That sounds reasonable. I just don't want to suggest policy. 'why haven't you invaded' is not the same as 'i think you should invade' although I'm honestly not very comfortable with either.
The last time we thought it would be a good idea to get the help of a member of the Akatsuki it did not go well. If we ask Mari, Kei, and Shika in that order and they all sign off we should approach Asuma.
The last time we thought it would be a good idea to get the help of a member of the Akatsuki it did not go well. If we ask Mari, Kei, and Shika in that order and they all sign off we should approach Asuma.
It's also worth noting that any summoner in Konoha - including Asuma - is capable of being the one to send messages. Given Hazou's track record with 7Path messages, it's probably wise to make sure someone else is doing it this time (best would be Asuma, who can just vet the message himself since it's, you know, him sending it).
Moreover, though, while our official mistake was subverting chain of command, Asuma made it clear to us in the meantime that he considered the very idea of our plan insane and repugnant. I feel pretty confident saying that unless we have an ironclad plan guaranteeing a favourable outcome, Asuma will dismiss it out of hand. They're international superterrorists who killed a lot of his peers and friends, who kidnapped Naruto and killed Jiraiya and whose plan was so insane it drove Orochimaru away. I don't think he'll entertain the idea of cooperation without one heckuva fight.
It's also worth noting that any summoner in Konoha - including Asuma - is capable of being the one to send messages. Given Hazou's track record with 7Path messages, it's probably wise to make sure someone else is doing it this time (best would be Asuma, who can just vet the message himself since it's, you know, him sending it).
Moreover, though, while our official mistake was subverting chain of command, Asuma made it clear to us in the meantime that he considered the very idea of our plan insane and repugnant. I feel pretty confident saying that unless we have an ironclad plan guaranteeing a favourable outcome, Asuma will dismiss it out of hand. They're international superterrorists who killed a lot of his peers and friends, who kidnapped Naruto and killed Jiraiya and whose plan was so insane it drove Orochimaru away. I don't think he'll entertain the idea of cooperation without one heckuva fight.
In this post, I will present build plans for Kei, Akane, and Hazou respectively. First of all, as with all things Marked for Death, this is best communicated through a spreadsheet. In this case, three spreadsheets.
The critical thing here is that with the introduction of the uncap system, we have lost the ability to jump skills across ABs. This is important because many of our builds were designed under the assumption that we could spend XP to (e.g.) jump Alertness from 30 to 60.
Why does this matter? Because if you need to go Alertness 30 -> 40, then we're adding a new 40s skill, and there needs to be enough 30s to support it. Then, you need to go Alertness 40 -> 50, and we need enough 40s skills to support it. Only then can we go for Alertness 50 -> 60. In essence, the change may force us to build out our pyramids more.
Akane's stats are in a good order right now -- with a high Taijutsu, Athletics, and Alertness, she makes a powerful fighter. Since jumping stats around is penalized, what if we simply focused on raising her combat stats as high as we can take them? This is the "Jounin any%" build in the sheet.
The answer is "quite a lot of power". Roughly speaking:
She gains access to EM 45 and EM-nukes in around 7 months.
In a year's time, her stat line is around 65/55/45 Taijutsu/Athletics/Alertness.
In two year's time, her stat line is 80/70/60
In two years and nine months, she has a very solid elite-jounin build at 90/80/70, and will be earning more than 12 XP per day to put towards S-rank tricks as they're found.
However, we may not want Akane's immense strength to be noticed right away. Not only could we lose secrecy on our SC training strategies, she would get promoted and sent on highly deadly new-jounin missions. Rather, we could try to hide her true strength by leveling Alertness first, then Athletics, then Taijutsu. This could keep her true abilities under the radar for longer.
She gains access to EM 45 and EM-nukes in around 7 months.
In a year's time, she has a 54/50/60 Taijutsu/Athletics/Alertness.
In a year and a half, she still has 54 Taijutsu, but starts focusing on it.
In two year's time, her stat line is 65/70/60, quickly shooting up to 80/70/60 like before.
