Edits made.
[X] Action Plan: "Get Help"
Word Count: ???
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cantelabra to get her location (if Hazou thinks he would help).
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • Mari is currently distracting Orochimaru by leading him "towards" Kei. Hazou has no idea how to keep him from hurting her without asking for help.
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochimaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Based on Keiko's determination, get help from Asuma, Tsunade, Naruto, and/or Shikamaru.
    • Get to them and explain the situation.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?
Hot take, I think Hazou shouldn't run off with Kei. Hazou also leaving would be much more suspicious, Oro will definitely figure it out and likely be annoyed. We're less interesting than Kei right now. More to the point, either we get heavy hitter intervention, which Kei is going to ask for anyway, or running won't make a difference. We'd just slow her down anyway. And if we're in a room with multiple other Jonin, which constitutes a double digit percentage of Leaf's firepower, then Oro should have a hard time. Abducting us in front of Hyugas because he wants to dissect us for our bloodline limit would weirdly make us allies. I sadly don't have the spoons to make and update this plan though. Someone please adopt it, and I'll pre-commit 2 votes for the future (not counting this one).
I accept your bargain: two votes in the future in exchange for a plan made and updated for this upcoming chapter. How do I cash in those votes?

[X] Action Plan: Safety in Numbers
  • Return to our game night as quickly and as safely as Hazou deems possible, asking for assistance from trusted sources (like Akane) if necessary
  • Keep the party going while sending a trusted and fast runner to the Tower with the following message:
    • "Orochimaru is 'inadvertently' causing an interclan incident. Need your help to stay out of his basement, will explain more later. - Hazou"
  • Find Kei and tell her not to leave since Orochimaru is suddenly very interested in her bloodline side effects
  • Spend 1 FP (if necessary) to ensure Shikamaru is at the party
    • Once we find him and Kei explain the situation in full, prioritizing the most pertinent information
      • The Nara might have a plan for this happening to anyone/Kei that could be implemented
    • If Nara contingencies for Orochimaru are unsatisfactory, begin brainstorming:
      • Will Asuma's authority be enough to keep Orochimaru away?
      • Should we inform the other clan ninja here about what transpired?
      • Can we have someone capable of withstanding Orochimaru's intimidations barter with him before he gets back?
        • Can any of us think of someone who would be able to do so on our behalf and on such short notice?
      • Should Kei and Hazou reverse summon to keep themselves safe in the short term?
      • Should they instead skywalk with Akane carrying Hazou to the Tower or wherever they believe Asuma to be at this time?
  • Execute the following contingencies based on when Orochimaru finds us:
    • Still outside? Reverse summon
    • Back in the compound? Have Akane physically keep Hazou's jaw shut so he can't blab clan secrets and carry him to Asuma
    • After coming to a conclusion with Kei and Shikamaru? Execute the plan the three of them created

Current word count: 301 including blue text

EDIT: new word count: 281 since a deal's a deal
Further suggestions welcome
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[X] Action Plan: "Get Help"

Don't really love any of the plans currently but I frankly have no better ideas and still want to participate/share the blame for when this inevitably backfires
chakra management

Hazou max chakra is 260.
summoning 2 dogs brought him to well under 100. So more than 160 CP cost.
there is also the chakra sustain costs to consider.

some plans have hazou summon a dog to find kei. and also need a dog in hand for reverse summoning. he might not have enough chakra if it requires two dogs.
  • Spend 1 FP: Team Uplift has previously gathered info about Oro
to some existing plans. So that Team Uplift-Pilot can act better.
  • Mention to Oro if standard incentives like money or jutsu is not enough to convince the shadow clone's original to talk to him or consent to experiments. Offering the shadow clone a permanent physical body might be an appealing incentive.
to some existing plans. To gauge whether Oro will get consent or forcibly dissect Kei. And also so Oro thinks Hazou is smart and helpful for mentioning a good idea.
Adding both the above modifications at the same time to some existing plans.
Any thoughts on those 2 additions?
[X] Action Plan: "Get Help" + Spend FP
Word Count: ???
  • Spend 1 FP: Team Uplift has previously gathered info about Oro
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cantelabra to get her location (if Hazou thinks he would help).
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • Mari is currently distracting Orochimaru by leading him "towards" Kei. Hazou has no idea how to keep him from hurting her without asking for help.
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochimaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Based on Keiko's determination, get help from Asuma, Tsunade, Naruto, and/or Shikamaru.
    • Get to them and explain the situation.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?

