I guess we could just run. Not like he'll kill Mari, I think. We'll just play for time. Probably good if Kei makes a scene before she goes.

[x] Action Plan: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge
[X] Action plan: summoning help
Wordcount: 247
-Spend 1 fate point: know where Tsunade is from party planning
--Summon Canabisu, Canvass, and Canoe. Brief them. Offer them an open favor in thanks for helping in an emergency. Send Canoe to Tsunade with message "Orochimaru has taken an interest in your niece. We're running interference but need help. I'll owe you a favor, and in addition will take on any seal research project you choose.", and then to Asuma "Lord Orochimaru has taken an interest in Lady Nara at the Gōketsu estate. Please help." Canabisu on reverse summon / social interference duty. Send Canvass to find Ami," Orochimaru is after Kei", then Kabuto, "Lord Orochimaru might make it difficult for you to stay in Leaf. Please help us prevent that"
-Head to main meeting area, flag down any estate ninja, send them to gather Noburi, Yuno, Kei, Akane, Neiji, Haru, and Kagome.
-If they find Kei, send her to the Nara estate. If she can't be found, have the ninja go there themself and inform Lord Nara that Lady Nara is in danger and we need help.
-Have everyone else meet in main hall.
Ask Neiji to keep an eye on Oro and direct anyone responding to where he is, promise Hyuga significant benefits if he helps.
--Take Mari's advice and run like hell. None of the other ninja on the estate should be "interesting". Run into the city, bunker down in a 5sb'd MEW construction until ANBU/allies give us the all clear.
[X] Interlude - The Great Conclave
[X] Interlude: Shinji's Last Mission
[X]lore update

[X] Action Plan: Ops(Operation Panic and Screaming)

  • 1 FP:Hazou knows Tsunade's position
  • Find Kei, brief her while you run away to the tower, excuse: The Hokage called for both of them.
    • Possibly leave Snowflake as interefence
      • Distract Oro
      • Help Mari not being murdered
      • Convince him Kei vs Snowflake are not different?
  • Summon Dogs and/or Goketsu ninja(What is faster), contact and explain(Maintain OPSEC):
    • Tsunade
    • Shikamaru
    • Asuma
    • Ami
    • Naruto
    • Ino
  • Organize to decide how survive this
  • If needed, retreat to 7th for the moment.(Both/Either Kei or Hazou)
  • Possibly brief the rest of Goketsu if it doesn't cost times, otherwise let a dog/ninja explain later.
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"I have seen the misshapen lump you describe as a replica of the most sophisticated seal known to man," Orochimaru said coldly. "I am given to understand it posed a puzzle which Leaf's sealmasters were able to solve overnight by mass-producing a beginners' training seal. I was aware that standards had declined in my absence, but that does not mean I appreciate a mockery being made of my discipline."

"Nephew," Orochimaru interrupted, "Kabuto explained your wild claims during his attempts to direct my attention to your project. If you stand by your insistence that you were able to accurately memorise a vast 3D seal, in its entirety, in a matter of seconds, and recall it still despite the Dragon's psychic assault that cast you back to the Human Path and nearly shattered your mind, that means you have a powerful combination of cognitive enhancement and 3D scanning ability. This is something I require."

I don't want to be controversial, but could i ask something? I feel the events as have happened a bit confusing, even if i admit we don't know Oro's side of the story.
Hazou never had "seconds" to memorize the seal? In fact:
-In his first outing, he went to the Great Seal and the Shadow Clone copied it in it's entirely, then popped the SC. Admittedly we don't know how much time Hazou passed there, but it wasn't a "Go to the butte and be attacked then casted to the Human Path". Admittedly, i imagine the "Dragon's psychic assault" was the lie made to hide the whole "Iron Nerve Sealing", but the "seconds" part doesn't make sense, otherwise how could he sketch the entire seal?
-After his first outing, the HOWS where created, IIRC, without the Great Seal Replica
-Then Hazou could have returned as many times as he wanted, both to replace the HOWS or simply to watch the Great Seal again, in fact, the replica was made... in chapter Chapter 453 and the HOWS where positioned in Chapter 448 (Along many HOWS pun jokes from Asuma) so Hazou should have, at least from Orochimaru PoV, multiple times in which he analyzed the Great Seal in detail.

