold. Do not draw attention to yourself.
  • What didn't work:
    • Convey the idea of creative training to Rock Lee. Declare yourself his eternal rival.
    • Teach Lee basic social skills.
    • Hold a ten minute conversation with Anko without displaying any outward signs of loss of composure.
    • Get five ninja to owe you favours without spending significant resources.

Why are you so obsessed with Rock Lee. That's creepy.

If engaging in Ami-style training is going be a daily activity, I'll be updating this post, crossing out the items we've already done or replacing them with harder variations. Ping me if you have a new suggestion.

It's uncurated right now. I'm probably going to pick ~10 ideas I think are the best (and they're probably going to be MadScientist's) and hide the rest under a spoiler. Input would be appreciated.
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Memetic Hazard Compilation
We like lists, yes? Here's a—

List of Marked for Death memes
  1. People, creatures, organizations (in-story):
    1. Jashin-sama: A dark god which controls the dice, and to whom several regulars sacrificed their firstborns.
    2. Lupchanzen: A mind-controlling chakra beast, described by Kagome in-universe and not yet confirmed to exist. If someone, character or player alike, starts acting strangely, it's prudent to suspect that they're infected.
    3. Zabuza: A legendary hunter-nin and the thread's boogeyman. Everyone whom we met, in-universe or in reality, is secretly him in disguise.
    4. The Minori Conspiracy: A conspiracy theory based on an anomalously high number of side-characters named Minori.
    5. Mastermind Hazou/"Shikaku.jpg": A conspiracy theory/mode of thinking which assumes that Hazou (or Team Uplift as a whole) is a peerless geopolitical or social manipulator, which makes no mistakes and is behind every plot ever. Invented by Nara Shikaku.
  2. Planmaking:
    1. The Lists: A form of organized information, containing anything from seal ideas to plans of actions to conversation algorithms. Hazou is addicted to them.
    2. Plans of actions: Medium by which the thread communicates with/controls Hazou. Over the course of the quest, average length and complexity of plans grew, causing the thread to go through innumerable approaches to crafting them.
    3. "[x] Armageddon Initiative": A plan which represents an ontological table-flip option, and implies rewriting Hazou's values with those of Radvic (see below).
    4. "[x] Lighthouse": A plan which follows the path of a hermit researcher, and implies running as far away from the dangers of civilization as possible, to conduct independent research until either achieving godhood or dying.
    5. "[x] Buy A Youthsuit": A plan which represents a lesser table-flip option, and implies forcing temporary insanity on Hazou; in particular, obsession with "Youth" ideology and green spandex. It once passed.
    6. "[X] Make a Summoning Contract with the Rift Denizens": A high-risk high-reward plan which attempts to take advantage of an effect of a sealing failure to achieve power.
  3. Abstract concepts or ideas:
    1. Clear Communication no Jutsu: A conversational mode in which all social cues and subtleties of expression are stated explicitly to avoid ambiguity. Co-invented by Keiko and Hazou.
    2. "Screaming in Kagome": A natural reaction to any event, including but not limited to: an update, a QM saying something, a sealing failure.
    3. "Explosives solve everything": The thread is known to ironically or not-so-ironically suggest to solve any given problem by detonating it — a consequence of Kagome's teachings.
    4. OPSEC Breaches: A failure to keep a secret. Main actual nemesis of Hazou, Team Uplift, and the thread as a whole.
    5. The Void Between Updates: A localized subset of Out filled with screams and madness.
  4. People and associated concepts (in-thread):
    1. Radvic the Omnicidal Physicist: A player famous for his ability to turn anything he cares to think of into a weapon of unprecedented mass destruction... as well for his readiness — nay, hunger — to indiscriminately use his creations.
    2. Faflec's Impeccable Memory: One famous player's ability to infallibly remember virtually every trivial fact, in-story and in-thread alike.
      1. Faflec's Time-Travelling Forum: A possible explanation to the former, a personal atemporal forum accessible to faflec's every past and future self at the same time.
    3. Faflec's Injunction: Any question posed in-thread that could be answered with "Yes" or "No" will be.
    4. "QMs Want Aspirin": Usual reaction of the questmasters to the players' creative ideas and munchkinry ways.
    5. "QMs need to change the password to their docs": Usual response of the questmasters to the players' ominous speculations about the in-story world.
    6. "EagleJarl Wants Punching": Usual mindstate of one of the QMs, caused by the discrepancy between his love for writing combat scenes and the thread's desire to avoid dangers.
    7. "EagleJarl Is Being A Literal Genie": One of the QMs' inclination to deceive or tease the thread by making "only technically correct" statements about the in-story world or the QMs' intentions.
  5. Other:
    1. Telescopes: Optics-based devices used to better view faraway objects. A fruit of technology yet (and perhaps forever) denied Team Uplift.