In two years and ten months, she has a very solid elite-jounin build at 90/80/70, and will be earning more than 12 XP per day to put towards S-rank tricks as they're found.
In theory, this could delay her promotion by around half a year, at the cost of one month in the end. However, the latter build, because of the jumps necessary to raise stats in the order (Alertness, Athletics, Taijutsu), but have them end up in the order (Taijutsu, Athletics, Alertness), ends up with us raising more auxiliary stats. The final build gives Akane an advantage of (GS 20, Sub 30) over (GS 10, Sub 22), which would take Akane around 20 days to level by the end. This closes the gap between them to about half a month.
In the end, Akane's path is relatively straightforward. I prioritize leveling stats like Flame Aura, Physique, CR, Deceit when new pyramid filler is needed and ignore her other stats. Of course, focusing more on Substitution or other buffs will come at the expense of speed.
Note: At Resolve 86, CR raises to 40, potentially locking up Akane's 40s (with SC, CR, and EM). It's important to get any stats we want above 40 before that point (e.g. Flame Aura and Physique). This is emblematic of the build problem with removing jumps -- if we aren't mindful of what we raise, when we raise it, and to what level we're raising it, we can end up in situations where important stats are locked behind very wide pyramid rows.
Other than that, Akane seems to have a clear shot to being the next Gai (bar all the Gates nonsense).
The first component of her build is the Snowflake plan, which takes her to Resolve 69 and SC 50 in five and a half months (172 days). This build plan has her go to Resolve 69 first, before SC 50, but only going to Resolve 62 first is easy -- Snowflake gets her 16-hour days about 40 days sooner, and it only costs 5 days off of Kei's long-run progression.
After that, we have two options. On the one hand, Kei already has an Athletics capstone stat. We could keep it that way and not have to jump other stats around it, or we could try to lead her through the same strategy as Akane, focusing on Alertness (as requested!) and Athletics to hide her true strength for a little while longer.
Without going into the numbers in detail, Kei's two paths are also surprisingly close, to within less than a month of time difference. It almost makes more sense for Kei to go with the survival-focused build too, as her status as a Summoner makes Summon + evade a good default strategy. However, of note: Kei needs a few mid-level techniques to fill out her pyramid. While I chose Stealth 60 to give her a stealth-assassin vibe for its obvious utility in a ninja world and Frozen Skein 40 for the interesting Mori implications, other social stats or ninjutsu could be better, depending on how the narrative pans out in the next few IC-years. Possibly, Technique Hacking could also be a useful pickup, and wouldn't add too much time in the grand scheme of things.
In the end, both paths take around two years and nine months. Adding on the Snowflake intro, this ends up being around three years and three months. She ends up considerably slower than Akane, mostly due to needing to lose 16 hours of SC time per day for Snowflake.
Hazou is in a tough place right now. By my measure, he wants to raise several different groups of skills:
Growth Rate (Resolve)
Sealmastery (Sealing, Calligraphy)
Combat (Alertness, Athletics, Taijutsu[?])
Combat Auxiliary (Substitution, PEA, GS, HLaM)
Mystery Box (Earthshaping)
Socials (Empathy, Presence, Rapport[?], Deceit)
Sage Mode (CR, Physique)
Growth Rate is the most important, and in order to raise it optimally, he cannot choose all of these groups. In fact, he should optimally choose 2 other groups, and really can at most choose 3 to level to respectable levels. I chose to optimize Sealmastery, Combat, and Mystery Box.
There are two orders to decide -- the time order (which determines when skills rise to the top of the pyramid), and the importance order (which determines when XP is spent where). This build has the time order (ES > Sealing > Combat), but the importance order (Sealing > ES > Survival), as the necessary AB gap between Sealing and Calligraphy provides an optimal location for ES to live. The features of this build:
Focus on getting ES 50 (Effect 6; previous perks at Effect 4 and 2) means we get it in 8 months.