So it's less "Hazou had seconds to study the Great Seal" but "Hazou had an entire outing made ad-hoc to copy the great seal + Another one in which he studied the Great Seal while positioning the HOWS + possible other times in which he went there just to study it to prepare for the Great Seal Replica(That did not happen, but Oro doesn't know about it)".
From Oro's point of view, Hazou is not doing a improvisation from memory, but has a copy that he can(in fact must access every time he changes the HOWS) access and drawings of the Great Seal. So i'm confused why Oro thinks Hazou used Iron Nerve mumbo jumb to memorize it in seconds.
Am i missing something? Maybe Oro considers fundamentally impossible to copy the Great Seal, regardless of how much time Hazou had on hand?

EDIT: Just to be sure, i checked the timeline
Chapter 448 is on November 22
Chapter 453 is on December 19
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If they find Kei, send her to the Nara estate
Take Mari's advice and run like hell. None of the other ninja on the estate should be "interesting". Run into the city, bunker down in a 5sb'd MEW construction until ANBU/allies give us the all clear
Much safer to evac to the 7th path.

Also might be worth contacting Ryugami about this. The Angel without mercy has danced with Oro in the past and probably would be worried about the threat to his grand daughters
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Find Kei, brief her, run away to the tower
Run first, answer questions later.

@roobee I still can't say your position makes sense to me. How do you justify this quote?
The worst Orochimaru could do… frankly, it was beyond Hazō's imagination.

Hazō was terrified of Orochimaru. That was a fact. Some of that was probably irrational, given his emotional trauma from what he'd seen in the Basement and the way Orochimaru had psychically ripped his head open and stuck a bunch of knives into it in response to an accidental act of rudeness. But some of it was extremely rational fear of a humanoid who'd kidnapped people and tortured them to death, was doing the same semi-consensually on a daily basis, and, again, psychically ripped people's heads open and stuck bunches of knives into them for accidental acts of rudeness. What kind of entertainment would someone like that, with no known hobbies and a belief that he was above both morality and the law, make for himself when bored and surrounded by people with unique unstudied abilities?
More to the point, should you justify it? At what point is it "We hear incomplete rumors of him dissecting people." and what point is it "We saw a man in agony chained to a table in Orochimaru's basement kept alive by jutsu and being force fed spiders indefinitely." or "Orochimaru's only condition for joining the attack on Rock was the promise of more test subjects."? The text is not subtle about Orochimaru's evils.

At least, if you still think this is an open question, please at least vote following the precautionary principle for now, and ask people in the story for clarification later.
Run first, answer questions later.

@roobee I still can't say your position makes sense to me. How do you justify this quote?

More to the point, should you justify it? At what point is it "We hear incomplete rumors of him dissecting people." and what point is it "We saw a man in agony chained to a table in Orochimaru's basement kept alive by jutsu and being force fed spiders indefinitely." or "Orochimaru's only condition for joining the attack on Rock was the promise of more test subjects."? The text is not subtle about Orochimaru's evils.

At least, if you still think this is an open question, please at least vote following the precautionary principle for now, and ask people in the story for clarification later.

Compromise, brief her while we run away.
[X] Interlude: Everyone keeps misinterpreting Orochimaru's honest attempts to socialize after his adopted cousin found his totally-not-a-sex-dungeon and the gimp he forgot to release from there.
Send Canoe to Tsunade .... and then to Asuma .... Send Canvass to find Ami ... then Kabuto,

Note that the dogs don't know any of those people.

Admittedly, i imagine the "Dragon's psychic assault" was the lie made to hide the whole "Iron Nerve Sealing"

The Dragons did cause Hazō to experience a mild Out seizure but it didn't actually harm him.

but the "seconds" part doesn't make sense, otherwise how could he sketch the entire seal

What actually happened is that the Shadow Clone did a quick sketch of the whole seal, probably about a minute or two of effort. Hazō then opened his eyes and memorized the whole thing instantly via the Iron Nerve.

What Orochimaru thinks happened is unknown, obviously, but it sounds like he's assuming that you didn't have very long to study the thing before you had to leave. He might be using "seconds" in a hyperbolic way where he expects that it actually took minutes. Same way you might say to a client "You seriously want me to sit down and instantly code a facial recognition system from scratch?!"
Updated Plan...

