Noting that Cart Warriors are great for offensive actions, but poor on defense as they cannot use our terrain bonuses. We need baseline warriors more than charioteers.
Staying on the defensive just means letting the Dead Priests build up more. We need to slow them down as much as we can and we need to go on the offence to do that. Expand Warriors helps with that, but remember that cart warriors were described as being "ten times as valuable as normal warriors" and that with our ample supply of wood we can field a truly massive amount of them. Expand Warriors would be the superior option if we had no choice but to suffer raids, such as with the nomads, but the inferior one if we intend to diminish or defeat our opponent.
I would like to direct your eye to the general style of a despotic autocracy as basically being solely controlled by the king. I present the possibility that they have at least 3, potentially as much as 5 centralization due to the governmental restructure (and presence of a hero unit adding more power to himself). I also postulate that while a dozen minor factions have formed, the map marks the former WC territory as being nearly as large as our own in the southern hills, which is the new location of the HK. I would suspect they can field a force roughly equivalent to the DP by effort, and they are currently making a direct competition with the DP.
I argue that the HK can stall the DP to the point that I would say they won't turn to use for at least three turns.
I'd probably wait and see on the Despotic Autocracy. Those usually work in the lifetime of the founder, but it remains to be seen if he can set up a workable inheritance method for it.
But the trick of that matter is that they wouldn't be expanding. The lowland minors already exist, and the despot would basically just be making them tributaries as the DP would, except without the threat of demanding blood sacrifice.
We... kinda did. If we didn't have all those warriors accompanying our Hero, the Spirit Talkers might have survived. As it was, our warriors fought the berserkers while the Thunder Horse nomads charged into the Spirit Talker's capital and wrecked everything.
Edit: Honestly, it's not as bad as it could have been. Yeah, we lost a lot of warriors, but our Hero survived, the Spirit Talkers are dead and the Nomads are going to leave us alone for a few turns. Once we take an action or two to increase our military, we should go back up to 5 or 6 Martial.
Here we see the weakness of the elite-main model army: It's fragile to facing multiple opponents or larger groups of enemies. They won the battle, but they forfeited the war because they didn't have enough warriors to cover both fronts.
No nope nope nope. We've been delaying Metal Miners contact for the last 5-10 turns, delaying 5 more turns is entirely too much for me. We need metal tools now, at least because they'll make everything else either easier or better.
But Copper, as had been said MANY times before, does not do that. The Trade Mission is valuable, but rushing into it was exactly the same logic that went rushing into the Canal.
Our critical problem is we have a 2 turn respite before we need our warriors again. Maybe less, depending on what the DPs are up to now that they don't have to watch for STs.
IIRC Copper Age use of the native metal was mainly for ornamentation and ritual tools. It's too rare to use commonly, too soft to hold an edge or bear weight.
Staying on the defensive just means letting the Dead Priests build up more. We need to slow them down as much as we can and we need to go on the offence to do that. Expand Warriors helps with that, but remember that cart warriors were described as being "ten times as valuable as normal warriors" and that with our ample supply of wood we can field a truly massive amount of them. Expand Warriors would be the superior option if we had no choice but to suffer raids, such as with the nomads, but the inferior one if we intend to diminish or defeat our opponent.
The DP if i remember correctly where able to hold of two or three peer powers at the same time while largely holding on to their territory or at least only loosing a few outlying assets.
Two powers (we hardly counted since we only committed paltry additions at huge distances), and one power had been steadily declining for two centuries (the ST) to the point that while their elites were great at killing DPs, all they had was elites that couldn't make a functional difference in the war, and the other power was the WC, who was still running off Pioneer Spirit (which meant every time they lost stability for any reason, they also lost centralization, which meant as soon as they started losing, they started collapsing, as their ability to coordinate defenses slowly whittled away to nothing).
The DP basically fought one enemy, whose biggest weakness was that the first major loss they suffered would cause every subsequent loss to have a higher chance of occurring, even if they lost absolutely no stats and tech remained at parity.
