I respectfully disagree.

The radio seal stack is:
  1. Seals capable of emitting at radio wavelengths.
  2. Seals capable of detecting such signals
Sure but we have to keep doing the research to figure out radio waves are a thing. Where as with ARS we already have everything. Plus with chakra as a media we can do everything that we can do with radio. So we can start moving faster on getting communication seal up than if we went radio.
I respectfully disagree.

The radio seal stack is:
  1. Seals capable of emitting at radio wavelengths.
  2. Seals capable of detecting such signals.
We can break #1 down into two subproblems: pushing wavelength further and further and amping up the power. I expect that these are going to be relatively straightforward seal research problems: 'make this seal more powerful' and 'tune this one parameter' both sound like things sealmasters would have to do normally. I'm categorically not saying this is easy, but it doesn't sound like it will require extraordinary quantities of innovation.

#2 might be harder, but I see incremental steps we can take - first, we create a light detection trigger (which might already exist! it sounds useful enough) and then we tune its sensitivity and restrict it to a frequency range. Engineering new triggers based on physical phenomena (I'm counting light here) is not a new field. Maybe this will be just as hard as ARS but I think we should check to see if it's easier.

If we can get this to a point where we can send data across Leaf, then I think that we should take it to Asuma and offer to sell it to him. I don't think that we need to demonstrate continental capability and Leaf's sealmaster corps have already demonstrated themselves capable of optimization - they can improve the range.

Radio also gets us poor man's MARS: you activate one radio seal which blasts a certain frequency and you can then trigger multiple seals. This doesn't get us any closer to STARS, which sucks, but if what you want to do is set off seven seals in one round, it'll do that.

I also see a lot of other applications like remote-controlled explosives.
Point 1 is a bit more complicated than that. Unless you also figure out how to send specific information through the radio waves, you're going to be limited to a regional on/off style communication. Morse code could be possible, but that's going to be broadcast to all the radio receivers in the area.
Note that this seal does not bridge the conceptual gap to "light is another form of heat and vice versa" or "heat is an invisible color" or "there can be invisible colors", but it is more than enough to give Hazō the idea "Hey, looks like I lucked out here and this seal failed in a useful way. I'm not going to faff with it anymore because seal failures are bad, but intentionally creating a seal that makes heat sounds useful."

Right now, Hazo's impression of his infrared HOWS is that it failed - not due to any (unintentional) error on his part in infusing or scribing but because it turns out it's a bad idea to make your chakra too thick when infusing HOWS. Seal failure is generally nondeterministic. Quote Kagome:
"Failures don't necessarily have anything to do with the nature of the seal that caused them, but sometimes there's at least a hint of connection."
And therefore if we coax him into trying this a few times and if it produces the same 'failure' over and over, he might cotton on (burning a fate point?) that this isn't failure but some sort of strange but non-failure behaviour. Correct?
Sure but we have to keep doing the research to figure out radio waves are a thing. Where as with ARS we already have everything. Plus with chakra as a media we can do everything that we can do with radio. So we can start moving faster on getting communication seal up than if we went radio.
I'm not sure that this is going to be harder or easier than ARS. I think it's worth investigating to make that determination. And even if we can just get light-detectors, that does deliver immediate value.
Point 1 is a bit more complicated than that. Unless you also figure out how to send specific information through the radio waves, you're going to be limited to a regional on/off style communication. Morse code could be possible, but that's going to be broadcast to all the radio receivers in the area.
I think Morse code is fine - at least for now. We can get into amplitude modulation later. We're the only ones with detectors and will remain the only ones with detectors for a decent while.
Chapter 499: Into the Unknown

Hazō Danger IntoTheUnknown studied the granite box before him. It might hold the apocalypse. It might hold a minor curiosity. It might even hold nothing, although that seemed unlikely.

"You know, if I was a Naruto clone," he mused aloud, "I would probably say something like 'hey, Boss, you know this completely sucks, right?'"

