There was essentially no will whatsoever to deal with anything external in the first round, which while it may have been a bit confusing the exact scope, mostly I was just judging the initial mood and going "Yup, as expected they are going to focus inward on tech and stability and internal development for the next thousand years as expected, let's skip forward to the next inflection point."
That's always been Ymaryn, at least as far as I can tell. We've always tended to prioritize our own internal development over conquest, and that is what the other options sounded like ("Focus on threats from the west or the east or the south...").
What I don't get, and what really seemed to come out of nowhere, was the sense of isolationism and xenophobia that you inferred from that choice. As is, the most heavily weighted 'gunpowder' option was "ignore it, those barbarians don't know anything." That's
never been Ymaryn. This thread has worked really hard to incorporate foreign insights and cultures into our society, sometimes at our own expense. That's why we have the 'Pride in Acceptance' trait.
Just because we weren't an expansionist power, why should that make us ignorant of the world and totally insular over a thousand-year timeskip? The first Lightning Round literally said:
There are threats from within and without, where did the People focus their attentions when not forced otherwise by circumstances?
We never got invaded? We never had an ally ask for help? We never had an unstable neighbor? We never realized that a hostile Trella could threaten our heartland, and decide to take over the Not!Bosporus? At
no point did circumstance drive us to focus our attention on the world around us?
We voted en masse for 'Infrastructure' and 'Culture', largely because those two pretty well define Ymaryn society. We build things, and we believe things strongly. But our infrastructure includes the Sacred Forest and the great Dam -- it allowed us to build the earliest True Cities in not!Earth's history, and feed more people than any other region of the world, and build some of the finest walls in the world. And our culture explicitly included 'Philosopher Kings' and 'Divinely Glorious Elites', both of which prioritized education, excellence, and a love of knowledge and learning. I kinda took for granted that developing Ymaryn culture would automatically increase our tech base as well, or at least our readiness to embrace new tech. But instead we stagnated for 1000 years, and by the second Lightning Round, it had become nearly impossible to pursue gunpowder tech -- our own science base was so poor, we would have needed to steal gunpowder from not!China in order to realize its value.
Ymaryn died before not!Genghis ever showed us. It died off-screen, during that first thousand-year timeskip.