Added a section of us going to Sand after Rivers. Also some general thoughts to maintain OPSEC & let Minami take the lead.

If we go for training Diplomacy we could incorporate that into the plan. We don't want to just apologize to Noburi and the rest of Team Uplift, we need to be visibly attempting to make sure something like this never happens again.

Something like:
  • After apologizing to the team for our opsec blunder, acknowledge we have a severe problem with making social mistakes and we desperately need to stop doing that.
  • Hazou has, over and over, put the team at risk due to his lack of skill. It's become apparent that he can't fix it on on his own; he needs help.
  • We would just ask Mari-sensei for even more remedial training after we got back but it's becoming increasingly clear that this is a pretty urgent problem and we'd like to decrease the risk of doing something else catastrophically stupid on this mission.
  • Ask Keiko and Noburi for instruction in not being verbally incompetent. They've both pulled the team's ass out of the fire multiple times with diplomacy and they very clearly know what they're doing. We understand that they might not be willing to tolerate our presence right now, and that this is something of an imposition, but we think it's important to make sure we never put the team at risk like this again.
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...I get the impression that it's hard to stay mad at Hazou when he's being earnest.


"I have three ideas for you, one of which will allow you to work out your aggression on me safely. One: Draining techniques (or chakra boost) as they are used. Two: Utilizing Medical Ninjutsu -- or ninjutsu otherwise -- through water. Three: I realized recently that it's possible that the Wakahisa might be able to allow civilians' chakra pools to grow by draining miniscule amounts. We can test this by having you drain me near-dry as would be done for chakra capacity training. I would suggest the same for testing draining techniques, but I'm not entirely sure of the theory on that and experimenting with ninjutsu that way without checking with someone who knows the theory first strikes me as very stupid in the same way that making adjustments to seals without proper preparations would be."
@faflec Letting Noburi know our ideas in private would be a start.
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Oh holy shit. I just realized something Noburi (and the Wakahisa in general) may not have realized. So you know how you have to use chakra to build up your reserves?

Do you think that the Wakahisa might be able to simulate that by draining someone? This should be easy enough to test personally when we get the time.
Oh yes, please test this.
Oh, okay. You can have it back.

Okay, that was cute.

We can do that, but Minami should decide if we go to sand or finish all River contacts first.
Yes, you'll be doing the River missions first and then Sand. And only Minami will go into Sand.

But punching people gets more exp. we should punch all the people
@eaglejarl will be happy if we punch people. We should make him happy also explosions.
Like? Funny? Insightful? Hugs? Don't make me choose!
Yes, you'll be doing the River missions first and then Sand. And only Minami will go into Sand.
Noted, and edited.

[X] Action Plan: Still The Mission

  • General thoughts:
    • When talking about mission-related plans we let Minami take the lead. We offer suggestions listed below.
      • Maybe talk with Keiko about our plan if we have a private moment.
  • Get to the other River contacts.
    • Use Skywalkers to move from place to place.
      • Make sure that when ascending or descending we aren't spotted.
      • We should be using chakra water to speed our movements, and refill as needed.
    • Whenever resting, do so using Skytower technology.
      • Keep a standard watch out for flying chakra monsters.
    • Make contact.
      • Everyone going to the contact together is too conspicuous (esp. with Kagome and Noburi's barrel).
        • Minami will need time to trust us again, let her decide who to make contact and who to watch from a distance.
      • Use Henge to turn into the appropriate cover, based on our knowledge of the contact.
        • Discuss this beforehand; between Hazou, Keiko, and Minami this should be easy.
      • Make sure we're prepared.
        • Everyone has the appropriate number of seals: Explosive tags, PMYF, Skywalkers, etc..
        • Everyone's topped off with Noburi's chakra beforehand.
      • Deliver the message, and ask if they have more messages to send or need "short-term muscle".
        • Don't commit to giving muscle to the contact; discuss with the team first.
        • General rules for selecting for the mission (not in any particular order):
          • We want to take missions that help protect the contact/ensure their safety.
          • We don't want to take missions that keep us in the area for a significant period of time (e.g., >1hr).
          • We prefer to avoid morally "wrong" situations (e.g., killing so the contact can gain power in the town).
          • We want to avoid risks to the mission (i.e., any involvement with rival ninja is a no-go).
  • Go to Sand.
    • OPSEC concerns:
      • Most of our number are still (technically) missing-nin, so only Minami should go. Jiraiya should have written out that part of the plan, or told us before we left.
      • Don't bring Skywalkers in case they get confiscated. I'm not 100% on how Sand treats ambassadors but it would be a bad idea to take the risk.
      • Make it seem like we came to Sand on foot. Park a Skytower near the Sand-Rivers border and let Minami go in on foot, then come back on foot. We meet them and prep for Tea.
  • Talk with the team when we have time:
    • Apologize to Noburi.
      • We fucked up with telling Minami about your abilities. Our desire to integrate Minami into the group quickly and our naivete with regards to secrets caused us to ignore OPSEC concerns since she is a) not in our ingroup and b) in a rival clan. To make matters worse, we didn't even realize the magnitude of our failure and needed you (and Keiko, and Akane) to save the day. We acknowledge understanding of our failure and beg forgiveness.
      • Offer to do whatever it takes to make up for our screwup. We recognize we're in the middle of a mission but if there's anything we can do during said mission OR after said mission we'll do it.
    • Heart-to-heart with Akane.
      • We screwed up. Again.
      • HALP