Pretty much this. Copper is good for some basic knives (that have to be sharpened regularly) pots, pans, and pipes. It's when it's mixed with tin to make bronze that it is hard enough to use as a blade. Bronze is pretty brittle, though. Tends to snap.
I don't believe Expand Warriors increases every type of warrior, it just gives us more warriors, some of which become cart warriors based on how many carts we have, so the more carts we have the more of those warriors become cart warriors. Thus the way to get more cart warriors is to do Build War Carts to give more of our warriors carts, rather than Expand Warriors which will get us more regular warriors but no more carts and thus no more cart warriors.
We should do Build War Carts first so that the troops we have now will quickly be able to take the fight to the enemy with great effectiveness, then do Expand Warriors to increase the amount of warriors we have.
Pretty much this. Copper is good for some basic knives (that have to be sharpened regularly) pots, pans, and pipes. It's when it's mixed with tin to make bronze that it is hard enough to use as a blade. Bronze is pretty brittle, though. Tends to snap.
So, here's my attempt at a negaverse omake. I figured that since the ST bumrushed mysticism like crazy they probably got some pretty advanced writing and mathematics, which is why all the stuff is so heavily statted out. I didn't try much to check that they correspond with the actual system though, they're there for flavor more than anything else.
The people are dissatisfied. While your mastery of the spirits of the heavens remains unchallenged, the people are questioning if that truly makes you qualified to lead. Several knuckles of your warriors have left to fight the Dead Priests on their own terms. However, lacking the proper organization and leadership, most of them are killed by the new Dead Priest cart riders. (-1 Martial)
The defense against the Nomads continues. You have denied most of their attacks without losing too much and your vassals appreciate the aid and have resumed their standard tribute, though the raids continue. (Locked action remains)
Despite the surrounding events, your people have continued studying the heavens. This focused effort has revealed a new way of keeping track of time, one which has allowed your shamans to predict with even greater accuracy than ever before. (gained technology: Improved celestial calendar) Reviewing your records with this new tool has informed you that a major comet approaches. What do you do with this information?
[] [Comet] Nomads
Claim it heralds the downfall of the Nomads unless they immediately stop raiding you. Bring them forth to witness your claim.
[] [Comet] Dead Priests
Claim it heralds the downfall of the Lowlands. Begin warring against them. Gain 5 Diplomacy, required minimum [Secondary] War Mission- Dead Priests
[] [Comet] Nonspecific
Do not claim it as anything specific, but still spread the warning of its coming far and wide. Gain 2 Diplomacy.
Your attempts at restoring the faith of the people were almost successful, but in the end failed to really achieve its goals. Some people didn't like being forced back into compliance, and it didn't help that rumors have been spreading that the Valley Workers' blackbirds have somehow found a way to cure the scourging plague using cows. While most agree that such talk is clearly ridiculous, many people were nevertheless willing to abandon the priests in exchange for the plentiful harvests of the valley in the hope of living in such a bountiful land.
[] [Emigration] Allow
Lose (0-5) Economy to the Valley Workers. Gain (0-3) Diplomacy that can only be spent on them. Small chance of getting your stability back.
[] [Emigration] Categorically Deny
Moderate chance for further stability loss (and triggering this again).
[] [Emigration] Raid them
The Valley Workers must be martially a weak people. Raid them, and take what they have for yourself. (Lose 1 Diplomacy and send martial. Chance of success dependent on amount of martial sent. Success: gain ??? Economy. Failure: lose sent Martial.)
[] [Emigration] Demonize them
Spend 2 Mysticism and 1 Diplomacy to reinforce your prior demonization of them in the minds of your citizens and prevent them once again from leaving your people.
You have one [Main] and two [Secondary] actions available. At a minimum a [Secondary] is required to be War Mission- Nomad hoards unless you're willing to accept major economic losses. The [Main] has double the costs and double the effects unless otherwise specified.
[] Trade Mission - <target>
Spend Diplomacy to gain Art and technology.
Available targets: Nomad hoards, Valley Workers
[] War Mission - <target>
Chance of losing Martial, deal damage to the target.
