Also, I have to say, (and not entirely related to this update) it's really endearing that Keiko knows Hazou's expressions second only to her sister's.

Yeah, it's easy to forget due to how emotionally blunted Keiko is, but Hazou is one of the people she's closest to, right after Ami and Mari. He's always understood her the best on an intuitive level, they'd come up with CCnJ together, and she trusted him enough to ask him for help with her haphephobia. From some of the phrasings in chapter 208, it's also clear that Hazou's ideology and morals have influenced her strongly, to the point where she talks about her "borrowed good intentions".

That's a big part of the reason I wanted Hazou to talk to her about this. If nothing else, this relationship is psychologically healthy for her in the long-term, and it's worth maintaining.
Not sure if you're continuing the 'what is Henge' joke or if you're asking. Just in case, it's because the game involved her transforming into things to move without having to walk, which was a really clever and amusing idea that was a great window into both Ami's personality and how she became a highly skilled prodigy.
I thought it was simply substitution technique.
Mori Ami was known for her bizarre self-invented (some would say self-inflicted) forms of training, from "the floor is larvae" (spend a day without touching the ground, while otherwise carrying on with your normal routine) to "too lazy to walk" (get as far across Mist as possible solely by Transforming into a series of inanimate objects). Given that she was the Mori Clan's youngest jōnin, these practices were clearly more useful than they looked, and so wherever Ami was at any given time, and whatever she was doing, most people just shrugged and let her get on with it.
@Vecht @Roomba

I haz made edits. Criticize plox and ty

Word Count: 564
[X] Action Plan: That Very Same Day

Before Lunch:

  • Talk to Keiko
    • Hazou spends a few minutes beforehand to frame everything in a considerate manner.
    • Keiko is also right: we need to stop digging. We are in a better position now and don't have to rely on bloodmoney.
      • Keiko is right to be concerned with the Pangolins' expansionism and is correct that it is at odds with our philosophy. Her description was worse than we imagined.
    • It was Hazou's idea to trade for Skywalkers afterall, so the blame rests partly with him.
    • We want to bring the issue of the Pangolins up to Jiraiya at dinner(See below: Pangolins)
      • Remember: last time we had an issue with them his insight was sufficient to solve it quickly and to our satisfaction.
      • Ideally:We want to try to stop the Pangolins from conquering and subjugating another clan.
    • Offer emotional support to Keiko as needed and sincerely thank her for bringing this to our attention

  • Training from Hell: Day 1
    • We spar with each other.
    • Ask Mari to cast (subtle) Genjutsu on us randomly while we are sparring.
      • We try to spot the subtle inconsistencies and are quizzed on them later.
    • Kagome randomly tossess training explosives at us that we need to dodge as well.
      • Nonlethal, obviously
    • Hard Mode: Do again in a lightly wooded/forested area
      • Touching a shadow (temporary or otherwise) means you die!
      • Kagome traps the area beforehand.


  • Talk with Jiraiya
    • Pangolins
      • Talk to Jiraiya about the Pangolin's expansionist tendencies and how this might present a problem for us
        • Obvious morality issues with supporting them in this.
        • Practical issues:
          • Some anti-Pangolin alliance of summoners coming for Keiko.
          • Breaks any remaining OPSEC on Skytowers.
          • Destabilizing the seventh path.
      • Analyze the situation
        • How much of this is likely one or two zealots in Pangolin High Command?
        • How much of this is Pantsaa?
        • Is this normal for summon clans?
          • What do the Toads think?
          • Do the Toads have any leverage here?
      • Solutions:
        • Ideally:We want to try to stop the Pangolins from conquering and subjugating another clan.
        • Leverage: Maybe we can cut off the skytower supply?
        • Keiko is a prominent figure in their society now.
        • Pressure from the Toads?
    • Training
      • We were promised "some tricks", we'd like to discuss possibilities within the next day.
      • Ask if Jiraiya himself could spend an hour or so a day training us.
        • Otherwise can he help us design some Training from Hell
      • Shadow Clones
        • We suspect the Shadow Clones transfer memories (Itachi vs Naruto).
        • Can we learn this, and use it for better training over the break?
        • Noburi's bloodline gives effectively massive chakra reserves.
    • Finances
      • Hazou has a thousand ideas for improving Leaf as a whole and the clan's position specifically.
        • Only constraint: Money
      • Check in on seal licenses: did the Merchant council approve Hazou and Kagome?
      • How do we approach tournament betting with Mist Yakuza?
        • Should we do a handful of missions (clearing chakra beasts, etc) to get more seed money for this?
      • We need to become independent of the monthly Pangolin gold, ASAP.
        • Can we get a quick summary of our monthly expenditures and how much debt we currently owe?
Misc.(Off Screen)

