This is something that Hazou would have noticed from the cat(?) that he regularly spends time around; it's perfectly valid that he not think of that immediately, but I figured I'd let you know.
I don't think he would have. How much time does he spend 200 feet away from Fifi in contexts where he would expect her to react to him as a person and notice that she doesn't? In my experience, once you are more than a few metres away from a cat, you cease to exist to it unless it has business with you or you specifically bring yourself to its attention (e.g. with sudden sharp movements or loud noises).

In the context you ask about, yes. In general, no. "X and I" is and always has been correct anyplace you would use I if it was just yourself. "X and I fixed that." for instance.
I was asking about the specific case. Over the last few years, I've been constantly seeing "X and I" where I expected "X and me", and I was starting to wonder if it was one of those pernicious linguistic shifts like "decimate" becoming a synonym for "devastate".

(The other big one is "evidently" being used to mean 'apparently", e.g. "Evidently, mantises are able to sense echolocation.")
I don't think he would have. How much time does he spend 200 feet away from Fifi in contexts where he would expect her to react to him as a person and notice that she doesn't? In my experience, once you are more than a few metres away from a cat, you cease to exist to it unless it has business with you or you specifically bring yourself to its attention (e.g. with sudden sharp movements or loud noises).
Well, that's just making my point for me then :p

But fair. Point stands that he could ask how much better their eyesight is than dogs and work things out from there, though.
Plan B - Dig in here, fortify with skyslicers, Force Walls, SCSA, SSSA, Goo Bombs/Implosion Seals
  • Disguise our traps by using SCSA, then placing the traps in the Zone. A skyslicer on the Zone border would be almost impossible to spot.
  • Pair Goo Bomb/Implosion seal combos with CATEARS/MARS so that Hazou can set them off on one chain.
  • In the Zone with the team, Hazou can go up 30 meters on a skytower and spot with a telescope, since he'll be concealed by the SCSA
Can we include a definition for "SCSA" and "SSSA" somewhere in this post? it's the first time they've been used in thread, and it took me a minute to figure out.
Plus, we want to be friendly to future confused people searching the first use of the acronym.

Thoughts on Option B:

First off, please add some version of the sentence "If we can find a nearby area where the surrounding terrain offers little/no cover from explosives, set up there.". This is easy and very high-impact.

I'd also suggest setting an ascending series of skytowers the dogs can jump up, so that in the off chance the troop runs out of chakra before running out of Leopards, we can all retreat to the highest tower, use MARS to drop the lower platforms, then leapfrog back home on skytowers.
Hazou can just skywalk/unsummon, but the dogs deserve an exit strategy to.

Thoughts on Option A:
Plan A - Retreat to the Dog to rest/recover chakra, leaving behind traps -- skyclicers set on the boundary of a SCSA, any Leopard that runs through that will die instantly, with their body hidden.
  • Set up invisible observation posts on the border with Shadow Clones/telescopes/SCSA/skytowers and wait for the counterattack. Charge out to meet them, or set additional traps and wait for them to blunder into them.
It's unclear, but does this involve leaving behind examples of SCSA and FSB for the Leopards to recover? I don't know if they have a summoner, but I prefer to avoid distributing copies of our seals like that. not a huge deal, but I don't like it.

This seems like it has the mission shifting from "punitive counterraiding" to "battlefront tactics".

Also, who's supposed to spot the stealthmode Lepoards creeping across the border? Hazou? with his Alertness?

And how are we going to trap a wide enough area of the border to catch wherever the Lepoards decide to cross? I don't think we can practically trap several kilometers of border.
If were are going to start seriously fortifying the border, I'd like to talk to Kei and Cannai first, not rush it out during what was supposed to be a raiding mission calculated to send a very specific message.
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I'd also suggest setting an ascending series of skytowers the dogs can jump up, so that in the off chance the troop runs out of chakra before running out of Leopards, we can all retreat to the highest tower, use MARS to drop the lower platforms,
Lay out at least one skyslicer flush with the surface of a lower platform, time the drop so a leopard falls through it. Sound tactics in its own right, and a poetic illustration of the raid's core purpose: "hassling dogs gets you cut."
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Lay out at least one skyslicer flush with the surface of a lower platform, time the drop so a leopard falls through it.
I like your thinking!
Do note that MARS can't conventionally deactivate seals(I think), so we probably drop the tower by exploding the FSB seals directly. I don't know if that's compatible with your idea.

