I am not advocating genocide, I am advocating taking over the world because if we don't people will genocide each other because otherwise that is what people will do. As history has shown will happen time and time again.

We cannot take over the world. It will explode us.
Yeah... I support Lawful Neutral, so I won't reject this out of hand because of the horrors we would inevitably inflict. I'll even grant you that a Ymaryn conquest would be at least marginally less horrible than the British Empire's, and much less than the Spanish.

But I do reject it because we can't possibly hold it. Lawful Neutral means promoting Order above Chaos. Expanding beyond our ability to administrate is anathema.
And that would be? I doubt Britain would have been better off if the entire anglosphere was colonized by France instead.

The rebel colonies on Americas that torn the British ideal and gave other colonies ideas. Closer cultural group or no, population view drifts apart too much too quickly when distant.
Information: Just Going to Let Things Cool Off for a Bit
just going to let things cool off for a bit Since @ManusDomine is taking a well deserved break from moderating, the latest round of moderator review will be taking a bit longer than usual, so as a courtesy to the rest of the staff I shall lessen their workload in terms of catching up by locking things for a little bit
The report queue appears to have been cleared and hopefully things have cooled enough that we won't go right back to it. I have propagated the changes from your decisions on the front page and am working on the update. I don't know if it will be ready today, but if not then hopefully it will be ready tomorrow morning/early afternoon.

Please remember to be excellent to each other and keep things polite and respectful.
Here are the updated stats:

Diplomacy 18 [+6]
Economy 14 [+1-3]
-Sustainable Forests 15/16
-Econ Expansion 4 [+3-1]
Martial 10 {16}
Wealth 14 [+(3+1+4+5)-3]

Culture 7 [+4]
Mysticism 18 [+2]
Tech 18
Prestige 86

Stability 3 (emboldened)
Legitimacy 3 (max)

Centralization 5
Hierarchy 7
Religious Authority 9

Still have a lot of maxed stats, so there's no fear of losing the Golden Age.

RA of 9 is still yellow, so we haven't reached the limit of our tolerance yet.
We're getting [+1-3] econ a turn from somewhere, possibly the True Cities?
Last edited:
Diff Checker
Diff Checker

Huh... @Academia Nut
1. Where's our centralization gain from trails?
2. did we gain 8 econ from something, or is the "transfer 2 econ" for free cities actually the other way around? Cause i'd have thought we'd be at 10 econ: 18 - 2 (place to the stars) - 2 (new trails) - 4 (2 transfers to free cities at 2 econ each) = 10.
(Also with that we'd be at 12 EE, with the equal and opposite math)
Also, judging from the culture numbers, it looks like 1. the free progress means we didn't have to spend all the mysticism for place to the stars, and 2. we still haven't finished place to the stars, since we didn't get the canal bonus
Culture 18 -> 7:
18 - 18 (Genius innovation) + 2 (Diplo Overflow from New Trails) + 5 (Mysticism overflow)
Mysticism 16 + 7 (Refunds from last turn) = 23 - 5 (overflow to culture)

Whereas if we had spent the 2 mysticism for place to the stars and not finished we'd have 5 culture, if we'd spent it but finished and gotten the 3 stats from canal, we'd have 8, and if we didn't spend the mysticism but finished, we'd have 10.
Hopefully the Theological development mentioned on the priest faction-quest ends up focusing there...
Thinking about how how that might develop, I can see two different paths for our priests to take.

They can either integrate themselves more into our existing power structure, increasing our tolerance as priests become more prestigious and well known.
Or they can separate entirely from our power structure, making themselves a different power block that can enforce the will of the gods (like a Judicial Branch).

These are all I can think of at least that fit with our government.
We're getting [+1-3] econ a turn from somewhere, possibly the True Cities?
The +1 is from golden age, and the -3 is from our remaining 3 true cities (as opposed to free cities, which support themselves), yes

Hopefully the Theological development mentioned on the priest faction-quest ends up focusing there...
That's my hope as well; i even asked AN about it but its "unknowable" whether it would help, so we'd have to bet on it or another source of RA lowering
Ymaryn Dragons

Reptilian demons have long been attested among the People, but since the discovery of the Dragon Graveyard the systematic study of them has increased incredibly. While the Graveyard contains many strange creatures and sorting out what belongs to what has puzzled the priests for a long time, the striking skeletons of dragons has obviously been a major feature of the site, and has given inspiration to numerous other institutions. Discussion with Khemetri priests and study of Old Xohyr texts upon knowledge of the demonic has further refined the People's knowledge of what dragons must have been like in ages past.