  • Hazou and Kagome research Casino seals
  • Hazou gives Jiraiya an organized packet of seal blanks for every seal he's ever seen (with any supporting background info).
  • Hazou makes a decent amount of storage seals (replace damaged ones) and explosive tags.
[X] Action plan: Training from Hell

Once we know in character how we're training, I can't wait to figure out what that means out of character.
I haz made edits. Criticize plox and ty
I am not Vecht or Roomba but here's my thoughts anyway. Might have missed some of the conversation so this may be a little at odds with earlier discussion.
It was Hazou's idea to trade for Skywalkers afterall, so the blame rests partly with him.
I feel that Hazou would place the fault largely or even completely on him, rather than partly, based on his interpretation of Hot Springs.
Ideally:We want to try to stop the Pangolins from conquering and subjugating another clan.
I feel the ideal situation would be for the Pangolins to stop their acts of genocide and slavery. At the very least exchange "subjugating" for "committing acts of genocide and mass enslavement" or something.
Training from Hell: Day 1
No training with Gai?
Analyze the situation
Also, ask about the Condors. We have the Pangolins' side of the story, what do the Toads think about all this? How long ago was this war, and are the Pangolins likely to act this way (read: with mass enslavement and cultural genocide) to other conquered clans?
We can talk with Mari-sensei over Jiraiya on this (except maybe the Pangolin thing, but that's redundant anyway. Maybe separate things so Jiraiya isn't overburdened?
Why don't we just ask Jiraiya his opinion on the Pangolin vs Condor stuff and associated? Probably oodles better than confronting the Pangolin directly first
Why wouldn't we? After all, starting early is a good sign of YOUTHFULNESS

...otoh, it might mean we get into a confrontation with Akane before Hazou realizes that they've broken up.

I'm not particularly attached to my training from hell idea, so I would be okay to switch it out with "Train with Team Gai: Gai sensei runs us ragged." or something

If everyone who is in support of training with Team Gai could like this post or otherwise communicate support for that, please let me know!
I'm largely apathetic when it comes to training for the tournament until it's shown to have any mechanical benefits. Thus far, training was just an opportunity to spend XP, and for that, we don't need anything special.
Not sure if you're continuing the 'what is Henge' joke or if you're asking. Just in case, it's because the game involved her transforming into things to move without having to walk, which was a really clever and amusing idea that was a great window into both Ami's personality and how she became a highly skilled prodigy.
"Henge"? What's that?

Of course it was that one. What do you take me for -- someone who would pass on the opportunity for a dad joke? Yeesh. Hi, I'm eaglejarl, nice to meet you.
I'm largely apathetic when it comes to training for the tournament until it's shown to have any mechanical benefits. Thus far, training was just an opportunity to spend XP, and for that, we don't need anything special.
OTOH Gai could potentially help Hazou with OP Taijutsu tricks beyond punching things with great efficacy.

And being friendlier with Team Gai would be great. They are our most youthful rivals afterall.

Any ideas on how to approach that?

  • Training from Hell: Day 1
    • Train with Team Gai.
    • Gai-sensei runs us ragged, in the name of YOUTH!

This is all I got.
Last edited:
OTOH Gai could potentially help Hazou with OP Taijutsu tricks beyond punching things with great efficacy.

And being friendlier with Team Gai would be great. They are our most youthful rivals afterall.

Any ideas on how to approach that?

It's fine. If the benefit we're looking for here is socializing with Team Gai, maybe put in something about that? Checking up on Neji to see how he's feeling, perhaps? Keiko will find Tenten on her own.
@faflec edits made.

I have changed out whatever training ideas I had for training with Team Gai.

