Ok, so does anyone object to my previous plan for the prank? Given that the kids think they won't simply be disqualified for getting caught, I'd remove Keiko going in under Henge, but otherwise no new info has come up that would make me reconsider anything.

@eaglejarl @Velorien Does Panashe know henge? How tall is she? Could we disguise that she was a pangolin by wearing a cloak over her and if she's caught dispelling as if she was a clone?

What do you need Panashe for? She doesn't improve Keiko' s stealth on the way. If it's for the Cracking, then she can be summoned after entering the school building and unsummoned before leaving.
Ok, so does anyone object to my previous plan for the prank? Given that the kids think they won't simply be disqualified for getting caught, I'd remove Keiko going in under Henge, but otherwise no new info has come up that would make me reconsider anything.

What do you need Panashe for? She doesn't improve Keiko' s stealth on the way. If it's for the Cracking, then she can be summoned after entering the school building and unsummoned before leaving.
She does, actually. Keiko can henge as a backpack or whatever.
She does, actually. Keiko can henge as a backpack or whatever.

Not sure how much I like this idea. Keiko knows the location and presumably its security measures really well. If she's spotted and successfully escapes, we don't give away anything, unlike with Panashe. Keiko can also traverse the city itself more or less openly, while Panashe would need constant stealth in an unfamiliar environment.
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Lupchanz-chan: You remembered me!
Is it weird that I now have the urge to hug a lupchanz?

With the right dose, when the stuff hits peak intensity it should send him into a full-on fit of paranoia. A very visible fit of paranoia.
... so we'll be turning him into Kagome? What could possibly go wrong?

More seriously, does anyone have any idea how we're going to disable the traps? I'm assuming that we'll handle stealth by using stealth mines and having Panache help us somehow, but we forgot to ask Keiko if any of her pangolins were good at cracking.
Is it weird that I now have the urge to hug a lupchanz?

... so we'll be turning him into Kagome? What could possibly go wrong?

More seriously, does anyone have any idea how we're going to disable the traps? I'm assuming that we'll handle stealth by using stealth mines and having Panache help us somehow, but we forgot to ask Keiko if any of her pangolins were good at cracking.
@eaglejarl @Velorien Is it a safe bet that Panache is good at cracking?

On that note, an idea for Cracking as separated from Craftsmanship: Trapping and Awareness as ways to detect/disable traps:

Cracking may serve as awareness for traps (specifically), and if it beats the score to detect (and disable it), does so in the same roll. If it beats the score to detect it, but not disable it, the user knows that and does not try. Maybe that'd serve to make Cracking useful?
We should ask Noburi what drug- or substance-based interactions the betel nut has, especially with alcohol and other things a person like the headmaster could be taken.
... so we'll be turning him into Kagome? What could possibly go wrong?
omfg that's why Kagome is so crazy HE WAS TAKING BETEL NUT THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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[X] Action Plan: Lizardbreath's Downfall v2

Ideally, we'd like this plan to cover the time until around early afternoon tomorrow, or otherwise when the effects of our prank become visible.

Dealing with our attackers
  • We want to ascertain whether we're being tailed and how, and potentially provoke our assailants into tipping their hand.
  • Keep an eye out for civilian tails.
  • Take some paths through the city that would make visual tracking difficult.
  • Loudly discuss lodging at a different inn, then stake it out.
  • If we manage to find our tail, maybe have Panashe follow them covertly?
The Lizardbreath Prank
  • Team is Keiko with Panashe. She wears concealing clothing, with the bandana left on.
  • Execution time is late night, preferably when it's darkest, so the bandana doesn't impede stealth too much.
  • Keiko summons Panashe in a secluded spot close to the academy. Panashe then scouts the academy (having been briefed on the layout), in order to identify guard patrol routes and secure entrance to the Old Schoolhouse Building. She then goes back to Keiko, and they both move in via the secured path.
  • After reaching Lizardbreath's office, put down a Silence Mine to cover it. Panashe works at disarming traps while Keiko watches for trouble. Keiko may also help with Zephyr's Reach if appropriate.
  • Spike the booze with Noburi's paranoia nut oil. If it's not safe to do so (because it's too strong), focus on memorizing Lizardbreath's schedule and any other interesting documents in the office.
  • Plant the rest of the oil in such a way that it's not visible, but a cursory search of the office should reveal it.
  • Exfiltrate, leaving everything in apparent order. Panashe unsummons.
  • Should anything unexpected happen while inside the school, Panashe provides a distraction, then unsummons before she can be seen. Open a window while in the office for a quick escape route. Escape to the summon realm if desperate.
  • Try to think of a way to ensure that Lizardbreath's condition can't be swept under the rug.
    • An anonymous tip by a concerned parent about the headmaster behaving erratically during mornings.
    • Maybe Lizardbreath has enemies capable of leveraging this incident somehow?
Optional: Engage the client in conversation over a meal, or after you settle down in your room
Get her to talk about her past, how business is going, whether she can get more stock if it goes particularly well, how much more she needs to make before she can retire, and so forth. Sound out how satisfied she is with our performance thus far and whether she has any feedback.
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@eaglejarl @Velorien Would it be alright if the next plan says basically "do the prank, but only if Jiraiya approves of it"?
More so than any of us being caught?
If a pangolin is seen at all, the jig is up. One of you guys would need to actually be caught -- a simple veil will keep you from being recognized unless actually captured.

