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Chapter 646: A Ravening of Dragons, Part 1

"Been a minute," Tsunade said, rolling her shoulders.

"Nagi," Orochimaru reminded her, swinging his arms to loosen up.


Orochimaru nodded, starting a series of torso twists. A moment passed before he picked up the thread again. "More like West Gap."

She nodded, the details of the long-gone battle unspooling through her memory. "Not quite as many targets this time."

"These are a bit bigger."


He chinned over her shoulder. "A few more of us, at least."

She glanced back at where two score Orochimaru and Tsunade Shadow Clones were stretching. She turned back and folded herself over, placing her elbows on the ground. "Two out of three ain't bad," she said, trying and failing to inject enthusiasm into her tone.

"Three of three would be better."

"Yeah." She widened her stance, sliding smoothly down into a straddle split. "All of you get filled up from the kid?"

"The medic boy?" he asked, twisting down into a pretzel stretch. "Yes. Time consuming. He needed to shuttle back and forth to Leaf multiple times. You?"

"Same. Oh, speaking of the Gōketsu family, I saw your 'nephew' take Enma and Cannai aside earlier. Any idea what that was about?"

He brushed the question aside with a shrug and a wave of his hand, not deigning to acknowledge the teasing about 'nephew' at all. "I understand that you summarily dismissed the medic."

She had sat down, feet stretched out in front of her with her forehead on her knees. She picked her head up to meet his eyes, one fine blonde eyebrow raised.

"His brother mentioned it," Orochimaru said, a tiny bit of defensiveness creeping into his voice.

"Are you seriously speaking up for some bratty teenager?"

"Are you seriously being a dismissive idiot?"

She laughed. "You're only advocating for him because I called you out on it, aren't you? You don't give a shit about some kid."

"True. Still, now that the subject has come up… His brother is competent, and Jiraiya rarely chose poor students."

She rolled her eyes. "He didn't choose the kid as a student, he chose him as a political maneuver. But, fine. If we survive this, maybe I'll talk to him."

"'If' we survive this?" He snorted. "Sensei would thrash you."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Your attention, if please you it does," called Kumokōgō, her mental voice echoing across the field. "Time it is for departing. Please to gather?"

Tsunade rolled up to her feet as Orochimaru uncoiled and straightened. Together, the forty-two of them moved over to where the Arachnid Empress and the other Seventh Path people waited. She was currently twenty feet tall, her legs bouncing slightly in what might have been nervous anticipation.

"Lady Conjura, Uchiha Itachi, bait squadron prepared is," the Empress said. "Ready you are?"

"I am," Conjura said, her tone that of a monarch. She turned her head with the jerky alacrity of all birds, sweeping a glance over the gathered forces of the Crusade.

"I wish you all good fortune." She paused. "Even you, Pantsā."

The enormous pangolin nodded. "And you."

She nodded and flipped her wings and bent her knees until her chest was almost on the ground. "Come, human. It is time."

Itachi jumped to her knee, then turned and nodded to the rest of the force before looking to one member in particular. "Orochimaru."

The Snake Sannin nodded. "Uchiha. Try not to die before you kill it."

Itachi's lips curled up very slightly. "I would suggest that you try not to die at all, but that's the only thing you care about." Before Orochimaru could say anything, Itachi turned and jumped to Conjura's shoulder, then up to her back. He nestled into the feathers of her neck ruff as she straightened; a moment later they were gone. Conjura didn't so much as raise her wings, she simply vanished.

"Hornet Squadrons, with you your Queen's pride goes. Confident in you she is. She has named you the best of the hive."

"BZZZT!" the hornets buzzed in excitement. Moments later they leaped into the air, flying in careful formation as each group peeled off to approach the butte from a different direction.

The Empress watched for a calm sixty count as the hornets disappeared into the distance. Finally, she turned to the assembled Clans. "Lords, Ladies, King. We go now to war. Proud am I that you answered my call. Clans of the Seventh Path a fractious lot are. To set aside all differences, all prickly pride and dissonant doubt...a great thing today is, even though the occasion is of horror. Perhaps a birthing this moment may be. Always welcome here in Arachnid, all of you. Long the journey may be, but I hope this will not be the only time that my lands may host such powerful and honorable people."

Most of the rulers of the various clans managed to hold on to their gravitas, but their various elite soldiers and champions felt no such need. Cheers went up from the throats of multiple nations and, for one moment, generations of rivalry were set aside.

The Arachnid Empress watched, then dipped her body in acknowledgement. "Come," she said. "The Clans go to war."


The plan was simple: six groups of hornets would blind themselves and do a rapid pass across the butte, baiting the Dragons into the air and attempting to split them up. Each bait team would undoubtedly die within moments but other squadrons would be waiting, these far enough away that they didn't need to blind themselves because their strange hornet vision couldn't clearly see the top of the butte. With the advantage of sight they could launch ranged attacks against the Dragons, harassing them enough to—hopefully—make them each follow a different squadron. Each squadron was flying in a carefully-spaced open formation, a spider-silk netting held spread between them. Once their Dragon was sufficiently committed they would activate the seals they carried, locking the nigh-invisible netting in place so that the pursuing Dragon killed itself.

Failing that, dozens of other skyslicers had been positioned around the butte at various altitudes to turn them into julienned eldritch meat.

Failing that, multiple pairs of hornets were positioned high in the sky, each with a long wooden board suspended in a harness between them. Near each end of the board was one element of a two-element Earth Dome seal. The hornets would dive at the Dragons from above and activate the seal just before impact, conjuring into temporary existence something that, although in truth a chakra construct, looked like, and weighed as much as, a ten-foot-wide granite dome. At the speed of a diving hornet the dome would hit like an Earth Bullet jutsu fired by a bijū. Hopefully a dozen of those per Dragon would be enough to break the monsters.

Failing that, the hornet squadrons would fly at the Dragons directly, attempting to get into their eyes and noses. (Granted, no one could be sure that all of the Dragons had eyes or noses.) Half of the hornets were carrying hundreds of mites each while the other half carried Gōketsu-provided seal weaponry: Goo Bombs, implosion bombs, (obviously) explosives, and whatever else Hazō thought had the slightest chance of harming the creatures from beyond the world. (He had set teams to make frameworks that would support a Force Wall seal, but eventually gave it up after they couldn't find anything rigid enough to keep the seals in alignment and light enough for a pair of hornets to carry.)

Failing all of that, the hornets would lead the Dragons, hopefully one at a time, to where the Crusade lay in wait.

'The kami mock the lord who plans,' said philosophers who had never come near a battlefield. Actual team leaders who led teams into battle said 'no plan survives contact with the enemy.' Actual field ninja who didn't care about anything but the actual fighting said 'shit always goes bad fast.'

In this case, things went bad fast.


Contakote disappeared from the spot nestled in her feathers, crossing to the Human Path at the call of their summoner. That would be the first omen.

"Dragon has engaged at site three," said Contakote, returning to existence.

"I still see nothing here," said the human on Conjura's back. "Site three is a skyslicer site, but I suggest we still go to gather information."

Conjura hummed noncommittally. The words had been carefully chosen to avoid being a command. Yet, humans always wanted their words spoken first, their preferences obeyed. Anyone could bend chakra to their will, but they sought to control others, not just themselves.

Conjura dismissed the thought. The necessity of cooperating with Pantsā, however temporarily, had soured her mood. Focus was required, not idle philosophizing. If all went well, Pantsā would be consumed by the Dragons, returning her land unto her and freeing the Pangolin territories for her to claim as weregild. She twitched her feathers and claws to twist a path through space. Her next wingbeat brought them to the location where her clan's summoner had sighted one of the Dragons.