Requested critiques:
  • Am I being too harsh on Minami when apologizing to Noburi? Recall she will likely be listening to this conversation.
  • I'm not sure how to write the Akane scene. In the retcon'd scene Akane was pissed that we seemed to have not learned from our mistakes last time (emotional outburst causing a fuckup).
For Noburu, isn't his barrel based on seals? A few things we might be able to do for him
  • Convert his seals so they work on a water skin? Would help him conceal a bit of mana potion, or replace his barrel with something like a camelback.
  • We can store chakra ink in a seal. Can we store low-intensity mana potion in a seal? Presumably there's a cut-off point, figure out where that cut off point is, and if it's practical to store quarter-intensity mana-potion in a seal.
  • (Horrible idea) Humans are 70% water, right? Convert his seals so they work on his own blood/urine/the-water-in-his-cells. Probably using bracelets or some kind of clothing adopted from the water skin. Would get him closer to a "normal" chakra system.
As an aside, Kagome thinks that tattooing seals is a horrible idea, but what if we tattoo a seal on leather. Could create some very durable/waterproof seals. Could use for the chakra camelback? For added points, we can head to snow and get some seal leather to tattoo our seals on.
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Another thing that would be nice is very small seals, something Hazo may be able to make. Wrap a tiny seal in glass, and implant it like an RFID tag.
Edits made:
  • General thoughts added.
  • Added a section asking the team how we should address the "Minami knows mist-drain" situation.
  • Cannibalized @1234qwerty's apology to Noburi.
  • Removed the "Apologize to Akane" note.
[X] Action Plan: Still The Mission

  • General thoughts:
    • When talking about mission-related plans we let Minami take the lead. We offer suggestions listed below.
      • Maybe talk with Keiko about our plan if we have a private moment.
    • Make sure to continue sending messages to Jiraiya via Pangolin. Background reminder :p
  • Get to the other River contacts.
    • Use Skywalkers to move from place to place.
      • Make sure that when ascending or descending we aren't spotted.
      • We should be using chakra water to speed our movements, and refill as needed.
    • Whenever resting, do so using Skytower technology.
      • Keep a standard watch out for flying chakra monsters.
    • Make contact.
      • Everyone going to the contact together is too conspicuous (esp. with Kagome and Noburi's barrel).
        • Minami will need time to trust us again, let her decide who to make contact and who to watch from a distance.
      • Use Henge to turn into the appropriate cover, based on our knowledge of the contact.
        • Discuss this beforehand; between Hazou, Keiko, and Minami this should be easy.
      • Make sure we're prepared.
        • Everyone has the appropriate number of seals: Explosive tags, PMYF, Skywalkers, etc..
        • Everyone's topped off with Noburi's chakra beforehand.
      • Deliver the message, and ask if they have more messages to send or need "short-term muscle".
        • Don't commit to giving muscle to the contact; discuss with the team first.
        • General rules for selecting for the mission (not in any particular order):
          • We want to take missions that help protect the contact/ensure their safety.
          • We don't want to take missions that keep us in the area for a significant period of time (e.g., >1hr).
          • We prefer to avoid morally "wrong" situations (e.g., killing so the contact can gain power in the town).
          • We want to avoid risks to the mission (i.e., any involvement with rival ninja is a no-go).
  • Go to Sand.
    • OPSEC concerns:
      • Most of our number are still (technically) missing-nin, so only Minami should go. Jiraiya should have written out that part of the plan, or told us before we left.
      • Don't bring Skywalkers in case they get confiscated. I'm not 100% on how Sand treats ambassadors but it would be a bad idea to take the risk.
      • Make it seem like we came to Sand on foot. Park a Skytower near the Sand-Rivers border and let Minami go in on foot, then come back on foot. We meet them and prep for Tea.
  • Talk with the team when we have time:
    • Discuss how we're going to fix the whole "Minami knows about Mist-drain".
      • Obviously, only do this when Minami is on the Suna trip.
      • Take the backseat, since we don't have the know-how on this.
      • Also ask if we should send a (second) message to Jiraiya about the current situation.
    • Apologize to Noburi.
      • We fucked up with telling Minami about your abilities.
      • Our desire to integrate Minami into the group quickly and our naivete with regards to secrets caused us to ignore OPSEC concerns since she is a) not in our ingroup and b) in a rival clan.
      • To make matters worse, we didn't even realize the magnitude of our failure and needed you (and Keiko, and Akane) to save the day.
      • We know how hard you worked to master your technique. It's unfair to ask you to suck it up so quickly just because we're on a mission. If Noburi revealed skywalkers to jiraiaya before we were ready, we'd be devastated. We messed up.
      • Words are wind. Hold us to our mistake and only let us know we've been forgiven after we've made a visible effort to correct our mistake.
      • Offer to do whatever it takes to make up for our screwup. We recognize we're in the middle of a mission but if there's anything we can do during said mission OR after said mission we'll do it.
[X] A plan I guess