In 11 months, we hit Sealing 30/Calligraphy 30, allowing us to make TN 58 seals
In 1 year and 1 month, we hit Sealing 40/Calligraphy 36, allowing us to make TN 70 seals
In 1 year and 4 months, we hit Sealing 50/Calligraphy 42, allowing us to make TN 82 seals
In 1 year and 8 months, we hit Sealing 60/Calligraphy 48, allowing us to make TN 94 seals
In the end, we pick up a reasonable amount of Taijutsu, Athletics, and Alertness, (60/60/70) to keep us alive, though our seals will hopefully pull their weight.
Obviously, there's an undesirable part here -- it's two years before we pick up any levels in combat skills! This is a sad tradeoff with Hazou's build. Either:
We focus on certain areas, causing us to lag behind in others. We use the high levels in our focus areas to improve Resolve, and eventually fix the problem, but very late.
We split our attention across several areas, never improve Resolve substantially since we don't have support stats to push it high, and get mediocre faster but stay mediocre longer.
Not only did having to accept this make me sad, but actually doing the build made me sad. To be perfectly clear, Hazou's build is full of pitfalls. By leveling the wrong skills in the wrong order, we can end up in many situations where we need to level dozens of filler stats in order to get the stat we want to a high level. While this could be desirable in that it lets us hit more of the important stat groups above, it also forcibly locks us into "mediocre for longer".
For example, in the same place as Akane levels CR from the 30s to the 40s (that is, Resolve 86), Hazou needs to pull off the following complex maneuver in order to have a chance at raising his combat stats in the future:
We need to be very careful when choosing what stats to raise across AB tiers.
But wait Paper, the lack of jumps is caused by the uncap system, and you didn't address uncaps at all!
I didn't address uncaps because they're narrative, not mechanical. No-jumps means we spread out the time in which we're (e.g) leveling Taijutsu from the 50s to the 80s, so we have more time to collect uncaps. However, I'm simply assuming that all uncaps are easily available. If they aren't, and we want to spread uncaps out more evenly across different stats, things like the Akane Jounin any% build could make sense. Hazou's build, at least, largely relies on Sealing, for which research gives easy uncaps.
TL;DR Removing pyramid jumps was negative for the optimality of our builds, but it's workable for Akane and Kei, though very bad for Hazou. Depending on what build we take, everyone will be hitting high in-character power in around a year and a half, with Akane reaching a clean jounin statline and Hazou being able to make Kage-tier seals. We need to be careful with all these builds to not lock ourselves into bad pyramid shapes, and with Hazou's build especially.
If you'd like, see these to see how narrowly some skills need to be navigated to make it into their correct positions.
R 50 -> 60
Jounin any%
EM 20 -> 30, Deceit -> 20
EM 30 -> 40, FA 20 -> 30, PKH 10 -> 20
R 60 -> 70, TJ 50 -> 60, Ath 40 -> 50
R 70 -> 80, TJ 60 -> 70, Ath 50 -> 60, Alt 40 -> 50
FA 30 -> 40
FA 40 -> 50, Physique 30 -> 40, Deceit 20 -> 30
Alt 50 -> 60, Physique 40 -> 50, CR 30 -> 40
R 80 -> 90, TJ 70 -> 80, Ath 60 -> 70
R 90 -> 100, TJ 80 -> 90, Ath 70 -> 80, Alt 60 -> 70, FA 50 -> 60
EM 20 -> 30, Deceit -> 20
EM 30 -> 40, FA 20 -> 30, PKH 10 -> 20
Alt 40 -> 50
R 60 -> 70, Alt 50 -> 60, Ath 40 -> 50
FA 30 -> 40
Ath 50 -> 60, FA 40 -> 50
R 70 -> 80, Ath 60 -> 70
Physique 30 -> 40, Deceit 20 -> 30
TJ 50 -> 60, Physique 40 -> 50, CR 30 -> 40, Sub 20 -> 30, GS 10 -> 20
TJ 60 -> 70, FA 50 -> 60, CR 40 -> 50
R 80 -> 90, TJ 70 -> 80