It might be easier to just put some explosives on the outer surface of the skytower? where's the kitty gonna dodge to?
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@Velorien @Paperclipped @eaglejarl

I have a question about what Hazopilot would do. If we asked him to take safety precautions he sees no reason for, would he listen even though he thinks it is overcautious?

Example, we have just finished researching a rune that he doesn't necessarily see a reason to be concerned about. We specifically put in the plan:
  • Never approach within 1 mile of the rune with any of Team Uplift in-person. Only SCs and summons are allowed to go near it after infusion under any circumstances.
What does Hazo do? If it's relevant to his decision, assume we're correct in telling him to do this and if he doesn't listen he will die, although he does not know this.

Some possible answers include:
  • Yes, Hazo has learned his lesson from EM Nuke and will listen to his weird 'gut feelings' about safety precautions.
  • No, Hazo thinks EM Nuke was a one-off and doesn't expect runes to randomly become extremely dangerous for no apparent reason.
  • Maybe; Hazo is more inclined to listen to his gut feeling, but might skimp on precautions if he doesn't quickly get confirmation for his suspicions.
  • Maybe; certain safety precautions could count as 'IRL knowledge' and could get mixed in with a bunch of time-wasting extraneous precautions, or they might be removed from the plan.
  • Maybe; Hazo would default to the current [Sealing SOP] for sealing/rune research and a new SOP would have to be voted in if there was a conflict.
I'm asking because it has occurred in the past that we've needed to tell Hazopilot to take what are, from his perspective, extremely overcautious safety precautions. EM Nuke, for instance. Because we know something about it that he doesn't.

If we research, ex. gamma-ray HOWS, it is crucial that he follows specific precautions we lay out for him, or he might die. Given that we're talking about Hazo's own actions and behavior, it seems reasonable to me to ask about what he would do upfront.
In the case of the EM nuke, Hazō was experimenting with ninjutsu edge cases, something about which he had no knowledge and was therefore willing to overcompensate on safety. With sealing, Hazō already has a standard array of precautions which Kagome has blessed as borderline tolerable. For example, infusing runes using a shadow clone while Prime stays a safe distance away until it has been established that there's been no sealing failure or other disaster is perfectly reasonable. However, he will ignore paranoid impulses that don't make sense to him within the bounds of sealing safety as he currently understands it, an example of which would be staying miles away from a rune which has been successfully infused.
@MMKII, you had a rules clarification request I can no longer find. Would you mind reposting it?

Anyone else, there have been a lot of big questions over the last few days and the QMs have been busy and/or low on spoons. If there's anything important, please feel free to poke us.
That's right, and it's how it works in the ancestral Dresden Files RPG. In our system, after you cross off the box you also cross off everything left of it. High lethality option.

The rules doc describes this in a pretty confusing way, in my opinion.

I think it's equivalent to "if you have N stress, then take P stress, you end up with N+P stress (unless this exceeds your stress track and/or you take consequences)", but I had to stare at it for a while to be confident in that, and at one point thought it was equivalent to "If you take N stress, your stress becomes N, unless it was already at least N, in which case it increments"

We will need a couple more 20s, 30s, and 40s in the near future anyway, I think. 10s are comparatively dirt cheap for us (something like 27 XP to get one of our many level 1 Earth jutsu to level 10) and we have a decent pile of 10s already, so that's not as big of a deal.

The big question in my mind is - are we going for Minatosealing?
(Also, can we do without Bones of Creation 30?)

With sealing, Hazō already has a standard array of precautions which Kagome has blessed as borderline tolerable

Hm, we could probably get him to decide to apply extra precautions around runes in general, since they are more dangerous than seals.
@MMKII, you had a rules clarification request I can no longer find. Would you mind reposting it?

Anyone else, there have been a lot of big questions over the last few days and the QMs have been busy and/or low on spoons. If there's anything important, please feel free to poke us.
I think this is it? @MMKII
Is this intended to apply to sidegrades too?

@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Would y'all be open to some minor tweaks and/or suggestions here?

