@Academia Nut are we advancing at twice the speed on the megaproject action, or is it really just that ludicrously expensive?
@Academia Nut What are our forest slots looking like? I'm not sure how much we got from propagating the march.
Huh...was this spurred on by @BungieONI and i's discussion (i think it was bungie at least...) on this, or did we just have really good timing? =D Is giving more authority just "give more state resources to the craftsman" or is it a more long-term decision/effect on who can do what without the state's control?The weather had also produced an interesting request upon Rulwyna's table, a desire to study a way to use the motion of water to grind grain. Apparently during a flood a craftsman had seen a wagon partially fall into a canal, one wheel in the water and the other being turned by the flow of the water, and figured that that could be used to more effectively turn millstones instead of getting an animal or half-exile to do it. It was certainly an interesting concept, and Rulwyna could see how it might work, but she had a feeling that there would be issues with making it actually effective.
Milling project
[] [Mill] Resources are needed elsewhere
[] [Mill] Allow the project to go ahead (-1 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Art, ???)
[] [Mill] Grant additional authority to pursue it (-2 Econ, -2 Wealth, -2 Art, -1 Centralization, ???)
Need negaverse nao.Also, pretty sure every lowlander group just had a massive 'Oh shit' moment this turn after what our mercenaries just did.
The Red Banner Company doesn't have to be tied to our logistics, just to the client's. So this allows them to travail distances that we would not be able to manage.So if the Red Banner is able to go past Xoh to fight in their civil war does that mean Xoh being too far away to fight is no longer a problem if we ever want to smash them?
The Xoh would be paying for the upkeep of our mercenaries while they are there, while they would presumably not do the same for invading soldiers.So if the Red Banner is able to go past Xoh to fight in their civil war does that mean Xoh being too far away to fight is no longer a problem if we ever want to smash them?
Okay guys if we get really lucky we can steal some Xoh artisans and break their precious pottery monopoly in half which should gut them while we get some shiny new techs.
Yes, many have noted it. Reason why to go full out on the Mill and WC.
@Academia Nut are we advancing at twice the speed on the megaproject action, or is it really just that ludicrously expensive?
I actually want size+speed for the boats so that we can trade more efficiently and further out. Preferably somewhere that isn't currently getting buttfucked by Set.
The Enforce Justice actions got us +2 and +1 centralization, continuing the pattern of giving us the bare minimum.
How so?
Sauce?Double size is the one for that. Speed is only for battle, at this point in time.