From the study of skulls, the largest dragons must have been serpentine creatures upwards of a hundred strides in length. From discoveries of smaller specimens and disarticulated bones, they were likely winged somewhat like bats, with large wing claws like the talons of an eagle, only scale to monstrously huge sizes. When not in the air they likely slithered like snakes, but could rear up and stomp forward on their wings. While only their bones are known, it is speculated that at that size they must have required great magic to maintain themselves, and may have likely had scales of iron for protection against the teeth of other dragons. There is also some speculation that they were feathered, or at least had a feathered crest behind the head, but that given their supernatural origins those feathers were made of razor sharp purple-black obsidian.

For a long time it has been speculated about how the bones became encased in solid stone, but discussion with the Khemetri about their knowledge of dragons has revealed the fact that they spit fire - or rather, as the People know from their more advanced alchemical knowledge - vitriol. Being powerful supernatural beings from the dawn of time, it makes sense that they would have access to such powerful magic. Further refinements in knowledge in fact suggest that they did not 'spit' water-borne vitriol but pure elemental vitriol of the sort that alchemists cannot isolate. While not an orthodox opinion, many now suspect that lightning is in fact the purest form of vitriol available in the material world. In either case, it is believed that the dragons and other skeletons became encased in stone because of this ability to spit pure vitriol. The transformative effects would turn bone to stone and flesh to liquid mortar, which would settle into great pools that would solidify into solid limestone and shale.

It is believed that most dragons were destroyed by the gods in ages past, with perhaps only a few left in wild places far beyond the borders of the People. There is a vaguely heretical idea that dragons in fact predate Crow, who unmade the world in order to destroy them all and make it fit for gods and humans, but it is generally more accepted that dragons were a breed of demon that followed Crow out of the Dark Beyond Dark at behest of the Great Tyrant Arxin.
Oh wow.

Dayum this is just cool.

So things they might have right:

They were big.

But none of this matters , because holy shit Iron Scaled Obsidian Feathered Snake-Dragons are too fucking metal. :D

What if a Culture Genius was an actor who can play any part to perfection. His "madness" was that he understood the truth of the world. That life is was a game played by all powerful gods. So he would play his part the best he can. (Basically the first person to ever be meta and break the fourth wall.)

Now, what I mainly want to deal with is how to keep our nation from breaking apart. Would Nationalism or something help? Like today is would practically be unthinkable of one of the states seceding unless something extreme happening. What I want is that even if our people argue and fights sometimes we will always come together in tough times and not break apart.

Also I want us to try and preserve knowledge. Like in modern day information is surprisingly fragile. Everything decays and if people disappeared so will the knowledge they had eventually. I think we should take a page off the Khemtri's book and find a desert or taiga to burry our texts in to preserve them.

This is a great song, and an awesome concept. *applause*

So, not sure if anyone has noticed yet, since I only did just now, but this Golden Age is getting us +5 Wealth a turn from True Cities alone.

Golden Age: Converting +1 EE to Econ a turn, True Cities produce +1 Wealth/turn, special innovations
Wealth 14 [+(3+1+4+5)-3]

We also now have a net increase of 10 Wealth a turn so long as the Golden Age continues, which is almost as crazy a stat increase as the Population Explosion was.
Our moneymaker is shakin! It can't stop!

No carbonite executions probably
Well that'd be gruesome, but also a very morbid reference.

*post threadlock*

Maybe, but would a city of gold need many prerequisites? Or is all we need is a lot of gold? And would that be a mega-project, or just another action? Like how building materials can be stone or wood, and we don't specify what we want our workers to use.
why would we want a city of gold

I can vaguely understand having gold domes but even that is pretty useless when we can just use brass instead
why would we want a city of gold

I can vaguely understand having gold domes but even that is pretty useless when we can just use brass instead
I suppose it would be really good at impressing travelers and foreign nobles, if nothing else.

I think personally that the Ymaryn would rather impress people with gigantic trees though.
Diff Checker
Diff Checker

Huh... @Academia Nut
1. Where's our centralization gain from trails?
2. did we gain 8 econ from something, or is the "transfer 2 econ" for free cities actually the other way around? Cause i'd have thought we'd be at 10 econ: 18 - 2 (place to the stars) - 2 (new trails) - 4 (2 transfers to free cities at 2 econ each) = 10.
(Also with that we'd be at 12 EE, with the equal and opposite math)
Also, judging from the culture numbers, it looks like 1. the free progress means we didn't have to spend all the mysticism for place to the stars, and 2. we still haven't finished place to the stars, since we didn't get the canal bonus
Culture 18 -> 7:
18 - 18 (Genius innovation) + 2 (Diplo Overflow from New Trails) + 5 (Mysticism overflow)
Mysticism 16 + 7 (Refunds from last turn) = 23 - 5 (overflow to culture)

Whereas if we had spent the 2 mysticism for place to the stars and not finished we'd have 5 culture, if we'd spent it but finished and gotten the 3 stats from canal, we'd have 8, and if we didn't spend the mysticism but finished, we'd have 10.
Interesting that our Loyalty and Dependency for TS and the RTH didn't change.

I was expecting them too. Hm.

*takes a contemplative smoke*