"Good thing you're not," Hazō Prime responded with a smile. "You understand that I'm not making you do this, right? I know you're compelled to follow orders, but I'm not ordering you. If you think it's a bad idea, don't do it."

"Nah. We thought it was a good idea when we made me and I haven't changed our mind just because we made me and not you. Also, we need better pronouns." He tossed one hand in an amused 'what can you do' gesture.

Prime held out one fist and knocked knuckles with his duplicate. "Good luck. Thanks for this."

"Heyyyyy," IntoTheUnkown gave him a cheesy grin and two thumbs up. "If it was easy then they wouldn't need us, right? Besides, 'IntoTheUnknown' is literally my last name."

"And 'Danger' is your middle name, I know," Prime said with a grin. "I was there when you chose it, remember? Also, your family name is still Gōketsu, so 'IntoTheUnknown' is your second middle name." He shook his head. "Honestly, you're such a ham."

IntoTheUnknown laughed. "Just because you're always aware of the social consequences of being a goof and therefore do not allow yourself to indulge, that doesn't mean I can't. Advantages of a doomed existence with the fragility of a soap bubble: whatever goes wrong ain't my problem so I can relax and have fun."

"Right." Prime shook his head in amusement. "Good luck."

"Thanks, bro. Keep the family safe, eh? Uplift forever." He extended his fist once more, and once more Hazō Prime bumped it. "Okay, wall it up."

Prime stepped back, cut four quick handseals, and raised his arms. Granite shot forth from the ground at an angle, merging together at the top to enclose Gōketsu Hazō Danger IntoTheUnknown, his tools, and the granite box that surrounded the maybe-apocalypse.

Locked away from the outside world, IntoTheUnknown took a moment to check around and make sure that there was no light coming into the box through any tiny chinks or cracks. Nope; Prime had done his job properly. Likewise, there was a nice thick layer of granite below him, so whatever came out of the box couldn't simply slip into the dirt.


He took a Jiraiya's Awesome Daybright Lantern seal out of one pouch, suppressed the resulting twinge of loss, lit the seal up, and affixed it to the north wall with a dab of pitch. Three more went on the other walls so as to make the light as even as possible and the shadows as few. A trio of Tunneler's Friend seals took care of making sure he wouldn't suffocate. (The Hazōllective wasn't sure if it was possible for a Shadow Clone to suffocate and none of them were anxious to do the experiment.)

By the time he was done with that there came a faint tunk, tunk on the wall, signifying that Prime had finished setting up the Five Seal Barrier on the outer walls. Whatever happened in here should be contained. He tapped back to let Prime know that the message was received, then picked up his sledgehammer with a sigh.

Sadly, the universe had finally proven Kagome-sensei wrong about something: explosives could not in fact solve all problems. It would have been nice to simply blast the inner box open, but a regular explosive in this enclosed space would kill the user. Kagome-sensei's directional explosives were also out, since they might cause spalling and lethal ricochets or damage the contents of the box. That was most definitely to be avoided; this situation was already uncertain enough. Instead, he took the seals off the inner box and smashed it with the sledgehammer.

It felt good to swing the hammer. Granted, Hazō Danger IntoTheUnknown wasn't the Hazō who had been spending all his time on frustrating paperwork, and frustrating summoning teaching, and worrying about the war effort, and and and..., but he remembered being the one doing all those things. Having a nice, simple problem that could be solved by smashing it with a big hammer like a caveman? Oorah.

Granted, it was going to take a lot of cavemanning (was that a word? whatever, it was now) to get into this box. When the HOWS seal had started failing, Hazō Prime had MEWed it up in a foot-thick layer of granite, slapped a Five Seal Barrier on it, and left it well enough alone. The box had been sitting here three days and nothing had gone wrong yet; Kagome-sensei, Hazō Prime, and Hazō ThirdOpinionAndTiedVoteBreaker had decided (surprisingly, unanimously) that at this point it made more sense to inspect the contents of the box and see what needed to be done, if anything.