Available targets: Dead Priests, Western Confederacy, Nomad hoards, Valley Workers
[] Study World
Study the ways of the spirits, learn the patterns and ways to invoke them. Learn the ways of the stars, the ways of the rain and thunder, or any other mystical powers of the spirits. Gain 2 Mysticism and improve technology.
[] Expand Cave of Wonder
Study the spirits of the cave and attempt to further appease both them and your ancestors who are now with them. Gain 4 Mysticism.
[] Restore Faith
Spend 1 Mysticism and 1 Stability, then gain 0-3 Stability. Take the best of 2 rolls if main.
[] Restore Order
Spend 1 Stability, gain 0-2 Stability (doubled chance of +2). Take the best of 2 rolls if main. Maximum Stability of 0.
[] Improve trade goods
Spend 1 Economy and 1 Mysticism to gain 1 Art and 2 Diplomacy
[] Demand tribute
Spend 1 Diplomacy and 1 Mysticism to gain 1 Economy from the surrounding villages.
[] Apply farming techniques
You've learned the basics of farming from the Valley Workers, but attempts to apply and expand this knowledge have thus far proved fruitless. You can always try again. (Spend 1 Economy. ??? chance of success. Success: "Expand Farms" action now 100% reliable)
[] Expand Farms
50% chance of gaining 1 economy. 10% chance of losing 1 economy.
[] Expand Warriors
Perhaps some normal warriors would round out your forces? Spend 1 Economy to gain 2 Martial.
[] Expand Sacred Warriors
You need more knuckles of elite warriors. Spend 2 Mysticism to gain 3 Martial
[] New Settlement - <target>
While some still remember the destroyed lowland settlement, others feel that it is well-past time to try to expand once again. (Costs 1 Economy and 1 Centralization, pays Economy back with interest, depending on the fertility of the land.)
Current targets: (south) fertile lowlands, (north) nomad-infested rocky steppes, (west or east) unclaimed hills
[] Build Wall - <target>
After the horrible destruction of the lowland settlement, people desire additional protection. Costs 1 Economy.
Current target: Cave City
[] [Main] Special- Convert Nomads with Star Axe
You have the Star Axe. Use it to convert the nomad hoards to your side. (Moderate chance of success. Success: gain significant control over who the Nomad Hoards attack. Failure: The Nomad Hoards attack you even more)
This invalidates the need for the War Mission - Nomads, and combos with [Comet] Nomads
Theiodamas420 said:
Welp. That went about as well as we could've expected. And we once again gain another freaking astronomy tech instead of something useful to help us apply the farming methods or something. At least we got writing way back when, for all the help that it's been. All it does is tell us exactly how screwed over we are...
We need to get the Valley Workers' farming. Get them to help us implement those techniques they shared or something, we need to send that expedition to them now. And yet, we don't have the diplomacy for it, and we can't get that diplomacy without paying economy somehow, which will just lead to our death just as surely as not having those farming techniques. As to the emigration event, we've got to once again demonize them, which is costly and temporary and probably just makes them hate us all the more.
Ugh. Those fucking Valley Workers have figured out the real button to push. They have so much economy that they become an awesome place to immigrate to. This boosts their economy, making them look like an even better place. Freaking communist elves, they've figured out the system. The same thing we were doing to everyone else except that it funds itself.
At least we're out of the sacred war... even if our warriors aren't. It's stupid how much war costs, the action slot hurts just as much as the martial.
On a side note, how unlucky did we get with that Restore Faith roll? I know we didn't take the guaranteed stability with the change in government option, but seriously, these dice must hate us.
It should be noted that taking in large groups of immigrants is constantly hurting their stability. Quite honestly, they'd be in a bad place if not for the Sacred Warriors trait they stole from you once they ran out of festivals and were forced to start Restoring Order; though, they probably would've found a better solution before completely dissolving. I'll just tell you now that the Canal that they built gave them bonus Econ and Stability thanks to one of the traits they have. They're basically designed to be amazing at doing mega-projects.
