Is too small to cover the cave complex. Using Banshees underground is a terrible idea anyway.
No, but the cave will reflect/channel a lot of noise out the entrance(s), and we can cover those. Also it's ~costless and we're likely to make a fair bit of noise, especially near the entrance, so why not be safe about it?

Probably still a good idea to illusion up the entrance though IMO
Yup, also this. We're hanging out at a known PoI and researched these for a reason, let's use them.
OTOH any patrolling or hunter ninja that through sheer concidence arrives at the area is going to notice the chakra web making up the illusion, which will alert them that Someone Is There. It might be worth considering burying the cave entrance instead of invisibilizing it.
Anyone who can do that can outright sense team uplift's chakra, probably from longer range. And I don't want to seal ourselves in unless we're sure we won't need to evacuate in a hurry.
OTOH any patrolling or hunter ninja that through sheer concidence arrives at the area is going to notice the chakra web making up the illusion, which will alert them that Someone Is There. It might be worth considering burying the cave entrance instead of invisibilizing it.
Why would a hunter-nin automatically notice a seal specifically designed not to be noticed? This is not a useful level of paranoia.

Regardless, cutting off our line of retreat is a terrible idea and we should not do it
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I don't plan on using Banshees at all. So I guess it's costless, but it's not going to matter. 🤷‍♂️
Explosives and ninja battles are loud, and in the possible-but-unlikely event that we end up fighting for our life with an EJounin chakra monster, it'd be nice to have the option.
So yeah, please include it. It only adds 1-2 words to add it to "put SCSA over the cave mouth".
[X] Action Plan: Another Cavern of Mild Peril?
Word Count: <300
Desired Duration: 1(?) day
  • Sanity check with team
  • Investigate the cave
    • Throw misterators in to clear out the cavern entrance w/ Noburi drain while the team guards him.
      • Set fires to smoke out the wildlife in the rest of the cave system.
        • Is being spotted from the smoke escaping a serious concern?
      • Drain the beasts to death as they come into range. Noburi should take care to leave any beast with large reserves unconscious and alive for additional draining later.
    • Once the creatures have stopped coming in waves, clear the smoke with UGLSP and equip Tunneler's Friends if necessary, go in as a team, and clear out any remaining wildlife.
      • Disguise the cave mouth with SCSA and SSSA
      • Discuss seal usage with the team, Banshee Fuckers and explosives might be dangerous to use underground.
      • Each Summoner can choose 1 Summon to bring, prioritize Summons with additional sense or tunnelling expertise.
        • Bring Cansaku, arrange a deal, teaching him how to use seals, and providing him with a reasonable number of Force Blades in order to be a combat Summon.
    • Secure the pool, close off any deeper tunnels with ES/MEW, and set up a trap perimeter outside the cave.
      • Pay attention to unexpected interactions of ES with the chakra in the rocks near the Pool
      • Observe and document the effects of the water on the chakra system with chakrascope/MS 8 with the aim of replicating it with a rune, lean on Noburi here. He's the medical expert.
    • Make sure he uses Vampiric Dew to examine someone's chakra system while their tenketsu are opened by the pool. Is this something he could replicate himself?
    • Look for any fungi and plants with medical properties, as Orochimaru said would be present.
Alright edits made.
Yeah, turns out I already met them. So, where do you get ninjutsu instruction? From Phil?
It's been decades since he gave anything out personally. No, if you want authentic Naruto-style OP ninjutsu, there's only one man to go to. Why do you think I learned Japanese?

As in "the Vampiric Dew's application during surgery" or "the surgery that biological Wakahisa ninja undergo as children?"
The latter.
Why do you think I learned Japanese?

Because learning Kanji can be really fun?

虫 = Insect
風 = Wind, it's an insect getting blown around, hahahhah. (Not sure if that's even correct, but that's what stuck with me.)

Buf if you wanted to be a wizard in Japan you should have learned german. Beginners mistake.

Source: Yhwach

Also, because of Ayanami Rei. The correct answer is Ikari Yui btw.
[X] Action Plan: Another Cavern of Mild Peril?
Interlude: Noburi and Tsunade, Sitting, Doing Research Together in a Completely Appropriate Manner
[bounces excitedly]
To be clear, I'm excited for the student-mentor interactions between them and not any sort of romantic relationship.
The greatest medic-nin in the world glanced at her protégé her research partner her colleague Noburi with a frown.
Hmmm. Interesting. Is this a hesitation in what relationship she wants to have with our dear Noburi? Seems like it.
The only meaningful thing she was able to do for him was to ensure that his death was not pointless, that he would contribute to someone else not dying in the future by helping with her and Noburi's research.
If it turns out we get something good from this project, we should give his family a small sum and a note saying that his death went on to save many other lives. When we return to Leaf anyway :(

It's stuff like that that I enjoy most about this quest. It's quite sad to see it go.
"You didn't move your fingers when you opened him up."