The behemoth was indescribable. A mass of twisting flesh, all wings and claws and jaws, filled with rows upon rows of jagged teeth, nearly glowing as its brightly colored scales reflected the daylight in its breakneck flight. The eyes. Conductor above, she had arrived and it immediately turned every last one of its thousands of eyes upon her. Conjura brought her wings forward to stop her momentum, but the monstrosity hadn't turned its flight towards her. Her chakra twitched, seeking to create a path to take her away from the abomination, but she calmed it. She was fast, faster than any mere beast could imagine. They didn't need to risk drawing it away from its demise.

The swarm of elite warriors from the Hornet clan were barely outflying the leviathan, and that only because it was focusing less on flight and more on picking the hornets out of the air with snaps of its shark-like jaws. They were scattered, moving independently, so clearly the skyslicer net they carried had been fruitlessly expended. Now, however, they adopted formation and flew through a patch of air that looked like any other. Conjura focused and barely felt the grid of powerful distortions in spacetime before the Dragon flew through it.

Severed heads and wings rained down, masses of flesh sloughing off its right side. The wings on the left side of its body beat to keep it aloft, but they could not do it alone. The Dragon spiraled as it fell to the ground.

The creature had twitched right before it impacted the skyslicer, nearly getting itself clear of the instant-kill effect. Had it somehow sensed the spacetime distortions? It was still moving, twitching on the ground, but her Wings of Liberty and the Hornet Clan's elite turned to rain ninjutsu down upon the grounded colossus. Without its flight, it would not be a threat - even if their ninjutsu did not kill it, the remaining Bosses could put it down at their leisure.

Another of her condors disappeared from her back, returning a moment later. Another Dragon sighted at site four. She raised her wings to carve the path, but the human on her back spoke. "Wait. It's not dead."

"It will be," Conjura replied. "A fruit of opportunity falls from the branch elsewhere, we must catch it before it strikes the ground, not dally over that which our brothers have already collected."

"No," he said. "Look."

She looked and, by the light of two clans' worth of ninjutsu striking the Dragon, she saw the juggernaut's flesh shifting.

"It's regenerating," she said, a drop of fear falling upon her heart.

"Not regenerating," the human said. "Reconfiguring. It will move its wings until it can fight again. Stop the attack."

Space disappeared, and she was in the sky above the Hornets and her Wings of Liberty. She called out, and they paused their attack to gaze up at her. The battlefield grew quiet for a fraction of a second, and then the human spoke once more. A single word in a tone of infinite certainty.


Black flame appeared upon the Dragon. It did not travel there by any means Conjura could sense - it simply appeared in an instant. She beat her wings to keep steady as the fire spread. The Dragon thrashed as the flames took it but it was still struggling, so the human swept his gaze back and forth, coating the Dragon in wretched black flames. It raised a broad wing to cover itself from above, but her Wings of Liberty were adept, and Contorite severed the flame-weakened wing with a ninjutsu. It lashed out at him, sending spines faster than sound through the air, but he had already twisted himself out of range. With the obscuring wing removed, the human cast more of his blasphemous flames at the creature, coating its body.

The Dragon roared, a wave of force both psychic and physical that sent Conjura reeling back and knocked several of her Wings out of the air, letting them fall for seconds before they caught themselves.

The Dragon pulsed—no, beat its flame-covered wings and took to the air again. Jaws lashed out at hornets and condors, but it was slowed, weakened, and even the hornets' weaker ninjutsu were stripping its heads off.

The Dragon fell. Its wingbeats grew weaker and its wings were clipped one-by-one until it plowed into the ground a second time. Attacks continued to rain down into it, but Conjura watched carefully through the chaos. There was no movement from the abomination any more.

"Site four," the human said. He sounded calm. "From a distance. We took longer than expected here, and the site may no longer be safe."

Conjura was already sacrificing so much to the human. He had agreed to exclude himself from the main battle so that no one, leader, warrior, or summoner, needed to hold back their best techniques. Yet, he needed a way to safely and rapidly travel miles to cull the Dragons before the battle began, and who could aid him but Conjura?

At least he had promised his service to her in exchange. If he could destroy a Dragon with a glance, he could be a weapon against Pantsā for her—at least, unless he wished Karanium to disavow him as a summoner. It was a battle, she would forgive an order.

She reached out and drew site four before them.

Time slowed as she scanned the horizon. The creature they needed—the red, amorphous blob—was in the air, propagating towards where the Crusade had massed. Elsewhere, farther away but still visible, there was…

Conjura looked away and the blackness cleared from her vision. In that direction, there was only the night.


The red blob turned black as flames coated it. It didn't thrash like the other one, instead it—

She beat her wings to dodge out of the way of a lashing appendage. Conjura dived under another attack, then backed away to get out of range.

The Dragon's body bubbled, as if the goop it was made of was boiling from the intensity of the flames. Was it going to die under the human's gaze as the other had? He had stopped his attack already, far more quickly than before.

The Dragon exploded in a spray of red mist. An instant later, Conjura perceived it shrinking, shedding mass as it propagated rapidly towards them. Tons of red-black matter fell to the ground, leaving the Dragon's main body intact.

"The others have turned towards us," the human said, words cutting in and out as Conjura's wings took them away from the amorphous abomination. The creature had cleared out of the way of its own falling body and was now growing again. "I can use this technique once more. Can you get us closer?"

Conjura didn't grant him a response. Her wings would not be sufficient so close to the pursuing beast. She backed away and shrugged off the lesser condors holding on to her back, twitching her claws to prepare a nexus of paths around the Dragon that she could travel along in a thought. An instant later, she was within a wingspan of the beast.


The Dragon struck at her, and she was somewhere else.


Another tendril lashed out, and she moved again, only to find herself in the heart of a network of threads.


She beat her wings to let out disruptive pulses, shredding and severing the tendrils. They closed in on her nonetheless.


She cut a hole through space, evading the impossible.


Flame blossomed once more in the heart of the Dragon, within the deep scars cut by Conjura's beating wings. It was just another hit, would the beast not just shed it again? Conjura backed out of reach, to where mere wingbeats would keep her safe.

The beast exploded again, releasing the burning mass, and Conjura dove away.

"Back to the others," the human said.

Conjura had enough distance. As the beast closed down on her, she crumpled space again to take them towards the massed forces of the Seventh Path.

"I saw it," the human continued. "Within the Dragon. There are cores, seed-shaped things about as large as a man, from which the red mass spewed."

"Why are we returning then?" Conjura asked. "Draw deeper into your reserves. I will cut through it to expose the cores, and you will destroy it."

"I cannot," he said, the words tight with suppressed pain. Conjura turned her head and saw drops of blood falling from his eyes. "Even this could be too much. I no long have a way to contribute; the other Clan Lords forbade my presence at the battle lest I steal their techniques, and I cannot unsummon myself lest my Shadow Clones dispel. Leave me here and convey this information to the others. Tell them that I do not know how else that creature can be killed."

His polite words had quickly become outright orders, but the battle was going to be upon them in an instant. The last four Dragons had joined together and were now bearing towards them. Conjura was faster, but the remainder of the Seventh Path was now on an inevitable collision course with the abominations.

"Very well, Uchiha," Conjura said as she descended towards the Conclave. "I trust you will remember our deal."

"I shall," he said. "Fight well, Queen of the Condors."

She scoffed and inclined herself, letting the human roll off into the desert behind the crusaders, before another beat of her powerful wings took her towards the readying Bosses.

