Keep in mind we've never told Haru about the plot, everything he knows about it is after the fact. Which means he has to question whether or not the information he has is genuine or is a combination of truths and lies designed to make him more amenable to the plot. And given Haru's opinion of the clans and of us...
Right, that's true to a certain extent.

OTOH, that he doesn't appear to enter this into any sort of utility calculation in his head (or if he does, it seems to give a response thats contrary to what I would expect given how aligned our goals are) is a major cause for concern.

Like, yeah I get his POV to some degree, but it also seems like we should have passed the "Clan Gouketsu : Bad Guys?" check to some small degree where he would maybe want to talk with us before labelling us treason dragons and demanding we go see the Hokage or something.

Dunno what to do there. If he gets particularly annoying about this and starts being the drama queen, we can like... bring him door to door to meet with all the folks on our compound doing some sort of wellness check? All thousand of them, or something.

Its a difficult problem. He seems to be extremely disillusioned with the current system. Yet, he believes in it to the extent that he can't see how even a lot of the friendlier elements of it are highly incentivized to continue the subjugation train. I suppose this is the power of the Will of Fire propaganda train, once you've been drinking the kool-aid for most of your life with nothing to compare it to?
I'm going to point out that Haru's "sticking his neck out" was clearly a coerced one. He's probably vastly unhappy about himself and a whole fuckton of civilians having to lie to the Hokage to support a clearly corrupt Clan Head, especially given his own history with being oppressed by clan-nin.

Hazou thanking Haru for being involved is...feels like it's rubbing it in Haru's face, at least from his perspective.
He hates the more oppressive laws, yeah, but that doesn't mean he's going to advocate ignoring fundamental laws.

Keep in mind we've never told Haru about the plot, everything he knows about it is after the fact. Which means he has to question whether or not the information he has is genuine or is a combination of truths and lies designed to make him more amenable to the plot. And given Haru's opinion of the clans and of us...

Due to some very good points about Haru's perspective, I've removed the "thank Haru" section. We can always cycle back to it in one of the upcoming plans, depending on how Haru acts after that whole fiasco.

Personally, I think that we've passed the "are the Goketsu evil stinkers" quest and Haru's seeing that we're "idealistic and earnest but, perhaps, a bit too eager."

If nothing else, he's been around Mari for three days while we've been in the killbox. Granted, she was probably busy arranging our freedom, but I doubt that she'd allow an active Goketsu ninja to have negative thoughts on her son the clan head. Maybe. Mari's also still debating on who she wants to become. So maybe not?

[x] Action Plan: Tending Your Garden
Words: 156

  • Check on Noburi, how's he holding up?
  • Clear the air with Akane about the Out Incident, ask her about that one thing she wanted to tell/ask us.
  • Visit Shikamaru, thank him sheepishly, ask if he'd like to go cloud watching sometime?
  • Check on Honoka's current wellness with her acting physician.
    • Then have lunch with Kagome and Honoka and subtly check on Honoka's mental/physical health.
  • Tea with Mari, talk about our lingering feelings for Akane and how we're unsure how to resolve them.
  • Catch up with Keiko, we missed her dearly.
  • Genuinely thank Ami using CCnJ and that while we don't fully understand her, we value her as a person.
    • If she's skeptical, list what we do know about her using CCnJ and that we accept her as she is.
  • Send a letter to Tsunade, asking for recommendations about Honoka's situation.
  • Check with our secretary to see how things went while we were... otherwise occupied.

^just removed the "thank haru" thing, no other changes were made^

Edit: goodnight everyone!
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[X] Let Velorien Write A Fluffy and Relaxing Update

I want to see Hazou relax more than I am scared of him becoming engaged to every unmarried female in Leaf due to romcom hijinks.
The Plot to Kill the Tsuchikage
(Without Ever Stepping Foot in Iwagakure)

TL;DR: Tie the legitimacy of the Tsuchikage to excellent finances and conquests, gut their ability to pay for either, thus inevitably leading to Rock replacing their own Tsuchikage in an undeclared revolution. Bonus points in that the revolution probably still won't be able to fix what we fuck up.