Ok, let's just work through this. We need to get our action slot back, and that means dealing with the Nomads. Anyone else think that the star-axe might be the answer? We need something to dig us out of this hole, and the Valley Workers showed that getting other people to fight the war for you is a great solution as long as you don't mind some collateral damage. (they sure didn't mind considering they're getting constant econ boosts from it)
Those Valley Workers are ridiculously overpowered. They got to take two of our most useful traits and didn't get stuck with these stupid ones like "Watching the Skies" that don't actually give much useful. And they even somehow managed to get out of fighting the Sacred War with the Dead Priests after just a couple turns. At least we still have "Worthy of Tribute". Though, I'm still wondering how they manged to keep their mysticism high enough to not send more trade missions to us, especially if they have been using Restore Faith like we have.
I'm still annoyed at all you idiots for not having any martial to spare the one time they sent a request for aid from us. They managed to steal our traits and all we got in return is an action that's killed our economy and done nothing useful. And then we rejected one of their minor traders because we were at -1 Diplo for a single turn, which probably put them even further off from ever helping us.
As to our Restore Faith rolls... maybe we should look into one of those alternatives? They're all horrible, but it might be better than sitting here at -1 stability just eating away at our main action turn after turn.
They don't. They have another trait "Harmony" (read: Communism) which evolved it even further into Restore Harmony which doesn't cost any Mysticism but still has all the benefits of Restore Faith.
Something to think about is that should the DPs beat the HK we'd effectively get stuck in a siege, with them on our doorstep and us defending our territory. One way of breaking this siege would be to foment unrest in their back line (slaves rebellions are a thing) so expanding blackbirds might be something to think about should it get that bad. Probably the best way to prevent it getting this bad is to send a trade mission to the HK and see if we can't support them.
The spirits of the Spirit Talkers on the other hand...
If some of them come back as angry, vengeful ghosts, does that make them the Spirit Talker's Talking Spirits? And if our shamans try to exorcise them, would that make them our Spiritual Spirit Talker's Talking Spirits Talkers?
So, here's my attempt at a negaverse omake. I figured that since the ST bumrushed mysticism like crazy they probably got some pretty advanced writing and mathematics, which is why all the stuff is so heavily statted out. I didn't try much to check that they correspond with the actual system though, they're there for flavor more than anything else.
The people are dissatissfied. While your mastery of the spirits of the heavens remains unchallenged, the people are questioning if that truly makes you qualified to lead. Several knuckles of your warriors have left on their own to fight the Dead Priests on their own terms. However, lacking the proper organization and leadership, most of them are killed by the new Dead Priest cart riders. (-1 Martial)
The defense against the Nomads continues. You have denied most of their attacks without losing too much and your vassals appreciate the aid and have resumed their standard tribute, though the raids continue. (Locked action remains)
Despite the surrounding events, your people have continued studying the heavens. This focused effort has revealed a new way of keeping track of time, one which has allowed your shamans to predict with even greater accuracy than ever before. (gained technology: Improved celestial calendar) Reviewing your records with this new tool has informed you that a major comet approaches. What do you do with this information?
[] [Comet] Nomads
Claim it heralds the downfall of the Nomads unless they immediately stop raiding you. Bring them forth to witness your claim.
[] [Comet] Dead Priests
Claim it heralds the downfall of the Lowlands. Begin warring against them. Gain 5 Diplomacy, required minimum [Secondary] War Mission- Dead Priests
[] [Comet] Nonspecific
Do not claim it as anything specific, but still spread the warning of its coming far and wide. Gain 2 Diplomacy.
Your attempts at restoring the faith of the people were almost successful, but in the end failed to really achieve its goals. Some people didn't like being forced back into compliance, and it didn't help that rumors have been spreading that the Valley Workers' blackbirds have somehow found a way to cure the scourging plague using cows. While most agree that such talk is clearly ridiculous, many people were nevertheless willing to abandon the priests in exchange for the plentiful harvests of the valley in the hope of living in such a bountiful land.
[] [Emigration] Allow
Lose (0-5) Economy to the Valley Workers. Gain (0-3) Diplomacy that can only be spent on them. Small chance of getting your stability back.
[] [Emigration] Categorically Deny
Moderate chance for further stability loss (and triggering this again).