Author's Note: A huge thank you to @Paperclipped who wrote the Conjura/Itachi scene. I edited it lightly, so anything wrong with it is my fault and anything good is his. Sadly, the chapter is breaking here.

XP will be awarded later. Voting remains closed.

EDIT: I would like to expose the behind-the-scenes for this battle a bit, simply to head off future salt. First, we came up with a flow chart to determine the overall course of the battle. Did the Dragons spot the Crusade coming and attack before the Crusade was ready? Did any of the Dragons get skysliced before the battle was joined? And so on. We also discussed what would happen if a Clan Boss got eaten by a Dragon—how long would it take for the members of that clan to become non-sapient, how long would it be before the Dragon in question was powered up, etc. We discussed the fact that if the Crusade lost this fight it would essentially mean the removal of the Seventh Path from the narrative, since the Dragons would be unstoppable and all the Clans we care about would be destroyed.

Fortunately, the Crusade got lucky and was able to choose when to kick the fight off.

Then we started in on the fighting. This battle obviously involves too many participants to model out with full Fated to Die mechanics. As such, we used the same simulator program that we used for the Battle of the Heavens (Conjura vs Kei, Ami, and Naruto) and the Battle of the Gods (Nagi Island). It works at a higher level of abstraction that makes things more manageable.

For this occasion we come up with 'character sheets' for each participant, which really means a handful of numbers that quantify their attack strength, defense, XP total, etc. We plugged them into the simulator and ran it a dozen or so times to make sure that the software wasn't showing any bugs and that we had more or less matched things up as expected. Then we said "okay, this is the one, we stick with whatever happens" and ran it one last time.

The results were an extreme outlier. On the plus side, you got very lucky that the Hydra dragon was taken out on the first turn. On the down side... Well, I don't want to spoil it for you. You'll see as soon as Part 2 is ready.
Last edited:
Chapter 646: A Ravening of Dragons, Part 2

Tsunade Number18 was in midair, already en route to her victim, when a burst of memories washed over her as, somewhere ahead, Number14 burst.

The Night Dragon's hide was oily and slick, cut in strange and unsettling angles. It did not exist as far as chakra adhesion was concerned; the plan to latch on and tear chunks off until she got to something important was a non-starter. Also, her seals, including her skywalkers, had guttered out the instant she came near the beast.

Tsunade Number18 was already in midair, dropping fast, on the way to attack the Night Dragon.

She cursed and pulsed her skywalkers, hoping to catch herself so that she could go after something she could hurt. No joy; her skywalkers were no longer working. She was going to hit the Dragon and expend her existence uselessly. For just a moment, despair swept over her.

Her jaw tightened as she pushed it away. She pivoted so she was diving headfirst, stretched her left hand forward, and cocked her right fist back. The world around her had disappeared, the existence of light ontologically forbidden when one looked in the direction of the Night Dragon. Still, she was in mid-leap; she didn't need to see her target to hit it. Hopefully.

Ow. There it was.

The impact was more than enough to pop her, even if the creature's reality-denying flesh had not burned away her fist even through the protective wrappings. It didn't matter, because neither impact nor flesh popped her before she could land her blow.

Decades of practice allowed her to gather the energy of her impact with the monster, channel it, shape it, and blast it down through a tunnel of medical chakra that bore the force deep into the enemy before allowing it to erupt.

Her ephemeral existence ended, the force of the impact bursting her chakra envelope. She popped before ever seeing that her blow had done no more than a bee sting.


"Remember, brace yourself," Enma muttered out of the side of his mouth. "That Beauty Dragon is a bitch and a half."

Orochimaru15 ignored the words as the pittance they were. The Monkey King was always a ball of nerves before battle and he always ran his mouth to conceal it. Annoying, but unimportant.

Unfortunately, his battle sister had never been as good about not wasting energy on irrelevancies.

"Watch your own self, fuzzball," Tsunade Number17 shot back from where she stood beside Enma. "Not all of us are reprobate skirt-chasers like you, getting lured away from their post by a pretty face."

At least she did not take her eyes off of the dots that were growing rapidly larger in the distance. Grumpy and too easily drawn into a spat, yet still she knew her business. Honestly, though, her sense of priorities seemed to be slipping. She had devoted three instances of herself to bodyguarding Enma? Why? Simple sentiment for a childhood friend and a teacher long gone? Ugh. For that matter, she had devoted one of her to protect the Dog Boss simply because the Gōketsu boy had asked with dew in his eyes! There were far more important beings to protect at this battle. Four of her was a full twenty percent of her non-Prime existences, and—

He pushed the wandering thoughts away and did not let them show on his face. Prime had assigned him to protect Kumokōgō; as a Clan Lady on her own land she would be the most powerful member of the Crusade and it was critical that nothing harm her. Orochimaru15 would do that job.

Enma snorted. "Yeah, well—"

The Monkey King may or may not have continued speaking, Orochimaru15 couldn't tell. The Dragons were suddenly here, seemingly close enough to touch, with the Beauty Dragon on their left flank, the Flesh Dragon propagating to his right, then the sparkle of reflections that was presumably the Mirror Dragon, and on the right flank was the blindness that was the Night Dragon.

Even braced and ready, knowing exactly what to prepare for, he felt the impact of the Beauty Dragon's incomprehensible form. It was like the time that Sensei had unexpectedly come to his lab and seen his latest experiment before it could be hidden away: the Dragon's presence was everywhere, all around him, inside his lungs and behind his eyeballs. There was a sound to it, soft or maybe loud, sweet as poisoned sugar.

He pushed it back, hard: I am Orochimaru of the Sannin. Begone.

The aura slid around his defenses, pressing them in but not breaking them.

"So beautiful..." muttered the turtle to his left. Kamouragiri was larger than any of Gai's summons that Orochimaru15 had ever seen, at least eleven feet tall when standing on his rear legs as he was now. He held a sword in his hands and even through the masking effect of nonhuman anatomy Orochimaru15 could recognize the movements of a kenjutsu master.

"Steady," said Haiwarai, the Hyena Boss. "Be ready. Our turn to strike comes soon."

"Of course, My Lady," Kamouragiri said as he turned and drove his blade into Haiwarai's throat.

Haiwarai gagged and staggered, her eyes going wide at the pain of the sword and the lightning that had sped Kamouragiri's movements and now lashed up his blade and into her, stunning her for a fraction of a moment. Before she could shake it off, Karaneishin leaped atop her, his needle-spiked beak snapping down to sever her spine between the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae.

The turtle and the crow had been suborned and might attack the Empress next; Orochimaru15 was in motion before the sound of cracking spinal bone had finished. The turtle was not a good target for him, its heavy armor difficult to pierce and its lightning aura giving it uncomfortable speed. Orochimaru wasn't certain of the crow's abilities, but it was likely that Itachi's personal summon had been selected for something other than the pleasing nature of his calligraphy. He would take the crow and leave the turtle for the Tsunades.

Orochimaru14 stunned the human-sized crow with a finger-snake to the throat, flesh-melting venom confirming the kill. Nevertheless, there was nothing like too much confirmation, so Orochimaru15 ducked underneath his clone brother and punched the crow in the chest, rings of chakra rippling out from the point of impact to explode its organs. He would have preferred to do surgical damage in order to recover the body for later study but that was unlikely to be feasible in this particular case. Better to be certain.

Tsunade Number20 had been just as fast off the mark as the Orochimarus; by the time Orochimaru15 started to turn his head back she had jumped up onto Kamouragiri's shoulder and punched one arm through the front of his neck and down into his chest, reaching in all the way to the shoulder. There was a muffled whump from inside the turtle warrior and he paused. His sword fell from nerveless hands, his knees buckled, and Tsunade Number20 casually stepped aside before the turtle's massive carcass measured its length in the dust of Arachnid.

