Since Hazō is not yet at the Leaf age of majority, he'll need to make sure all the appropriate administrative stuff has been dealt with for Mari to cast Gōketsu's vote. Shiori enclosed a copy of the necessary paperwork; for planning purposes, assume this will happen in the background.
...This...this doesn't affect Naruto, right? I mean, since he's the only Uzumaki and nobody else can cast his vote for him.

Edit: Oh also, has anyone done a back of the napkin calculation of ROI from doing missions? (At least while we haven't hit the cap on conditional payments)

Correct math!

Monthly conditional payments relating to missions - R258,322 (C)

M (mission cost).
M(0.8) = T (80% tax refund from mission)
M(0.5) = B (50% bonus from mission)
M(.02) = P (20% mission pay)

We want T+B = C
.8M + .5M = C = 1.3M
We are trying to solve for M

(2/13)C = P
(2/13)(258,322) = P = 39,741.8
P*5 = M
39,741.8*5 = M = 198,709

If a mission costs R198,709 then we should max out our mission earned conditional payment for that month.

Note: This is assuming one ninja mission - there's a P to account for per ninja per mission.
Addendum to this, I am not sad, I am stupid.

grumbling to self Seriously, though, who puts the most recent threadmark at the top instead of at the bottom? Am I supposed to be reading this thread upside-down or something? end grumbling

Edit: Oh, and I can't even do my * now? Is that a permanent feature? -grumbling intensifies-
If asterisks show around the next word: \here
Then you simply need to escape the markdown formatting by placing a backslash before the first asterisk.



Well, fuck.
Correct math!

Monthly conditional payments relating to missions - R258,322 (C)

M (mission cost).
M(0.8) = T (80% tax refund from mission)
M(0.5) = B (50% bonus from mission)
M(.02) = P (20% mission pay)

We want T+B = C
.8M + .5M = C = 1.3M
We are trying to solve for M

(2/13)C = P
(2/13)(258,322) = P = 39,741.8
P*5 = M
39,741.8*5 = M = 198,709

If a mission costs R198,709 then we should max out our mission earned conditional payment for that month.

Note: This is assuming one ninja mission - there's a P to account for per ninja per mission.
"What's that? Oh, no, I would never have gone behind his back for the initial payment, that was just my personal spending money. The head of the family has authority over any big purchases." (After accounting for the fact that we got a big chunk of it back since we took the mission we funded, but who's keeping track?) "Won't you please stay? My brother is making a stew with some of the shrimp the kids brought back from the tournament in Hidden Mist. You know, the one my daughter, Lady Nara, won? She had to light her poor brother on fire to do it, but don't remind Hazou- I mean, Lord Gouketsu of that. He might still be a bit touchy about it - promise me that we'll keep it between us, yes?
Keep in mind there's some unknown tax on filing missions, as Mari commented on the self-funded mission above.
Only Naruto will be able to max conditional payment each month.

To be fair, we don't actually know what any mission besides a Till'n'fill is worth, and those are considered a pittance at R500-R2000.

It wouldn't be particularly strange if a C Rank were worth R200k - but that's one of the questions we still need to figure out for the QMs.


Keep in mind there's some unknown tax on filing missions, as Mari commented on the self-funded mission above.

Right, this was just to figure out the value on missions done normally.
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To be fair, we don't actually know what any mission besides a Till'n'fill is worth, and those are considered a pittance at R500-R2000.
You have acquired enough money to pay the clan's bills for a week.


The other missions that were described are still available if you choose to do them. The courier missions would each take about half a day and pay roughly two days of clan expenses. Doing both will cover four days of clan expenses but you won't be able to do the complete loop (Leaf -> Keishi -> Tanzaku Gai -> Leaf) in one day, so you'll need to spend the night in the wilderness. The homesteading mission is project-based—you get paid about two weeks of clan expenses but you're stuck there until certain minimums have been met, namely: a fortified wall, secure housing for all members of the expedition, claimed lands free of significant threats.
Mortgage is R675,526 a month, so the courier missions would pay roughly R45000 for 2 days work; the homesteading/escort mission would pay roughly R315000 for 2 weeks worth. They pay about evenly per time spent, at around R22500 per day.
It would probably be more productive to calculate "value of a ninja's time that can do a mission of Rank X, per day," but the fundamental risk inherent in missions means that Sealing is preferable anyway.

Mortgage is R675,526 a month, so the courier missions would pay roughly R45000 for 2 days work; the homesteading/escort mission would pay roughly R315000 for 2 weeks worth. They pay about evenly per time spent, at around R22500 per day.

Is the entire team deployed on the mission quoted? Incl. Mari, Kagome? The important figure is "mission pay per ninja of a given Rank," total mission pay is confounded by varying amounts of ninja deployed per mission.
[x] Action Plan: A Copy of the Previous Plan So That We Can Re-Vote It In Explicitly, Avoiding the Ambiguity of the"Continue the Previous Plan" Votes
Assuming three ninja go on the mission(s) and have not yet reached their subsistence level from mission pay, if the mission(s) pay(s) more than about R180,000 then we'd max out our conditional payments for the month.

I'm thinking more in terms of ninja/hours.