Namely I would just change the following:


Given that I think the point is to make the Out-touched sealing stunt more balanced (Only +TYS) but also apply consistently to all sealing stuff (since all seals interface with the Out, presumably).
EDIT: Sorry the content is not there, but I'm on my phone and nested quoting is a bitch.
Anyone else, there have been a lot of big questions over the last few days and the QMs have been busy and/or low on spoons. If there's anything important, please feel free to poke us.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

My plan makes use of the Scenery Clone Seal Array to disguise our traps.

We did have time for Kagome to make a few - 6(?) for Hazou to take with him. Can we say that's something that took place during the prep time?

Also we had time for Hazou to get Banshee Fuckers from Noburi and Kei, IMO it makes sense for him to have rebalanced the distribution to Noburi - 1 (not likely to see combat soon) Kei - 2 (likely to see combat soonish) Hazou - 3 (about to go into combat)
This is immediately relevant to the current plan.
Can we include a definition for "SCSA" and "SSSA" somewhere in this post? it's the first time they've been used in thread, and it took me a minute to figure out.
First off, please add some version of the sentence "If we can find a nearby area where the surrounding terrain offers little/no cover from explosives, set up there.". This is easy and very high-impact.
Do you want to set up there with the Dogs or just set some traps up there? I have no interest locking the entire team up where there's no cover, seems suicidal.
I'd also suggest setting an ascending series of skytowers the dogs can jump up, so that in the off chance the troop runs out of chakra before running out of Leopards, we can all retreat to the highest tower, use MARS to drop the lower platforms, then leapfrog back home on skytowers.
Hazou can just skywalk/unsummon, but the dogs deserve an exit strategy to.
What's stopping the Leopards from following us up those platforms?
It's unclear, but does this involve leaving behind examples of SCSA and FSB for the Leopards to recover? I don't know if they have a summoner, but I prefer to avoid distributing copies of our seals like that. not a huge deal, but I don't like it.
Yes it does. I think it's reasonable. It's not like 5SB and SCSA are original seals to Hazou.
This seems like it has the mission shifting from "punitive counterraiding" to "battlefront tactics".

Also, who's supposed to spot the stealthmode Lepoards creeping across the border? Hazou? with his Alertness?
They don't stealthmode while traveling, just during combat.
"They put a heavy emphasis on stealth," Canzappu squeaked. "In combat, at least. They're usually too arrogant to bother when they're just going from A to B. As soon as the fighting starts, they'll disappear and come at you from your blind spot. It's a total pain in the ass." He puffed up his chest. "Fortunately, you've got me along."
And how are we going to trap a wide enough area of the border to catch wherever the Lepoards decide to cross? I don't think we can practically trap several kilometers of border.
If were are going to start seriously fortifying the border, I'd like to talk to Kei and Cannai first, not rush it out during what was supposed to be a raiding mission calculated to send a very specific message.
This isn't the intention, we are just putting some pickets up to detect if there's a battle group headed our way. Once they're detected we can jump them by guessing where they're headed and getting in front of them.
@MMKII, you had a rules clarification request I can no longer find. Would you mind reposting it?

Anyone else, there have been a lot of big questions over the last few days and the QMs have been busy and/or low on spoons. If there's anything important, please feel free to poke us.
It was this one about Disciple of the Beyond (nested quotes not working but its in the post):

@eaglejarl @Paperclipped @Velorien

I think Paper said on Discord that the intent was roughly "This would apply to anything that counts as a seal", and I know that it says explicitly that the user can use the stunt to understand "all seals", but do you think we can get an edit on this portion of it so that it's clearer to all of us (including future!me, who is bad at remembering caveats like that)?

Proposed edit:

(Sorry about the second poke on this, I hope it's not annoying. Let me know if it is!)