R 90 -> 100, TJ 80 -> 90, Ath 70 -> 80, Alt 60 -> 70
R50 -> 60
SC40->50, Alt 30->40
Ath first
Ath 50 -> 60, Alt 40 -> 50, CR 30 -> 40
R 60 -> 70
R 70 -> 80, Ath 60 -> 70, Alt 50 -> 60, RW 40 -> 50, FS 30 -> 40, Sub 20 -> 30
R 80 -> 90, Ath 70 -> 80, Alt 60 -> 70, RW 50 -> 60
Stealth 10 -> 20, PKH 10 -> 20
Stealth 20 -> 30
Stealth 30 -> 40, PKH 20 -> 30, VS 10 -> 20
Stealth 40 -> 50
R 90 -> 100, Ath 80 -> 90, Alt 70 -> 80, RW 60 -> 70, Stealth 50 -> 60
Alt first
Sub 20->30, CR 30->40
Stealth 10->20, PKH 10->20
Stealth 20->30
Stealth 30->40, Alt 40->50
Alt 50->60
R 60->70
RW40->50, Ath50->60
Ath60->70, R70->80
RW 50 -> 60, Stealth 40 -> 50, FS 30 -> 40
Deceit 10 -> 20
RW 60 -> 70, Stealth 50 -> 60, CR 40 -> 50, Physique 30 -> 40, Deceit 20 -> 30
R 80 -> 90, RW 70 -> 80
R 90 -> 100, RW 80 -> 90, Ath 70 -> 80, Alt 60 -> 70
In this post, I will present build plans for Kei, Akane, and Hazou respectively. First of all, as with all things Marked for Death, this is best communicated through a spreadsheet. In this case, three spreadsheets.
The critical thing here is that with the introduction of the uncap system, we have lost the ability to jump skills across ABs. This is important because many of our builds were designed under the assumption that we could spend XP to (e.g.) jump Alertness from 30 to 60.
Why does this matter? Because if you need to go Alertness 30 -> 40, then we're adding a new 40s skill, and there needs to be enough 30s to support it. Then, you need to go Alertness 40 -> 50, and we need enough 40s skills to support it. Only then can we go for Alertness 50 -> 60. In essence, the change may force us to build out our pyramids more.
Akane's stats are in a good order right now -- with a high Taijutsu, Athletics, and Alertness, she makes a powerful fighter. Since jumping stats around is penalized, what if we simply focused on raising her combat stats as high as we can take them? This is the "Jounin any%" build in the sheet.
The answer is "quite a lot of power". Roughly speaking:
She gains access to EM 45 and EM-nukes in around 7 months.
In a year's time, her stat line is around 65/55/45 Taijutsu/Athletics/Alertness.
In two year's time, her stat line is 80/70/60
In two years and nine months, she has a very solid elite-jounin build at 90/80/70, and will be earning more than 12 XP per day to put towards S-rank tricks as they're found.
However, we may not want Akane's immense strength to be noticed right away. Not only could we lose secrecy on our SC training strategies, she would get promoted and sent on highly deadly new-jounin missions. Rather, we could try to hide her true strength by leveling Alertness first, then Athletics, then Taijutsu. This could keep her true abilities under the radar for longer.
She gains access to EM 45 and EM-nukes in around 7 months.
In a year's time, she has a 54/50/60 Taijutsu/Athletics/Alertness.
In a year and a half, she still has 54 Taijutsu, but starts focusing on it.
In two year's time, her stat line is 65/70/60, quickly shooting up to 80/70/60 like before.
In two years and ten months, she has a very solid elite-jounin build at 90/80/70, and will be earning more than 12 XP per day to put towards S-rank tricks as they're found.
In theory, this could delay her promotion by around half a year, at the cost of one month in the end. However, the latter build, because of the jumps necessary to raise stats in the order (Alertness, Athletics, Taijutsu), but have them end up in the order (Taijutsu, Athletics, Alertness), ends up with us raising more auxiliary stats. The final build gives Akane an advantage of (GS 20, Sub 30) over (GS 10, Sub 22), which would take Akane around 20 days to level by the end. This closes the gap between them to about half a month.