[x] Action Plan: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge
Words: tbd

  • Coordinate with Noburi to use Summons to find Kei, Ami, Asuma, Naruto, Tsunade, and Shikamaru. Send Akane, Atomu, Yuno, Haru, and Mei as well.
  • Go to Asuma, ourselves, to help sell Mari's lie.
  • Have Kei flee to 7th Path immediately
  • Coordinate with Shika, Ami, and Kagome to fake paperwork, indicating that Snowflake's existence really is just a long-term Nara social experiment
    • Suggestion for fake project: deliberate and controlled personality drift via shadow clones.
    • Intent: make it seem Mari was fooled by/misunderstood the social experiment.
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Forgot to give Hazō Consequences for receiving double digits of mental stress. He is now Cowed (Mild) and has a Crippled Will (Medium). He is very, very lucky that this didn't happen a month from now, when it would have given him a fresh Severe as well.
"You seriously want me to sit down and instantly code a facial recognition system from scratch?!"
I mean, that's easy, just staple some matrix multiplication functions together and let it train for a few cycles. If that doesn't work, have it do more multiplications until it does. Ohh, or you could spend the time given to hire someone on Upwork, chain them to a desk and force to recognize faces for food — that's a pretty competitive salary I think — and call that your system. That's probably the solution Oro is looking for, even! Force someone else to remember things for you!

Everyone relax! I solved the problem. We just need to not tell him one of the voices in our head is the perfect fit for the posit— nevermind this isn't a good plan, keep panicking.
...would it be possible for us to manipulate Hazou into getting Orochimaru to transplant us (the VIHH) into Orochimaru's head?
I mean, that's easy, just staple some matrix multiplication functions together and let it train for a few cycles. If that doesn't work, have it do more multiplications until it does. Ohh, or you could spend the time given to hire someone on Upwork, chain them to a desk and force to recognize faces for food — that's a pretty competitive salary I think — and call that your system. That's probably the solution Oro is looking for, even! Force someone else to remember things for you!

Everyone relax! I solved the problem. We just need to not tell him one of the voices in our head is the perfect fit for the posit— nevermind this isn't a good plan, keep panicking.
And this is why you're one of two or three players I trust to deal with Orochimaru successfully
How do you justify this quote?
In addition to
and we don't know the full context. does he get consent? are the people he experiments on evil or did they take hostile actions against him? did he do it for the greater good? does he give them painkillers?
a few of those sentence sound like hazou's opinion (opinion while he is in a state of fear), as opposed to statements of fact. are the subjects enemies of leaf? him using jonin aura as psychic attack on hazou was rude yeah. but in ninja culture that seems accepted. and there is a wide span of possibilities between oro is willing to be rude with his jonin aura and oro is the incarnation of evil

we don't know that

the precautionary principle for now,
the precautionary principle IS to keep the possibility that oro isn't gonna forcibly dissect kei/hazou in mind. to ask a quick question if oro is going to do that.
Ahhh I see it's only ok when you propose to commit treason.

I listed that for the sake of comprehensiveness and I naively thought to myself: "Surely, that covers the most likely treasonous answers".

I must admit defeat though: I can/could never be as creative as you when it comes to finding novel ways to have Hazou commit treason no matter the situation.
Also might be worth contacting Ryugami about this. The Angel without mercy has danced with Oro in the past and probably would be worried about the threat to his grand daughters
Neither of the girls are his actual granddaughters. HDK whether there's any blood relationship between them at all, given Ryūgamine married into the clan.
Ok, we have 2 options i think, run to the tower or run to konoha hospital. The second is safer from orochimaru but will probably anoy tsunade.
...would it be possible for us to manipulate Hazou into getting Orochimaru to transplant us (the VIHH) into Orochimaru's head?

Why limit ourselves to a simple transfer? If we can successfully copy ourselves we might as well copy and paste until we're in every shinobi's and civilian's head.

[jk] Convince Oro to upload the hivemind in every person in Leaf
I listed that for the sake of comprehensiveness and I naively thought to myself: "Surely, that covers the most likely treasonous answers".

I must admit defeat though: I can/could never be as creative as you when it comes to finding novel ways to have Hazou commit treason no matter the situation.
I find this entirely frustrating. There is a crazed demigod who is endangering our family and you refuse to consider looking at outside solutions specifically when two days ago you said
The hivemind needs to be challenged to prevent group think as you noted. If I had not challenged the idea of FOOM not being absolutely protected by clan secrets eventually that mistake would have come back to haunt us. The QMs do not need more grief if the voters collectively have drawn the wrong conclusions... again. This is all an effort to prevent another clan secrets misunderstanding from happening again like it did with Minami Nikko.
So it seems that you aren't interested in challenging group think. You have just decided to taboo anything that you disagree with. You could have asked how we might make this not be treasonous. You could have asked is it worth the risk.