Eh. Speaking as someone who has been following the thread, this was a long time coming. As for why AN did it like this instead of letting the game continue as normal, even leaving aside mechanics, look at all the salt that's been coming up during the Lightning Round. Now imagine stretching that salt over weeks or months as we play out the collapse of the Ymaryn in excruciating real-time. As is his stated motivation, I'm perfectly willing to believe that AN just wanted to get through the pain & salt all in one go so we can move on to more enjoyable parts of the quest.
It's also clear that the thread has chronically maintained an overly rosy & positive view of Ymaryn society, brushing its failings under the rug & reacting with shock when more unsavory elements come to light. Hardly surprising that people would refuse to believe we could make mistakes or fail as a culture.
100% this.
Like, literally none of the issues were new or unknown. We had a lot of traits which pushed
strongly against natural selection pressures and individual imperatives.
None of it is individually impossible, but the ability to consistently make decisions to protect the trait...if you apply it to history the x10 and x0.1 multipliers were quite correct. It was indeed possible for a culture to go with open and accepting ideas, but you needed a hundred voices of peace and hope to compete with one voice of fear and pride.
For instance, we 'could' have decided to go seek out the source of gunpowder and overturn our preconceptions. But the moment we had 3 votes for "screw the weird foreign nonsense"? It was out entirely, our best chance was consolidating behind "maybe we should look at it and see if theres anything new to that idea, but you know in your heart those foreigners can't have any REAL ideas that weren't copied from us anyways, oh look, the results fit our preconceptions"
We COULD have bought off the nomads, like we had done back in the past when we were the Valley and they were the Traders, like we had done when we were the Core and they were the proto-Hawks. However, if you looked to the more recent turns, the thread attitude to nomads was alternately, "meh, we can take them" and "diplomacy doesn't stick more than 3 turns anyway, we should murder them all the way out to the Salt Sea to be sure", with bribing them(which I would note, we can bribe VERY EASILY because of our immense wealth, such that it doesn't cost anything but delay pet projects a few turns).
Which produced the nomad vote, where the momentum reflected thread attitudes that they would never threaten the core and we ultimately had to choose to flip off Genghis Khan as a
compromise to the Honorable Death, Purity and Divinely Glorious Elites clamouring that "We can totally beat them out in the steppes".
Which is a tragedy reflecting history as well. We actually got better, Genghis didn't demand tribute. He demanded a better trade balance, which would have been irrelevant in a hundred years anyway, and which could have been met with more salterns.
Okay it Seems we are turning the Yllthon sea into our personal lake.
Good good.
And we unlocked Universities.
Which I don't know what that means because the stat system has been abolished.
Any generous souls want to illuminate me from my ignorance on its narrative effects?
Also Any chance we can still try and regain the old Ymaryn Empire?
Or have we locked away that choice by not picking it?
The University, as different from the Academy was built around the idea of examining past ideas, of questioning and exploring, where the Academy was focused around
transmitting and passing down skills. Its basically the stuff our priests were doing, except done secularly rather than religiously(and since our priesthood had blown up, they weren't doing a lot of inquiry anymore either)
As for reconquista, it's always on the table as long as the histories remain intact and the old empire territories are not taken by other great empires. However the barriers remain the same, we don't really have the logistics to control much beyond the sea and the canal route to the lowlands. Not until the telegraph.
Nah, the direction the Ymaryn went was something that some posters already knew, taken from the posted traits. (Pretty sure
@veekie was posting about the problem, from way before I quit the quest during the Trelli war.) What you're missing is the interaction between
all the traits; you're missing the bigger picture by just comparing two traits.
The biggest offenders are the Elites trait and the Philosopher trait, combining in awful ways with the Gardeners and Purity traits.
The Elites trait meant that, to the Ymaryn,
being better than you was the way to gain honour/status in Ymaryn society, and that
Elites can't be questioned. Combined with the Philosopher trait and how the Ymaryn was a Great Power, it turns into
The Ymaryn know better than you and can't be questioned. Combined with the Gardeners trait and how it encourages people to think only about their own patch of land, the Elites trait manifests as
People who focus on improving their own land are better than people who focus outward. Combined with the Purity trait, it turns into
The Ymaryn are better than foreigners and presenting yourself as Ymaryn is better than being seen as foreign.
All together, the whole clusterfuck means
The Ymaryn know better than foreigners and are better off focusing on their own land.
Pride in Acceptance has, what, one trait supporting it? And that's the Elites trait, where the combined manifestation is the super shitty, condescending, and patronizing variation of the White Man's Burden.
Yeah, got tired of reiterating it to zero reception...or worse, knee jerk reflexive action that make things worse. Certainly expanionist claygrabs flavored the traits even worse. Elites + Gardeners reacts horribly with expansionism on social mentality, especially when Philosophers builds justifications for it.