In the end, Akane's path is relatively straightforward. I prioritize leveling stats like Flame Aura, Physique, CR, Deceit when new pyramid filler is needed and ignore her other stats. Of course, focusing more on Substitution or other buffs will come at the expense of speed.
Note: At Resolve 86, CR raises to 40, potentially locking up Akane's 40s (with SC, CR, and EM). It's important to get any stats we want above 40 before that point (e.g. Flame Aura and Physique). This is emblematic of the build problem with removing jumps -- if we aren't mindful of what we raise, when we raise it, and to what level we're raising it, we can end up in situations where important stats are locked behind very wide pyramid rows.
Other than that, Akane seems to have a clear shot to being the next Gai (bar all the Gates nonsense).
The first component of her build is the Snowflake plan, which takes her to Resolve 69 and SC 50 in five and a half months (172 days). This build plan has her go to Resolve 69 first, before SC 50, but only going to Resolve 62 first is easy -- Snowflake gets her 16-hour days about 40 days sooner, and it only costs 5 days off of Kei's long-run progression.
After that, we have two options. On the one hand, Kei already has an Athletics capstone stat. We could keep it that way and not have to jump other stats around it, or we could try to lead her through the same strategy as Akane, focusing on Alertness (as requested!) and Athletics to hide her true strength for a little while longer.
Without going into the numbers in detail, Kei's two paths are also surprisingly close, to within less than a month of time difference. It almost makes more sense for Kei to go with the survival-focused build too, as her status as a Summoner makes Summon + evade a good default strategy. However, of note: Kei needs a few mid-level techniques to fill out her pyramid. While I chose Stealth 60 to give her a stealth-assassin vibe for its obvious utility in a ninja world and Frozen Skein 40 for the interesting Mori implications, other social stats or ninjutsu could be better, depending on how the narrative pans out in the next few IC-years. Possibly, Technique Hacking could also be a useful pickup, and wouldn't add too much time in the grand scheme of things.
In the end, both paths take around two years and nine months. Adding on the Snowflake intro, this ends up being around three years and three months. She ends up considerably slower than Akane, mostly due to needing to lose 16 hours of SC time per day for Snowflake.
Hazou is in a tough place right now. By my measure, he wants to raise several different groups of skills:
Growth Rate (Resolve)
Sealmastery (Sealing, Calligraphy)
Combat (Alertness, Athletics, Taijutsu[?])
Combat Auxiliary (Substitution, PEA, GS, HLaM)
Mystery Box (Earthshaping)
Socials (Empathy, Presence, Rapport[?], Deceit)
Sage Mode (CR, Physique)
Growth Rate is the most important, and in order to raise it optimally, he cannot choose all of these groups. In fact, he should optimally choose 2 other groups, and really can at most choose 3 to level to respectable levels. I chose to optimize Sealmastery, Combat, and Mystery Box.
There are two orders to decide -- the time order (which determines when skills rise to the top of the pyramid), and the importance order (which determines when XP is spent where). This build has the time order (ES > Sealing > Combat), but the importance order (Sealing > ES > Survival), as the necessary AB gap between Sealing and Calligraphy provides an optimal location for ES to live. The features of this build:
Focus on getting ES 50 (Effect 6; previous perks at Effect 4 and 2) means we get it in 8 months.
In 11 months, we hit Sealing 30/Calligraphy 30, allowing us to make TN 58 seals
In 1 year and 1 month, we hit Sealing 40/Calligraphy 36, allowing us to make TN 70 seals
In 1 year and 4 months, we hit Sealing 50/Calligraphy 42, allowing us to make TN 82 seals
In 1 year and 8 months, we hit Sealing 60/Calligraphy 48, allowing us to make TN 94 seals
In the end, we pick up a reasonable amount of Taijutsu, Athletics, and Alertness, (60/60/70) to keep us alive, though our seals will hopefully pull their weight.
Obviously, there's an undesirable part here -- it's two years before we pick up any levels in combat skills! This is a sad tradeoff with Hazou's build. Either:
We focus on certain areas, causing us to lag behind in others. We use the high levels in our focus areas to improve Resolve, and eventually fix the problem, but very late.
