Anyways, who wants to build a pilgrimage trail from ST to Valleyhome by making temples in Valleyhome, Stonepen, and Stallion Tribe?
Obviously a Mathulmyn + the farm goddess combo for valleyhome, and then either Stonepen or the Stallion Tribe gets either Manus-Domaine or the twins.
Putting the twins in ST implies the unity of all peoples and the ST themselves, because we all come from that one pair, while putting Manus-Domaine in the ST gives them the satisfaction of being labeled the bringers of justice, and also serves to reduce foolishness among their population, ideally leading to wiser warriors.
Putting the twins in Stonepen signifies the first group outside the original three that we befriended/assimilated, and emphasizes a North-South dichotomy; putting Manus-Domaine in Stonepen sort of symbolically puts a barrier to foolishness between the north and south and also matches the general stoic, dour nature that the "stone" in Stonepen implies.
If we don't want to do the pilgrimage trail, Blackmouth definitely needs to be the next place after Valleyhome that we build a temple-library combo in. Due to the ease of access that straddling the northern river provides it with, it is the core of the Northcoast, ST, and WW region.
Well, we'd still need the actual TRAILS for people to travel to those places. ANd probably to reinforce religious homogeniety across our population rather than having our own temles start culture drifting.
Lets look at what each province has to offer for a Temple:
--Rainbow Trail - Still a future necropolis and place of history. Moisture makes it a crappy library, but it's one of the few places in the Core where building a Mountain would enjoy passable visibility. Slightly redundant with Sacred Forest. Too close.
--Holy Sea - Coastal temple, and where a Mountain would be most
visually impressive(cheat it into a proto Great Lighthouse?) due to visibility across the sea. Makes a good combo with Grand Docks. Ideal site for a pilgrimage route from the coast before they shift to river.
--Horse Valley - Hills/Valley/Plains temple. Linked to our horse breeding lineage. Formerly a good location for Place to the Stars, but Star Mirror is probably better now. May be a good location for the Mountain to impress Nomads(though this usually means they want a piece of that). May be a good place to hold The Games, as the terrain is suitable for marathons and horse racing.
--White Circle - No particular significance to this site that I can tell.
--Warrior's Rest - Historical rest station for warriors moving towards the Stallion Tribe front. May be used as a necropolis for the North being in a central position between Northshore and Stonepen. May be a good place to hold The Games, due to proximity to the Stallion Tribes and a good mix of terrain.
--Star Mirror - This seems a natural springboard for a Place to the Stars, especially with an adjunct library. Should greatly lower the costs of that project. Also a good focal point for the Northwestern coast's religious practices, being accessible from the entire Black River and coast.
-Southshore(Uncertain, Hero turn masked whether it's in Redhill or Southshore, so I made a judgment call based on Redhill being too dry to have 'groves' and hilly terrain being rather poor for great sunrises)
--Sunrise Grove - Good view of the sunrise from here. Place to the Stars?
--Skyforest - Sounds like a plateau with a forest on it.
--Bloodgrove - Trees with red sap?
-Redhill(Uncertain, Hero turn masked whether it's in Redhill or Southshore, so I made a judgment call based on Redhill being dry enough that finding natural wells and pools are a significant occurance)
--Spiritwell - Spoopy cave or natural formations causing howling winds?
--Moonwell - Good view of the sky. Place to the Stars?
As such, for pilgrimage anchors, I'm inclined to plop temples on Holy Sea and Star Mirror as the best locations to anchor our Western pilgrimage route and to ensure cultural continuity in our priesthood.
Wouldn't want the temples to find it too hard to reach each other. That's how you get schisms.