Longer form:

Ultimately, a lot of the Kage's legitimacy rests upon three things: Tradition, success, and being able to pay people. Let's say we want to fuck up the Tsuchikage. We can't really make her an untraditional pick, if we had the ability to safely beat the shit out of Rock we would have, and so that leaves us with the option of attacking number three. Fortunately, this seems to be the weakest point of the newest Tsuchikage, as well as ninja society in general, because ninja are shockingly callous with the people who are their ultimate paymasters.

The backbone of this plan is this: We know from Mist and Leaf that money in their respective lands flows from the people to the local lords to the daimyo to the office of the Kage, from which it then flows to the clans and the clanless ninja. The key here is that the office of the Kage distributes the money through mission pay. In other words, when it comes to a ninja's paycheck, the buck stops with the Kage. If we can attack the money supply before it reaches the Kage, so long as nobody can be credibly caught attacking the money supply, the blame for that falls upon the Kage.

Previously, we had come up with plans that amounted to roughly the same thing: conduct wide-scale hydrological sabotage to intentionally create mass disruption among the peasantry and thus fuck up their tax revenue, thus choking out Rock's money supply. This has obvious downsides, to the tune of at least four digit body counts from the widespread starvation, dislocation, and destruction such a move would create.

There is, however, a much more elegant and morally acceptable target: tax collectors and local daimyo. More specifically, the deeds of local daimyo - although if they were to accidentally overindulge in luxuries at an awfully high frequency, that too would be acceptable. The goal is to cripple Rock's ability to collect taxes at a local level by strategically burning records of who owns what and killing morally acceptable daimyo and tax collectors (e.g. abusers as we ran across in that Stickball, Salt, Surprise, although actual implementation by Asuma will no doubt be far messier). Without the ability to know who owns what, Rock's tax-collecting apparatus will be unable to tax people according to what they farm - or perhaps, more accurately, they'll start taxing indiscriminately and be surprised when they literally cannot beat more rice out of the farmers that they can reach.

However, it is of the utmost importance that nobody be caught destroying these tax records. We cannot afford to give Rock an acceptable target to unite against, or point the finger at, at least not in the early stages while her financials are recoverable.

So, to recap Phase One: we kill a bunch of Rock's tax collectors and destroy a whole bunch of their records, beginning to collapse their money supply.

Phase Two is where things get devious.

Because in Phase Two, we start planting books scrolls and rumors throughout Rock. Specifically, we start planting information about Rock's internal financial status being absolutely fantastic. Preferably, if we can tailor this to being a deniable operation of either Rock's office of the Kage or one of their major clan allies.

Why would we choose to buoy confidence in Rock's financial status as we're busy sabotaging it, instead of blowing wide open that the Tsuchikage has been unable to protect the tax supply?

Because the Tsuchikage will be more able to walk off "a brief hiccup caused by clearly enemy action" than "hey guys we lied about our financials being fantastic; we literally have no more money to pay all of you". That latter case is how we're going to depose the Tsuchikage through a revolt of Rock's ninja against the Tsuchikage.

By planting a false account all throughout Earth Country, this starts selling the lie that Rock's finances are fantastic, in a way that the group we're stealing the identity of will likely be unwilling to contradict; to say "hey guys we didn't actually write this, our finances are shit actually" would be a direct attack against the Tsuchikage, and this early into her reign it would likely be seen as a disastrously bad move. Similarly, the Tsuchikage will likely be unwilling to contradict a deniable press release that one of her subordinates apparently ordered but did not tell her about, especially one that plays up her fundamental legitimacy of being easily able to pay her ninja.

