Omit Needless Words
wat about the time to mention the overview and/or specifics of wat such a deal would be?
- Definitions: Hereinafter, Asuma, Tsunade, Shikamaru, and Mari will be collectively referred to as "Trusted Parties".
- Procedure: Hazou undergoes a consensual, non-lethal vivisection (hereinafter referred to as "the procedure") at Orochimaru's hand. Orochimaru is to be allowed to gather any information he desires about the Iron Nerve bloodline via any means necessary within the scope of the procedure, provided that:
- Hazou survives the procedure, and suffers no permanent damage (including but not limited to: physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional, agentic, and metaphysical damage), nor moderate-to-severe damage lasting more than one (1) month.
- This point is considered to be violated if any one of the Trusted Parties or Hazou considers it to be violated.
- Hazou receives a full report on Orochimaru's findings with regards to his bloodline's and body's functionality, in a form Hazou, Noburi, or Mari could understand.
- The Gouketsu receive appropriate compensation for allowing the procedure to take place (appropriate forms of compensation outlined under point 3 below).
- Hazou survives the procedure, and suffers no permanent damage (including but not limited to: physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional, agentic, and metaphysical damage), nor moderate-to-severe damage lasting more than one (1) month.
- Compensation:
- Appropriate forms of compensation include: jutsu, bioaugmentations, seals, other valuable esoteric knowledge, personal favours owed by Orochimaru to the Gouketsu.
- Compensatation must meet all of the following criteria, as judged by the Trusted Parties:
- Fair.
- Provided in a timely manner.
- Accompanied by a thorough description of its functionality, failure modes, edge cases, caveats, et cetera.
- Constructed in good faith.
- The specifics of the compensation shall be agreed upon at any later date preceding the procedure, either from a list of options presented by Orochimaru, or in the process of dynamic discussion between Orochimaru, Hazou, and any other parties Hazou would wish to include in it.
- Assurances:
- Tsunade oversees the procedure, and confirms Orochimaru's faithful adherence to points 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 of this agreement.
- No less than three (3) Trusted Parties oversee the fulfillment of point 3.3, and confirm that Orochimaru fulfilled it in good faith, abstaining from games of intimidation, manipulation, misdirection, and other subtrefuge.
- Asuma agrees that, if the outcome of the procedure is that Hazou suffers one of the conditions outlined under point 2.1, Asuma will treat it the same way he would treat Orochimaru kidnapping and non-consensually dissecting a Clan Head for the purposes of stealing their clan's clan secrets, regardless of any explanations and justifications Orochimaru or Tsunade may provide.
- After familiarizing themselves with this deal, none of the Trusted Parties expect it to result in Hazou suffering one of the conditions outlined under point 2.1, or otherwise have an outcome that significantly differs from their best understanding of Hazou's expectations.
- Best Alternative to This Agreement: Orochimaru agrees to indefinitely stop pursuing non-consensual research into the bodies of the current Gouketsu clan members, and exert no pressure (whether of physical, financial, political, social, emotional, metaphysical, or any other kind) upon them with the goal (whether primary or secondary) of extracting such consent.
So have someone give it to Oro in written form, then. Or have Asuma/Tsunade stand in the room making sure Oro isn't being mean or the agreement is void. Come on.We can't override dice by having Hazou pre-commit to specific conversations. His injured body and brain will not be able to handle the stress of interacting with Oro.
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