I'm reminded of Zorian doing stuff from pure shaping skills to the bogglement of mages around him. Goods stuff, this.
She lifted her hands from the body and held them out, palms up. Tiny bursts of medical chakra rose from her fingertips and transformed, becoming hooks and wedges and blades. They roamed around her hand, changing size and shape and angle as she willed.
oh my gosh this is so coooooooool!

Imagine what you could do with this in combat. Plus, ain't it kind of poetic that Tsuande (the strongest person in the world probably) could cause immense damage with the lightest of brushes?
"Scalpels to part the flesh, retractors to open it," she said as though it were nothing.
It's really cool seeing experts do their impressive shit. I wish we could see Mari in action more. In every sense of the word. What are your current commission rates, EJ?
"Fun party trick. And yes"
Ok now you're reallly reminding me of Zorian. Admittedly, fanfic post-end-of-story Zorian, but still! Look at that resemblence.

"Taiven, wait, time out," he called, tapping on her arm, "my suit! My hair! We can't—"

"Oh! Right," she said, dropping him back. "Sorry, I just… I forgot where we were for a moment."

"Yeah, uh, me too," he said, trying to fix his collar. "You don't have a mirror by any chance?"

She shook her head. He looked around and saw a valet holding a tray of champagne flutes, and a plan formed. "Excuse me," he said, stopping the servant, "can I just… I'll be done in a second."

He levitated all the flutes and the cloth that was beneath them off of the tray, which he grabbed. The silver material was too opaque to be truly reflective, so he used a simple spell to fill it with water, using unstructured telekinesis to make sure it stuck to the surface despite him holding it almost vertically. As long as he kept the water still, the improvised mirror worked surprisingly well. He smoothed his hair and his clothes, sticking them back into position, then he floated the water off to the nearest patch of flowers and returned the tray to its original state in the valet's hands.

It was only at that moment that he noticed that not only was the valet staring at him with his mouth agape, but so were Taiven and several of the nearby guests.

"What's happening?" he whispered to Taiven.

"I— Are you kidding me? What the hell was that?"

"What? Was that a faux pas? I don't recall any rule on not borrowing trays from servants…"

This sort of thing is very enjoyable to see. It was my favorite part of that chapter and it's very nice to see it in this story too! Go Tsunade!!
And yes"—she turned her right hand over and made a fist; the chakra migrated around to her knuckles, growing to form finger-length blades—"I have used it to turn an enemy's internals to mulch. Punch, spin the blades around inside them, move on to the next target. Now, if we could come back to the research?"
I was wondering about that. Also, seems like a mednin-locked technique that's as good or better than our force blades. I wonder if Noburi could recreate that and teach it to Hazo et al. for use in fights? Many of them are going to pick up at least 20 or 30 levels of the stat from notes for it's amazing utility and also its pyramid use (at least we were, before stagnancy) Force blades are good and all but sometimes it's nice to have something that requires zero materials and preparation. They'd still be hella useful for defenses and stuff on Cansaku (you bite him, your mouth gets penetrated through with a giant invisible blade)!
Now, if we could come back to the research?"
Ah pooey. This does not bode well for him getting anything combat-related from this.
"Yes, ma'am." He turned back to the corpse but couldn't help but ask, "Did you use that on the Dragons?"
[leans forward eagerly in anticipation]
"Nah," she said absently..."They were too big for the blades. I used medical chakra to create a tunnel down to its organs, then channeled the force of my attack down the tunnel. Punched it from the inside where it's squishier."
she said absently, casually spreading her hands to split Osamu's sternum down the center and open his chest like a flower.
EJ once again shows us that he is a master at descriptive imagery.