Meanwhile, we keep on blazing a trail through Rock's tax records. Keep up the pressure to make their taxes absolutely uncollectable. In their desperation to restore some semblance of taxes, they will likely try to send out teams to collect and survey taxes on C-Rank missions - and will likely reflect that in the power level of teams they send out. After those teams start failing to repair the hole in the budget, they're likely going to turn to more extreme measures; inter-state tarriffs between cities, jacked up taxes on the city-dwellers, jacked up taxes on any farmers they can still collect taxes from, kill missions against disloyal daimyo who are clearly committing tax fraud against the great state of Rock, you name it.

All of this will serve to further cripple their own internal economy, and thus their income stream.

Finally, after the educated (ninja) population has been so confident that Rock's financials have been fantastic, even with the cost of absorbing new conquests...the Tsuchikage has to commit to saying the treasury is empty, and the ninja cannot be paid.

One quick bloodless coup later, there's a new Tsuchikage inheriting an utterly collapsed tax collection system and economy, leading to further political and economic collapse.

And we won't need to ever step foot in Iwagakure.

(This plan is heavily inspired by the run-up to the French Revolution, if not the French Revolution itself, from the period of about 1786 - 1789).
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It was also the killbox.

Called it

"Gōketsu Hazō," Asuma said without preamble, "for the crime of treason against the state, I hereby sentence you to death by decapitation.

"Take him away."

Well, maybe not That far, but...

Note: Ami and Keiko and Naruto as a set survived about 10% of test runs. There wasn't a single test run

It seems, we both got Very lucky, and used up all our margin of error this update.

I will just note, in the future, that next time people are being too optimistic about outcomes after we do the Big Stupid of the Season, I'll just tag this. Still, it's nice Haru was consistent. Treason bad, Hazou *mumbles under his breath*
The Plot to Kill the Tsuchikage
I don't think it will be bloodless. When part of the reason that leaders stay in power is their capacity to personally kill hundreds of people, there is basically no such thing as a bloodless coup. Plus many civilians will probably die from being taxed into starvation or executed by angry ninja.

Overall, I really like this plan! It strikes a weakness that most ninja/kages probably don't even have any clue they have.

Let's please just give the plan to Asuma though, rather than committing treason again by doing it ourselves. :thonk:
I don't think it will be bloodless. When part of the reason that leaders stay in power is their capacity to personally kill hundreds of people, there is basically no such thing as a bloodless coup. Plus many civilians will probably die from being taxed into starvation or executed by angry ninja.

Overall, I really like this plan! It strikes a weakness that most ninja/kages probably don't even have any clue they have.

Let's please just give the plan to Asuma though, rather than committing treason again by doing it ourselves. :thonk:
Run it by Akane and Mari first, I think. Akane for being a moral compass, Mari as a sanity check.
I mean, I'd run it between Mari and Shikamaru; Mari to sanity-check it, Shikamaru to refine the draft into a plan of attack to hand to Asuma. Morally speaking it's somewhere around Robin Hood (who is by no means good) and, well, slightly more benevolent scorch squads; stealing/killing the rich tax collectors to give to the poor farmers.
All For One -Hazou Edition: Spar with a Jonin, steal new improvements to your techniques by Iron Nerve

Worth remembering: there's, like, two dozen or less Jonin left. With the latest chapter, we know most by name at this point. I don't think that's quite how IN works anyway, though it's a cool idea and of course I always appreciate a good MHA reference.

Analogy time! Attempt #2 or #3

Imagine that a US Marine went to Al Queda and negotiated a bunch of thing, get a bunch of high value intel, and Al Queda revealed their noble intention of world peace by acting like terrorists to unify the world, and then said US Marine bring the intel back to his superior.

Would that qualify as TREASON?

I mean, biggest difference is that this isn't a flawed democracy, it's a feudal dictatorship, so treason could be whatever Asuma decides. Plus, he has to be willing to believe that what we reported was the entire and whole truth, which he's less inclined to buy. Also, as was pointed out, we're not a regular Marine, we're a Brigadier General at least. Plus, we said we wanted to work with them in the opening missive, and possibly the biggest different is that in this case, they have the greater firepower, not us, so we'd actually be Al-Queda. Any which way, it's only treason if the judge feels like convicting you for treason, in either universe.

