Preserved, perhaps, but not really used. It's not exactly the most compelling case for continuation, since it would be DC council claiming central authority after the federal and most of the state governments died.

We thought it was natural back before the timeskip.

The Byzantines could still not unreasonably claim to be the continuation of the Roman Empire after they underwent similar losses of territory and reorganizations of their administration. It was only after the sacking of Constantinople in the 13th century that the continuity of government was shattered and the states that rose out of the aftermath could at best be considered successor states.

So I do think you could argue that the Ymaryn Empire never collapsed totally, as long as the central government in Valleyhome survived.
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Maybe but a religious schism is a sufficiently motivating reason for war that people are unlikely to focus on other issues while it's happening.

The thing is, we are getting involved in that very war. That will make us a issue they will find hard to ignore. Us involving ourselves in a overt manner might also damage the reformers credibility, making them look like our pawns. This will make the resulting schism wars far less widespread and damaging as they could be.
The thing is, we are getting involved in that very war. That will make us a issue they will find hard to ignore. Us involving ourselves in a overt manner might also damage the reformers credibility, making them look like our pawns. This will make the resulting schism wars far less widespread and damaging as they could be.

Why would it limit the spread? Nationalism doesn't exist as a thing in this time period, and we're fellow coreligionists so it's not like they can play the Ymaryn up as heathens deceiving the faithful. Though Christianity has often been far less tolerant of heretics as opposed to outright heathens.
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Reminds me of a thought I had right after the Not!Mongol update - what if that had pissed Ymaryn so much that the restoration ended up being led by the darkest possible elements, creating a state with all the Ymaryn's knowledge but none of their morality? Imagine Ymaryn armies being preceded by squads of Demon Herders and Landrazers. The former's job would be to keep the pox, the Horseman's plague, and cholera alive in human captives the way the priests kept it alive in the sacred herd, and then find ways to unleash them all at the enemies at once. The latter would cart around great caravans of unclean materials and plenty of men with shovels and hammers, so they could destroy the enemy's land, redirecting rivers to flood and dry out farmland, then poisoning it so that nothing would ever grow again.

That would be more the scenario you describe. Right now we're doing okay.

The negaverse Khan? Yeah, I imagine that when you're playing as the Mongols at the height of their power you do not expect to be the one getting buried in enemy bodies.

I'd be willing to write the alt!update if someone else can write the salt in the alt!thread. I've never been good at that part.

Can someone write this? It's hilarious! You set up your horde and get gunpowder and then attack the turtle empire. Only to smashed. Technically a mutual kill but the Ymaryn got better.

Also in the update in said that Ymaryn basically went insane in the fighting, can anyone explain in detail or make an omake on it? Also the battles plus our fall should also have been recorded right?
Can someone write this? It's hilarious! You set up your horde and get gunpowder and then attack the turtle empire. Only to smashed. Technically a mutual kill but the Ymaryn got better.

Also in the update in said that Ymaryn basically went insane in the fighting, can anyone explain in detail or make an omake on it? Also the battles plus our fall should also have been recorded right?

Like I said, I'm willing to do the narrative side. If someone wants to make the negaverse thread comments, just message me.
The Byzantines could still not unreasonably claim to be the continuation of the Roman Empire after they underwent similar losses of territory and reorganizations of their administration. It was only after the sacking of Constantinople in the 13th century that the continuity of government was shattered and the states that rose out of the aftermath could at best be considered successor states.

So I do think you could argue that the Ymaryn Empire never collapsed totally, as long as the central government in Valleyhome survived.
The Byzantine had an actual accepted imperial governmental structure, and even their continuation is arguable (though more because the West did not want to accept it rather than anything else). Ymaryn central government was 90% dead, with the rest being closer to the city councilors than the king. It could be argued, and I myself enjoy thinking that, but it's not an open and shut case.

Can someone write this? It's hilarious! You set up your horde and get gunpowder and then attack the turtle empire. Only to smashed. Technically a mutual kill but the Ymaryn got better.

Also in the update in said that Ymaryn basically went insane in the fighting, can anyone explain in detail or make an omake on it? Also the battles plus our fall should also have been recorded right?
Well, I imagine the records of the fall are a bit spotty, on the account of everyone who can use a weapon fighting, but there are probably some super sick legends. It was a war straight out of a myth, after all.
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The Byzantine had an actual accepted imperial governmental structure, and even their continuation is arguable (though more because the West did not want to accept it rather then anything else). Ymaryn central government was 90% dead, with the rest being closer to the city councilors than the king. It could be argued, and I myself enjoy thinking that, but it's not an open and shut case.

Well, I imagine the records of the fall are a bit spotty, on the account of everyone who can use a weapon fighting, but there are probably some super sick legends. It was a war straight out of a myth, after all.

Fair enough. We don't really have much details on the governmental structure of the city-states post-collapse, so it could be argued either way.
I'm wondering if the Red Banner is still around in some fashion. Unlikely, but imagine being that one Army Group that can trace their history back to what's essentially Thermopylae and the like.