[X] Action Plan: "Get Help" + Mention Idea
Word Count: ???
  • Mention to Oro if standard incentives like money or jutsu is not enough to convince the shadow clone's original to talk to him or consent to experiments. Offering the shadow clone a permanent physical body might be an appealing incentive.
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cantelabra to get her location (if Hazou thinks he would help).
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • Mari is currently distracting Orochimaru by leading him "towards" Kei. Hazou has no idea how to keep him from hurting her without asking for help.
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochimaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Based on Keiko's determination, get help from Asuma, Tsunade, Naruto, and/or Shikamaru.
    • Get to them and explain the situation.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?

[X] Action Plan: "Get Help" + Spend FP + Mention Idea
Word Count: ???
  • Spend 1 FP: Team Uplift has previously gathered info about Oro
  • Mention to Oro if standard incentives like money or jutsu is not enough to convince the shadow clone's original to talk to him or consent to experiments. Offering the shadow clone a permanent physical body might be an appealing incentive.
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cantelabra to get her location (if Hazou thinks he would help).
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • Mari is currently distracting Orochimaru by leading him "towards" Kei. Hazou has no idea how to keep him from hurting her without asking for help.
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochimaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Based on Keiko's determination, get help from Asuma, Tsunade, Naruto, and/or Shikamaru.
    • Get to them and explain the situation.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?

[X] Action Plan: Sufficiently Straightforward Steps Supply Secrecy + Spend FP
Word Count:
  • Spend 1 FP: Team Uplift has previously gathered info about Oro
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cannon if Hazou thinks he would help.
      • Find Kei and bring her back to Hazou.
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochumaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Go directly to the Tower.
    • Explain the situation to Asuma.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?

[X] Action Plan: Sufficiently Straightforward Steps Supply Secrecy + Mention Idea
Word Count:
  • Mention to Oro if standard incentives like money or jutsu is not enough to convince the shadow clone's original to talk to him or consent to experiments. Offering the shadow clone a permanent physical body might be an appealing incentive.
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cannon if Hazou thinks he would help.
      • Find Kei and bring her back to Hazou.
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochumaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Go directly to the Tower.
    • Explain the situation to Asuma.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?

[X] Action Plan: Sufficiently Straightforward Steps Supply Secrecy + Spend FP + Mention Idea
Word Count:
  • Spend 1 FP: Team Uplift has previously gathered info about Oro
  • Mention to Oro if standard incentives like money or jutsu is not enough to convince the shadow clone's original to talk to him or consent to experiments. Offering the shadow clone a permanent physical body might be an appealing incentive.
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cannon if Hazou thinks he would help.
      • Find Kei and bring her back to Hazou.
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochumaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Go directly to the Tower.
    • Explain the situation to Asuma.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?
Isn't Orochimaru already gone? As in, they have already disappeared from Hazou's sight as he is going in the other direction?
Offering the shadow clone a permanent physical body might be an appealing incentive.
Also if this works Snowflake would be ecstatic.

Isn't Orochimaru already gone? As in, they have already disappeared from Hazou's sight as he is going in the other direction?
Mari began to lead Orochimaru away. After one final glance to make sure the humanoid wasn't going to change his mind and come after him, Hazō headed for the main room at the briskest walk he dared.
It was left unclear. Headed could mean he just started heading. Or had already headed for a while.
  • Mention to Oro if standard incentives like money or jutsu is not enough to convince the shadow clone's original to talk to him or consent to experiments. Offering the shadow clone a permanent physical body might be an appealing incentive.
to some existing plans. To gauge whether Oro will get consent or forcibly dissect Kei. And also so Oro thinks Hazou is smart and helpful for mentioning a good idea.

Hazou cannot (not, 'does not want to', but literally cannot) barter with Orochimaru because Oro's social skills are too damn high and Hazou is too injured. Bartering in MfD takes social skills and those skills always use dice rolls.

In his current condition Hazou will never be able to roll high enough to resist Oro's intimidation. If we talk with Oro we lose not because our argument was ineffective, but because Hazou is currently physically/mentally incapable of following through.

I personally would love to be able to talk things over with Orochimaru as equals, but if that were possible Hazou would have done so in the previous update, or at the very least Hazou would have squeaked out "Clan secrets". There simply is no resisting so the question of fight or flight has already been decided for us: we have to flee in some way.
Hazou cannot (not, 'does not want to', but literally cannot) barter with Orochimaru because Oro's social skills are too damn high and Hazou is too injured. Bartering in MfD takes social skills and those skills always use dice rolls.

In his current condition Hazou will never be able to roll high enough to resist Oro's intimidation.
Hazou isn't bartering. He is giving an idea to Oro, without asking for anything in return. In order to see how Oro reacts. There is no reason for Oro to use intimidation.
Hazou isn't bartering. He is giving an idea to Oro, without asking for anything in return. In order to see how Oro reacts. There is no reason for Oro to use intimidation.