Ami-style training:
Find that clanless jonin who participated in BOTG (Minami? Minori?) and find a way to improve her day without her finding out it was you.

I really like this! Positive, interesting, but still difficult. Anyone feel like adding it this round or the next?
So, to recap Phase One: we kill a bunch of Rock's tax collectors and destroy a whole bunch of their records, beginning to collapse their money supply.

Some of this tax collectors will have ninja bodyguards, which means combat and possible capture. (like Goda, he had 2 chunnin and that guy was just some semi important Yakuza)

And the Tsuchikage can just send out stronger bodyguards as response, they have the manpower, we don't.

"hey guys we lied about our financials being fantastic; we literally have no more money to pay all of you"

"Hey guys, someone is planting fake information, I increase taxes to pay for better security, don't worry it's only temporary"
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Some of this tax collectors will have ninja bodyguards, which means combat and possible capture. (like Goda, he had 2 chunnin and that guy was just ssemi important Yakuza)

And the Tschuikage can just send out stronger bodyguards as response, they have the manpower, we don't.
Their tax infrastructure is a huge amount of area to defend; if they had enough strong ninja to consistently prevent our strong teams who can target tax infrastructure pretty much at will from going in and burning the shit out of their records, well, then at least we've tied up their strong ninja playing defense as we can go and do other shit. Bonus points for those strong ninja being an extra expenditure that Rock has to pay for to fix the bleeding holes in their own income.
"Hey guys, someone is planting fake information, I increase taxes to pay for better security, don't worry it's only temporary"
No, see by this point where she's forced to admit the weakness of her financials we've wrecked lower level tax infrastructure so bad that her fixes end up fucking the system up even further (e.g. levying taxes so crushingly high that not only are the farmers unable to pay the tax, killing off mid-level daimyo to "make an example out of liars and cheats", levying merchant taxes so high inter-city trade shuts down, taxing the city-dwellers until they basically depopulate themselves, etc. etc.), which leads them to the point where there's just fundamentally no room to fix the tax system without complete buy-in from all the clans that whose benefits she needs to restructure - at which point those clans decide to restructure her position, through the window.

Unless your point is that she could fundamentally say "oh yeah that report is fake someone's fucking with our tax system and the moment I find out who they're fucking done", which is a risk that makes it harder to kill the Tsuchikage, but far easier to stir up internal Rock trouble.
Their tax infrastructure is a huge amount of area to defend

Do we know this or is this just a general assumption?

Their tax infrastructure is a huge amount of area to defend; if they had enough strong ninja to consistently prevent our strong teams who can target tax infrastructure pretty much at will from going in and burning the shit out of their records, well, then at least we've tied up their strong ninja playing defense as we can go and do other shit. Bonus points for those strong ninja being an extra expenditure that Rock has to pay for to fix the bleeding holes in their own income.

It's still more likely that we will lose people in the process and if they actually capture someone or confirm it's Leaf then it's an international incident and just cause for war and Leaf doesn't have the strength to just simple go to war (or else Asuma would have done so already). We also don't really now what allies they do have and would support them.

Also we do need to gather the information on tax collectors and the actual reports to fake them, that's not easy either.

Unless your point is that she could fundamentally say "oh yeah that report is fake someone's fucking with our tax system and the moment I find out who they're fucking done", which is a risk that makes it harder to kill the Tsuchikage, but far easier to stir up internal Rock trouble.

Basically this, we don't know much about Land of Earth culture, so really predicting how this is going to go is way harder.