"Showoff," Tsunade grunted at him, chinning towards where the crow's body was dissolving into soup. She shook her arm to get the guts off.

"Pot, kettle," Orochimaru15 replied, pulling a cloth from his pocket and tossing it to her.

"Like I said, brace yourself," Enma said grimly.


The Empress of Arachnid's mental voice was cold, calm and immovable.

"No more of my allies you have shall," she said. "I Kumokōgō am, Empress of Arachnid, Seventeenth of My Name, Guardian of the Seal. You are NOT WELCOME."

The entirety of Arachnid rose up against the Dragon of Beauty. Cataclysmic winds smashed it to the ground and held it pinned in place as every lightning bolt that had ever burst from the heavens came together, joined into one single pillar of destruction, and ashed the monster's lower half. The earth tore open beneath it, dropping it into a chasm, then slammed back together before grinding in opposite directions. It was exactly like a giant clapping its hands on a bug and then rubbing them back and forth to be sure the bug was dead.

The response was immediate; a stream of warped reality flicked out from the distortion that was the Mirror Dragon. Blades of reflection slammed into Kumokōgō, sending her flying in a geyser of blue arachnid blood.

Arachnid reshaped itself and there was a curved shield of earth in an arc around Kumokōgō. The destruction tore into it, sweeping it away like a Water Jet jutsu sweeps away a sandcastle, even as the Empress frantically reinforced it.

The Dragon varied its attack, keeping the jet of destruction trained on her while firing off a series of reflections that swooped across the battlefield, unearthly blades guided by the will of a monster. The first one carved through an elite pangolin warrior, exploding in her chest and scattering her body in all directions so that the rest of the salvo could pass by. The barrage swooped up, curving around like an eel to clip the wing off a condor sniper and continue on without slowing down. Arachnid jutsu burst into the air, silk balls smashing some of the blades while silk nets and focused jets of poison tried to catch or smash the rest. A few were deflected or entrapped but the rest carved through all the barriers. Warriors struggled to get out of the way, but it was almost impossible to dodge something that was naught but a moving reflection.

Orochimaru16 leaped forward, racing towards the incoming mirrorknives, 15 and 17 following hot on his heels. 15's mind was racing, churning through which of his panoply of jutsu could possibly stop these things.

Orochimaru16 flooded the area with a storm of toxic green sand; two of the remaining nine blades burst but the rest continued on, carving their way through in a trail of screaming emptiness that puffed the sand's creator to nothingness.

Fifteen feet behind 16, Orochimaru15 whirled into a bastardized version of the Revolving Heaven barrier, a thing he had been attempting to steal for twenty years and still could not match. Perhaps the true Hyūga technique could have countered all of these things but his ersatz copy stopped four of seven before being destroyed along with its creator.

It was unlike any of the other thousands of times he had died as a Shadow Clone; it was slow, and every mote of his existence was burning and freezing at the same time as something pried its fingers into his mind and peeled it open. He struggled to dispel himself, aware the whole time that his awareness was being carried along inside the alien blades and that in a moment he was going to feel himself carve through the throat of the massive spider he had been ordered to protect.

"Destruction Barrier Technique!" Orochimaru17 cried out, making handseals with desperate speed.

Five minutes previous to and half a mile away from the quick and bloody fight, another group of Crusaders prepared themselves.

"Here they come," Gamabunta muttered, his dagger held low because he was more focused on ensuring that his pipe was properly lit.


"Oy!" Gamabunta said, head jerking up. "I wasn't serious about tha—"

The last word was drowned out as Kamehameha bellowed a war cry and leaped into the air, jets of blue lightning erupting from his back legs to hurl him at the approaching Dragons. He opened his jaws and a lance of blue-white energy ripped at the world.

The blast had been aimed at the Beauty Dragon; the entire Crusade had agreed that everyone needed to focus fire on that one first before it could suborn any of them. Kamehameha was flying straight at the target from perhaps two hundred yards away using a weapon that was not deflected by gravity; there should have been no way to miss. Despite that, space refused to flow straight, and thus the blast came nowhere near any of the Dragons. It effortlessly carved a trench fifty feet deep through the ground, incinerated a pangolin jōnin in passing and almost cut Pantsā's leg off. Fortunately, 'Pantsā of the Adamant Scales' was more than mere bragging. The scales in question held under the river of destruction that was Kamehameha's breath long enough for Pantsā to roll aside, aided by the fact that an appalled Kamehameha snapped his mouth closed to shut off the beam when he saw what was happening.


Pantsā growled and threw himself into the air, catching the glimmer that was the Mirror Dragon by surprise as it passed overhead on its way to eat Kumokōgō. He dragged it to the ground and tore into it with claws that were larger than many trees. His massive tongue lashed out, feeling around until it could pin two pairs of its jaws closed. The flesh of that tongue immediately began to smoke and burn, flames of unreality contending with the Will of a Clan Lord to see who could best assert their surety over existence. Pantsā ignored the pain and crushed the Dragon to the ground, kicking at it with his back legs, smashing at it with his mace-like tail, battering and crushing with all he had.

The twisting cable of reflecting destruction emerging from the Mirror Dragon continued to arc up and over the battlefield, striving to erase Kumokōgō's barrier faster than she could build it.

The Dragon's reflected claws tore furrows in his sides even as its empty wings slashed and sliced, sending thin slices of Pantsā's body jetting out in a fountain of blood and scales and meat. The massive Pangolin Lord, probably the single most heavily armored member of the Crusade after Kamehameha, was too well protected to be instantly sundered the way a mere mountain would have been, yet still he bled freely. Still, Pantsā was a canny fighter; he used his tail and the free end of his tongue to guard his flanks even as he smashed at the Dragon with claws and mass.

The twisting cable of reflecting destruction continued to eat at Kumokōgō's barrier.

Other Crusaders were gathering close, firing attacks at the Dragon's sides. Unfortunately, the Mirror Dragon could be seen only as fragments and angles of reflected earth and reflected Pantsā. The Crusaders needed to guess at what was their target and what was their fellow Clan Lord, and they had to hold back their most potent weapons besides lest the damage splatter on one another.

The twisting cable of reflecting destruction continued to eat at Kumokōgō's barrier.

Cannai was there, a Tsunade on his back as he cratered the Dragon's tail into the dirt with one paw. Crystals and plants coated Cannai's body, his claws sheathed in angled blades as long as a human forearm.

Kumafuwafuwa was on the other side of the Dragon, paws the size of wagons crashing hammer blows into the enormous beast. Cracks spiraled across its surface, rendering it easier to distinguish from Pantsā.

Pantsā grunted in pain as the Dragon smashed his ribs with a wing.

Hyōhakken, Lord of Leopards, pounced on the Dragon with a roar and was batted aside. He flew sixty feet and slammed into the ground, half of his lower jaw being steadily eaten away by sparkling mirrors.

Lutrō of the Otters struck at the Dragon's back leg only to find that it was in fact Pantsā. The Pangolin Boss reflexively kicked out and Lutrō was hurled away, bloody claw marks in his chest.

The twisting cable of reflecting destruction continued to eat at Kumokōgō's barrier.

A wall of water surged across the battlefield as Makōmalika of the Sharks clamped a mouth the size of a small farmhouse onto the Dragon, dagger-shaped teeth ripping and tearing, only to have her teeth break and her blood explode in agony before being casually swatted aside.