How is "if standard incentives like money or jutsu is not enough" not bartering? Pitching the idea of a trade is just as much a part of bartering as haggling the final price is.

Why do you believe that Oro won't use intimidation again when he used it on Hazou just minutes before in the story?

From another angle, what skill can Hazou possibly roll while interacting with Orochimaru that won't result in Hazou becoming more pliable than dough? I am fairly certain Hazou presently simply does not have the raw numbers to engage with Orochimaru in any kind of diplomacy.
How is "if standard incentives like money or jutsu is not enough" not bartering? Pitching the idea of a trade is just as much a part of bartering as haggling the final price is.
Hazou isn't pitching for Oro to barter with Kei. His words are implying that Oro will barter with kei. He doesn't have to convince Oro of anything, just watch his reaction.

Why do you believe that Oro won't use intimidation again when he used it on Hazou just minutes before in the story?
I find it plausible Oro will use intimidation on Kei in a similar way that he used on Hazou. What I'm uncertain about is if he would forcibly dissect Kei. And I don't think intimidation would be enough (if he doesn't issue threats) to make someone consent to dissection, even if he wins the social combat.
If he wants to dissect Kei but isn't willing to do it by force, then offering incentives makes sense as his next move.
Hence, what Oro thinks of offering incentives can inform whether he will forcibly dissect someone.
Hazou cannot (not, 'does not want to', but literally cannot) barter with Orochimaru because Oro's social skills are too damn high and Hazou is too injured. Bartering in MfD takes social skills and those skills always use dice rolls.
Hazou can't. We can. We can draft a deal here, load it into Hazou's mind, have him commit to not deviating from it, then present it to Oro and ask him to take it or leave it, with maybe some minor implementation details as variables.

I think it could be done, and would be fairly beneficial — more beneficial than the run-away-get-help approaches — though I don't have the time/spoons to campaign for it.
though I don't have the time/spoons to campaign for it.
wat about the time to mention the overview and/or specifics of wat such a deal would be?

Hazou cannot (not, 'does not want to', but literally cannot) barter with Orochimaru because Oro's social skills are too damn high and Hazou is too injured. Bartering in MfD takes social skills and those skills always use dice rolls.
this is an aside. but Oro has shown willingness to use intimidation to get info. This makes bartering info difficult.
However he has not yet shown willingness to use intimidation to obtain physical goods. If he has a sense of morality or pride that stops him from doing so, then bartering goods could be viable.
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Also one possible "barter". Would be Hazou apprenticing under Oro. Labor for knowledge. Oro doesn't even need to decide to give knowledge. Hazou could learn just from watching wat Oro does as he helps.
Hazou isn't pitching for Oro to barter with Kei. His words are implying that Oro will barter with kei. He doesn't have to convince Oro of anything, just watch his reaction.

Any interaction we have with Oro is going to involve dice. We still can't win dice rolls against him.

I find it plausible Oro will use intimidation on Kei in a similar way that he used on Hazou. What I'm uncertain about is if he would forcibly dissect Kei. And I don't think intimidation would be enough (if he doesn't issue threats) to make someone consent to dissection, even if he wins the social combat.
If he wants to dissect Kei but isn't willing to do it by force, then offering incentives makes sense as his next move.
Hence, what Oro thinks of offering incentives can inform whether he will forcibly dissect someone.

I'm less worried about immediate dissection and more concerned with Hazou blabbing anything and everything Oro could want to hear about clan and bloodline secrets.

Hazou can't. We can. We can draft a deal here, load it into Hazou's mind, have him commit to not deviating from it, then present it to Oro and ask him to take it or leave it, with maybe some minor implementation details as variables.

I think it could be done, and would be fairly beneficial — more beneficial than the run-away-get-help approaches — though I don't have the time/spoons to campaign for it.

We can't override dice by having Hazou pre-commit to specific conversations. His injured body and brain will not be able to handle the stress of interacting with Oro.

this is an aside. but Oro has shown willingness to use intimidation to get info. This makes bartering info difficult.
However he has not yet shown willingness to use intimidation to obtain physical goods. If he has a sense of morality or pride that stops him from doing so, then bartering goods could be viable.

Betting that Oro has a sense of morality seems like a losing bet to me.

Also one possible "barter". Would be Hazou apprenticing under Oro. Labor for knowledge. Oro doesn't even need to decide to give knowledge. Hazou could learn just from watching wat Oro does as he helps.

Again, not currently mechanically possible.