It's not like I disagree with the Plan, but I just think without proper details everyone will just tell us:

"Great idea, but how do we implement it?"
I feel like we're overthinking plans. @Velorien Would you be down for writing a beach day type scene if we let you have free rein?
I think there are times for "we trust him" votes (which only @eaglejarl generally seems to get), but for open-ended updates it is helpful to have ideas on what to write, maybe framed as suggestions for flexibility. Also, there are matters of policy, like how Hazō treats Ami in the aftermath, or the Haru issue, where the players may get unexpected results if they leave things purely to QM interpretation.

Because in Phase Two, we start planting books throughout Rock. Specifically, we start planting books about Rock's internal financial status being absolutely fantastic. Preferably, if we can tailor this to being a deniable operation of either Rock's office of the Kage or one of their major clan allies.
Useful reminder that all printed books come from Leaf. The rest are hand-written and costly to mass-produce, which is why the world at large sticks to scrolls.
levying taxes so crushingly high that not only are the farmers unable to pay the tax,
I am not commenting on whether this plan is feasible, or whether it's a good idea, or what other characters will think of it, or if Asuma will have already considered it, or if it is/is not a standard idea in ninja cold war. With all that said, taxes on farmers are so high that there is zero room to raise them. They already pay everything that have above subsistence; the average rural farmer has about $34/year of disposable income.
Useful reminder that all printed books come from Leaf. The rest are hand-written and costly to mass-produce, which is why the world at large sticks to scrolls.

That is an assumption based on rest of the world not using block printing in any shape and form.

The implication of manga existing means that at least Konoha craftsmen handcarve wooden blocks. Ditto for any patterns we may have seen.

The Plot to Kill the Tsuchikage

(Without Ever Stepping Foot in Iwagakure)

TL;DR: Tie the legitimacy of the Tsuchikage to excellent finances and conquests, gut their ability to pay for either, thus inevitably leading to Rock replacing their own Tsuchikage in an undeclared revolution. Bonus points in that the revolution probably still won't be able to fix what we fuck up.

This is not uplift in any remote sense. I will not vote for this.
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The Plot to Kill the Tsuchikage
(Without Ever Stepping Foot in Iwagakure)

I'm not inherently against the idea of killing the Tsuchikage --depending on the Tsuchikage's character and willingness to pursue peace. But I have a feeling that this form of economic sabotage would open the door for similar reprisal. I think that, much like there's no official guideline for ambassadors, there's no official guide for warfare. And this cold war idea seems a bit too obvious for it to not have been thought up before. So my best guess is that there's a sort of gentleman's agreement not to do this sort of thing.

Further, I think that this plan wouldn't be as bloodless as you might hope. I also feel that it makes the MfD world even worse, rather than better. It's not lancing a boil to remove the infection, it's introducing an infection to attack a preexisting disease.
If we're so vulnerable to economic sabotage, we should do something about the fact that our peasants have virtually no disposable income because of inefficient taxation/corrupt tax collector.

And no, we cannot merely get rid of hilltop daimyo.
Useful reminder that all printed books come from Leaf. The rest are hand-written and costly to mass-produce, which is why the world at large sticks to scrolls.
Easily fixed. The important part is making it common sense among Rock's intelligentsia that Rock's finances are completely fine and she will definitely be able to pay everyone on time with no difficulty - until she very suddenly cannot.
I am not commenting on whether this plan is feasible, or whether it's a good idea, or what other characters will think of it, or if Asuma will have already considered it, or if it is/is not a standard idea in ninja cold war. With all that said, taxes on farmers are so high that there is zero room to raise them. They already pay everything that have above subsistence; the average rural farmer has about $34/year of disposable income.
And that's exactly what I was counting on. It is not possible to raise taxes any further and get anything out of it; but since the Tsuchikage has a bleeding hole in the budget, well...raising taxes seemed like a good idea, even if in practice all it means is that people run away.

Thus fucking over the internal economy even more, and now we're off to the economic self-sabotage races, just as planned.
The Plot to Kill the Tsuchikage
(Without Ever Stepping Foot in Iwagakure)

TL;DR: Tie the legitimacy of the Tsuchikage to excellent finances and conquests, gut their ability to pay for either, thus inevitably leading to Rock replacing their own Tsuchikage in an undeclared revolution. Bonus points in that the revolution probably still won't be able to fix what we fuck up.