IntoTheUnknown had only a sliver of chakra, as Noburi had drained him nearly dry before they started. The Hazōllective had decided that it would be better for him not to have too much, as it was wildly unlikely that it would let him do anything useful and being almost out would prevent any unlikely scenarios such as the failure taking over his barely-corporeal body and using his skills to escape containment. As a result of this lack, IntoTheUnknown could not chakra boost and was forced to smash through the foot-thick granite with nothing but raw muscle power. Honestly, it felt better to do it this way, and he found himself grateful that it was necessary. He undoubtedly would have boosted if he could have, simply through force of habit, and in the process he would have robbed himself of the pleasing experience of doing a job using muscles that he had earned through years of training as opposed to simply magic that he happened to have as a fortunate stroke of his birth.

He smiled to himself, knowing that Prime would remember that thought when they reunited. Perhaps he would take time out in the future to do a job the hard way simply to feel what it was like.

It took a few swings of the hammer to break a big enough crack in the granite box that surrounded the maybe-failing, maybe-failed, maybe-perfectly-safe-but-how-likely-is-that seal. Once he had that, IntoTheUnknown wedged a spike into the gap and slammed it in until it broke through. Fifteen more minutes of work and he had a large enough hole that he could point an Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier in to suck up any poison gases that might be emerging. He gave that a minute or so, then used a Jiraiya's Awesome Daybright Lantern seal, a mirror, and a lot of careful fumbling to look inside. After all, no reason to stick your face where a horrific Out-escapee could leap out and grab you.

Inside the box was nothing surprising. The non-glowing HOWS seal and a bunch of empty space.

Hazō Danger IntoTheUnknown frowned at that. He set his tools aside, left the Purifier pointed into the hole just in case, and sat down to think and drink some hot chocolate. (Sure, he had memories of drinking hot chocolate from back when he was Hazō Prime, but that didn't mean he couldn't experience it directly.)

After a few minutes of fruitlessly spinning his mental wheels he stood up and very carefully extended his pinky into the box. When it failed to melt, explode, or get infested with invisible monsters, he cautiously stuck his hand in. When that too failed to liquify, attract the attention of Outer monstrosities and/or Jashin, teleport him into a caldera, or cause one or more laws of physics to reverse themselves in painful fashion, he hesitantly touched the seal.

It was warm. Not hot, just warm. Comfortably so, in fact. It would have felt quite nice tucked into gloves or boots but it wasn't enough to be felt from more than a few inches away.

He couldn't stop himself from cringing at the unavoidable images of what might happen, but he forced himself to leave his hand in contact with the seal for a slow count of 100. Only then did he pull the seal out of its granite container, taking great pains not to fold it or scrape it against the edges of the hole. The seal continued being unthreateningly warm. It didn't get hotter, it didn't get colder, and it didn't try to eat his face or cuddle him. Just a nice, steady output of comfortable heat.

A chill rippled down his back. The seal had failed—obviously, since it was supposed to be emitting light and not heat—but it had failed in a useful way. That...was wild. Sure, there was no reason that seal failures had to be harmful, but there were a lot more ways to be harmful than helpful. Apparently, Hazō had rolled triple sixes fifty times in succession without using the Iron Nerve. Between this and the results of his earlier importuning of Jashin...well, the existence of a sorta-beneficent deity was starting to look more plausible.

"If anyone relevant is listening, and you took any action to help with this, thank you very much," he whispered.

He thought for another minute, trying to see what value he could still extract from this situation. Nothing came to mind, except perhaps for the obvious inspiration: Intentionally reproducing a seal failure was (as per Kagome-sensei) "set-your-face-on-fire stupid", but intentionally researching a seal that produced heat...well, that was a different story. Forget putting it in your gloves and boots during the winter, what if the citizens of Leaf could use it to heat their houses? Or Leaf ninja could use it as a campfire in the woods so that they didn't have to risk a fire that could be seen by the enemy?

