Yeah but Genius got 89 votes and admin genius got 44
Yeah but genius got 89 votes and nearly all of which wanted to specify. Which specification doesn't matter, as there are two tiers of vote here and you can consider No Specification as a specification of its own.
  • Tier 1: Genius or No Genius
  • Tier 2: Specify
    • Admin
    • Culture
    • Diplo
    • No Specification
So the votes look like this:
  • Tier 1: Genius or No Genius. 89 to 13
  • Tier 2: Specify
    • Admin 44
    • Culture 14
    • Diplo 25
    • No Specification 6
Edit: Blackbirded, but this is by the numbers, so :p
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Well there is my mistake, I figured that if none of the specifications got 50% it would be random.

That's why I changed my vote from culture to no specialty

E: Which I now realize makes no sense.
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Well there is my mistake, I figured that if none of the specifications got 50% it would be random.
It makes sense when you think about it. I mean, let's assume that people were really split on the options, but generally wanted to specify. Neither side gets half, but one choice eventually wins. So we get:

100 total votes:
100 Votes Genius
-49 Votes Admin
-48 Votes Diplo
-3 Votes Random

If it was required that a single subvote needed 50% otherwise it would default to random, that would mean that in the above scenario, Random would somehow win despite only getting 3 total votes.

I can already imagine the salt in that case.
So, not sure if anyone has noticed yet, since I only did just now, but this Golden Age is getting us +5 Wealth a turn from True Cities alone.

Golden Age:
Converting +1 EE to Econ a turn, True Cities produce +1 Wealth/turn, special innovations
Wealth 14 [+(3+1+4+5)-3]

We also now have a net increase of 10 Wealth a turn so long as the Golden Age continues, which is almost as crazy a stat increase as the Population Explosion was.
It makes sense when you think about it. I mean, let's assume that people were really split on the options, but generally wanted to specify. Neither side gets half, but one choice eventually wins. So we get:

100 total votes:
100 Votes Genius
-49 Votes Admin
-48 Votes Diplo
-3 Votes Random

If it was required that a single subvote needed 50% otherwise it would default to random, that would mean that in the above scenario, Random would somehow win despite only getting 3 total votes.

I can already imagine the salt in that case.

I figure 51 people wouldn't mind, since diplo didn't win but with random they could still get diplo
I figure 51 people wouldn't mind, since diplo didn't win but with random they could still get diplo
In which case those 49 people would be pissed. And since the general sentiment was 'We want to specify', the diplo voters would come across as sore losers trying to snatch a victory out of their defeat through a technicality.

Trust me, such a thing would not be good for the health of a thread.
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The diffrence here is that I put less weight on the specify and more on the genius.
Think of it this way, someone earlier mentioned that there were 2 tiers of voting, but in reality you are voting for 3 tiers.

Tier 1: Vote for Genius
Tier 2: Vote to Specify
Tier 3: Vote which is specified

If the first two have more than half, then the third is just a simple majority of tier 2.

Specify is just as important as the Genius part, after all, since it has an added cost.

The third part? Not as important as all costs for it are equal.
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This is not something I had considered, but does a vote with more than two options require 50% of the votes to pass? There's usually a landslide victory, so I had not thought to pay attention to it.
"Crow's like a sort of demon-thing, right?"
"Sort of, yeah."
"So demons might have Crow-like features?"
"Some, probably."
"Only, like, more awesome because they're demons and shit?"
"So, like demons should have like obsidian feathers, right?"
"A reasonable proposition. Statues of Crow certainly do."
Well, theories are that dinosaurs might have been feathered instead, or maybe it's SOME dinosaurs.

...we need to petrify some feathers for science
0/10, feathers not obsidian.
Stained glass feathers?
Not really. It is called working with incomplete information and primitive understanding of biology.
You would not call modern science theories bull**** just because they are not a hundred percent certain.
Really even with modern science the study of fossils is a VERY large extent educated guesses because too much data had been lost in the process of fossilization
So, not sure if anyone has noticed yet, since I only did just now, but this Golden Age is getting us +5 Wealth a turn from True Cities alone.

