So what you're saying is that Leaf has the massive advantage due to having Skytowers to provide lasting platforms for long-ranged reconnaissance.
In that regard yes. We also have another potent advantage: Hyuuga render infiltrators nearly useless because they can see enemy chakra reserves. However, they're very recognizable and enemy ninja would probably assume anyone covering their eyes could potentially be Hyuuga, which paints a huge target on their backs.

Another big advantage is Leaf's wealth. We had the Scrip scare but I think we've mostly rebounded. Money = hiring Missingnin mercs and the Yakuza for Intel and firepower.

However, Rock and Cloud's jonin outnumbering us is a huge problem. They can afford to dedicate spare jonin to missions that may not need them: we can't. Any mission that involves jonin vs jonin might end up with ours outnumbered. They can send jonin on missions we can only afford to dedicate chuunin to, which will almost certainly mean they win. We might outright cede ground to them until we can beat their numbers down. The Bo5C wiped a fort with multiple jonin, though at least some likely fled successfully. We need more battles like that where we kill their jonin at better than 2 to 1 ratio. We do have 3 essies to deploy and each Summoner can potentially become multiple jonin, so it's definitely doable.

EDIT: Another major logistical advantage: Leaf has access to 2 Thinker bloodlines rather than just the usual 1

She's also a potent combat asset with the wombo combo that is Shadow Clone and TLitF (no Price), enough so that Leaf may be unwilling to risk her as an infiltration asset when she could be one of the Rooks or Queens being deployed later in the game.
Agreed, I did mention later that she's good at everything basically, so they might use her in a queen role as you say. She can potentially beat multiple jonin which is precisely what Leaf's jonin need to be doing right now.
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Another home field advantage is civilian spy networks. They are more numerous in home fields. And can report if they see enemy ninja
While this is true, Fire's Yakuza are notoriously weak after they sided with Danzou and got wrecked by the 3rd Hokage. And Jiraiya's Spymaster network mostly fell apart after he died, and it was already fracturing, though I forget why. I think a password leaked or something. Mari just started a new one, and what was left of the old one was turned over to the tower, but they're not going to be as impressive as usual.
I am a little unsure how detailed I can or should be on how to research 3D sealing. On the one hand, saying "theorize how to do 3D seals" is pretty useless and put's a lot of the work on y'all, but on the other sealing is pure technobabble and is thus too abstracted for me to outline any actual experiments. I tried to strike a middle ground here by leaving most of specifics up to Hazōpilot while still suggesting useful avenues of exploration and resources that might be helpful. Let me know if things need to be less (or, in theory, more) specific.
Sorry for missing this the first time around.

That outline looks good to me, although I'll let @Velorien answer for himself. Feel free to link to it from a plan.
While this is true, Fire's Yakuza are notoriously weak after they sided with Danzou and got wrecked by the 3rd Hokage. And Jiraiya's Spymaster network mostly fell apart after he died, and it was already fracturing, though I forget why. I think a password leaked or something. Mari just started a new one, and what was left of the old one was turned over to the tower, but they're not going to be as impressive as usual.
Tanaka got tumbled and his entire eastern network got booped.
Could you add proposing to Asuma to add macerators (burning logs) and (saw dust) to leaf-nin seal loadouts?

Seems like low hanging fruit to me. Asuma might be leery of us pushing the Zoo rush after Tsunade's news about the summoning army.
Our basic seals are stretched thin after outfitting all of Gouketsu, which we found out when we voted in giving extras to Ino for the Yamanaka.

I would recommend deleting this entirely for similar reasons as those stated here.
Corrected to Kagome's seals. This is important for tone-setting imo, make sure Asuma knows we're here to contribute.

Asuma knows the Orochimaru situation's been resolved. I don't...expect him to summon Mari to a mission in a week and she would absolutely tell Asuma if her injuries are that bad. Possibly nix this.
Would at least like to mention it -- not sure if he's fully aware of her injuries.