Tsunades hammered on the Dragon with punches that would have shattered the earth. Its flesh began to eat the wrappings on her hands, forcing her to retreat to change them lest it eat her pseudoflesh as well.

Cannai got one wing between his teeth and yanked, drawing a scream from the monster. A spurt of foul blood from the wound erased a Tsunade, a massive piece of Cannai's crystal armor, and part of Cannai's shoulder. Despite that, he hung on, shaking his head the other way to tear the wound wider. Cracks spread up the wing and across the body, outlining the creature more clearly for the others to attack. On the other side of the monster, Kumafuwafuwa smashed the other wing into the ground and stood on it, pinning the beast in place so that all of the Crusaders could launch accurate attacks.

For a moment, it seemed like it might work. Orochimaru12 even found himself with a brief flicker of hope. Then the Mirror Dragon shrieked and pulsed, black and green energy lashing out and winding around its tormentors, pulling them in close. Cannai's foreonpaw disappeared into one of the mirrors, becoming just another angle on the surroundings. The powerful dog planted his other three legs and braced himself, refusing to be pulled further into the Dragon's body. Tsunade20 slid down his shoulder and balanced on his leg, raining blows down on the Dragon. Each of those blows could have shattered an old-growth tree at the base, but the monster barely noticed she was there. It drew a claw up its left flank and all of the Crusaders who were reflected in that part of its body were slashed with an eldritch blade.

The twisting cable of reflecting destruction continued to eat at Kumokōgō's barrier.

"Saaaa," Tsunade20 hissed, shoving her medic's chakra into Cannai's leg. There was a moment's resistance, an utter impermeability that suddenly parted like water. Her chakra flashed down his body, sticking right at the surface of the skin under the crystalline armor. She sheathed the entire leg from the ankle down, braced herself, and pushed outwards.

The crystalline armor that was keeping the Dragon's body from erasing Cannai's leg was bonded to his flesh; Cannai could dissolve it—leaving himself vulnerable to the erasing touch of the monster—but he couldn't simply shed it. Tsunade's chakra sliced away the topmost layer of skin, severing his connection to the armor and allowing him to pull his leg out as though slipping free from a cast. She leaped once more to sit astride his shoulders as the Dog Lord backed away, snarling at the Dragon.

Pantsā and Kumafuwafuwa tore themselves free of the monster's embrace; the former must have had the front half of his head pulled in, because that area had been flayed. Kumafuwafuwa's right front leg was bone from the thigh down, all of the meat and even the tiniest stain of blood erased by the devouring essence of mirrored nothing that was their foe.

Hidrodobune did not escape.

As Orochimaru12 watched, the last few inches of the struggling Capybara Boss were pulled out of the world. Suddenly it was easier to tell where the Mirror Dragon was; instead of grass and sky, many of its angles now reflected fragments of Hidrodobune fighting to escape, or being torn asunder, or screaming in agony. Here and there a single facet reflected the parts of Pantsā and Cannai and Kumafuwafuwa that had been left behind in their escape.

The Mirror Dragon rolled up to its feet and shook itself, neck lances rattling as they settled into place. The shattered scales and crazed lines up and down its sides and wings erased themselves and the creature was once more nothing but a disjointed collection of angles showing dirt and grass and Clan Boss in the process of being digested.

Author's Note: Voting remains closed.
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Chapter 646: A Ravening of Dragons, Part 3

From nowhere, Conjura was there.

She appeared above the Mirror Dragon and struck down with a blade of twisted space that lopped off some undefined part of the monster. A mirrored wing slashed her in half, except she ceased to exist for the instant that the attack was moving through her former position, then reappeared and once more sliced at the beast. She flickered again, appearing at its tail and carving off a piece, then vanished even as reflections of Pantsā's claws reached out and tore at her.

The twisting cable of reflecting destruction that emerged from some unseeable part of the Mirror Dragon's body continued to stretch across the battlefield and eat at the barrier under which sheltered Kumokōgō, Empress of Arachnid. Various combatants were doing their best to cut it or block it, all to no avail.

The Condor and the Mirror of Erasure danced back and forth, the former carving slivers off the latter while the latter tried and failed to land a single solid hit on the former. Some got close, even evaporating the edge of a feather here or there, but the monster couldn't manage to connect. It tried to leap into the air, only to find that space was reversed and it had instead slammed itself into the ground. It gave up on flight and tried to run, galloping along the ground, but Conjura cared nothing for physical movement. She was wherever she needed to be in order to land a hit or dodge a hit, slowly shaving away the monster's body one splinter at a time.

The twisting cable of reflecting destruction continued to eat at Kumokōgō's barrier.

Elsewhere, Orochimaru20 pirouetted away from a lunging tendril of the Flesh Dragon. Other tendrils were grabbing various combatants and effortlessly crushing them. Orochimaru20 dashed forward, toxic green sand blasting from his fingertips aimed at where he thought the Flesh Dragon was.

Once again, it was not. Distance was inconsistent around the monster; it was closer than you thought or farther than you had aimed.

The first spray of sand swirled through empty air but 20 twisted his chakra and the jet lengthened, scouring at the monster's pulsing red flesh. Lakes of meat were torn aside as the sand burrowed in, ripping its target apart and spreading its toxin uselessly. A glowing red seed fell to the earth and promptly sprouted more flesh, propagating the monster forward until Orochimaru20 turned his sand jets on it and focused down, flensing the meat aside and scouring at the seed until it burst.

By the time that single seed was destroyed, the wound in the monster's side was gone.

Katsuyu, Leader of the Slug Clan, slurped forward and flung themself onto the Flesh Dragon, racing to see whether their acids could dissolve the monster faster than its blasphemous essence could erase them.

A lance of blackness flew over Orochimaru12's shoulder and pierced through Gamabunta's wrist before anchoring itself in the ground. 12 looked to where the attack had come and the world disappeared into the darkness that was the Night Dragon. He turned away and light returned as he leaped to the Toad Boss's arm and cast a flesh-moving jutsu, intending to part the bones and muscle and reshape them again on the far side of the horrific cable. Gamabunta automatically blocked him until the massive toad realized what was happening, at which point he boosted the jutsu and freed himself in an instant instead of over the course of seconds or minutes. He stepped back, rubbing his wrist and glaring at the cable.

"Thanks, snakeboy," he muttered out. He scooped his knife off the ground and slashed at the cable until it split. One side slurped back into its progenitor while the other evaporated into fine gritty powder that made the soil shriek and smolder.

There was a shattering of the very concept of sound so intense that everyone stumbled. Conjura had landed the final blow on the Mirror Dragon.

The twisting cable of reflecting destruction evaporated into painful glinting and was gone.

The earth rumbled as Kumokōgō dissolved her protections and staggered to her feet. She was bleeding heavily, three of her legs were in the process of regrowing, and smoke was rising from most of her body. She was clearly exhausted yet she stood, unbroken and unbowed.

"Invader who darkness is, I reject you," she asserted.

The sky swirled into a massive vortex filled with cracking lightning and booming thunder. It took a handful of seconds to form and then it lunged to the ground faster than a ninja could sprint.

Atop Manda's enormous skull, Orochimaru12 turned to see where the vast tornado had been aimed but his eyes shut off in the attempt; the Night Dragon, then. He looked away, scanning around for any threats to the snake he had been assigned to guar—

Ah, yes. Threats much like that barrage of pulsing red flesh arcing out of the sky from over where Orochimaru20 had just been popped by a spike of meat from the Flesh Dragon.