We split our attention across several areas, never improve Resolve substantially since we don't have support stats to push it high, and get mediocre faster but stay mediocre longer.
Not only did having to accept this make me sad, but actually doing the build made me sad. To be perfectly clear, Hazou's build is full of pitfalls. By leveling the wrong skills in the wrong order, we can end up in many situations where we need to level dozens of filler stats in order to get the stat we want to a high level. While this could be desirable in that it lets us hit more of the important stat groups above, it also forcibly locks us into "mediocre for longer".
For example, in the same place as Akane levels CR from the 30s to the 40s (that is, Resolve 86), Hazou needs to pull off the following complex maneuver in order to have a chance at raising his combat stats in the future:
We need to be very careful when choosing what stats to raise across AB tiers.
But wait Paper, the lack of jumps is caused by the uncap system, and you didn't address uncaps at all!
I didn't address uncaps because they're narrative, not mechanical. No-jumps means we spread out the time in which we're (e.g) leveling Taijutsu from the 50s to the 80s, so we have more time to collect uncaps. However, I'm simply assuming that all uncaps are easily available. If they aren't, and we want to spread uncaps out more evenly across different stats, things like the Akane Jounin any% build could make sense. Hazou's build, at least, largely relies on Sealing, for which research gives easy uncaps.
TL;DR Removing pyramid jumps was negative for the optimality of our builds, but it's workable for Akane and Kei, though very bad for Hazou. Depending on what build we take, everyone will be hitting high in-character power in around a year and a half, with Akane reaching a clean jounin statline and Hazou being able to make Kage-tier seals. We need to be careful with all these builds to not lock ourselves into bad pyramid shapes, and with Hazou's build especially.
If you'd like, see these to see how narrowly some skills need to be navigated to make it into their correct positions.
R 50 -> 60
Jounin any%
EM 20 -> 30, Deceit -> 20
EM 30 -> 40, FA 20 -> 30, PKH 10 -> 20
R 60 -> 70, TJ 50 -> 60, Ath 40 -> 50
R 70 -> 80, TJ 60 -> 70, Ath 50 -> 60, Alt 40 -> 50
FA 30 -> 40
FA 40 -> 50, Physique 30 -> 40, Deceit 20 -> 30
Alt 50 -> 60, Physique 40 -> 50, CR 30 -> 40
R 80 -> 90, TJ 70 -> 80, Ath 60 -> 70
R 90 -> 100, TJ 80 -> 90, Ath 70 -> 80, Alt 60 -> 70, FA 50 -> 60
EM 20 -> 30, Deceit -> 20
EM 30 -> 40, FA 20 -> 30, PKH 10 -> 20
Alt 40 -> 50
R 60 -> 70, Alt 50 -> 60, Ath 40 -> 50
FA 30 -> 40
Ath 50 -> 60, FA 40 -> 50
R 70 -> 80, Ath 60 -> 70
Physique 30 -> 40, Deceit 20 -> 30
TJ 50 -> 60, Physique 40 -> 50, CR 30 -> 40, Sub 20 -> 30, GS 10 -> 20
TJ 60 -> 70, FA 50 -> 60, CR 40 -> 50
R 80 -> 90, TJ 70 -> 80
R 90 -> 100, TJ 80 -> 90, Ath 70 -> 80, Alt 60 -> 70
R50 -> 60
SC40->50, Alt 30->40
Ath first
Ath 50 -> 60, Alt 40 -> 50, CR 30 -> 40
R 60 -> 70
R 70 -> 80, Ath 60 -> 70, Alt 50 -> 60, RW 40 -> 50, FS 30 -> 40, Sub 20 -> 30
R 80 -> 90, Ath 70 -> 80, Alt 60 -> 70, RW 50 -> 60
Stealth 10 -> 20, PKH 10 -> 20
Stealth 20 -> 30
Stealth 30 -> 40, PKH 20 -> 30, VS 10 -> 20
Stealth 40 -> 50
R 90 -> 100, Ath 80 -> 90, Alt 70 -> 80, RW 60 -> 70, Stealth 50 -> 60
Alt first
Sub 20->30, CR 30->40
Stealth 10->20, PKH 10->20
Stealth 20->30
Stealth 30->40, Alt 40->50
Alt 50->60
R 60->70
RW40->50, Ath50->60
Ath60->70, R70->80
RW 50 -> 60, Stealth 40 -> 50, FS 30 -> 40
Deceit 10 -> 20
RW 60 -> 70, Stealth 50 -> 60, CR 40 -> 50, Physique 30 -> 40, Deceit 20 -> 30
R 80 -> 90, RW 70 -> 80
R 90 -> 100, RW 80 -> 90, Ath 70 -> 80, Alt 60 -> 70
However, we may not want Akane's immense strength to be noticed right away. Not only could we lose secrecy on our SC training strategies, she would get promoted and sent on highly deadly new-jounin missions. Rather, we could try to hide her true strength by leveling Alertness first, then Athletics, then Taijutsu.
