...you know, I was thinking. Couldn't we wait until Nationalism kicks in before trying for unification and push, say, into Not!Western Europe and pick up the ancestral territories later?

Looking back over those two updates, the image looks like Core Ymaryn still somewhat knows how to leverage black soil into huge crops but it competes with gunpowder. (Not fully. A single city should produce enough waste to satisfy vast amounts of saltpeter demands, nevermind the sacred herds and you can mine that stuff as well or import it) while the rest mostly forgot it. The issue is that what we do know is sparsely used because we use slavery, which loses out on sheer expertise.

On the upside, the outright bullying and conquest was mostly in our own succession territory and the splinter states don't have any bad memory about the Core being belligerent assholes. At least not excessively so. And we made efforts to diplomance people while supporting them against foreign aggressors.
Yeah, looking at the end results.
In the end, the Ymaryn "won", forcing the foe back through sheer attrition, and letting their holdings in the east rise in rebellion now that their nomadic overlords were distracted in the west. Like an elephant mauled by lions, despite victory the mighty and ancient empire was collapsing to its knees from blood loss and infection. Too many nobles had been slain, the loss of administrative knowledge was too great and the restrictions placed by the patrician nobility on the vital knowledge that let them do their jobs was spread too thin. Even if territory could be reclaimed and restored, there was no one to administer it, no one to protect it, and in too many places the ties that bound had been severed. Survivors despised the central administration for not being there for them, and the central administration was suspicious of those who had bent knee to foreign agents. Many cities in the west, having sworn to the nomads for self-protection, decided that they did not think that the king would welcome them back without punishment, and so simply declared their independence. In the Southern Highlands, the kingdom there, long bottled up as an amusing hermit, began to strike at various ravaged holdings in the lowlands and Hathytta.
We were suspicious of them bending their knee, and they were a mix of angry for not doing enough and afraid of punishment for surrendering to survive.

Theoretically, if we open up our acadamies we could use that to diplomance some of our regions back into our arms.

Of the choices
[] [Ambition] Become Defender of the Monsoon Sea, securing the southern territories to support that
[] [Ambition] Start conquering westward until these barbarians can be dealt with in their homes
[] [Ambition] Restore the Old Ymaryn Empire borders
[] [Ambition] Unify the Yllthon Coast
[] [Ambition] Stay at home, but smith harder

First option is go Southeastward taking Txolla and Hathytta again to reach the Monsoon Sea. Requires fighting the Highland Kingdom again to take them back.

Second option is go and attempt to take Western Ymaryn(or whatever is left of it) and just keep eating it until we hit Vortuga

Third option is a straight land grab in all directions, Greenshore, Western Wall, Trelli, Txolla, Thunder Horse, Amber Road, everything.

Fourth option is taking Trelli, Greenshore, and Tinriver again.

Fifth option is to bristle

While some would appreciate the open arms, others do want a promise that we can ensure protection. For us to be a shield again.
Actually we still have Not!Mesopotamia. The Harmurri got integrated a long time ago, so the Ymaryn own the Not!PersianGulf.
Was that before or after the downfall? I am pretty sure that was before. As I noted above, the Highland Kingdom took them from us.
fuck you and your family.
No, stop. Do not go there.
Mutually, my friend.
Do not make it worse.
That was a bit uncalled for.

This is just a quest about a fake civilization after all.
this quest has run for a year.
we were just about to go on to the interesting stuff.
we've survived so much.
We were so close to implementing so many if our long term goals.
They just killed all that because they wanted to feel macho.
serfs, feudalism and the dark ages in general only happened because Rome collapsed.
we could have survived that so easy but noooooo.
they just had to make us collapse.
If we hadn't rolled as well as we did we'd have gotten wiped.
i hate this.
i hate this so much.
like in the real dark ages we're currently spending a few centuries picking up the pieces.
this quest has run for a year.
we were just about to go on to the interesting stuff.
we've survived so much.
We were so close to implementing so many if our long term goals.
They just killed all that because they wanted to feel macho.
serfs, feudalism and the dark ages in general only happened because Rome collapsed.
we could have survived that so easy but noooooo.
they just had to make us collapse.
If we hadn't rolled as well as we did we'd have gotten wiped.
i hate this.
i hate this so much.
like in the real dark ages we're currently spending a few centuries picking up the pieces.
You may not like it, but it happened. I, too, often do not get what I want in quests. But I do not insult those whose choice was different from mine. Relax.:)
...you know, I was thinking. Couldn't we wait until Nationalism kicks in before trying for unification and push, say, into Not!Western Europe and pick up the ancestral territories later?
That would depend on those regions not developing entirely new cultures in the 700-ish years until modern nationalism develops.
this quest has run for a year.
we were just about to go on to the interesting stuff.
we've survived so much.
We were so close to implementing so many if our long term goals.
They just killed all that because they wanted to feel macho.
serfs, feudalism and the dark ages in general only happened because Rome collapsed.
we could have survived that so easy but noooooo.
they just had to make us collapse.
If we hadn't rolled as well as we did we'd have gotten wiped.
i hate this.
i hate this so much.
like in the real dark ages we're currently spending a few centuries picking up the pieces.

Nonetheless this is but a piece of fiction, there is no reason to insult someone or their family over an imaginary civilization.
I just hate the whole situation because we were gaining and like 3 votes short.
so close.
i was so giddy to see it all unfold.
now we're picking up the pieces.
so close.
And here I am sitting confused, wondering what the religious situation is by now.

... It's some upstart religion from the west that's popular at the moment, isn't it?
That would depend on those regions not developing entirely new cultures in the 700-ish years until modern nationalism develops.
700 years seems excessive? If we follow RL history, German/Italian unification (NOT the start of nationalism in those resions) was just 400 years after the start of the Age of Sail? And continuing with the european analogies, the italian minors and the Holy Roman Empire kept a relatively close culture through the ~1-1.5k years of seperation?
Can you direct me to your source? I do not see it here. All I saw is that we have some control of the River that leads there, but nothing about controlling Txolla or Hathytta again.
I said we control Not!Mesopotamia, as in the Lowlands and the Harmurri. I didn't say we own Hathytta (Not!Anatolia).
Basically the provinces of Valleyhome, Sacred Forest, and Redshore are still under direct management. Everything north got razed by the steppe nomads, the west and Not!Anatolia broke off to become a bunch of competing merchant city states, and the eastern mountains and lowlands got mauled and are much more pastoralist than in the past. You also control access to the Not!Indian ocean down the Not!Euphrates, but there are some rough patches such that you would need to directly seize its entire length and some of the coast to be able to fully prosecute a war in the seas to the south and east.
IIRC AN also mentioned us integrating the Harmurri in Discord. Don't know if it was before or after the fall, but we do control them.
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And here I am sitting confused, wondering what the religious situation is by now.

... It's some upstart religion from the west that's popular at the moment, isn't it?
We are monotheistic now ._.
I said we control Not!Mesopotamia, as in the Lowlands and the Harmurri. I didn't say we own Hathytta (Not!Anatolia).
Derp, I thought Hathytta was the new name of Harmurri. It has been a long time since I have used those names.

So from what I understand, securing the coast might bring Hathytta under our control again?

Becoming Defenders would still require fighting the Highlanders...