He snapped off a Wind Geyser jutsu, shifting the arc of the attacks so that they passed over Manda by a few meters instead of slamming into him. The Snake Boss ducked his head slightly and hastened his slither as he charged to the attack against the Flesh Dragon. Beauty and Mirror were dead, Kumokōgō was turning her wrath upon Night and no one wanted to be collateral damage from that. There was only one sensible target left and it was pulsing and writhing just over th—

Manda slammed headfirst into the wall of meat as the Dragon was suddenly closer than expected. The instant stop catapulted Orochimaru12 off Manda's head and to his destruction against the all-consuming flesh of the eldritch monster.

Barely a yard from the beast's hide, one of Katsuyu's eyestalks lashed out, caught Orochimaru12 around the waist, and deposited him on the Slug Boss's squishy back. Orochimaru12 felt healing energy washing up through him on contact, revitalizing him.

A glance down showed that Katsuyu's self-healing powers were having trouble keeping up with the destructive nature of the Dragon's meat. Black-limned cracks spread through their foot and there was a constant keening sound that he suddenly registered as the Slug Boss screaming in agony even as they continued to dissolve the Flesh Dragon.

The sounds coming from his left suggested that Kumokōgō's megatornado had sucked up boulders the size of oxcarts and was slamming them repeatedly into the Night Dragon while lightning bolts came so close together that their thunder was no long discrete sounds and more a constant wash of white noise.

Closer at hand, Manda was biting the constantly-reforming wings off of the Flesh Dragon and casting them aside before they could reattach themselves. Orochimaru12 tried to guess if the Dragon was healing faster than the snake was harming, but he couldn't tell. At the very least, the snake was preventing the beast from getting into the air again.

The remaining Bosses arrived, each barely ahead of the next as they charged to the attack. Cannai bit and tore at the abomination's side, its eerie blood eating away at his teeth and jaws. His foot was fully restored, gone the damage that Tsunade had caused in the process of freeing him from the Mirror Dragon. The same for the newly-arrived Kumafuwafuwa and Pantsā, who split up to tear at the Dragon's sides with vast claws and basso profundo growls of rage.

Orochimaru12 turned back to the job, unleashing a series of jutsu at the Dragon in an attempt to see what worked best. An Earth Wall jutsu cast on a tossed-out chunk of wood created a granite construct that hammered into the thing. Its flesh merely compressed and rebounded, showing no sign of damage but flinging tons of ephemeral granite off to crash into Kangā. The Kangaroo Boss was caught midleap and hurled back, her chest crushed in.

"Oops," Orochimaru12 muttered to himself, shifting to a cutting jutsu; the Dragon was frantically trying to regrow or reposition its wings so that it could get back into the air. Manda and Orochimaru12 seemed unable to meaningfully injure their enemy, but at least they could keep it grounded.

A few dozen yards away, water surged up, forming into a sphere that towered over everyone in the area. Within the heart of the sphere swam the sleek form of Makōmalika, Lady of Sharks and possibly the most dangerous predator in the vast oceans of the Seventh Path. Around and above and below her darted the shapes of several dozen of her elite warriors, their ten-foot lengths seeming like minnows in comparison to their ruler.

Orochimaru12 took one look at what was about to happen and hurled himself off of Katsuyu's back. "Back!" he shouted. "Get back!"

The words were wasted; all of the other Bosses were retreating as quickly as Orochimaru12, leaving space for Makōmalika to roll her sphere atop the Dragon. She and her honor guard darted and bit, fast and nimble in their own environment as they tore at the Dragon's hide.

The abomination struggled, shoving itself towards the perimeter of the sphere in a bid for escape, but the water was Makōmalika's to command and thousands of tons of pressure forced the trapped Dragon back to the center of the sphere.

It lashed out at the sharks with an infinitude of tendrils, ripping some of the lesser sharks apart and tearing at Makōmalika's flanks. The water swirled and sloshed with blood both red and black, the former of this world and the latter from beyond it and antithetical to its very existence. Steam blasted out of the water sphere in all directions as the Dragon's flesh boiled it away, but Makōmalika generated the water faster than the Dragon could destroy it, swelling the sphere larger and larger so that the pressure of the water crushed down more and more.

Orochimaru didn't see what happened or how it happened, despite the fact that he was staring right at the ongoing battle. Despite that, suddenly the core of the Dragon was outside the sphere, the spherical 'sleeve' of shed mass it had left behind collapsing into a ball smaller than a human head. Before anyone could react, wings sprouted from the Dragon's back and it leaped into the air—

Only to slam itself into the ground as Conjura appeared with a crack of shattered spacetime and caused the space around the monster to twist. She blinked back and forth, carving the Flesh Dragon away into neat sections that immediately began to crawl back towards their maker.

"Grab them!" Gamabunta shouted, hopping forward and kicking one of the chunks away. It spread out in mid-air, turning into a wide sheet that caught the wind and slowed itself, then began writhing in a clumsy attempt at flight that was still sufficient to bring it back towards the Dragon.

The other Bosses were on the job, scooping chunks of meat away before they could rejoin the Dragon. As fast as they were, as strongly as they could throw, it didn't work; they couldn't hurl the things aside faster than they could return, and new ones were generated all the time.

"TO ME!"

Kamehameha breathed out, a continuous beam of destruction aimed at the ground and nowhere near the Dragon itself. The vast turtle was taking no chances on more spatial manipulation causing his breath to be repurposed as a weapon for the enemy. Instead, he simply provided a disposal point that cremated every tiniest scrap of abhorrent meat the other Bosses could hurl into it.

The Dragon's tendrils lashed back and forth, slashing at its attackers and attempting to pull them into its own mass. They dodged or braced themselves against the pull as much as they could; it wasn't always enough. Nezha of the Rats was pulled in against his will while Yamaraja of the Porcupines allowed it. Katsuyu scooped the Rat Lord up before the monstrosity could do more than dissolve Nezha's hind feet into fetid slurry that rapidly became more unearthly flesh. Katsuyu swiped the massive rat across their body and threw him clear; by the time he hit the ground he was fully restored.

Yamaraja went with the Dragon's pull, curling into a ball and rolling up and over the monster so that her spines stabbed deep into its body. The beast writhed and recoiled, tendrils jerking clear long enough for Yaramaja to drop the spines in question and jump away. The Dragon was left with a road of nails across its back, which Manda was quick to take advantage of. The massive snake smashed down on the spines with his tail, hammering them deeper and deeper even as Conjura carved pieces away and the other Bosses hurled the pieces into Kamehameha's destructive breath.

It might have been five minutes or twenty minutes; Orchimaru12 couldn't track time that precisely through the battle haze. However long it was, he finally found himself standing, gasping, on the scorched ground next to where King Kamehameha had finally seared away the very last chunk of the Flesh Dragon.

He looked around, struggling to get his breath back. The Beauty Dragon was dead for minutes or perhaps hours according to the memories of his previously-destroyed selves. The Mirror Dragon had followed. The Flesh Dragon had been ashed so far as Orochimaru12 could tell. In the distance, Kumokōgō's megatornado had stopped, the sky still swirling lazily but slowing by the moment. There were a few piles of something where the vortex had struck but whatever was in those piles wasn't moving and Orochimaru12's eyes no longer shut off when he looked in that direction. Presumably, the Night Dragon also no longer lived.

Was it possible that they had—

He popped.

On the other side of the field, Orochimaru released his grip on the Shadow Clone jutsu, dissolving his clones in a wave that spread the clone shock out across a few seconds instead of having it hit all at once.

"Do you suppose," he asked Tsunade, clinical interest in his voice, "that the denizens of this Path will permit me to gather the corpses of the dead?"