I wonder if he would be open to consulting with you on that art you are considering commissioning. @RandomX2...
Noburi nodded, eyes slightly wide as he suddenly understood the length of the path that led from his current ninja status to the heights of possible achievement
Are we going to have an idea of how to grow his medical skills to a level where they are useful in combat?!?! This is everything I ever wanted ahhhhhhhhhh
For that matter, was Tsunade even at the peak? Was there a peak, or could ninja simply get stronger indefinitely?
That depends on how the QMs treat stunts. There is a practical peak to how high a statline can go. However, even if Tsunade has MedNin 89, there still might be room for her to grow by studying and getting new facets to her ability. Creativity and new anatomical or chakra knowledge unlocking new stunts (that is, novel ways to use her stat) that she always had the technical skill to do, but not the knowledge of.

I'd be curious as to their thoughts on this matter.
If so, how strong must the Third have been? When the team first met him he had seemed like such a friendly old grandfather. His aura when they annoyed him had made clear that he was...more, yet still he must have been holding back so much.
I cannot put into words how much I'd love to see a revived Hiruzen. AugJev did him dirty, and I'll never forgive it for that. Fractional exponents are fine (I'm not the one who has to do the math on them bwhahahahah!) but the fact that every encounter was so luck-based and skill meant so little? That was always my least favorite part of every tabletop system. There shouldn't be a 5% chance that something bad happens when I walk down a hallway. It's a hallway! Let the character's growth and hard-earned abilities mean something!

Man I love FtD.
I really wish we knew more about how this worked :(

C'mon EJ, don't you want to stop having to revise those rules? Orochimaru seemed to indicate that it was fully explained within medicine. Mayhaps Noburi could figure out what it is once he gets good enough at medicine? [puppy dog eyes]
He dipped his hand in and found that, as expected, there were still very faint traces of chakra lingering in the corpse. So faint that he probably wouldn't have noticed them two years ago before he achieved mastery over his bloodline.
Upgraded senses? Ah, misread "two years" to be "two days" and thought that was a more recent thing.
He cursed himself for using the word 'mastery', even in his own thoughts, immediately after seeing how much farther there was to go as a ninja.

"Alternate sensing medium. Cut its side open, stick your finger in, see if you can sense its chakra through the blood."

" bloodline really only works with water, ma'am."

She sniffed. "That's what they taught you as a toddler and a wet-behind-the-ears genin. Doesn't mean it's true. Clans always keep their best secrets back until you're old enough to keep them secret. Now hurry up."
Interesting. Verrrrrrry interesting. I'm quite eager to see what the result of this is.
She sniffed. "That's what they taught you as a toddler and a wet-behind-the-ears genin. Doesn't mean it's true. Clans always keep their best secrets back until you're old enough to keep them secret. Now hurry up."
A very logical explanation for the cultural practice. I wonder if Shinji and Haru learned Strength of the Storm when we put it in the Clan Vault.
I'd think you'd need more of the spirits to be present before you can sense them."
Is it a problem that I mentally replace all the instances of "spirits" with "germs?" For all I know there could actually be spirits in this universe in addition to germs. If germs even exist!
"I'm not sure, ma'am. My thinking with this experiment is that we compare between patients at different stages of illness. I'm sure we'll get someone else in soon who is farther along. It's the season."
OOOOOOOH. Noburi is also suggesting experiments! That's awesome. I was a little worried he would have just been swept away in the Tsunade-Tsunami.

Also, what an intelligent thought process.
Noburi shrugged. "I can't promise that I can kill the spirits, ma'am, but I can promise that I won't hurt the patient. I've put many patients out without hurting them."
That he can! Go magic anesthesia-bloodline!
"Yeah, fine." The doctor started to turn away but she caught his arm as she remembered something. "You asked the patient for consent, right?"

Tsunade understands informed consent? Ahhhhhhhhhh

Sorry Orochimaru, you are no longer my favorite Sannin.
Her eyes narrowed. "You asked the patient for consent to be used in medical experiments, right?"

"Ma'am...he's a civilian."
Wrong thing to say lmao!
The hand that wasn't holding Doctor Kurusu's arm tightened into a fist, green chakra flickering around it. The hand that was holding his arm must have tightened as well because the doctor went to his knees, crying out in pain as the mountain surged into reality around them, its weight crushing down on everyone within thirty feet. Two nurses staggered and the civilian auxiliary sitting at the intake desk slipped out of her chair.

Tsuande closed her eyes and breathed, forcibly dragging her soul back into its cage the way the owner of a vicious dog pulls it away from its victim.
WOOOO aura scene. GO put that dummy doctor in his place!
Huh, what a creative deathworld monster you thought of. I was all like "vicious dog, what's that?" before I realized that this must be some MfD-exclusive creature that your brilliant mind freshly conceived of.
adjective: showing great attention to detail or correct behavior.

