Basically, I just realized that you chose the House ending to New Vegas: you picked the preservation of Old World knowledge, in the hands of greedy oligarchs and autocrats. While that's not necessarily the best ending, most people agree its nowhere near as dark as Caesar's Legion winning out.
Warning: You must have missed me
Not really. Neither Jin nor Song had the rougher terrain or the super-fortified cities. Plus, I didn't want some smart-alec *cough*Lailoken*cough* to try saying that that isn't a fair comparison because they didn't have the siege techniques yet. No, this was when they were in their prime, at the most powerful they would be as a true Horse People, with every technique they could muster. And if the Khwarazmians could have gotten their shit together, they could have won.

Why do you think I've stressed unity so hard? Everytime a Horse People (or honestly, any barbarian) become significant, it's because the people they're facing are disunited and practically in civil war already. We were united, but they magically beat us and tore up everything in direct contravention of reality anyway.

This is a fairly obvious "rocks fall, everybody dies" scenario-just dressed up in a pretty voting format.
you must have missed me What you obviously meant to say was that you appreciated but disagreed with @Lailoken's viewpoint and then explained your reasoning. To ensure that you remember this tone in the future, I have given you a helpful Staff Notice.

Have a good day and hello again Paths of Civilization.
Perhaps, but i care more about keeping the body alive. Spirits and Diplomacy are not exactly predictable like plot of land or sacks of grain.

And for me a braindead patient is still a corpse, even if the heart is beating.
Your options are viable - but then we would become a generic Empire, and stop being Ymaryn.
For me this would just as much be The End as an outright destruction.
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[X] Stop relying on intermediaries, and muscle in on the trade themselves

[X] Aggressively secure the slower but more easily policed land routes to the east
Besides, do you think AN LIKES writing about Ymaryn's loss - its tragedy? No. Writers don't write out of some sort of internal sadism and a desire to see their readers tormented. Think to the future, people - we have a Renaissance ahead of us, a glimmer of hope, a sun on the horizon. Even the darkest night must end and the sun must rise, right? Just... stand with us. Steel your hearts. And hope.
...sweet summer child.
[X] Stop relying on intermediaries, and muscle in on the trade themselves
[X] Deepen diplomatic ties to ensure that the foreign traders aren't going to get the deals they expect
Basically, I just realized that you chose the House ending to New Vegas: you picked the preservation of Old World knowledge, in the hands of greedy oligarchs and autocrats. While that's not necessarily the best ending, most people agree its nowhere near as dark as Caesar's Legion winning out.
Who would be the NCR in that metaphor? The Priesthood? I guess it makes sense, sense they're both well-meaning but hopelessly corrupt idealists clinging to old cultural values... then again, the Guilds are pretty close to the NCR, too, being economic powerhouses reliant on trade and production and having all the best mass-produceable weapons.

I'm sorry, I should go to sleep.
...sweet summer child.

(He's on to me.... :whistle:)
[X] Deepen diplomatic ties to ensure that the foreign traders aren't going to get the deals they expect
[X] Aggressively secure the slower but more easily policed land routes to the east
This... delightful controversy has forced me to confront an issue I've been having, with this quest in particular but in my life in general as well: Am I doing this because I enjoy this, or because of a combination of sunk-cost fallacy (or Stockholms, if I'm feeling dramatic) and a problem I have with disagreeing with people in authority? Because looking back, I'm really not sure. And you'd hardly call me not devoted-this was my first quest and post on SV, a majority of my posts, and I've written stuff for it, and even a crossover Omake for SoY. I may not be Kiba or VoidZero when it comes to activity, but I'm not exactly a lurker. So on that note, I've decided to test it. I will be unfollowing for a bit, a couple of months or so, and then come back and read the results. Depending on results, I may re-engage, just lurk, or quit entirely. This is in no way an attempt to influence AN, merely an announcement of my intentions. It's been fun playing with you, wishing you all the best. I'd be happy to discuss over PM, if anyone wants to, no use cluttering up the thread.

Kept in spoilers, shouldn't affect anyone, just an explanation.
Suppose that was to be expected. Temples would have held off the loss of our core traits, maybe cultural as well, perhaps. The Ymaryn are no longer quite the people they once were :( It seems there is a possibility they aren't completely lost since people are arguing in favour of them still, but it's going to be an uphill climb to regain them.
Meanwhile, by focusing on the core, we have the the industry and the infrastructure to contest control of the Yllthon, Trelli and the Great River, which is pretty good to be honest.

[X] Stop relying on intermediaries, and muscle in on the trade themselves

This sends our merchants out to compete directly in the Far East and Spice Lands, and we are closer than those in the Far West. Importantly it should mean more innovation with ships and sailing, more direct contact with other nations and probable tech transfer. We'd have much better chances of gaining better deals due to proximity and better leverage, since we're physically present in these markets and can observe what the Syffryn and other groups are up to.

The diplomacy vote seems like we leverage our diplomacy to give the Syffryn bad deals and hope it makes things too unprofitable for them. This can work for a time, but it seems far more a short term solution. They aren't going to stop coming after all, even if a few trips are unprofitable. We also lose out on possible ship innovations by trying to keep our position as the middleman.
So, uh, a lot of changes happened, most of them pretty bad.

Let's start with the positives:

Cities still exist, and with that city infrastructure also still exists. This means that the Ironworks and Academies are still semi functional, and some of the expertise involved with them are not lost.
Most of the knowledge is preserved, so whenever we do get an Renaissance, it will likely be huge.
Still have a semi-functioning army and can sustain ourselves, even if not in the most optimal way.
People are starting to debate that hey, maybe we are assholes and we should try to be less so?

Now, onto the bad:

Most of the priests are dead, especially those who favored the long view.
They also were killed for "treason" which basically means that Justice in gone in any sort of positive fashion.
Everything is run on coin, with autocrats oppressing the commoners and the military being made almost solely of mercenaries. The Culture investment didn't seem to be good for much, huh?
Slavery, and in general turning everyone into serfs with no citizenship, becoming just as big or even bigger assholes to both other civs as well as the Ymar people.
Ymaryn have become full on Arms dealers, keeping all their neighbors in constant conflict.

I really hate basically all of this, but this is after everything else a game, and I am still going to try and enjoy myself regardless of how I currently feel about the situation.

With that in mind:

[X] Deepen diplomatic ties to ensure that the foreign traders aren't going to get the deals they expect

Best way to prevent foreign trade from supplementing us is to have a more active approach with nearby nations.
I'm hoping this means playing nice and actually talking to others instead of trying to convince them to attack the foreigners, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised with the latter option :V
[X] Deepen diplomatic ties to ensure that the foreign traders aren't going to get the deals they expect
[X] Aggressively secure the slower but more easily policed land routes to the east
Everything is run on coin, with autocrats oppressing the commoners and the military being made almost solely of mercenaries. The Culture investment didn't seem to be good for much, huh?
Should be noted that our libraries survived, and people speak fondly of a lot of the ideas that were written down. I suspect the current state of affairs is not something that is going to be very long term. Give it a century or so, and we should have a Renaissance ready to go.
Rubs chin thoughtfully

I have had such a wonderful accident in not realizing this came to life. I could do without more warnings in my life.