Tsunade cocked her head in disbelief. "Seriously?"

"What? The research opportunity is unsurpassed." He looked around. "Seal up that Kangaroo corpse while I collect those Dragon bits, would you? We should be able to get everything into storage seals before any of the others return."

Deceased individuals that the players will care about:

  • Haiwarai, Lady of the Hyena. Stabbed to death by allies, namely a turtle warrior (Kamouragiri) and a crow warrior (Karaneishin, Itachi's personal summon). They were presumably suborned by the Beauty Dragon
  • Hidrodobune, Lady of the Capybara. Devoured by the Mirror Dragon
Survivors of the Crusade:

  • Orochimaru (Sannin)
  • Tsunade (Sannin)
  • Kisame (Akatsuki)
  • Itachi (Akatsuki)
  • Cannai (Dog)
  • Kumokōgō (Arachnid)
  • Kamehameha (Turtle)
  • Gamabunta (Toad)
  • Shima and Fukasaku, aka Ma and Pa Toad (Toad Sage)
  • Pantsā (Pangolin)
  • Enma (Monkey)
  • Yamaraja (Porcupine)
  • Manda (Snake)
  • Katsuyu (Slug)
  • Kangā (Kangaroo)
  • Suwabazu (Hornet)
  • Kumafuwafuwa (Bear)
  • Makōmalika (Shark)
  • Conjura (Condor)
  • Markimarku (Mara)
  • Hyōhakken (Leopard)
  • Lutrō (Otter)
  • Karanium (Crow)


Brevity XP: 1

"GM had fun" XP: 5
Yeah, this ruled.

It is now about 7pm. Hazō is in Naruto's office while Orochimaru and Tsunade debrief. (Typically Hazō would not be allowed in such a meeting, but he spent the whole day bugging the Hokage until an exasperated Naruto gave him permission to sit quietly in the corner and listen to whatever report came back.)

Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on Wednesday, .
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Chapter 647: An Aftermath of Dragons

Naruto spent ninety minutes taking Orochimaru's and Tsunade's after-action report while Hazō sat very quietly in the corner. Ordinarily, a random Clan Head would not sit in on an after-action meeting that they had no stake in, but Hazō had been so nervous about the battle that he had been pacing on Naruto's threshold the moment Tsunade, Noburi, and Orochimaru left for the Seventh Path. He had resolved to stay there until the battle ended, knowing that news would come to this door first. After enough time passed, Naruto had told him that he could be in the room for the meeting provided that he came in, sat down, and shut up so that Naruto could focus on other things. Hazō had done his best to be invisible ever since, his only regret the fact that he had drunk too much water in the morning and forgotten to visit the bathroom before arriving at Hokage Tower. Then again, he hadn't expected to be able to trade silence and motionlessness for an opportunity to hear the freshest news.

Hazō stood as the meeting ended and moved to place himself near the line to the door. Not on the line—it was unwise to make the Sannin think you were preventing them from leaving a room, especially after combat—but near enough to it that he would be acknowledged.

"What?" Tsunade demanded, her usual sweet and sunny disposition on full display.

"I wanted to say thank you," Hazō said, smiling. "For coming back."

She grunted. Over her shoulder, Orochimaru snorted in quiet disgust.

"It's what we do, kid," she said. "Heck, we were slacking this time—both of us went. Usually it's one struggle, one Sannin."

"Generally her," Orochimaru added. "I have no challenge finding better uses for my time."

She looked over her shoulder to glare at him, but there was little heat in it. After a moment she turned back to Hazō.

"Whatever. Anyway, we're out. You heard the report, but I'll say it again: Cannai is fine, as are Ma and Pa. Word is you met them, so I guess you might have been worried." She sniffed, probably in disgust at her own softheartedness...honestly, worrying about other people's feelings? Reassuring them that their friends weren't dead? Next thing you know she would be petting kitties in public and singing nursery rhymes to children!

Hazō pushed away his internal musings on the implications of Tsunade's nasal vocalizations. "I do, yes. Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate it very much."

She grunted and pressed past him, her snakeish kinda-brother-but-it's-complicated-because-he's-kinda-a-serial-killer-traitor on her heels.


Cannai, having allowed Hazō to glomp his foreonleg, rested his chin on his young Summoner's back and waited calmly until Hazō was ready to let go.

"Thank you for surviving," Hazō said. "I was really worried."

"Pah," Cannai scoffed. "I see you have no faith in me whatsoever. Am I not, after all, Cannai the Mighty, ruler of all Dogkind? Tearer of eldritch flesh, destroyer of evil monsters?" He struck a dramatic pose, head raised and looking heroically into the distance.

Hazō eyed him suspiciously.

After a moment, Cannai snorted and went back to a more normal stance. "Enma demanded that we have a competitive tale-twining night before the battle," he explained. "The requirement was that everyone tell three tales: one that bragged themself up, one that bragged the Crusade up, and one that threw the Dragons down. All three tales had to twine together, and there was a vote at the end for whose tales were best." He gave a gusty sigh. "Honestly, it was exhausting."

"Sounds cool. Who won?"

"Yes, very exhausting indeed. How are you today?"

"You didn't win, huh?"

Cannai cleared his throat. "The details are irrelevant. The important part was the sense of camaraderie and loyalty engendered among us all."

Hazō chuckled. "Fine. In seriousness, are you okay? I heard that you got a foot stuck inside one of them."

"I did, yes. Have no fear, the damage is not permanent. Yes, it pulled part of my self away and with it part of my power, but I shall most likely recover." He cocked his ears in a way that Hazō was too new to dog body language to understand. "Honestly, the entire experience was terrifying, or would have been had I had the time to be aware of anything other than what was right in front of me. I have never fought anything like those things before; whatever I attempted to hit them with, they simply drank it in."

"They what?"

"We pinned the Mirror Dragon down, Kumafuwafuwa, Pantsā, and myself. I used Plant jutsu to tear at it from beneath. Kumokōgō was permitting us to exert control over her terrain unopposed; I should have been able to send vines and grasses into the beast and cause it to explode from the sudden pressure of their growth. It simply absorbed the grass and all of the power I had invested in the attempt, using that power to enlarge and strengthen itself. I had to sever the connection before it pulled all of me out through the jutsu. This is why so many of us were confining ourselves to physical attacks; it was the only way to be certain our efforts would not be turned against us." He shook himself. "I am simply glad that Conjura's gambit paid off. Had the beasts been able to absorb and repurpose her spatial blades...well, they weren't and everything worked out."

The implications of what Cannai had said would stay with Hazō for a long time. He knew that, and he sat with it for a moment, imagining just how bad it could have gone.

"Let's hear it for success, I guess," he said. "In less good news...I heard that we lost Lady Haiwarai and Lady Hidrodobune? Hyenas and Capybaras, right?"

Cannai nodded. "Indeed. It will be an issue for both nations."

"I was told that Lady Haiwarai got stabbed to death but Lady Hidrodobune got eaten by a Dragon...what's likely to happen?"

"I cannot say. The Hyenas will suffer a period of disorganization and their military power has been greatly reduced. This will be a problem if Pantsā continues his expansionist policies. The Capybaras..." He trailed off, shaking his massive head.

"Are they likely to become, uh, kvthsss? You know...mindless?"

Cannai looked away for a moment and his ears drooped. Finally, he met Hazō's eyes again. "It's possible that they won't. Perhaps the fact that we killed the Mirror Dragon so quickly after Hidrodobune's death protected Capybara. But..." He hesitated. "It didn't. I am not sure why I believe this and I hope I am wrong, but no, the death of the Mirror Dragon did not protect Capybara. Her people will fade. If the world has mercy then it has already happened. If not..."