If we're talking Wakahisa-Summoner stuff, we should talk about how to handle the whole water poisoning thing.

Updates (including wordcount optimization):
[X] Action Plan: Good Uses of Limited Time
Word Count: 295
  • Check plan with Mari.
  • Meet with Asuma:
    • Scribe and deliver Kagome's skytowers and skywalkers.
    • How can Hazou be most useful in the war?
      • Make more tactics like Zoo Rush?
        • If so, access to recovered intelligence would help.
        • Hazou can make more "creative" plans with more information access, improving the odds that one of them is good.
      • Train the Arachnid Summoner candidate?
        • Hazou, injured, is the least useful Leaf Summoner and knows Arachnids personally.
        • Home-front Noburi could as well.
      • Coordinate Gouketsu for Mist diplomacy?
      • Coordinate Gouketsu for seal production?
    • If Mist allies with us, a home-front Wakahisa could chakra-fill a summoner, then Noburi can retrieve that chakra from the Seventh Path and distribute it to summoners anywhere in the EN.
      • Allows a summoner to have all their summons out at once and still fight at full capacity.
      • Wakahisa traded us a jutsu that corrects overhydration. Noburi needs to learn it.
      • Works with Noburi and Wakahisa flipped.
      • OPSEC concerns?
    • Note that Orochimaru psychically injured Mari, so she can't be deployed for a week.
      • Don't mention Mari-Kei split.
  • Spend some time with Ino and Akane:
    • See how they're doing, especially with the war.
    • Be supportive, but also let yourself be supported.
  • Chakra Science:
    • Refueling with Noburi's aid, determine how many Substitutions you can consecutively cast from full.
    • Repeat with (normal cast-time) MEW.
    • Determine the ratio between these costs.
  • (offscreen) misc:
    • Arrange a birthday gift for Akane.
      • Have clan members paint designs on flowerpots for her garden, possibly things that remind them of her.
      • Follow strict OPSEC.
    • Ask Cannai to send a diplomat to Hornet and Hare to ask if they have a Scroll.
      • Hazou would also like to personally thank the Hornets for their sacrifices.
    • Kei + Noburi: Get to know Leopard and Rat representatives. Goal: information on scroll.

Last cycle's plan, reposted. Since @Velorien will almost certainly want to do the Kei+Tenten commitment ceremony, I dropped that scene in favor of a thing we've been neglecting for a while -- chakra quantification!

I'm really not attached to this idea. If someone else has a better idea for the last scene, I'm open to suggestions. One such suggestion: don't have a last scene and just rewrite the Ino+Akane scene for more detail.[/hr]
Corrected to Kagome's seals. This is important for tone-setting imo, make sure Asuma knows we're here to contribute.
Kagome is currently working full-time to learn Summoning, does he also have the time to be scribing and infusing seals? I mean, without risking him getting exhausted enough to make a mistake and cause a catastrophic sealing failure that goes off and destroys all of Leaf and aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Would at least like to mention it -- not sure if he's fully aware of her injuries.
That's...acceptable, but I would still point out that we shouldn't be dictating to Asuma on how to deploy Leaf's ninja forces. I'd just say that she's been psychically injured, and leave it at that.
Kagome is currently working full-time to learn Summoning, does he also have the time to be scribing and infusing seals? I mean, without risking him getting exhausted enough to make a mistake and cause a catastrophic sealing failure that goes off and destroys all of Leaf and aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
From what I've been told, he can infuse a whole stack of seals pretty quickly. I'm not sure that's true or not but that's what I heard
EDIT: The implication being that Hazou print Skywalkers and 5SBs with the Iron Nerve and Kagome spends a couple minutes infusing them.
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"I said," Noburi repeated more loudly, "the Watcher raises his mirror to show that it does not reflect any of the Old Gods."