Will post to QM chat. Thanks for the reminder.
In the case of the EM nuke, Hazō was experimenting with ninjutsu edge cases, something about which he had no knowledge and was therefore willing to overcompensate on safety. With sealing, Hazō already has a standard array of precautions which Kagome has blessed as borderline tolerable. For example, infusing runes using a shadow clone while Prime stays a safe distance away until it has been established that there's been no sealing failure or other disaster is perfectly reasonable. However, he will ignore paranoid impulses that don't make sense to him within the bounds of sealing safety as he currently understands it, an example of which would be staying miles away from a rune which has been successfully infused.
What about sending two shadow clones at once to check on a newly-infused far-beyond-blue HOWS rune, with one wearing armor made out of gold, and then when the unarmored clone pops (if spicy food can do that, surely it wouldn't take much of a full-body radiation dose), adding such armor as an additional standard precaution around such effects?
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However, he will ignore paranoid impulses that don't make sense to him within the bounds of sealing safety as he currently understands it, an example of which would be staying miles away from a rune which has been successfully infused.
I understand and accept the ruling, but I'm confused by one thing. Do I recall correctly that one runic hiccup froze all life on an island in time and another rapidly aged Hazo by a period of weeks? Even with the bit about 'successfully infused', it surprises me that Hazo would consider it nonsensical to stay several miles away from a novel rune, infusion or no. Is Hazopilot just that confident that any given novel rune contains no potential logic errors or similar unforeseen consequences?
Hm, we could probably get him to decide to apply extra precautions around runes in general, since they are more dangerous than seals.
PONWOG it's not an intuitive idea. On the one hand, the danger with seals is sealing failures. Sealing failures have an unlimited magnitude of potential effect. If you're applying precautions at all, you should always apply the maximum precautions you think are practical for surviving sealing failures, not varying them according to a vague estimate of how bad the sealing failure might be. On the other hand, suppose you're applying whatever your usual (=maximum) precautions are in order to survive a paper sealing failure. Successful runes are orders of magnitude more powerful than successful paper seals. What are you going to do to prepare for an orders-of-magnitude greater sealing failure? Infuse from another continent?
PONWOG it's not an intuitive idea. On the one hand, the danger with seals is sealing failures. Sealing failures have an unlimited magnitude of potential effect. If you're applying precautions at all, you should always apply the maximum precautions you think are practical for surviving sealing failures, not varying them according to a vague estimate of how bad the sealing failure might be. On the other hand, suppose you're applying whatever your usual (=maximum) precautions are in order to survive a paper sealing failure. Successful runes are orders of magnitude more powerful than successful paper seals. What are you going to do to prepare for an orders-of-magnitude greater sealing failure? Infuse from another continent?
With runes, it's not just sealing failures you have to be careful of. It won't be a problem to test a successful explosive seal, but an explosive rune? With Runecraft there should be more focus on mitigating the effects of projects even aside from sealing failures.
We could use deceit (because they are wounded), lie and say we let them live and that were only after they major raid leaders or something.
It wouldn't have to be a lie. We could actually let them go in return for their information, there's no OPSEC leak concerns. Although if they are guilty it hurts to let murderers go free. So there is a tradeoff between that and (edit: the moral wrongness of) lying.

edit2: i guess if they viewed us as an invading army coming to kill them. it would hurt less to let them free. even if the moral details ends up being that we are still justified in killing them. for their crime of attacking us without talking first.
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[x] Action Plan: Justice, Commerce, and Politics
  • to prisoners
    • we are returning to dog where we will judge your crimes and your usefulness. if you are sufficiently innocent you will be spared. being sufficiently helpful will reduce the amount of innocence you need to be spared. no matter what we will not torture you. swear this (7path summons treat promises as a big deal).
    • if you try to escape, attack, or do anything funny we will execute you then and there.
    • if as we return more leopards come upon us. we will tell you to leave. do so in the opposite direction of the new leopards, at a slow jog pace and in a nonthreatening manner. do anything else and we will execute you.
  • return to dog, keep on guard for any new leopards.
  • if you make it to dog and find a safe location to stay for awhile. warn other dogs we just conducted a raid across the border and to not harm our prisoners. conduct a trial.
    • if you have no justification to kill them, let them go
    • if you have justification to kill them beyond a reasonable doubt but they only attacked you since they thought you were going to kill them or similar sympathetic reasons interrogate them for useful information. ask what other ways they can be helpful.
      • if they are sufficiently helpful let them go. if they wish to return to leopard make sure they cross the border. if they wish to stay keep watch on them.
    • if you let them go
      • give them some food/goods from your seals. either for their inconvenience if innocent or for payment if helpful.
      • tell them to spread the word that you are only targeting those harming dog. and will reward those who help dog.
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Example, we have just finished researching a rune that he doesn't necessarily see a reason to be concerned about. We specifically put in the plan:

PONWOG it's not an intuitive idea.