Message me if I missed any, or made an inaccurate description.

Also, @eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, would it make sense to threadmark this?
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Character name kanji
Since it's come up, have a character kanji infopost.


Kurosawa Hazō -> Gōketsu Hazō
黒澤 範蔵 -> 豪傑 範蔵

Hazō was named by the early player @Neo-Chan. @Neo-Chan, if you remember how you came up with the name, please let us know.

"Kurosawa" means "black swamp", made known in the West by the famous film-maker Akira Kurosawa. "Hazō" isn't a real name, so we've used a variant of the kanji for "Hanzō", the historical ninja and his assumed inspiration. "Hanzō" is a traditional Kurosawa Clan name with kanji meaning "example/model storehouse".

"Gōketsu" was made up by Jiraiya, and is written with kanji meaning "manly + best". It is a reference to the original work from which he is an expy in canon. To quote a Japanese dictionary:

Gōketsu (豪傑)
  1. A person with guts, excelling in wit and valour far beyond ordinary people.
  2. A bold-spirited person who does not concern himself with trivial things. Alternatively, an eccentric person.
Gōketsu warai (豪傑笑い) A loud, boisterous laugh
Jiraiya Gōketsu Monogatari (児雷也豪傑物語) The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya


Mori Keiko -> Gōketsu Keiko -> Nara Kei
守 恵子 -> 豪傑 恵子 -> 奈良 恵

Like Hazō, Kei was named by the players, but unfortunately everything else is lost in the mists of time.

"Mori" means "protect", while "Keiko" means "blessed child". Both are common Japanese names, although 森 Mori, meaning "forest", is even more common. "Nara" doesn't mean anything in particular, being a canon reference to a Japanese city known for its deer worship (Kishimoto is not subtle; "shika" also means "deer"). Kei got rid of the "child" ending (very common in Japanese women's names) in an immature attempt to be more mature, and it stuck. It is currently her legal name.


Wakahisa Noburi -> Gōketsu Noburi
若久 登 -> 豪傑 登

Like Hazō, Noburi was named by the players, but unfortunately everything else is lost in the mists of time.

"Wakahisa" is an obscure Japanese place name written as "youth + long time/eternity". "Noburi" is not a real name, so we've used the kanji for the nearest plausible Japanese name, "Noboru" (meaning "climb/ascend"). The priest bit his tongue during Noburi's naming ceremony, and having a weird name in no way helped Noburi's Academy bullying problems.


Inoue Mariko -> Inoue Mari -> Gōketsu Mari
井上 麻[里子 -> 井上 麻里 -> 豪傑 麻里

"Inoue", meaning "on top of the well", is an extremely common Japanese surname with transparent etymological origins. "Mariko", "hemp + village + child", is a common, unremarkable name of the kind a peasant might give her daughter. Like Kei, Mari ditched the "child" ending.


Kagome -> Gōketsu Kagome
籠女 -> 豪傑 籠女

"Kagome" is a Japanese female given name written as "cage + woman". Both IC and OOC, it is a mystery: "Kagome kagome" is a popular Japanese children's game with cryptic lyrics that vary by region. As a dictionary word, it also refers to a basket weave pattern.