Golden Age:
Converting +1 EE to Econ a turn, True Cities produce +1 Wealth/turn, special innovations
Wealth 14 [+(3+1+4+5)-3]

We also now have a net increase of 10 Wealth a turn so long as the Golden Age continues, which is almost as crazy a stat increase as the Population Explosion was.
we're gonna be mad spoiled once we have neither
If I had any idea where to start, I would make her the One True Goddess, Monotheism 4 teh win :D

I'm going to have to disagree, monotheism has more trouble accepting political and philosophical subsects and foreign religions as things that exist but are not of critical importance to either resist or support. Where in polytheism people can accept that those who disagree with their religious views follow a different valid divine figure.

Christian style monotheism got so big because it's setup first capitalized on flaws in the 'gods as larger than life human figures' religions that dominated europe and the mediterranean area to seem more convincing. ie. Getting their foot in the door through Jesus being a relatable demigod like figure that fit preconceptions but was nicer, Then when it got to discussions of the god/s behind the respective religions being able to say theirs was better and more powerful.
Then piggybacking on later European economic and imperial success to take over the world.
This is not something I had considered, but does a vote with more than two options require 50% of the votes to pass? There's usually a landslide victory, so I had not thought to pay attention to it.
The FC choice is a pretty good example of what AN usually does. You only need to be in the top two slots to get in.

Thinking about this, I guess it does depends on the context of the conquest. If they attack us and we take their lands as part of the peace, we wouldn't be stealing them as we would have gotten them fairly and legally as part of a peace deal. Assuming that the peace deal was fair of course and we didn't force them into attacking us in the first place.
I've been spending an unjustifiable amount of time thinking about the situation in the Americas. (because I live there)(and am given to extreme flights of fancy.)
It was kinda a combination of factors that screwed them over in reality, like a mass extinction of nearly every domesticatible animal on those continents and a near complete lack of idea, tool, and crop diffusion both among the major local civilisations and between them and the rest of the world, and a late start both on agriculture, and on when they managed to breed certain critical crops into easy growability.

So this would be easy to change, have the domesticable animals survive, set up the central Mesoamerican civilisations as enthusiasic seaborne raiders/traders/colonisers to facilitate idea diffusion, juggle the positions of the Pacific Islands so the Polynesian waves of expansion don't peter out before reaching the Americas, and/or just do what is implied right now(what with the existence of the mediterranean black sea) and make Greenland warmer and better able to support a European style population, agriculture and trees so the Not!Vikings, or their equivalent can support early colonization efforts towards North America. (which either succeed or at least cause idea diffusion)
Honesty even only one of these things would leave existing cultures of the area in a better position to be politically relevant.

Also clearly Terror Birds must survive to be domesticated as hunting, then riding beasts in South America, whimsy demands it.(and maybe some of South America's other bizarre fauna with them)
I'm imagining it now, the Incan empire's or Amazon river civilisation's quick responding terror bird cavalry lined up to charge against the hordes of viking raiders and drive them back into the sea.
include magic and then write a Kate Daniels novel where the Americas was populated by various empires with superior magic, superior gods, and a great desire for blood, books, and gold who committed viking-esque raiding parties against the impoverish Europeans until they got hit with a meteor and collapsed.
Conquest is a combination of theft and murder, in that it involves killing a group of people and then stealing their land.
I guess it's technically not theft if you don't consider taking the belongings of dead people to be theft, but even then their things should go to their next of kin, not their murderer.
Technically, the Spanish conquests of the Americas was actually more akin to a coup than theft. I mean, the spanish just usually replaced the various empire's leadership caste with their own people, so for a lot of people the changes were fairly small for quite a long time (besides the whole 'smallpox wiping out vast portions of the population' thing).

Theft is a personal thing, in which an individual's possessions are removed from them. By that definition, the Spanish never stole anything.
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