Add this to my Anki of words I've seen and want to use. EJ, you're responsible for a good chunk of this list by-the-way.
"Doctor Kurusu," she said in a voice that was far too calm. "This is the second time I have had to speak to you about your attitude towards civilian patients. Please take me literally when I say that if there is a third time, I will rip your head off, spit in your neck, and throw your body over the wall of your family's compound. You are free to retire from your position and never practice medicine or use medical chakra again, but if you wish to continue as a medic-nin in Leaf, you will treat all patients, ninja or civilian, with the same degree of respect. If you do not, we are going to have that third time. Am I completely understood?"

The doctor clenched his teeth, visibly restraining himself from saying anything stupid about how powerful and important the Kurusu clan was. Lady Tsunade was the Lady of the Senju clan, grandaughter of the village's founder, Slug Princess, Sannin, the medic who had trained essentially Leaf's entire medical corps, who had saved the lives of multiple Clan Heads and their children, and a former Hokage. She reigned supreme in the medical sphere. In anything related to medicine, this hospital, or its staff, she could do whatever she wanted and not even the current Hokage would so much as wag a finger at her.
HA! Don't you just love it when your hierarchy system works against you for the betterment of your 'lessers?' The Sannin truly are special people.
"Ma'am?" Noburi had to clear his throat before he could continue. Nervousness had rendered it dry as expired travel jerky.

"Yeah?" Tsunade didn't look up from where she was going through the records of their latest experiment.

"I wanted to wanted to ask if there is anything combat-oriented that you would be willing to teach me? Either based on my bloodline or in general."
oh my gosh he's asking

be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool ---- ahhhhhhhh I can't I NEED TO KNOW WHAT SHE SAYS ahhhhhhhh
She finally looked up. "I thought you wanted to learn how to heal?"

"Medics still get deployed in wartime, ma'am, and I have trouble believing that we'll never see another war, even with this new AMITY thing."

She chewed on that for a moment. "You insisted we set a stop date and I don't want to waste research time teaching you non-medical stuff, but we can look into some weaponization possibilities."


Wow, that was a lot more reasonable than I expected!

"Thank you, ma'am. Lord Orochimaru said that it was possible he could teach me to manifest chakra scalpels through my Water Whip jutsu?"
oh WOW! We might be getting this upgrade to has capstone ninjutsu! LETS GO EJ WOOOOOO
She laughed. "'Lord' Orochimaru? Jiraiya would have laughed his ass off if he heard you call Oro that."

Noburi smiled weakly. "With respect ma'am, Jiraiya's not here and Lord Orochimaru is scary. A little bit of politeness seems like a good idea."
Heh. We aren't getting between your squabbles. That would be even less healthy than doing the same for Ma and Pa.
"Eh." She shrugged one shoulder. "I suppose. Dunno about the scalpels in particular, but the idea of manifesting medical chakra through your jutsu is interesting." She rubbed her jaw thoughtfully. "That whip thing...two, three yards long, right?"
Hmmmmm. Might still be possible that we get that upgrade (the one that's probably still worse than just regular Lightning Lash :() Still! This bodes well for a lot of cool techniques for his waterwhip. Is Noburi going to be able to perform laproscopic surgery with it...?
"Variable ma'am. I've made it up to four yards in combat; I haven't tried to go longer but I might be able to."
That short? huh
"Suppose we had a bunch of operating tables lined up. You think you could lay the whip across multiple patients and use your bloodline on all of them at once? Keep them all sedated or whatever?"
Now that he can do! My boy is wicked smart.
"I can push chakra into a person by touch. You think you could use it to disrupt their own internal chakra? Could be a good way to keep them from using jutsu, or maybe even boosting. And maybe you could affect their muscles, make them go limp or cause spasms that have them fall down. Very hard for an opponent to fight when he's in the middle of a seizure."

Noburi's face split into a smile. "That sounds very interesting, ma'am."

"You'd have to be able to do it fast, just on a brief touch instead of needing to grab on. If you manage to restrain someone with your Whip then you don't need fancy medical tricks to kill them."
oh my gosh this is exactly what I talked about on discord those months ago!

She nodded and pushed the papers aside. "Let's go see what we can do."

XP AWARD: n/a This is a retrospective on events that have already happened, so XP has already been awarded for this time.
It's over? NOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

This update was so good. I don't want it to end!

