Ok, we satisfied the legitimacy requirement! We're now only mostly fucked, instead of entirely fucked! This is progress.
He tried not to let it get to his head, he tried to live up to the perfect examples of the ancient heroes and spirits, to live in harmony with the world and others who would live in harmony with him, but he had to admit that he had a temper at times.
So, essentially, a heroic version of the warrior high chief we had when we spent three turns on Restore Harmony. He never hit anyone either, only made very clear that he could (i.e. would) hit people.
New Periphery State Created!
Classification: March (Military)
So, this doesn't count toward our province actions, since this is its own semi-independent polity. Additionally, we can't actually interact with them directly, not even with Trade Missions. Thus, the only interaction we have is indirectly, through progressions in either polity or actions that link each other like New Trails or More Boats (and possibly Build Chariots). Now, possible paths of divergence... [Humility] is the most likely to go, even if the peoples descended from our culture are dominant, since that clashes directly with the more populous nomad's glory value (which serves to increase legitimacy and thus stabilize their civilization). [Harmony] might also go, since the martial competition promoted by the nomad's value system is incompatible with it, but I don't think it clashes with any of their values. None of the other traits go so directly against the nomad's values, as far as I can tell, though.
As for the options...
Can I ask people to not kick The Law, for this turn? It takes an Administrative roll to time the actions, so since we're spending 5 Econ on the current prevailing vote, we'll run the risk of causing a negative Econ-induced Stability hit.
Projected this turn, with kick, worst case:
-[Main] The Law + Kick, [Main] Grand Sacrifice]
--Costs: -1 Stability, -3 (GS) - 2*1 (Law + Kick) = -5 Econ
---Assume all costs complete before returns come in, for worst case
--> -1 Stability, -1 Econ
--> Negative Econ hits Stability
--Total Costs: -2 Stability, -1 Econ
--Income: +2 Stability, +1 Econ
---Assume no provinces do Econ action
--End of Turn: 0 Stability, 0 Econ
Thus, if kicking The Law this turn wins, the worst case scenario is that we won't be able to do The Law next turn.
Furthermore, if our provinces take two Econ actions and one Mysticism action this turn, we'll still be able to complete The Law next turn. If that happens, we'll have Stability 1, Econ 3, and Mysticism 3 and thus can Main The Law twice and Kick it once for a running total of 4 actions spent. Going to tag
@veekie since he's the one who started this bandwagon...