Well, actually, heating Leaf's civilian houses with such a seal would put the firewood vendors out of business and bring the wrath of the Merchant Council down upon the Gōketsu. Also, there was probably some reason why using it in the field was a bad idea. He couldn't think of one but most off-the-cuff ideas turned out to have issues that needed fixing before deployment. Regardless, it would be useful once Kei had helped spot and resolve issues.

With a satisfied smile, he set the miraculously failed-safe seal on the granite floor and dispelled himself. Prime was going to be amazed.

Author's Notes: The plan for this update was predicated on being able to have multiple Shadow Clones each researching a separate project. Unfortunately, when I started writing this I noticed that the QMs had made a mistake in the Summoning Scroll Acolyte stunt. It provides an enormous boost in Hazō's ability to do sealing research, but at the expense of giving him a Mild mental Consequence that takes a couple days to heal. Unfortunately, when the QMs wrote the stunt we brainoed and wrote 'Physical' instead of 'Mental'. Shadow Clones pass mental but not physical Consequences back to their Prime, meaning that this correction puts the kibosh on being able to ignore the downside of SSA while multithreading your research. Because of the error we called a mulligan on the plan; the specified amount of time passed but the players are voting on what research, if any, they want to have happened during this period. Once they decide, we might simply announce the results of that research OOC or I might write another scene or two describing the outcome. We'll see.

Anyway, if you happened to click through the link in the title to see the plan and you're wondering why the update didn't address any of it, that's why.

This update covered 6 days. If research happened then that time represents 5 days for research prep, and 1 day for actually producing the seal aka making the research roll. If no research happened then this was simply a timeskip.


Brevity XP: 6

"GM had fun" XP: 10

It is now 9pm and the family is gathered for dinner.

Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on Saturday, February 26, 2022, at 12pm London time.
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[X] Seal Research: ARS
[X](Clones) The clones took care of Hazou's duties while he researched ARS
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Mari has also gone in record to say that she is very, very reluctant to ever cast that jutsu again. As in, she used the absolute "can't." She can't stand to ever use it again, because Mari is deathly afraid that the jutsu will strip her of her love for her found family.

She's been using the technique ever since we "ordered" her. Unless you have a better explanation why her eyes color keep changing.

That, or something more esoteric like taking only some, taking what she cherishes, taking what she worked for, taking what she wants/wanted, etc. I could see her making it a "mild" sacrificial technique not only because giving something up tends to get the job done in soft magic universes, but also as a form of self-harm.
Of course there's the eye thing...

Use Shadow Clone Mari, then she has overlapping emotions and finally understand her own technqiue.

Or go Insane. Either way we can continue building bombs.
[] Seal Research: ARS

If its that simple, just make the "invisible light" first as a prototype and then hire one of the other sealmasters to test and or make something to react to it, while Hazou continues with the ARS seal.

The simple reason is that HOWS's are "public" and easy to learn while our chakra radar isn't.

We can try to hand the LR seal of to Jinno? He already has his heat sensing explosion, so he can just work on it for a while.
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Right now, Hazo's impression of his infrared HOWS is that it failed - not due to any (unintentional) error on his part in infusing or scribing but because it turns out it's a bad idea to make your chakra too thick when infusing HOWS. Seal failure is generally nondeterministic. Quote Kagome:
And therefore if we coax him into trying this a few times and if it produces the same 'failure' over and over, he might cotton on (burning a fate point?) that this isn't failure but some sort of strange but non-failure behaviour. Correct?
Hazō assumes that it was a standard-issue seal failure. Having him research a 'makes heat' seal is perfectly sensible but he's not going to want to do the exact thing that made this failure.

Apologies if my understanding of the rules are incorrect. The way I was picturing it was the research for AT, ARS, and LR would be prepared by SCs for five days, and then Hazō would infuse one of the prototype seals. He would rest for two days, then infuse the second seal. He would rest a further two days, and infuse the third seal. Another two days of rest sees him clear of consequences, barring any sealing failures, and with three prototypes completed. This would take 5+2+2+2 = 11 days, compared to (5+2)*3 = 21 days.