If we're unable to convince Hazo to take precautions about a Rune because it's "unintuitive" based on sealing or such we can just make a rune that has those properties but is very obvious to Hazo and that won't kill him. And then after the new rune, discovering this, he takes new precautions based on the new insights he's gained.

which would be staying miles away from a rune which has been successfully infused
For example, we could have a rune that sprouts a bunch of lava, lightning or (something obvious and dangerous) once it's been successfully infused. So Hazo knows "ok" you have to check if a successfully infused rune is dangerous or not.

And if that doesn't work we can engineer some luck for Hazo by doing a sandwich research schedule.

1. Very obvious dangerous rune that Hazo would want to take super PARANOID precautions about.
2. Not obviously dangerous rune (that's actually a WMD or such based on knowledge the player base knows)
3. Very obviously dangerous rune that Hazo would want to take super PARANOID precautions about.

And be like "Hazo stays super far away from the research doing rune 1 and 3. And just decides because he's lazy to batch rune 2 using the same research caution as the others as he doesn't want to travel back and forth a billion times."

Oh look. On discovery, Rune 2 is super duper dangerous on infusion. We're super lucky Hazo decided to accidentally take all those safety precautions. How fortunate.

And it makes sense in character and is simulation-ist. Some people are just lucky and survive things they shouldn't have through shear dumb luck. A guy survived the 9/11 pentagon terrorist attack because he decided to go to the bathroom during the briefing. Another managed to survive two nuclear explosions in Japan. Etc.
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If we're unable to convince Hazo to take precautions about a Rune because it's "unintuitive" based on sealing or such we can just make a rune that has those properties but is very obvious to Hazo and that won't kill him. And then after the new rune, realizing this, he takes new precautions based on the new insight he's gained.

For example, we could have a rune that sprouts a bunch of lava, lightning or (something obvious and dangerous) once it's been successfully infused. So Hazo knows "ok" you have to check if a successfully infused rune is dangerous or not.

And if that doesn't work we can engineer some luck for Hazo by doing a sandwich research schedule.

1. Very obvious dangerous rune that Hazo would want to take super PARANOID precautions about.
2. Not obviously dangerous rune (that's actually a WMD or such based on knowledge the player base doesn't know)
3. Very obviously dangerous rune that Hazo would want to take super PARANOID precautions about.

And be like "Hazo stays super far away from the research doing rune 1 and 3. And just decides because he's lazy to batch rune 2 using the same research caution as the others as he doesn't want to travel back and forth a billion times."

Oh look. On discovery, Rune 2 is super duper dangerous on infusion. We're super lucky Hazo decided to accidentally take all those safety precautions. How fortunate.

And it makes sense in character and is simulation-ist. Some people are just lucky and survive things they shouldn't have through shear dumb luck. A guy survived the 9/11 pentagon terrorist attack because he decided to go to the bathroom during the briefing. Another managed to survive two nuclear explosions in Japan. Etc.
That does sound like a way to possibly justify metagaming, yes. Not saying it would work in all cases, but I salute the creativity.
If we're unable to convince Hazo to take precautions about a Rune because it's "unintuitive" based on sealing or such we can just make a rune that has those properties but is very obvious to Hazo and that won't kill him. And then after the new rune, realizing this, he takes new precautions based on the new insight he's gained.
That does sound like a way to possibly justify metagaming, yes. Not saying it would work in all cases, but I salute the creativity.
Okay, now I just need to find a way to take this logic, and make it apply to Hazou dating Snowflake... 🤔
Okay, now I just need to find a way to take this logic, and make it apply to Hazou dating Snowflake... 🤔
If we're unable to convince Hazo to take precautions about marrying Ino because it's "unintuitive" based on feelings or such we can just make a sham marriage with Ami that has those properties but is very obvious to Hazo and will definitely kill him. And then after the new marriage, realizing this, he takes new precautions based on the new insights he's gained to his date with Snowflake.
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