This line of thinking also seems to suggest that Mari is going pyramid basebuilder instead of S-rank any%, which would explain why she got so easily punked by Oro.
Probably right before she crosses the jounin threshold on either path. Armor techniques and escape techniques will likely help her survive the sudden jump in deadliness she'll face in her new missions.
Gotta get that girl a scroll. Should try for the kangaroo or squirrel since they are in minor nations. Def going to push for it once we finish up a few sealing projects and get Kagome working on the great seal
Probably right before she crosses the jounin threshold on either path. Armor techniques and escape techniques will likely help her survive the sudden jump in deadliness she'll face in her new missions.
Doesn't that instead have the benefit of not needing a teacher? (Which us absolutely amazing by the way, the fact that Jiraiya writes* notes clearly enough that they fully replace an active teacher is insane)
*death is for scrubs and J is no scrub
Gotta get that girl a scroll. Should try for the kangaroo or squirrel since they are in minor nations. Def going to push for it once we finish up a few sealing projects and get Kagome working on the great seal
We can buy it from Asuma when the Scroll Hunt team returns, on that, completing as many seals as possible could be really helpful, especially the communication one.
I think we should spend some time next plan cycle working on how we can leverage the great seal situation to get Kagome SC. We've seen how powerful multi thread research is and we can just have him completely focus on sealing.
I think we should spend some time next plan cycle working on how we can leverage the great seal situation to get Kagome SC. We've seen how powerful multi thread research is and we can just have him completely focus on sealing.
I think we should spend some time next plan cycle working on how we can leverage the great seal situation to get Kagome SC. We've seen how powerful multi thread research is and we can just have him completely focus on sealing.
Hazou already officially declared that he would be prioritizing adopting those who either made chuunin or graduated some specialty skill such as medical, sealmastery, etc in order of when they made the rank. Came up in a Gaku chapter I believe. Since adopting Atomu, Reo, and Mai, as far as we know there were no Chuunin present on the estate, but in that time it's possible some of our genin were promoted or are soon to be promoted. Newly promoted ninja are at the highest risk of any group, and since most or all our genin were not first year genin, they are actually safer than the people who are freshly Chuunin. (If we did have any first years they probably either died already or are no longer first years.) This also lets us not give out clan secrets to scrub genin who could leak them to the enemy.
My opinion though is to make adoptions at the end of the war as a reward for valor during the war, especially since most of the Pangolin jutsu won't be able to be trained up to useful level in the timeframe of the war.
Here's the quote
Isn't actually an official announcement, but in-character he already decided what to prioritize and imo it still makes the most sense
I believe you missed the previous thread posts, when I was saying/referencing exactly that already, and semi-sarcastically asking what alternative faflec wanted. Oneiros also made a really good point about SSSSS adoptions (we should follow up on that at some point)(though I disagree about charity cases, since we get money whenever anyone goes on missions, so as long as they're active ninja, we still financially benefit from it).