Official motto: "Yes, we've been there."
Can someone write this? It's hilarious! You set up your horde and get gunpowder and then attack the turtle empire. Only to smashed. Technically a mutual kill but the Ymaryn got better.
"Is this It?."

"Finally the tree fuckers are gone at last. Lord have mercy!."

"Even thought we're dead. We at least took them down with us!."

"Yes, yes, YEEE..

"Unfortunately. What is alive , can never truly died. Due to centuries of Ymaryn bureaucracy and bloat. You have done them a great service by rebooting their civilization by "NEVER AGAIN!".

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Why are there no more omakes? It's a little sad how few the "longest thread" has. A quest call The Light of Our Solus (RWBY) - Q has tons of omakes, almost 800, and it's continuing in it's second thread.

I'm actually glad the thread doesn't have a ton of omakes. That happened with of the early quests on this site to the point where the volume of omakes far outweighed the actual updates. I got pretty sick of that, especially because we didn't have threadmarks then to let us just skip past them back then.
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[x] [Involvement] Offer extended support (1x)
[x] [Form] Offer safe haven to the persecuted (1.2x)
[x] [Form] Offer mercenary services to your preferred sides (1.5x)
[x] [Form] Deploy privateers to disrupt enemy logistics (1x)
[x] [Debate] Get more copies of your versions of texts in there (1.2x)
[x] [Debate] Offer theological and rhetorical training to preferred sides (1.2x)
[X] [Involvement] Offer limited support (1x)
[X] [Form] Offer safe haven to the persecuted (1.2x)
[X] [Debate] Offer theological and rhetorical training to preferred sides (1.2x)
I don't particulary feel like taking military action.
"Is this It?."

"Finally the tree fuckers are gone at last. Lord have mercy!."

"Even thought we're dead. We at least took them down with us!."

"Yes, yes, YEEE..

"Unfortunately. What is alive , can never truly died. Due to centuries of Ymaryn bureaucracy and bloat. You have done them a great service by rebooting civilization by "NEVER AGAIN!".

"Oh, and now they also realize how amazing cannons are, and are soon going to be in need of a lot of fuel for their industry. They also just did a review of their libraries, and stumbled over the so called Plan Forest The Nomads."

Nomad.exe has crashed, please restart
Lightning Round Q&A I
can you give us an overview of how the Not!Mediterannean world developed here over the lightning-years? I think we need some more background info for this vote. How the Saffron civilization rose and fell, did the Migration Period happen, was there an Alt!Islam, what happened to the Khemetri, etc.

Basically the Saffron Islanders genocided their way west for a few centuries, wiping out indigenous Bronze Age civilizations with technology and social concepts obtained from the Ymaryn, replacing them with their own colonies. Their culture fragmented multiple times (in the last update you were actually starting to deal with the Eastern Saffron Islanders, who had become distinct from the Western SI), but generally the Not!Med was controlled by their cultures and successor cultures for millennia. You had a Not!Rome for a time, and they fought and squabbled with you for a bit, but since you both had a policy of "expansion through 'defense'" for the most part you never decided to take a swing at each other all that hard, but they eventually fell apart to internal issues and a Migration Period nomad horde that bounced off you into them at a particularly bad time.

In historical retrospect, the scholars massively cringed when they realized that both empires had been able to bounce active nomads before, but if that particular group had arrived at a bad time for the People but not the Ueman then the situation would have been reversed.

There was a period of post-imperial chaos with the collapse of Not!Mediterranean (Saffron Sea) urban civilization and a reversion to agrarian communities, and you fueled turmoil by remaining a primary industrial center, providing weapons for cheap to petty kingdoms that focused on extractive measures to short term out compete their neighbours to be able to buy from you, impoverishing them, especially in the Eastern Saffron Sea. There was the rise of Not!Christianity and Not!Islam, but you sat on the fiercest focal point and refused to get involved in religious affairs one way or another, demanding that people pay their taxes and administer the fields and forests correctly. Since the two religious groups viewed you as being vaguely heretical rather than outright a different religious group (essentially both saw you as People of the Book) and you generally didn't pick fights with them, they mostly left you alone militarily. While you let both their missionaries through into your borders and out beyond, the two groups primarily interact through sea trade and in Not!Iberia, which lessened secular reasons to fight. Because you were sitting on Not!Anatolia and Not!Mesopotamia, Not!Islam had its cultural center sit in Khemetri, even if its holy sites are in Not!Arabia, and the cultural flavour of Not!Islam was more influenced by Ancient Egypt than Ancient Persia, especially since Khemetri went through a number of soft collapses (they probably have about the same degree of claim to cultural continuity from antiquity as you) instead of hard conquests like IRL Ancient Egypt. While the age of polytheism and god kings has passed, they are more like China in that they absorb invaders rather than have their culture replaced.