[] [Emigration] Raid them
The Valley Workers must be martially a weak people. Raid them, and take what they have for yourself. (Lose 1 Diplomacy and send martial. Chance of success dependent on amount of martial sent. Success: gain ??? Economy. Failure: lose sent Martial.)
[] [Emigration] Demonize them
Spend 2 Mysticism and 1 Diplomacy to reinforce your prior demonization of them in the minds of your citizens and prevent them once again from leaving your people.
You have one [Main] and two [Secondary] actions available. At a minimum a [Secondary] is required to be War Mission- Nomad hoards unless you're willing to accept major economic losses. The [Main] has double the costs and double the effects unless otherwise specified.
[] Trade Mission - <target>
Spend Diplomacy to gain Art and technology.
Available targets: Nomad hoards, Valley Workers
[] War Mission - <target>
Chance of losing Martial, deal damage to the target.
Available targets: Dead Priests, Western Confederacy, Nomad hoards, Valley Workers
[] Study World
Study the ways of the spirits, learn the patterns and ways to invoke them. Learn the ways of the stars, the ways of the rain and thunder, or any other mystical powers of the spirits. Gain 2 Mysticism and improve technology.
[] Expand Cave of Wonder
Study the spirits of the cave and attempt to further appease both them and your ancestors who are now with them. Gain 4 Mysticism.
[] Restore Faith
Spend 1 Mysticism and 1 Stability, then gain 0-3 Stability . Take the best of 2 rolls if main.
[] Restore Order
Spend 1 Stability, gain 0-2 Stability (doubled chance of +2). Take the best of 2 rolls if main. Maximum Stability of 0.
[] Improve trade goods
Spend 1 Economy and 1 Mysticism to gain 1 Art and 2 Diplomacy
[] Demand tribute
Spend 1 Diplomacy and 1 Mysticism to gain 1 Economy from the surrounding villages.
[] Apply farming techniques
You've learned the basics of farming from the Valley Workers, but attempts to apply and expand this knowledge have thus far proved fruitless. You can always try again. (Spend 1 Economy. ??? chance of success. Success: "Expand Farms" action now 100% reliable)
[] Expand Farms
50% chance of gaining 1 economy. 10% chance of losing 1 economy.
[] Expand Warriors
Perhaps some normal warriors would round out your forces? Spend 1 Economy to gain 2 Martial.
[] Expand Sacred Warriors
You need more knuckles of elite warriors. Spend 2 Mysticism to gain 3 Martial
[] New Settlement - <target>
While some still remember the destroyed lowland settlement, others feel that it is well-past time to try to expand once again. (Costs 1 Economy and 1 Centralization, pays Economy back with interest, depending on the fertility of the land.)
Current targets: (south) fertile lowlands, (north) nomad-infested rocky steppes, (west or east) unclaimed hills
[] Build Wall - <target>
After the horrible destruction of the lowland settlement, people desire additional protection. Costs 1 Economy.
Current target: Cave City
[] [Main] Special- Convert Nomads with Star Axe
You have the Star Axe. Use it to convert the nomad hoards to your side. (Moderate chance of success. Success: gain significant control over who the Nomad Hoards attack. Failure: The Nomad Hoards attack you even more)
This invalidates the need for the War Mission - Nomads, and combos with [Comet] Nomads
The point isn't bonuses, it's just the fun of it. I would hate for this to turn into an omake-quest, and I'm pretty sure AN would hate it, too. It's why he tends to be quiet about those sorts of bonuses.
The point isn't bonuses, it's just the fun of it. I would hate for this to turn into an omake-quest, and I'm pretty sure AN would hate it, too. It's why he tends to be quiet about those sorts of bonuses.
An omake about the end of the spirit talkers would be pretty cool, you could have the QM reveal some information about the other factions and show the players reactions to it.
[X] [Main] Scourge Warding
[X] [Main] Scourge Warding x2
[X] [Secondary] New Holy Site
This is fascinating. We inadvertently shattered the status quo, or at least accelerated its shattering and let the ST go the way of the Dodo. Now we need to finish the megaproject to exploit this situation somehow.