For simplicity we've said that the prep days need to be contiguous with the infusion day, since we don't want to deal with at what rate things are forgotten, how long before the astrological influences change, etc.

More importantly, however, is this line from the SSA stunt: "The Consequence takes an extra 24 hours to heal and requires rest from any Sealing-related activity." If Hazō's clones are doing prep work then his consequences will not heal.
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[ ] Seal Research: Light Relay

How dare you make me choose, QMs 😢

Going with the light relay just because that's what the screentime has been so it makes more sense narratively but I mean whichever wins I'm just gonna vote to do the other one next...
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We can try to hand the LR seal of to Jinno? He already has his heat sensing explosion, so he can just work on it for a while.
That requires that we make the realization that heat and light are linked: I'm not sure we're there yet. It could be a good stepping-stone to that, but I'd rather have some basic light-sensing research in the bag first.

That said...


I will vote for any plan in the next cycle of plan-voting which...
  1. Passes my personal sniff test for sanity: do not commit treason, alienate an ally or neutral party, needlessly escalate a conflict, meddle in the plots of our allies, or get too far out of our lane (i.e. geopolitics, economics) without thoroughly sanity-checking with relevant experts. I reserve the right to add to that list or interpret it broadly, but I promise to engage in good faith and be bound by the spirit of a pre-commitment agreement.
  2. Delegates light-relay trigger research to Jinno, ideally spending a fate point or other currency to provide him with maximal insight/will make his work useful for radio seals, assuming that this still seems like a viable line of research and no new information has been revealed which would make it a bad idea to hand it over to Jinno.
Having him research a 'makes heat' seal is perfectly sensible but he's not going to want to do the exact thing that made this failure.
Clarification: if we write a plan which includes 'infuse HOWS with thick chakra, like you did last time' would Pilot override the plan and refuse? That's the read I'm getting from what you're saying. To pursue this further, would we have to vote in something like 'research a new seal which is similar to HOWS but takes advantage of the failure mode of HOWS to produce heat'?

(If so, that makes me sad because we won't be able to get to radio-wavelength seals by making our chakra thicker and thicker, which was the optimal path.)
I'm also unsure if this has been answered before, but can we even use SC while we have a mental consequence? It reads to me like that would potentially kill Hazō when the clones pop, since their duplicated mental consequences would go back to Hazō Prime.
Mental Consequences do not duplicate. As an example, if Hazō Prime has a "Hallucinating" mental consequence when he creates a clone then the clone will also have it. When the clone pops it will not cause Prime to start hallucinating harder.

It will, however, refresh Prime's experience of the hallucination, resetting the duration. This means that Mental Consequences will not heal while using the Shadow Clone Technique.
Mental Consequences do not duplicate. As an example, if Hazō Prime has a "Hallucinating" mental consequence when he creates a clone then the clone will also have it. When the clone pops it will not cause Prime to start hallucinating harder.

It will, however, refresh Prime's experience of the hallucination, resetting the duration. This means that Mental Consequences will not heal while using the Shadow Clone Technique.
...all the more reason to raise Resolve.
Clarification: if we write a plan which includes 'infuse HOWS with thick chakra, like you did last time' would Pilot override the plan and refuse? That's the read I'm getting from what you're saying. To pursue this further, would we have to vote in something like 'research a new seal which is similar to HOWS but takes advantage of the failure mode of HOWS to produce heat'?

(If so, that makes me sad because we won't be able to get to radio-wavelength seals by making our chakra thicker and thicker, which was the optimal path.)
As it stands, yes, he would ignore you if you put that in a plan. You will need to find a different way to get there than simply repeating the exact investigation that you did last time. A good but probably not sufficient first step would be figuring out what insight he could have that would change his mind about this being a seal failure.