The Watcher, naturally, was Kagome-sensei. His duty was to stand there for the entire ceremony and watch for incursions by the Old Gods, for which purpose he held the Mirror of No Reflection in one hand and the Bell of Panic in the other. The outfit was completed by a long, weirdly cuboid fake grey beard (mandatory) and by the Vestments of Injunction, elaborate black robes with countless designs traced on them in red ink: a sword through a figure of eight, a circle binding an equilateral triangle, a spiky eight-pointed star, a series of concentric circles with four commas around the rim… Hazō had been salivating at the prospect of Forbidden Lore until Yuno admitted she didn't know what most of them represented.

[χ] ACTION PLAN: Show Isanese loremasters Jashin's symbol of extreme favor. Demand information on The Five.

[χ] ACTION PLAN: Show Isanese loremasters Jashin's symbol of extreme favor. Demand information on The Five.
HAZŌ: Tell me everything you know about the Five or else.

LOREMASTERS: Ooh, the symbol of Jashin's extreme favour. Be welcome, Chosen One. But who are the Five?

HAZŌ: Don't play dumb. I know you know.

[several hours of fruitless arguing later]

HAZŌ: Fine, have it your way. Just don't blame me if Hidan turns up to chop you into salad for impiety. [stomps off]

LOREMASTERS: Wait, do you suppose he meant the Six? Nah, there's no way a shinobi favoured by Jashin himself would think there were only Five of them.
HAZŌ: Tell me everything you know about the Five or else.

LOREMASTERS: Ooh, the symbol of Jashin's extreme favour. Be welcome, Chosen One. But who are the Five?

HAZŌ: Don't play dumb. I know you know.

LOREMASTERS: No we actually don't.

HAZŌ: Fine. Tell me everyone you know about the Nara, Mori, Tama, Yodomi, and Raiyoke clans.
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Kagome is currently working full-time to learn Summoning, does he also have the time to be scribing and infusing seals? I mean, without risking him getting exhausted enough to make a mistake and cause a catastrophic sealing failure that goes off and destroys all of Leaf and aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
We can just say this represents a stockpile and that we won't be able to produce many more unless Asuma really wants us to. Also, Kagome is not the one scribing them in truth, it's Hazou who is having Kagome infuse them.
That's...acceptable, but I would still point out that we shouldn't be dictating to Asuma on how to deploy Leaf's ninja forces. I'd just say that she's been psychically injured, and leave it at that.
I think Clan Heads generally get a say in how their ninja are deployed. I can make it a little safer, but it would be good to take a stand so that she doesn't actually get deployed and die.
  • Orochimaru psychically injured Mari:
    • If pressed, insist that she can't be deployed for a week.
We can just say this represents a stockpile and that we won't be able to produce many more unless Asuma really wants us to. Also, Kagome is not the one scribing them in truth, it's Hazou who is having Kagome infuse them.
No one is allowed to have skywalkers for their own use, and doing so is treason.
I think Clan Heads generally get a say in how their ninja are deployed. I can make it a little safer, but it would be good to take a stand so that she doesn't actually get deployed and die.
Even so, I feel that we shouldn't insist on this.
The Aida and Inoue don't like us.

So they aren't going to give us any answers. Have fun talking to Takahashi.
[] Capture and torture Mochiaki and Rin for information
Just to check when we do hit S-rank we are going to kidnap thinker clan elders to find out what's up right?
Just to check when we do hit S-rank we are going to kidnap thinker clan elders to find out what's up right?
Do we need to? Training things well to S-rank levels means we can bargain for info, be generally trusted, spy pretty well etc etc
Kidnapping is so crude when we have THE best seducing bloodline skills. Did your fingers ever shake from the cold? Bam, the Iron Nerve says that's a built-in vibrator for uh, good back massages, and other such cool hacks
[X] Action Plan: Good Uses of Limited Time
[X] Do not capture and torture Mochiaki and Rin for information
Please stop trying to commit suicide out of boredom.