A number of outside forces took advantage of your weakness in the collapse, but there were no great empires able to immediately sweep in and take advantage, and you had left many of your nearest neighbours fragmented or partially dependent upon you so there were no ambitious conquerors who could immediately sweep things up, especially since you chose the hard urban core to survive and thus were able to maintain some degree of lording industrial supremacy over your neighbours. The power vacuum did mean that the furthest afield Syffrynites were forced to undergo further development of their own native industries when the supplies of quality manufactured goods out of your empire were sharply curtailed, and the death of the Ymaryn empire did release plague along the trade lines as the besieged, famine wracked cities became breeding grounds for disease that were carried along trade routes by refugees, so there was call for increased mechanization to replace plague losses.

So in the far west you have access to an actual ocean rather than an enclosed sea like the Yllthon or Saffron Sea, a taste for but no direct access to eastern luxuries like spices, silk, glass, and porcelain, and a sudden spike in local manufacturing. They thus had the tools all put together to develop long distance trade ships, and have begun making Not!Africa rounding journeys and forays across the Not!Atlantic. From long distance diplomacy, you have the Vortuga (a larger Not!Portugal) and the Hespranxer (Not!Spain + part of Not!France) being the most exploratory right now. You also have a bunch of Not!HRE and Not!Italian city state as the rest of the "pure" Syffrynites, while the Not!Balkans and Not!Hungarians are more closely related to the Storm Ymaryn, while Not!Scandinavia and Not!Russia come more from your interactions with northern tribes out of Amber Road.

Is the Stone Age Cannal still a known thing? Or do people think the unnaturally straight and uniform and convenient waterway is natural?

It's not known that it is a particular special canal among the rest of the network.

Imagine when they find preserved dinosaurs bones under the second holiest temple of the Ymaryn, the Dragon Graveyard.

They will have to dig it up first, because that city got sacked super hard core.

how much land did we reunify last update? It almost sounds like some of the southern territories joined us as well for some reason.

You largest chunks of territorial loss was in the east and south, but controlling the Yllthon has gone a long way to reunifying the directly Ymaryn parts, if not the most agriculturally productive (lowlands) or minerally rich (Horse Mountains).
[X] [Involvement] Offer extended support (1x)
[X] [Form] Offer safe haven to the persecuted (1.2x)
[X] [Form] Offer mercenary services to your preferred sides (1.5x)
[X] [Debate] Get more copies of your versions of texts in there (1.2x)
[X] [Debate] Offer theological and rhetorical training to preferred sides (1.2x)
Our ablatives armor nearby polity are working as intended. :p Shame we didn't really met not!Rome, but not really at the same time.
Our ablatives armor nearby polity are working as intended. :p Shame we didn't really met not!Rome, but not really at the same time.
But we apparently nicked most of their books, and then threw them in the back of our libraries for scholars to gush over a few centuries later.
I imagine that whole area is practically a giant graveyard with millions dead and weaponry everywhere.
How many anime in the future will be set there, you think? With legendary Ymaryn Empire weapons lost in the Great War?
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Alright, like with many I'm really happy with this update.

There are a few reasons for that, but I think the primary one was the length of the update. I think a part of me feared that all future updates would be as short as the lightning round ones. Luckily, we can see that it is not the case. As such, unlike those who have dropped the Quest, I find myself eager to participate again.

Honestly, when it comes down to it, I'm not actually too upset with the death of the Ymaryn empire. Yeah, it kinda sucked with how sudden it was, but the signs were there if you were paying attention. Mainly in the People's hubris. As we found out in this update the Empire, as a whole, had this thing going where they believed themselves to be the font of all Wisdom and that all knowledge worth knowing would just fall into their laps (brings new meaning to the Philosopher Kings and Lovers of Wisdom traits), also, even before the Lightening Rounds they were isolationist - they didn't notice the rise and fall of the Not!Romans. And they, and to be honest many in this thread, seemed to think that they would be this eternal empire that would never fall.

That brings up another point - falls. Or to be exact, rise and fall. When reading over these updates I was reminded of the new Civ VI expansion that was released, Rise and Fall. It introduced many new mechanics, but the most pertinent for this situation would be the Ages. Dark, Normal and Golden Ages. In Rise and Fall terms the Ymaryn had been in two Golden Ages from the Ancient Era to the Classical Era. But when the Renaissance Era hit the Empire finally collapsed and faced a Dark Age.

But things are already beginning to look up. In the game, the way to determine whether you'll have a Dark, Normal or Golden Age in the next Age are through things called "Historic Moments". These are things like building Wonders (such as the Pyramids), being the first one to circumnavigating the globe, and so on. In Civ terms, I think we unearthed a Historic Moment when we recovered the lost, ancient knowledge of the Ymaryn and opened our academies to foreigners. That moment is undoubtedly going to reshape the global political landscape - already is considering the current vote.

Let's see where the People go from here.