@eaglejarl @Velorien Does Panashe know henge? How tall is she? Could we disguise that she was a pangolin by wearing a cloak over her and if she's caught dispelling as if she was a clone?
Not sure about the rest of it, but the pangolin body plan is very distinctive and unlike anything in Mist. Some pangolins were seen during the swamp so they can be recognized easily.
So, here's the slightly modified version of my previous plan. Would appreciate some more suggestions for the "Dealing with attackers" section, as well as ideas to ensure the school staff doesn't just cover the whole thing up.

[X] Action Plan: Lizardbreath's Downfall v2

Dealing with our attackers
  • We want to ascertain whether we're being tailed and how, and potentially provoke our assailants into tipping their hand.
  • Keep an eye out for civilian tails.
  • Take some paths through the city that would make visual tracking difficult.
  • Loudly discuss lodging at a different inn, then stake it out.
  • If we manage to find our tail, maybe have Panashe follow them covertly?
The Lizardbreath Prank
  • This plan is contingent on one of Keiko's Pangolins having decent Cracking to break into the secret booze cache. If they don't, send Panashe in alone to get ahold of Lizardbreath's schedule and go from there.
  • Execution:
    • Team is Keiko with said Pangolin. She can move around free of the client's... attentions. She is wearing concealing clothing.
    • Execution time is late night, around 4 am. Can go later if team thinks it will reduce security, but before teachers start arriving.
    • Prefer entrance through the main door. Window if the former is too exposed. Put a Silence Mine down to cover the entirety of Lizardbreath's office. Don't forget to recover it while exfiltrating!
    • Summon Pangolin once she's inside the school (for opsec reasons, them being seen exposes our identity), they open the stash while Keiko keeps an eye out for trouble.
    • Spike the booze with Noburi's paranoia nut oil.
    • Plant the rest of the oil in such a way that it's not visible, but a cursory search of the office should reveal it.
    • Exfiltrate, leaving everything in apparent order. Pangolin unsummons.
    • Should anything unexpected happen while inside the school, Pangolin provides a distraction, then unsummons before they can be seen. Open a window while in the office for a quick escape route. Consider escaping to the summon realm if sufficiently desperate.
  • Try to think of a way to ensure that Lizardbreath's condition can't be swept under the rug. An anonymous tip leading to a surprise inspection, perhaps? An unexpected meeting with an outsider?
I'm not sure why you have something against using the window? "Too exposed" compared to walking through the halls of the mostly-empty, probably-guarded school with someone that only has 15 stealth, going through a minimum of five doors (entry to school, faculty offices, side room, reception/secretary, door to his office)?

I'd rather leave the approach up to Panache -- she actually has experience here, whereas neither we (the players) nor Hazou really do.
Actually, quick question @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail How many of the headmaster's aspects do we know from our time in school? I figure we'd have figured out some of them, and might be able to use them against him in disarming his traps, etc.

e: Also! Do Keiko's Pangolin have their own fate points?
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I'm not sure why you have something against using the window? "Too exposed" compared to walking through the halls of the mostly-empty, probably-guarded school with someone that only has 15 stealth, going through a minimum of five doors (entry to school, faculty offices, side room, reception/secretary, door to his office)?

I'd rather leave the approach up to Panache -- she actually has experience here, whereas neither we (the players) nor Hazou really do.

Too exposed relative to trying to open a locked, plausibly trapped window while in the open, where security patrols are more likely to be - as opposed to a relatively small building used only by the faculty. There are three doors we'd need to open to get to the office, but only one from the outside, and the secretary door is unlikely to offer much of a challenge.

We know for a fact that kids have tried to do this in the past, and the natural route for them would be through the windows, so I expect them to be somewhat fortified in preparation.

As for Panashe, she has zero experience breaking into human schools, and my plan doesn't bring her out until Keiko is inside, precisely because her being seen immediately implicates us.
The Lizardbreath Prank
  • This plan is contingent on one of Keiko's Pangolins having decent Cracking to break into the secret booze cache. If they don't, send Panashe in alone to get ahold of Lizardbreath's schedule and go from there.

I don't see that the risk of sending a pangolin in is worth the getting ahold of a copy of the schedule.

  • Try to think of a way to ensure that Lizardbreath's condition can't be swept under the rug. An anonymous tip leading to a surprise inspection, perhaps? An unexpected meeting with an outsider?

Anonymous tip (via note) that the Headmaster has been seen behaving erratically in mornings, courtesy of a "concerned parent".
I don't see that the risk of sending a pangolin in is worth the getting ahold of a copy of the schedule.

Is the schedule worth the risk of Keiko going in? We don't have a cracker if Pangolins don't work out, so it's either that or call off the whole thing.

Anonymous tip (via note) that the Headmaster has been seen behaving erratically in mornings, courtesy of a "concerned parent".

Good, but tip to whom, the Mizukage office? I guess we can leave that for the kids to figure out, though. Will include.
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On the note of protecting our client: 5SB are reusable up to the point they burn out after a month, right? Just 5SB her window and door and have her sleep in the bed in an air dome.
We should ask Noburi what drug- or substance-based interactions the betel nut has, especially with alcohol and other things a person like the headmaster could be taken.

I would like to emphasize this. Mixing a stimulant with a depressant is a BAD IDEA, 4 Loko was BANNED because it was mixing caffeine and alcohol and we're gonna be putting in a stimulant that is used to make CHAKRA DEPLETED ninja carry on. You know, the people who have almost run out of LIFE-FORCE.

@Velorien @eaglejarl @OliWhail

Can you answer IC from Noburi if he considered the interactions between the two substances?