Thank you so much for this wonderful chapter, @eaglejarl!
Last edited:
[bounces excitedly]
To be clear, I'm excited for the student-mentor interactions between them and not any sort of romantic relationship.

Hmmm. Interesting. Is this a hesitation in what relationship she wants to have with our dear Noburi? Seems like it.

If it turns out we get something good from this project, we should give his family a small sum and a note saying that his death went on to save many other lives. When we return to Leaf anyway :(

It's stuff like that that I enjoy most about this quest. It's quite sad to see it go.


I'm reminded of Zorian doing stuff from pure shaping skills to the bogglement of mages around him. Goods stuff, this.

oh my gosh this is so coooooooool!

Imagine what you could do with this in combat. Plus, ain't it kind of poetic that Tsuande (the strongest person in the world probably) could cause immense damage with the lightest of brushes?

It's really cool seeing experts do their impressive shit. I wish we could see Mari in action more. In every sense of the word. What are your current commission rates, EJ?

Ok now you're reallly reminding me of Zorian. Admittedly, fanfic post-end-of-story Zorian, but still! Look at that resemblence.

"Taiven, wait, time out," he called, tapping on her arm, "my suit! My hair! We can't—"

"Oh! Right," she said, dropping him back. "Sorry, I just… I forgot where we were for a moment."

"Yeah, uh, me too," he said, trying to fix his collar. "You don't have a mirror by any chance?"

She shook her head. He looked around and saw a valet holding a tray of champagne flutes, and a plan formed. "Excuse me," he said, stopping the servant, "can I just… I'll be done in a second."

He levitated all the flutes and the cloth that was beneath them off of the tray, which he grabbed. The silver material was too opaque to be truly reflective, so he used a simple spell to fill it with water, using unstructured telekinesis to make sure it stuck to the surface despite him holding it almost vertically. As long as he kept the water still, the improvised mirror worked surprisingly well. He smoothed his hair and his clothes, sticking them back into position, then he floated the water off to the nearest patch of flowers and returned the tray to its original state in the valet's hands.

It was only at that moment that he noticed that not only was the valet staring at him with his mouth agape, but so were Taiven and several of the nearby guests.

"What's happening?" he whispered to Taiven.

"I— Are you kidding me? What the hell was that?"

"What? Was that a faux pas? I don't recall any rule on not borrowing trays from servants…"

This sort of thing is very enjoyable to see. It was my favorite part of that chapter and it's very nice to see it in this story too! Go Tsunade!!

I was wondering about that. Also, seems like a mednin-locked technique that's as good or better than our force blades. I wonder if Noburi could recreate that and teach it to Hazo et al. for use in fights? Many of them are going to pick up at least 20 or 30 levels of the stat from notes for it's amazing utility and also its pyramid use (at least we were, before stagnancy) Force blades are good and all but sometimes it's nice to have something that requires zero materials and preparation. They'd still be hella useful for defenses and stuff on Cansaku (you bite him, your mouth gets penetrated through with a giant invisible blade)!

Ah pooey. This does not bode well for him getting anything combat-related from this.

[leans forward eagerly in anticipation]


EJ once again shows us that he is a master at descriptive imagery.

I wonder if he would be open to consulting with you on that art you are considering commissioning. @RandomX2...

Are we going to have an idea of how to grow his medical skills to a level where they are useful in combat?!?! This is everything I ever wanted ahhhhhhhhhh

That depends on how the QMs treat stunts. There is a practical peak to how high a statline can go. However, even if Tsunade has MedNin 89, there still might be room for her to grow by studying and getting new facets to her ability. Creativity and new anatomical or chakra knowledge unlocking new stunts (that is, novel ways to use her stat) that she always had the technical skill to do, but not the knowledge of.

I'd be curious as to their thoughts on this matter.

I cannot put into words how much I'd love to see a revived Hiruzen. AugJev did him dirty, and I'll never forgive it for that. Fractional exponents are fine (I'm not the one who has to do the math on them bwhahahahah!) but the fact that every encounter was so luck-based and skill meant so little? That was always my least favorite part of every tabletop system. There shouldn't be a 5% chance that something bad happens when I walk down a hallway. It's a hallway! Let the character's growth and hard-earned abilities mean something!

Man I love FtD.

