@Velorien: Happy Birthday! (± 4 months)
We all wanted to get you something to show how much we appreciate the work both of you put into Marked for Death, and how much we enjoy it.
The quest wouldn't be the same without either of you, and we tried to choose a present that shows how you've created something greater than the sum of its parts.
EagleJarl, we love how you write action and tension, sneak little tidbits of insight into your work for us to find, and pull us into the minds of the characters you write. You also make us panic when we realize, hours after we read the post, what those hints actually mean. Which is less unambiguously enjoyable for us, but really does make the quest what it is. Also Kagome, he's hilarious and awesome because of you.
Velorien, you have written some of the most touching and funny interpersonal scenes we've ever read, and each of those moments has made care a little bit more about the characters of MfD. It's your writing that has made us love Keiko the depressive genius and Inoue the doting sensei who is just a bit out of her depth. So many wonderful scenes, from Hazou's nighttime talk about leadership to Keiko's declaration about the numbers of war, have had your unique touch.
Just like Hazou is the product of both of his teachers, MfD is what it is because of both of you. There are many other things we could mention and so much that has both your hands in it, and we appreciate each and every word.
Thank You,
@Radvic, and
@eaglejarl, we actually started organizing this before your birthday, just not far enough before your birthday. It turns out commissioning art takes time. Sorry about that.