Longer form:

Ultimately, a lot of the Kage's legitimacy rests upon three things: Tradition, success, and being able to pay people. Let's say we want to fuck up the Tsuchikage. We can't really make her an untraditional pick, if we had the ability to safely beat the shit out of Rock we would have, and so that leaves us with the option of attacking number three. Fortunately, this seems to be the weakest point of the newest Tsuchikage, as well as ninja society in general, because ninja are shockingly callous with the people who are their ultimate paymasters.

The backbone of this plan is this: We know from Mist and Leaf that money in their respective lands flows from the people to the local lords to the daimyo to the office of the Kage, from which it then flows to the clans and the clanless ninja. The key here is that the office of the Kage distributes the money through mission pay. In other words, when it comes to a ninja's paycheck, the buck stops with the Kage. If we can attack the money supply before it reaches the Kage, so long as nobody can be credibly caught attacking the money supply, the blame for that falls upon the Kage.

Previously, we had come up with plans that amounted to roughly the same thing: conduct wide-scale hydrological sabotage to intentionally create mass disruption among the peasantry and thus fuck up their tax revenue, thus choking out Rock's money supply. This has obvious downsides, to the tune of at least four digit body counts from the widespread starvation, dislocation, and destruction such a move would create.

There is, however, a much more elegant and morally acceptable target: tax collectors and local daimyo. More specifically, the deeds of local daimyo - although if they were to accidentally overindulge in luxuries at an awfully high frequency, that too would be acceptable. The goal is to cripple Rock's ability to collect taxes at a local level by strategically burning records of who owns what and killing morally acceptable daimyo and tax collectors (e.g. abusers as we ran across in that Stickball, Salt, Surprise, although actual implementation by Asuma will no doubt be far messier). Without the ability to know who owns what, Rock's tax-collecting apparatus will be unable to tax people according to what they farm - or perhaps, more accurately, they'll start taxing indiscriminately and be surprised when they literally cannot beat more rice out of the farmers that they can reach.

However, it is of the utmost importance that nobody be caught destroying these tax records. We cannot afford to give Rock an acceptable target to unite against, or point the finger at, at least not in the early stages while her financials are recoverable.

So, to recap Phase One: we kill a bunch of Rock's tax collectors and destroy a whole bunch of their records, beginning to collapse their money supply.

Phase Two is where things get devious.

Because in Phase Two, we start planting books scrolls and rumors throughout Rock. Specifically, we start planting information about Rock's internal financial status being absolutely fantastic. Preferably, if we can tailor this to being a deniable operation of either Rock's office of the Kage or one of their major clan allies.

Why would we choose to buoy confidence in Rock's financial status as we're busy sabotaging it, instead of blowing wide open that the Tsuchikage has been unable to protect the tax supply?

Because the Tsuchikage will be more able to walk off "a brief hiccup caused by clearly enemy action" than "hey guys we lied about our financials being fantastic; we literally have no more money to pay all of you". That latter case is how we're going to depose the Tsuchikage through a revolt of Rock's ninja against the Tsuchikage.

By planting a false account all throughout Earth Country, this starts selling the lie that Rock's finances are fantastic, in a way that the group we're stealing the identity of will likely be unwilling to contradict; to say "hey guys we didn't actually write this, our finances are shit actually" would be a direct attack against the Tsuchikage, and this early into her reign it would likely be seen as a disastrously bad move. Similarly, the Tsuchikage will likely be unwilling to contradict a deniable press release that one of her subordinates apparently ordered but did not tell her about, especially one that plays up her fundamental legitimacy of being easily able to pay her ninja.