Word Count: 526
[X] Action Plan: That Very Same Day

Before Lunch:

  • Talk to Keiko
    • Hazou spends a few minutes beforehand to frame everything in a considerate manner.
    • Keiko is also right: we need to stop digging. We are in a better position now and don't have to rely on bloodmoney.
      • Keiko is right to be concerned with the Pangolins' expansionism and is correct that it is at odds with our philosophy. Her description was worse than we imagined.
    • It was Hazou's idea to trade for Skytowers afterall, so the blame rests largely with him.
    • We want to bring the issue of the Pangolins up to Jiraiya at dinner(See below: Pangolins)
      • Remember: last time we had an issue with them his insight was sufficient to solve it quickly and to our satisfaction.
    • Offer emotional support to Keiko as needed and sincerely thank her for bringing this to our attention

  • Training from Hell: Day 1
    • Train with Team Gai.
      • Socialize too, as much as we can while training.
      • Check in on Neji.
    • Gai-sensei runs us ragged, in the name of YOUTH!


  • Talk with Jiraiya
    • Pangolins
      • Talk to Jiraiya about the Pangolin's expansionist tendencies and how this might present a problem for us
        • Obvious morality issues with supporting them in this.
        • Practical issues:
          • Some anti-Pangolin alliance of summoners coming for Keiko.
          • Breaks any remaining OPSEC on Skytowers.
          • Destabilizing the seventh path.
      • Analyze the situation
        • How much of this is likely one or two zealots in Pangolin High Command?
        • How much of this is Pantsaa?
        • Is this normal for summon clans?
          • What do the Toads think? (Especially about the Condor situation).
          • Do the Toads have any leverage here?
      • Solutions:
        • Ideally:We want to try to stop the Pangolins from committing any more acts of genocide and slavery
        • Maybe: We can slow them down for the time being.
        • Leverage: Maybe we can cut off the skytower supply?
        • Keiko is a prominent figure in their society now.
        • Pressure from the Toads?
    • Training
      • We were promised "some tricks", we'd like to discuss possibilities within the next day.
      • Ask if Jiraiya himself could spend an hour or so a day training us.
        • Otherwise can he help us design some Training from Hell
      • Shadow Clones
        • We suspect the Shadow Clones transfer memories (Itachi vs Naruto).
        • Can we learn this, and use it for better training over the break?
        • Noburi's bloodline gives effectively massive chakra reserves.
    • Finances (Talk to Mari too)
      • Hazou has a thousand ideas for improving Leaf as a whole and the clan's position specifically.
        • Only constraint: Money
      • Check in on seal licenses: did the Merchant council approve Hazou and Kagome?
      • How do we approach tournament betting with Mist Yakuza?
        • Should we do a handful of missions (clearing chakra beasts, etc) to get more seed money for this?
      • We need to become independent of the monthly Pangolin gold, ASAP.
        • Can we get a quick summary of our monthly expenditures and how much debt we currently owe?
Misc.(Off Screen)

  • Hazou and Kagome research Casino seals
  • Hazou gives Jiraiya an organized packet of seal blanks for every seal he's ever seen (with any supporting background info).
  • Hazou makes a decent amount of storage seals (replace damaged ones) and explosive tags.
Oh, I, uh...was hoping we could do your suggested training as well as Team Gai's.

Also, would it be a bad idea to talk to Jiraiya/Mari-sensei regarding Akane?
We can do it next plan? I think this is already a bit heavy (500 wordcount).

I can think of some other nonstandard training hijinks we can do in the meantime.

(I also need to start on some jutsu ideas before @MadScientist gets to all the good ones!)
I'm back in the voting cycle whilst the Pangolin stuff is around, as per my previous comment, and I'll spend a little effort on plans which include my big 3.