Incidentally, I think we're better off adopting now compared to later. More money, sure. But also, the pangolin conditioning jutsu is dirt-cheap bonus training that soaks one point of stress. Sure, stat decrease as a result of it, which is something to bear in mind, but that one bit can definitely have an impact. Also, stuff like the rocket boots stunt, which is really cheap to buy and literally saved Haru a couple chapters ago.
So, let's figure out if/when we're adopting SSSSS folks (and if we get to choose which ones), then scout out one or two new chunins to effectively give power-ups to?
PSA: We made a mistake in the rules and are fixing it. This is to your disadvantage but the consequences will not happen this time.
The Summoning Scroll Acolyte stunt says:
Summoning Scroll Acolyte
Hazou has gained a deeper understanding of seals by learning from the subtle persuasions of the summoning scroll. Thinking about it hurts, but there's a spark of genius hidden in the pain.
XP cost: 100
Prereq: Be a Kurosawa who tried to read a Summoning Scroll.
2x TYS applies to Sealing
Every time Hazō makes a roll to infuse a prototype seal (i.e., one that he is in the process of researching) he takes a Mild Physical Consequence. The penalties do not apply to that Sealing roll but they apply to subsequent rolls until the Consequences heals. The Consequence takes an extra 24 hours to heal and requires rest from any Sealing-related activity. As always, if the Mild slot is filled, the damage rolls up to the next available slot.
This was a braino on our part that we didn't notice until now: It should have been a Mental Consequence, not a Physical one. The reason he is taking a Consequence is because he is having to dip into his recollections of the Out and that should be mental damage, not physical. This is important because Mental Consequences travel through Shadow Clones, so having your Shadow Clones do the research for you is not a 'get out of jail free' card on the downsides of SSA. Each clone that uses SSA will take a consequences after the roll, which will pop the clone, which will hit Hazō with a clone shock roll and then a Mental Consequence (in that order; the Consequence does not apply to the clone shock roll).
In much brighter news, I (EJ) forgot to apply the Consequences on your latest research binge (cf previous update) and we're not going to do it retroactively.
For purposes of this update, you have a choice and we're putting it to a vote.
(Clones) Neither Hazou nor his clones did any research. The clones helped with chores and trained
(Clones) One clone researched ARS (Activation Relay Seals), the rest took care of chores and trained
(Clones) One clone researched AT (Air Tunneler), the rest took care of chores and trained
(Clones) One clone researched LR (Light Relay), the rest took care of chores and trained
(Clones) The clones took care of Hazou's duties while he researched ARS
(Clones) The clones took care of Hazou's duties while he researched AT
(Clones) The clones took care of Hazou's duties while he researched LR
(Clones) Write-in: Two of the clones researched {seal names here} and I realize that this will mean Hazou takes an extended-duration Mild Consequence that gives him -0.5 AB on everything and lasts 2 days, plus an extended-duration Medium Consequence that gives him an additional -AB on everything (for a total of -1.5 AB on everything) and lasts 2 weeks
(Clones) Write-in: Hazou Prime researched {seal name here} and one of his clones researched {seal name here} and I realize that this will mean Hazō takes an extended-duration Mild Consequence that gives him -0.5 AB on everything and lasts 2 days, plus an extended-duration Medium Consequence that gives him an additional -AB on everything (for a total of -1.5 AB on everything) and lasts 2 weeks
Keep in mind that if any research happened then Hazō is going to have at least a Mild Mental Consequence which will not heal for two days.
Voting for this is part of the next cycle and will therefore close Saturday at 1pm Eastern. The results will be applied retroactively.
Could the SC still do all the research but not do the infusion? And then we space out the actual infusion attempts over the coming days, waiting for the consequences to go away. Basically getting the prep bonus for the attempts.
Would we get the prep bonus? "The Consequence requires rest from any sealing-related activity" sounds like a no to me but I haven't focused on the rules and the meta yet - the story is already huge and intricate on its own ^^"
... that said this stunt sounds like a great incentive to rack up TYS points. Didn't someone consider looking at more summoning scrolls? Worth a shot if we can unlock "use n times the TYS where n is the number of summoning scrolls you looked at" and why is everyone staring at me angrily?