I really wish we knew more about how this worked :(

C'mon EJ, don't you want to stop having to revise those rules? Orochimaru seemed to indicate that it was fully explained within medicine. Mayhaps Noburi could figure out what it is once he gets good enough at medicine? [puppy dog eyes]

Upgraded senses? Ah, misread "two years" to be "two days" and thought that was a more recent thing.



Interesting. Verrrrrrry interesting. I'm quite eager to see what the result of this is.

A very logical explanation for the cultural practice. I wonder if Shinji and Haru learned Strength of the Storm when we put it in the Clan Vault.

Is it a problem that I mentally replace all the instances of "spirits" with "germs?" For all I know there could actually be spirits in this universe in addition to germs. If germs even exist!

OOOOOOOH. Noburi is also suggesting experiments! That's awesome. I was a little worried he would have just been swept away in the Tsunade-Tsunami.

Also, what an intelligent thought process.

That he can! Go magic anesthesia-bloodline!

Tsunade understands informed consent? Ahhhhhhhhhh

Sorry Orochimaru, you are no longer my favorite Sannin.

Wrong thing to say lmao!

WOOOO aura scene. GO put that dummy doctor in his place!

Huh, what a creative deathworld monster you thought of. I was all like "vicious dog, what's that?" before I realized that this must be some MfD-exclusive creature that your brilliant mind freshly conceived of.

adjective: showing great attention to detail or correct behavior.

Add this to my Anki of words I've seen and want to use. EJ, you're responsible for a good chunk of this list by-the-way.

HA! Don't you just love it when your hierarchy system works against you for the betterment of your 'lessers?' The Sannin truly are special people.

oh my gosh he's asking

be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool ---- ahhhhhhhh I can't I NEED TO KNOW WHAT SHE SAYS ahhhhhhhh



Wow, that was a lot more reasonable than I expected!

oh WOW! We might be getting this upgrade to has capstone ninjutsu! LETS GO EJ WOOOOOO

Heh. We aren't getting between your squabbles. That would be even less healthy than doing the same for Ma and Pa.

Hmmmmm. Might still be possible that we get that upgrade (the one that's probably still worse than just regular Lightning Lash :() Still! This bodes well for a lot of cool techniques for his waterwhip. Is Noburi going to be able to perform laproscopic surgery with it...?

That short? huh

Now that he can do! My boy is wicked smart.

oh my gosh this is exactly what I talked about on discord those months ago!

It's over? NOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

This update was so good. I don't want it to end!

Thank you so much for this wonderful chapter, @eaglejarl!
Can you spoiler those gifs? They give me a headache just scrolling past.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Are "explosive seal" and "explosive seal with a timer" two different seals?

How long is the maximum duration on the timer?

If they are two different seals, does Hazou think he could research a rune that functions the same way?

Does Hazou have a theory about why his explosive rune doesn't seem to have a timer? Given that his explosive seals do have one?

EDIT: @Shrooms found this post
The ones that Hazō knows go from 0-10 seconds. Presumably the ones with the 10 minute timers were Kagome's. And yes, Hazō could spend a day learning the longer timers and it would be a trivial project. He's simply never felt the need and there's always been something more important to work on.
Last edited:
Am I the only person who doesn't want to blow up the oasis, because it seems rude and misanthropic and like the sort of "destroy other people's tools until we're all left with sticks in the dirt" mentality that we're trying to fight against with Uplift?

Plus, practically, maybe we should see what's in the cave and how much we can and can't learn before we commit to destroying it? Could be useful in the future.
Am I the only person who doesn't want to blow up the oasis, because it seems rude and misanthropic and like the sort of "destroy other people's tools until we're all left with sticks in the dirt" mentality that we're trying to fight against with Uplift?

Plus, practically, maybe we should see what's in the cave and how much we can and can't learn before we commit to destroying it? Could be useful in the future.
No one is proposing we blow up the cave yet. If we do it will be after extracting every drop of value we can from it first.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Are "explosive seal" and "explosive seal with a timer" two different seals?

How long is the maximum duration on the timer?

If they are two different seals, does Hazou think he could research a rune that functions the same way?

If they're not, does he have a theory about why his explosive rune doesn't seem to have a timer?
The ones that Hazō knows go from 0-10 seconds. Presumably the ones with the 10 minute timers were Kagome's. And yes, Hazō could spend a day learning the longer timers and it would be a trivial project. He's simply never felt the need and there's always been something more important to work on.
(for QM convenience there is this tidbit)
[X] Hazou Training: Research Specialist
[X] Kei Training: Rocket God
[X] Noburi Training Plan: Med Step