Ishihara Akane -> Gōketsu Akane
石原 茜 - > 豪傑 茜

"Ishihara" is a common Japanese surname meaning "stony field". "Akane" is also common, and means "madder", as in the plant. As a point of trivia, "akane" is also a homophone for "red roots", and madder roots were historically used as a source of red pigment for dyes.


Snowflake -> Gōketsu Snowflake
雪片 -> 豪傑 雪華

As Kei's original list of shadow clone identifiers was partially drawn from natural phenomena, it used the standard term for snowflakes, written as "snow fragment". Later, in the process of defining her own identity, Snowflake decided to instead use kanji that read as "snow flower", a poetic term for the same phenomenon (and also a real Japanese name, read "Yukihana" or "Sekka").


Yamamoto Haru -> Gōketsu Haru
山本 春 -> 豪傑 春

"Yamamoto" is a common Japanese surname meaning "base of the mountain". "Haru" is a reasonably common name meaning "spring", as in the season, although it is more commonly used as a female name.


Gasai Yuno -> Kannagi Yuno -> Gōketsu Yuno
我妻 由乃 -> 神薙 由乃 -> 豪傑 由乃

Yuno's birth name comes from her original canon in Future Diary. "Gasai" means "my wife", and is presumably a reference to Yuno's obsession with being by the protagonist's side. "Yuno" is written with the kanji for "reason + of", which means nothing in particular, being a homophone for Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. "Kannagi" is an uncommon surname; as a word, it means "oracle", but Isan's weaponmaster clan uses kanji meaning "god + mow down [enemies]"--this is the "nagi" of "naginata".


Satsuriku no Watagiri -> Satsuko
殺戮の腸切り-> 殺子

Satsuko's full name means "Massacre Gutcleaver". Yuno took the first kanji ("kill") and added the "child" ending to turn it into a girl's name (in a rather ironic juxtaposition to Kei and Mari's choices, now I think of it). I later learned that Satsuko, with that spelling, is a real Japanese name. Apparently, there are enough parents out there willing to name their little girl "murder child" for it to make it into the dictionary.


Mori Ami
守 編

"Ami" means "knit/compile/edit", and reflects her parents' Mori affinity for systems and data management.

Note: Most Japanese names can be spelled with a variety of kanji, and sometimes Japanese parents will straight up combine kanji they like with names they like even if there's no historical, etymological, or traditional grounding for it. Likewise, a name having a dictionary meaning is no guarantee that it will be spelled with the corresponding kanji. Some names are not written with kanji at all--many characters in Naruto canon, including most of the younger generation, write their names with katakana, presumably to make life easier for younger readers, even though they have obvious kanji (for example, "Hyūga" and "Hinata" are normally written the same way, meaning "place where the sun shines".) As an anecdote, I once met a Japanese man named Shinobu who was fed up with foreigners thinking it was "shinobi", and resolved to name his eventual child Kiara precisely because it didn't mean anything.
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Paperclipped's known bloodline summary
Bloodlines are powerful and important, and you may have wanted to know more about which bloodlines do what. It may be important to know what village has what bloodlines, so that we can prepare adequately when going up against a force from said village. Maybe the hoarding of knowledge is its own reward. Regardless, here's my best shot at cataloguing the MfD-original bloodlines and clan-secrets clans. Note that this does not include bloodlines that were in canon and changed - e.g. Nara gaining a thinker-style bloodline.

