- Location
- From the moon
The Nomads need to die.
Right then.[x][Main] Study Iron Smelting (-1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability)
[x][Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads
[x][Secondary] Proclaim Glory (-2 Art, +1 Legitimacy)
Provinces Expand Econ x4
Thunder Horse [Main] War Mission - Northern Nomads x2
The north burns, the surviving People huddled into the settlements with walls, barely scraping by with fish and grain imported via boat, their warriors dead and chariots smashed or captured. Everything not safely protected by stone walls has been burned or carried off, depending on how valuable and transportable they are. The warriors sent north from the south have fared somewhat better, but even with their backup they have been unable to push back the tide of chariot warriors.
The War Chief had expected that even if the ravages of the nomad raids continued the tribes would have grown sated and used their wealth and prestige to go conquer other tribes further out. Unfortunately, it seemed that a single chieftain had managed to unify a vast number of tribes and had decided that the existence of the Stallion Tribes was a threat to him... which they honestly probably were, although that was probably because they stood between him and the even greater wealth of the northern coast and the People there. There was also some consideration that he might consider the sea trade between the People and the Metal Workers to be an obstacle to controlling the metal trade between them and thus by destroying the coastal settlements it would make such trade all the harder for the People, putting wealth into the hands of his people.
Meanwhile, in the south, the artisans devoted considerable effort to getting the process of extracting star metal from ore into a form that they could actually use. The first kilns they made worked but only produced very small quantities of the metal and were prone to cracking from the heat. It took effort to refine the process enough to get kilns that were large, durable and could get hot enough, but they fortunately still had the artisans who had worked on the original problem with Dormthun around and major backing from the king to get the process up and running. Unfortunately, the very open sponsorship of the study at a time of crisis did not sit well with many, who took the devastation of the north to be further proof that the gods disapproved of the People attempting to wield their weapons, although the new king ran a major campaign to spread the official story on the project and star metal and thus was able to at least restore the confidence of the People that the nobility wasn't possessed by demons, even if there was perhaps a sense that they were just fundamentally stupid in more than a few places.
Fortunately the Thunder Speakers chose not to attack while the People were weak, probably because they were called by their overlords to assist in subduing the Swamp Folk to the south alongside the Xohyssiri. From what traders said the Thunder Speakers were the ones to gain the most from it, carrying off slaves, wives, and loot in large numbers while the Xohyssiri mostly muddled about trying to reclaim some of their lost territory and the Thunder Horse king caught some sort of nasty disease in the swamps, died and left a succession crisis among his sons. So while the Thunder Horse were probably going to ready to go for another round soon, and they might also get dragged into a nasty civil war.
As for the Highlanders, whatever spat they had internally seemed to have been sorted out quickly enough and they were back to attempting to draw more of the lowlands into their circle, with rumours of skirmishes with the Hathatyn cities to their west. Despite the lineage of Magwyna no longer holding the kingship, they might still come to the aid of the People against the Thunder Speakers or Thunder Horse out of political convenience, but were definitely of no potential help against the tribes rampaging through the People's northern territories.
For the king and major chiefs and shamans, some degree of capitulation to the nomads was probably going to be required, even though there were still voices calling for further attacks against the nomads. All in all, not a great situation.
What to do about the nomads?
[] Accept utter humiliation (-3 Prestige, chance of loss of the March)
[] Heap tribute upon their chief and promise more (-5 Diplomacy, -1 Diplomacy/turn until next war or collapse of nomad tribe, -1 Prestige)
[] Keep Fighting
The Stallions have been catastrophically mauled, send support?
[] No (Large chance of stability loss)
[] Send a contingent of young men (1 Econ and Martial transferred)
[] Transfer a large group of People (2 Econ and Martial transferred)
[] Resettle large numbers (3 Econ and Martial transferred)
the Thunder Horse king caught some sort of nasty disease in the swamps, died and left a succession crisis among his sons. So while the Thunder Horse were probably going to ready to go for another round soon, and they might also get dragged into a nasty civil war.
well, this is a small comfort at least
NB we're back to only having 1 subordinate.Civilization Stats
Diplomacy 14 (max, overflowing) [+1 Art]
Economy 7
Martial 8
Stability 0 (neutral)
Legitimacy 2 (dented)
Centralization 3
Hierarchy 6
Art 2
Mysticism 2
Prestige 9
Periphery States (1/1)
Stallion Tribes (March) - Eliminates raids from the north and west, can provide military advances