Also @faflec 1 hr to do a mission is crazy short. Just be honest and say you don't want to take a mission
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I do think this came across less diplomatically than you intended: "This update was terrible - only somebody in truly dire straits could have written it like this".
Ah. What I was intending to say was "this update looks terrible compared to your remarkably high standard, so I hope you're all right".
No harm done, I hope?
I don't see how. The first quote says nothing about the team being from Mist, only that they implicitly dealt with Mist in a mercenary capacity. In fact, if you believe the latter, you'd be less likely to believe the former, since Mist is notorious for not being the kind of village its own missing-nin would want to deal with.
That was not on my list of assumptions, so it was probably an idea you removed from an earlier draft of an earlier chapter. It does make sense, I suppose.
There's a certain element of truth to that. However, the plan literally said "get mad" as its sole instruction before launching into this rant. That felt as strange and abrupt to me as it does to you.
That sounds like one of the things Hazō should override/infer, either building up to it earlier or just skipping the angry part. But then again, I tend to think of MfD as a story more than any sort of roleplay.
Honestly, the sexual interpretation didn't even occur to me when I was writing this. In fact, I'm not entirely certain what it is. I am open to alternatives if you have any to suggest.
It's more like an accent thing, actually - the phrase's cruder uses don't mesh with my read of Minami, who I don't think would make crude jokes at someone else's expense, nor count Kagome as enough of a friend, at that point, for it to actually be friendly. Something less colloquial, like "you're my servant" would work better.
I enjoyed it, but then I also enjoyed his Superman fanfic, and I don't know what features of his writing you find objectionable.
The Superman fic was interesting but not exactly fun to read, and while his Lex Luthor is an interesting villain, he doesn't seem smart or sympathetic enough to actually deserve to win. Also his Superman makes sense, but I normally like Superman, and his version was depressing.
I would disrecommend his Frozen one, though. Partly because a second act twist as big as becoming an unprecedented hard-takeoff Seed AI should have way more buildup, but mostly because the 'romance' was really creepy, and not in the fun way.
I also find it mind-boggling that MfD has given you the things you list. I can't speak for @eaglejarl or our other worldbuilders, but I am far from being either a social or a medieval expert, and my only personal advantage with the latter is a medievalist partner with whom I can fact-check when she's around.
Basically, the explanations for the non-self-evident levels of communication, like the pipe, were what I needed to understand the absurdly implication-based communication format that seems prevalent in fantasy courts, and possibly (but far from necessarily) among experienced politicians IRL.
The medieval thing was mostly because, before MfD, I don't recall seeing anything that assumes medieval-ish peasants are actually competent. I only found A Practical Guide To Evil later, and even then, there's much less focus on the ordinary merchants and apothecaries and farmers and bodyguards, just living their lives, far away from superpowered battles and grand stakes.
Yeah, I kinda don't TBH. Thing is if there's an actual situation we should (and can) deal with we are pressured into doing so. Hm.

Maybe I'll just get rid of the 1hr thing, and let Minami decide based on time pressures.

Edit: Changed.

Also I'll be honest I just hate these type of plans. It takes no risk. It doesn't give the team any agency. It does nothing interesting. It's an incredibly low exp per day plan which doesn't take any ninja missions. So locks us into low exp for an extended period. When the team getting more powerful now is even more important​
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[X] Action Plan: Still The Mission

We can probably take up to 3 chuunin safely -- that is, without any injuries -- as long as we're together as a team (ie get MC benefit).

Make one contact. Take whatever job is offered. Work with Kei to develop a combat style.

I'd rather try to farm as much exp out of our trip as possible. Where as you want to take zero risk. We just value different things. You won't change anything but maybe in future plans you might be a tad more adventurous
Make one contact. Take whatever job is offered. Work with Kei to develop a combat style.

I'd rather try to farm as much exp out of our trip as possible. Where as you want to take zero risk. We just value different things. You won't change anything but maybe in future plans you might be a tad more adventurous
General rules for selecting for the mission (not in any particular order):
  • We want to take missions that help protect the contact/ensure their safety.
  • We don't want to take missions that keep us in the area for a significant period of time (let the team decide this).
  • We prefer to avoid morally "wrong" situations (e.g., killing so the contact can gain power in the town).
  • We want to avoid risks to the mission (i.e., any involvement with rival ninja is a no-go).
These are the rules I set up. Note how I don't say "don't ever take the mission".

Your "zero risk" statement is a pile of shit. And you know it.
, any involvement with rival ninja is a no-go).
Your "zero risk" statement is a pile of shit. And you know it.

Your words are any involvement with enemy ninja is a no go. So you only except going against civilians. Which is zero risk. So no it's not a pile of shit at all. It's factually correct
Your words are any involvement with enemy ninja is a no go. So you only except going against civilians. Which is zero risk. So no it's not a pile of shit at all. It's factually correct
Oh for fuck's...

You know what, fine.

You win.



Oh for fuck's...

You know what, fine.

You win.




Dude calm your tits. I want to do ninja stuff. You don't. It's whatever
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