Here's the first. This isn't a thorough analysis, but hopefully it helps.
[X] Action Plan: That Very Same Day
General impressions: seems alright, but a little unfocused and the verbosity is in the wrong place. Some things seem missed, some things seem like unfortunate over-specification.
Hazou spends a few minutes beforehand to frame everything in a considerate manner.
I don't get the point of this line. "Try to be considerate" would do just as well, but TBH it also seems unnecessary.
    • Keiko is also right: we need to stop digging. We are in a better position now and don't have to rely on bloodmoney.
      • Keiko is right to be concerned with the Pangolins' expansionism and is correct that it is at odds with our philosophy. Her description was worse than we imagined.
    • It was Hazou's idea to trade for Skytowers afterall, so the blame rests largely with him.
    • Offer emotional support to Keiko as needed and sincerely thank her for bringing this to our attention
I don't like these points; I think the first line says everything, and the last couple seem to be playing a blame/evasion game that won't work with her: if it's wrong she'll see right through it, and if it's right she'll excuse it away regardless. I would prefer trying to validate her here:
  • Thank her for bringing the issue forward; she has raised an important issue, and we are in a better position than ever to do something about it. Her description was worse than we imagined,and we don't have to rely on blood money.
    • We want to bring the issue of the Pangolins up to Jiraiya at dinner(See below: Pangolins)
      • Remember: last time we had an issue with them his insight was sufficient to solve it quickly and to our satisfaction.
This seems to miss Keiko's primary ability to contribute here: how to get Jiraiya to help. Jiraiya has explicitly said he only cares about Leaf, so we need to address this directly if we want him on board.
  • Training from Hell: Day 1
    • We spar with each other.
    • Ask Mari to cast (subtle) Genjutsu on us randomly while we are sparring.
      • We try to spot the subtle inconsistencies and are quizzed on them later.
    • Kagome randomly tossess training explosives at us that we need to dodge as well.
      • Nonlethal, obviously
    • Hard Mode: Do again in a lightly wooded/forested area
      • Touching a shadow (temporary or otherwise) means you die!
      • Kagome traps the area beforehand.
This seems... pointless? None of this is particularly inventive, so it seems like we should just delegate the question to Jiraiya.
  • Training: Ask Jiraiya for advice on how to train. Do that.
  • Talk with Jiraiya
    • Pangolins
      • Talk to Jiraiya about the Pangolin's expansionist tendencies and how this might present a problem for us
        • Obvious morality issues with supporting them in this.
        • Practical issues:
          • Some anti-Pangolin alliance of summoners coming for Keiko.
          • Breaks any remaining OPSEC on Skytowers.
          • Destabilizing the seventh path.
      • Analyze the situation
        • How much of this is likely one or two zealots in Pangolin High Command?
        • How much of this is Pantsaa?
        • Is this normal for summon clans?
          • What do the Toads think? (Especially about the Condor situation).
          • Do the Toads have any leverage here?
      • Solutions:
        • Ideally:We want to try to stop the Pangolins from committing any more acts of genocide and slavery
        • Maybe: We can slow them down for the time being.
        • Leverage: Maybe we can cut off the skytower supply?
        • Keiko is a prominent figure in their society now.
        • Pressure from the Toads?
First thing's first: get Jiraiya on board. He's going to make excuses, because he wants us to exploit the Seventh Path. We need to make some kind of stance here. You have two practical points for this (OPSEC and "destabilizing the seventh path"); I don't think they get us where we need to be.

The "Analyze" section seems fairly solid. The solutions section seems... wishy-washy? It doesn't really present many solutions. But it's mostly OK.
    • Training
      • We were promised "some tricks", we'd like to discuss possibilities within the next day.
      • Ask if Jiraiya himself could spend an hour or so a day training us.
        • Otherwise can he help us design some Training from Hell
      • Shadow Clones
        • We suspect the Shadow Clones transfer memories (Itachi vs Naruto).
        • Can we learn this, and use it for better training over the break?
        • Noburi's bloodline gives effectively massive chakra reserves.
This seems too busy; I suggest prioritizing and merging.
    • Finances (Talk to Mari too)
      • Hazou has a thousand ideas for improving Leaf as a whole and the clan's position specifically.
        • Only constraint: Money
      • Check in on seal licenses: did the Merchant council approve Hazou and Kagome?
      • How do we approach tournament betting with Mist Yakuza?
        • Should we do a handful of missions (clearing chakra beasts, etc) to get more seed money for this?
      • We need to become independent of the monthly Pangolin gold, ASAP.
        • Can we get a quick summary of our monthly expenditures and how much debt we currently owe?
I would cut this down as well. Remove the first bullet, it doesn't do anything. The third bullet (tournament betting) feels irrelevant right now; we're in no rush. I'd write:
  • Finances
    • Include Mari in conversation
    • Get a summary of our financial situation
    • Check in on seal licenses: did the Merchant council approve Hazou and Kagome?
Misc.(Off Screen)
  • Hazou and Kagome research Casino seals
  • Hazou gives Jiraiya an organized packet of seal blanks for every seal he's ever seen (with any supporting background info).
  • Hazou makes a decent amount of storage seals (replace damaged ones) and explosive tags.
First one seems like a fair time investment I'm unsure about. The other two seem like good ideas.