This is a continuation of
this earlier omake.
Negaverse- Spirit Talkers 2
Discussion in 'Quests' started by Philosopher Luna, Feb 27, 2017.
Episode II: A New Hope
First, a sound echoing in the quiet. Then: light, and the movement of air which has laid undisturbed for a century. Footsteps, as a trio of people enter your sacred ground. They do not walk in the proper forms, they do not follow the proper trails, yet you can tell that it is from ignorance, not malice.
Then you see them. It is the nomads. The monsters who destroyed your people. Yet they seem to not be here to desecrate what remains, for they are acting cautious and reverent. One of them sees your wall, and kneels before you, explaining what has happened. After reclaiming the axe, they had settled down to continue their fight against the hated Dead Priests, using the power of the Star Axe. Then, disaster struck. A truly massive comet had arrived, coinciding with plague at an unprecedented level. They knew that this was proof that the spirits were displeased, and decided that they must honor them to make up for their past faults. From the remnants of your civilization they learned what they could, and have re-opened the cave.
Admittedly, you knew nothing of this disaster. If your people had survived it would've been obvious decades before becoming visible, but you had been cut off from all outside contact. It had been a long and boring wait. But now? Now you have a chance to guide these destructive fools, to fix their flaws and teach them true civilization.
You don't have much information yet, and your ability to influence is still weak from lack of attention, but you can at least start to do
something. Freedom has never before tasted so sweet.
You currently have limited influence over the Thunder Horses. Choose two.
[] Worship Us
Try your best to influence them to more directly and frequently worship you. If successful, this will cause them to give you more information on the world and reveals all of their stats and values. Can be taken twice to guarantee success.
[] Star Axe
The Star Axe is a magic most powerful, it is clearly the source of this disaster. Tell them to bring it to the cave, for it is too dangerous for mortal hands- at least, not without further study. Gives them the Spiritual Value "Magic is Dangerous" and +1 stability.
[] Watch and Learn
Teach them how to observe the world around them and the stars above. Teach them the knowledge of your now-dead people. Teach them how to predict the disasters before they come in the future. Gives them +1 Mysticism and the Spiritual Value "Observance". (This is the tier 1 version, not the upgraded one)
[] The Economy, you Fools!
You have learned from your past, so just... try to get them to farm more, spread out some, and overall not make the same mistakes that killed your decedents. Improves their economy and likely has additional affects.
Civilization Stats
Economy mediocre
Martial excellent
Stability uncertain
Mysticism critically low
Social Values (1/?)
Land of Opportunity
You welcome all, offering food and shelter if they will contribute to your community. Sometimes these newcomers behave badly, and sometimes they bring strange new ideas, but in general they strengthen your community, especially in the long run
Pros: Enhanced absorption of new ideas, +1 social value from current or historical neighbours, whenever a neighbour suffers a stability drop, have the option to also suffer a stability drop in exchange for a large boost to Econ and technological and social advancement by absorbing especially large numbers of people
Cons: Many think you weak, not accepting the needy can cause stability drops, sometimes you get values you didn't expect
-No value currently linked
Spiritual Values (1/1)
Somebody Else's Problem
The spirits obviously exist, but it's not really your thing. You don't mess with them, they don't mess with you.
Pros: Increased resistance to problems from low Mysticism
Cons: Decreased ability to gain Mysticism
Honour Code (3/?)
My Word is My Bond
You keep your word, no matter what. If you promise to do something, it shall be done. If you speak something, it is the truth.
Pros: Less corruption, neighbors will trust you more
Cons: Can't ever renegade on deals, don't gain as much from trade missions
Family First
Your parents are the true authority, even above the state. Your children are what must always come first.
Pros: When engaged in battle near a city, massively increased hero chances. When engaged in battle on your borders, increased hero chances.
Cons: Increased stability loss if civilians are killed, increased corruption due to nepotism
For Glory
Glory is all important. Everyone wants it and everyone can try, but only the best shall grab it.
Pros: Improved morale during battle. Increased hero chances. Heroes have more options for quests.
Cons: Discourages deep thought, sometimes fighting isn't the answer
Benevolo said:
Holy Shit! You mean we were actually playing as those ancestors all along? And now those stupid Nomads who killed us off decided to settle down and start honoring us? I thought this was a no magic setting and all that ancestor honoring bullshit came from our 'Observance' trait which caused superstitions, but nope; it was real all along.
absolutelyperfect said:
That Social Value... I know I'm not normally one for exaggeration, but HOLY FRACKING HELL YES, WE ARE THE ONES TO STEAL ALL YOUR ECON NOW! LAND OF OPPORTUNITY IS OURS!!
[X] Worship Us
[X] Worship Us x2
We need that info before we can do anything useful, otherwise we might just make the situation worse. Without those numbers we shouldn't do anything.
PS. They have no real Spiritual Values and no writing.

All those beautiful numbers, gone.
Alphahugger said:
[X] Worship Us
[X] Star Axe
Worship Us should be more potent if we can give them a reason to keep coming back to the cave, and I really want to take a closer look at that axe. Last time we just kinda left it in the cave until we tried to use it since we didn't want to risk the stability drop. This time we can study it and gain stability. Losing some of the magic is annoying, but after our reckless rush for mysticism last time, perhaps a "measure twice cut once" approach is better.
tryzip said:
Shit. I just realized why we were getting all those false reports. The people honored us spirits so much that any percieved failure must be swept under the rug. It's like if China's great leap forward had been going on for a hundred years, what we were told was happening and what was actually happening were completely divorced.
Also, anyone else notice how our berserkers' long chanting seemed to actually work and every time we tried to change that we got nowhere? And how any of the fights directly involving our priests were always glossed over? This really has been a long con. Now I'm worried about what else has been hidden from us... and which parts actually were that 'orthopraxic cruft' we were warned about.
[X] Worship Us
[X] Star Axe
We definitely need to be even more careful than before. Let's get this shit studied and figured out.
Theiodamas420 said:
[X] Star Axe
[X] The Economy, you Fools!
It even has the words "you fools" in there! The economy is 'mediocre', they're in the middle of a massive plague. We saw just how important farms were last time, let's not make those same mistakes. More influence would be nice, but let's make sure that this new tribe doesn't collapse out from under us. As we've seen, numbers just tell us how screwed we are, they don't make us un-screwed.
Also, wow that's a lot of honor values... we didn't even know that that was a thing a civ could have...
Oh, @Philosopher Luna
Does the stability loss from Land of Opportunity trigger neighbors' Land of Opportunity?
Umi-Chan said:
I know I haven't posted much in this thread, but I wanted to mention that this is a great quest. Love it.
No opinion on the vote, but I love the twist that we're actually the spirits. It even fits how once we started elevating our dead to spirits was the same time the thread's popularity exploded.
Philosopher Luna said:
Theiodamas420 said:
Does the stability loss from Land of Opportunity trigger neighbors' Land of Opportunity?