Meanwhile, we keep on blazing a trail through Rock's tax records. Keep up the pressure to make their taxes absolutely uncollectable. In their desperation to restore some semblance of taxes, they will likely try to send out teams to collect and survey taxes on C-Rank missions - and will likely reflect that in the power level of teams they send out. After those teams start failing to repair the hole in the budget, they're likely going to turn to more extreme measures; inter-state tarriffs between cities, jacked up taxes on the city-dwellers, jacked up taxes on any farmers they can still collect taxes from, kill missions against disloyal daimyo who are clearly committing tax fraud against the great state of Rock, you name it.

All of this will serve to further cripple their own internal economy, and thus their income stream.

Finally, after the educated (ninja) population has been so confident that Rock's financials have been fantastic, even with the cost of absorbing new conquests...the Tsuchikage has to commit to saying the treasury is empty, and the ninja cannot be paid.

One quick bloodless coup later, there's a new Tsuchikage inheriting an utterly collapsed tax collection system and economy, leading to further political and economic collapse.

And we won't need to ever step foot in Iwagakure.

(This plan is heavily inspired by the run-up to the French Revolution, if not the French Revolution itself, from the period of about 1786 - 1789).
Addendum: it occurs to me that I should start thinking like Ryugamine and Shikamaru.

Namely, we can structure the Tsuchikage's response by structuring the problem for her.

The concept is fairly simple: make the drop in taxes look like a bunch of uppity nobles thinking they can get away with tax evasion.

The execution: Pick a target we feel pretty okay about just bumping in the middle of the night, give them a little too much to drink, and then loot their cash. Take some for the scheme and figure out a way to dispose of the rest - generously bribing the populace is actually one way that this might work out even better. Plant that money, along with incriminating letters and scrolls, into a target daimyo, higher up. When the Tsuchikage begins investigating why tax revenue has been dropping, the daimyo that we've just planted evidence on becomes the natural target - including all of their fake correspondences.

By structuring the problem for her this way: "the nobles are holding out on me I need to knock them down a peg" we can basically invest all of her energy into finding a fake conspiracy while we go about tearing up the tax collector network underneath her; she might eventually catch on to this being a different sort of beast, but hopefully by then the tax collection system will be too strained to actually pay for Rock's ninja.
Addendum: it occurs to me that I should start thinking like Ryugamine and Shikamaru.

Namely, we can structure the Tsuchikage's response by structuring the problem for her.

The concept is fairly simple: make the drop in taxes look like a bunch of uppity nobles thinking they can get away with tax evasion.

The execution: Pick a target we feel pretty okay about just bumping in the middle of the night, give them a little too much to drink, and then loot their cash. Take some for the scheme and figure out a way to dispose of the rest - generously bribing the populace is actually one way that this might work out even better. Plant that money, along with incriminating letters and scrolls, into a target daimyo, higher up. When the Tsuchikage begins investigating why tax revenue has been dropping, the daimyo that we've just planted evidence on becomes the natural target - including all of their fake correspondences.

By structuring the problem for her this way: "the nobles are holding out on me I need to knock them down a peg" we can basically invest all of her energy into finding a fake conspiracy while we go about tearing up the tax collector network underneath her; she might eventually catch on to this being a different sort of beast, but hopefully by then the tax collection system will be too strained to actually pay for Rock's ninja.
Right, so if we're thinking about this like Shikamaru, what steps do we take to stop Rock from (eventually) resolving this internal crisis, thinking "Hey, that was pretty bad for us. I wonder if we can cause it to happen to other people?", and then immediately start working on our tax system in a similar way?

One first-order method I can think of is have the tax collectors keep a year-to-year record of how much they collected from each person and how much they kept vs. how much they gave to the Kage, submitting these records in duplicate along with the tax money. With these records, we can verify transactions easily and have basically the knowledge we need to replace tax collectors if they go missing.

I'll note that an excellent reason to bring up this scheme to Asuma and co. (along with the hydroengineering scheme) is so that we can build defenses so that others can't do the schemes to us.