In terms of liquid cash we've got the following potential income streams:
  • R 38,270 /mo as unconditional
  • R 258,322 /mo as conditional liquid cash
  • Some amount of money from seal invention taxes (for the next 6-10 months)
    • It's unclear how those will work out.
  • R 5,200,000 from the last pangolin payment
  • ~ R 2,000,000 from Kagome putting 50hrs /mo into skywalker crafting
  • ~ R 2,000,000 from Hazou putting 50hrs/mo into skywalker blank creation
Given that I expect skywalkers to drop to the jounin seal pricepoint pretty soon. (6-12 mo) That gives us about:
  • 1.3 mil x 2 /mo from skywalkers
  • 0.3 mil from missions and the unconditional flow
  • For a total of about R 2.9 million a month in known sustainable income.
  • 5.2 mil from the pangolins
  • 0.7 mil x 2 sealers x 10 months of higher skywalker prices.
  • For a total of about R 19.2 mil as an unsustainable 'windfall' over the next 10 months.
With the caveat that this is a very back of the napkin calculation.

Then there's our potential monthly expenditures:
  • R 0.65 mil for the mortgage
  • R 2 mil for Hagoromo (if we don't take the ISC deal)
  • R 2 mil for whatever deal we end up actually making with the Uchiha or others
  • R <0.5 mil for getting the clan compound back in shape.
  • R <3 mil for other expenditures, charity, or investments
    • My estimate is that high because:
      • Leaf is in a period of turmoil that we can exploit for higher rates of return.
      • We need to make ourselves a fixture of the city for our own safety. Investments and goodwill are a great way to do that.
      • We've got a lot of things we want to do.

Optimistically that's ~ 1.65 mil per month if we take the ISC offer, don't make other deals for the hat, and don't spend money elsewhere.

I don't think that's realistic however, and expect us to end up needing 6-8 mil / month within a year. All of which means that I'd want to have an income of ~ 10 mil / mo to be comfortable.

We've got a few months of runway to get there if you include the current liquid cash and the various windfalls.

Some misc useful numbers from @Rihaku, @Evenstar and others:
  • ~ 2.2 mil / acre of land we want to buy in Konoha.
  • ~ 0.2 mil / acre of farming land which needs no additional security.
  • ~ 0.3 million for a high quality 3-4 family house.
  • ~ 5 k / mo per civilian we want to support at Leaf's subsistence income.
Long story short, I have no doubt the hivemind can get us to a 10 mil/mo income within a few months, but I'm still trying to figure out how.
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Mari is best replacement redhead-mom.

Everybody got all twisted into a panic. OliWhail assured me that Naruto will be able to vote.
What I assured you was that there was a reason Hiashi was willing to put effort into scheduling votes for when Naruto was out of town. To my mind, the most plausible reason is that there's a clause in the voting laws that allows bypassing the age requirement IF literally no clan members are 15.

What I assured you was that there was a reason Hiashi was willing to put effort into scheduling votes for when Naruto was out of town. To my mind, the most plausible reason is that there's a clause in the voting laws that allows bypassing the age requirement IF literally no clan members are 15.

Even otherwise, the Uchiha had a civilian voting for them for years. Just have have Naruto adopt some random person off the street, and give then a bunch of money to vote as Naruto wants.

Also are we planning to offer Honoka and her family adoption into the Goketsu?
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Even otherwise, the Uchiha had a civilian voting for them for years. Just have have Naruto adopt some random person off the street, and give then a bunch of money to vote as Naruto wants.

Also are we planning to offer Honoka and her family adoption into the Goketsu?
There were concerns that adopting Honoka, who is a student in the ninja academy and a potential future ninja, would burn our last adoption slot for the year. There's an argument to be made that it could be better spent elsewhere, or that we would need to burn favors and/or other things in order to get her in.
There were concerns that adopting Honoka, who is a student in the ninja academy and a potential future ninja, would burn our last adoption slot for the year. There's an argument to be made that it could be better spent elsewhere, or that we would need to burn favors and/or other things in order to get her in.

Fair, so we'll do it after Asuma wins. Or have Naruto adopt them before the Goketsu merge with us.
Anyway, I'd prefer we didn't adopt Honoka at all, unless we are able to use political pressures to let them adopt us without her counting towards that limit. While it's true that we could have Naruto, as the Uzumaki Clan Head, adopt her family into the Uzumaki before they all migrade to the Gouketsu, a lot of clan ninja are gonna see it as us manipulating the rules, which may lead to worsened relations.

Personally, I'd just ask if we can make an agreement that Honoka won't count as a clan ninja for the purposes of taxes/money-related stuff until she makes Jonin, or something like that. It removes a major issue people will have towards her adoption, and sets the stage for us to adopt a whole ton of clanless ninja without ruffling too many feathers. Maybe. Hopefully.
They pay about evenly per time spent, at around R22500 per day.

Those seemed like D Ranks? I guess they were also the total value of the mission, divided equally amongst the ninja.

Also - at the time, Hazou and company didn't know about the 80% tax refund or bonus, so wouldn't he have been mistaken about what the missions were worth?

Honoka won't count as a clan ninja

She won't, because she isn't one, and might never be one - and she's still years away from graduating.

I think it's only an issue if we specifically take advantage of the loophole about adopting academy students. If we adopt *one* and her two civilian parents because she's the student of our clan elder (isn't Kagome the eldest?) it would be strange for anyone to object. Especially because it won't accrue any financial benefits to the clan for years.