NameBrief DescriptionVillageCitationNotes
Kurosawa, Iron NerveReplay of past movements, download sealsMist(omitted)P.C. bloodline. Allows small chance of manifesting Sharingan.
Mori, Frozen SkeinAnalyze plans, saps creativity, has a "greater purpose"Mist(omitted)(THINKER) Has a Mori Voice which speaks to user.
Wakahisa, Vampiric DewExternal chakra system that can be shared, can drain chakra with waterMist(omitted)User's chakra system is crippled, precludes Shadow Clone.
KozuDetachable body parts that still relay sensory infoMist
FukimotoCrab-like chakra constructsMisteaglejarl
Hōzuki(unknown)MisteaglejarlA clan by the same name was exterminated (c. 148)
(unknown)Teleporting, leaving lightning behindMistinterlude
MinamiUser drops invisible chakra prism, acts as visionLeafSupplements vision at 12 meters, replaces at 120.
MotoyoshiFreeform telekinesis (?)Leaf271Used only on rubble for clearing up sealing failure.
KurusuMaking objects adhesive (?)Leaf271Used only on rubble for clearing up sealing failure.
HazamaCreate lightning pillars, sense living thingsCloud183Sense living is theorized by Jiraiya - pillars can be anywhere - confirmed by Hinata.
RyugamineSpecial lightning-taijutsu styleCloud183Doesn't seem to be innate.
Raiyoke"ingenious without curiousity"Cloud291(THINKER) Notable member - Grandmaster F.
NamazuSpecial set of earth-element techniquesRock183Doesn't seem to be innate.
TamaEnhanced thinking with tunnel-visionRock183(THINKER) Interested in continued existence of Nara.
YakeyamaTechnique Hackers, use Water and Fire elementsRock183Described as "Artillery"
ShiroganeSwordsmaster Clan, kenjutsu styleRock291Current Tsuchikage
(unknown)PuppeteeringSand291Notable member - Chiyo
YodomiEnhanced optimization powers, not innovativeSand291(THINKER) Enhanced puppetry techniques
SakamotoInvisibility (possibly the Light Element mentioned by Ami in 242)Waterfall183
MitsurugiSpecial kenjutsu styleWaterfall183
Kotsuzui, Blood ElementRegeneration, Blood clones, tracking powers, etc.Hot Springs
Minawa, Inner FireSupposedly like Wakahisa (drain and share chakra?)Hot Springs183Reserves are supposedly smaller than a Wakahisa's
Kiyoshi(unknown)Hot SpringsBloodline held by the father of Honami's child.
Star Element(unknown)(unknown)107Mentioned by Panpaidu in the same breath as the canon Storm Element (confirmed here) and the real Blood Element.
Sen's bloodlineAllows animation of (metal?) objects(unknown)(Ui's interlude)Allows him to weave a wall of shuriken, "swarm of iron"
Tenjin's bloodline/clanFire of the Gods Technique(unknown)192Unsure if this is a bloodline or clan secret at all
I'll be maintaining this list. Additional citations or information would be appreciated.
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Request for Proposals: New Seals
RFP: New Seals​
Jiraiya left you notes on a bunch of new seals - on the order of several dozen.

We would like to crowdsource the creation of these things. Specifically, we would like to ask for ideas that have as many of the following as possible:
  • A name that makes it easy to refer to the seal (describes what it does, not easy to confuse with other existing seals, etc)
  • A one-sentence description of the effects, optionally followed by more details.
  • Suggested mechanics
  • An assessment of how the seal might be abused in-universe and why that hasn't already been done.
A couple things we want to note explicitly:
  • Some of these seals were created in Jiraiya's early days and will have research TNs that you might be able to hit. Those seals will have relatively minor effects. Others will be ones that he made up more recently, and are insanely difficult but also more powerful.
  • Not all of Jiraiya's seals were unique to him. We might take any or all of your suggestions and put them in the hands of other people, potentially including your enemies.
The 'Chime' family of beginner seals
Beginner seals from the Nara library. TNs of 25 for all of them and 50 for their Research Total, as long as they are learned in order.
  • Chime: Emits a soft (about as loud as a whisper) C4 note (aka "middle C" or "C in the 4th octave") for one second.

  • Long Chime: Emits a middle-C note for 2 seconds.

  • Two Choice Chime: like Chime, but at creation time you choose what the note is, A4 or C4. 

  • Long Two Choice Chime: 2-second duration Two Choice Chime.

  • Double Chime: 1 second of either A4 or C4 followed by 1 second of the other.

  • Extended Double Chime: Like Double Chime but the first note lasts 1 second and the other lasts 2 seconds.

  • Octave: Like Two Choice Chime but you can choose any natural (A-G) in the 4th octave.

  • Long Octave: 2-second duration Octave

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