If not, then each capybara would get to watch their parents and siblings and children and friends become animals, while simultaneously feeling their own minds slip away.

"Oh." Hazō had to fight down his gorge. "There's no way to prevent it?" he asked after a moment. "Assuming it hasn't happened already, I mean. What if another Boss absorbed Capybara into their territory before it finished?"

"I don't know," Cannai said. "Recall, I had thought the kvthsss status was a legend before I met you and heard about the fate of the Archaeopteryx Clan. Still, I am doubtful."

"Why? Jiraiya told us that the Leopards split from the Cats a while ago. If one Clan can split then shouldn't two be able to join?"

"It is one matter for a Clan of a single kind to split and become two distinct Clans that are yet a single kind. It is entirely different for two different kinds to attempt to become one Clan. I have no idea if such is even possible."

"Would it hurt to try?"

Cannai hesitated. "It could, but it might not," he granted. "Who borders Capybara?"

"Turtle, Otter, and Toad. Capybara is on the coast, with water to the south and the east."

"Hm. Kamehameha seems an excellent ruler and the Capybara would likely do well under him were it possible, but I would not recommend the attempt. Turtle and Capybara are too different. The same for Toads. Otter...perhaps? I shall speak to Lutrō."

Hazō snapped his fingers as an idea struck. "Jiraiya left some notes saying that Capybara and Mara split a while ago, but I'm not sure if he meant that they budded off of a single Clan or if they were always two Clans and they had a diplomatic split. Still, the Mara and the Capybara do seem extremely similar. Same teeth, same general body plan except that mara have longer ears. Mara is north of Capybara, on the other side of Toad."

Cannai's tail flicked back and forth in a canine frown. "Hm. If they were in fact previously one Clan then their best chance would be to be reabsorbed back into the Mara. This would require convincing Markimarku to accept them back, and Gamabunta to cooperate in exchanging land. Either he must grant a connecting strip between Capybara and Mara" He pondered. "I shall speak to both of them. Thank you, Hazō. Is there anything else?"

"You think there's a chance?"

"To be honest, I do not. Even if the capybaras yet retain their minds, joining them to a new Clan would require the presence of that Clan's ruler. Markimarku is here, a week away. I very much doubt that..." He trailed off, head cocking in surprise.

"I had intended to say that I doubted he could return to the eastern coast and bring the land that was previously Capybara under his own dominion before the denizens thereof are lost," Cannai continued after a moment. "However, it occurs to me that perhaps Conjura could bear him that distance in time." He raised a paw to cut off the hope in Hazō's eyes. "Keep your hopes faint, Summoner. This will require convincing Gamabunta to work with Markimarku in reorganizing land claims so as to consolidate the Capybara and the Mara together. It will also require convincing Conjura to serve as a steed for two other Clan Rulers, both of whom stood back while her people were murdered. I doubt very much that such is within my diplomatic abilities, yet I shall try.

"Be aware, Hazō: even if I successfully channel the combined powers of Cannaria and Canting and every other bard that Dog has ever produced, this may yet be impossible. The capybaras may well have lost themselves already. If they haven't, well, it is no small thing to have your land broken from beneath your paws, as will definitely have happened upon Hidrodobune's death. The psychic damage it causes is highly traumatic, and I worry how the capybaras would handle it given their lack of a foundation; it could leave their minds wounded even if they retain them. And then to merge with another Clan, one where the people are not as you?" He shook his massive head. "You should prepare yourself for the fact that the capybara are doomed, yet still keep moving your paws."

"Right. Yes, okay. Thank you. Let me know how it goes?"

Cannai nodded gravely. "I shall. And thank you for raising the issue; I had been focused on more immediate things and had not considered the far-off implications. I also had not known that Mara and Capybara may once have been one. If they can be saved, it will likely depend on that."

The enormous dog pivoted on his hind paws and dashed off, leaving Hazō alone and feeling very, very uncertain.

Author's Note:

  • There were no un-used seals to pick up
  • The wounded have been handled
  • Orochimaru took plenty of Dragon samples but there's an inconvenient wealth of the stuff. A non-exhaustive list includes:
    • ...a dead Hydra Dragon which is currently covered in black flames that aren't going to go out for a week or so and have already killed one young and rather stupid scorpion
    • ...the ash of one tendril of the Night Dragon, which is something like finely-powdered radioactive waste spread across a random two hundred square meters of Arachnid
    • ...the glass-lined shaft leading deep into the earth that is the result of Kamehameha keeping his breath weapon going so that the other Bosses could toss chunks of the Flesh Dragon in for disposal. No specific fragments of that Dragon have been found but Kumokōgō starts to vomit every time she gets close to the area
    • ...several thousand tons (or maybe it's only a few hundred pounds? she's having trouble telling) of dead Beauty Dragon poisoning the soil where Kumokōgō entombed the thing. She's happy to raise it up and let you do whatever you like as long as it ends up with the Beauty Dragon's corpse no longer in her territory
    • ...a literally uncountable number of reflections, some of them containing traces of other Clan Bosses, and all of them hunger to rend your flesh apart at the slightest touch
Voting remains closed unless @Velorien or @Paperclipped opens it. There's more meat in this plan if @Velorien or @Paperclipped wants to cover it, but none of it is essential. For now, let's say that this update covered only part of the day and one of the others can pick up from where I left off. If they are content to let it ride then we'll advance the timeline so that this update covered a full day. Either way, XP will be awarded once the voting yes/no decision is made.

When my science-accepting fingers typed the words "two distinct Clans that are yet a single kind" I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Last edited:
Chapter 648: What Comes Next

"You're telling me the Bosses aren't willing to extend any protections to Hyena?"

"They are already under protection per the Conclave agreement," Kei said. "They will be unharmed for a month after the Bosses return to their home countries, and I suspect some may loiter to extend said month for Hyena's sake. Yet, Hyena has few allies but for Condor, and with Conjura taking her people to the former lands of Archaeopteryx, even that support will evaporate. Ruri has already informed the hyenas so that they may initiate the selection of their next Boss, so Pantsā's potential conquest of Hyena will not be trivial, but with Leopard and Pangolin united against Hyena without the support of Conjura and the Wings of Liberty? I do not expect them to last for long."

"I thought Cannai said he'd help defend Hyena from Pangolin after fighting the Dragons," Hazō said. "I don't think he's going to go back on his word, and if it's Dog and Hyena against Leopard and Pangolin… well, that's not a certain fight. And given how much of an ass Pantsā is, maybe someone else would be willing to join the alliance against him. Mara, Toad, or Otter, probably not, but perhaps Monkey or Turtle would fight for Hyena's freedom."

"My recollection indicates that Cannai was desperate to solidify the coalition, and gave any promises he thought would advance the negotiations. While he will certainly keep such promises, I do not believe they will be strong indicators of how he will act with the pressure to coordinate against the Dragons removed.

"Furthermore, I would take great caution before raising such proposals. Mara and Otter are allies to Pangolin, and the limit of what you suggest is a world war for the Seventh Path. Furthermore, while Dog's warriors currently help guard the border between Hyena and Pangolin, you are well aware that Dog and Hyena are very, very far from allies. I do not expect that Cannai would bleed his clan overmuch for the sake of Hyena."

"It's just… gah," Hazō said, balling up his half-done sketch of the Seventh Path and throwing it aside. "It's unacceptable. Haiwarai put her life on the line fighting the Dragons. It's shameful to repay her sacrifice by standing by and letting her people get conquered. Capybara – okay, sure, maybe there's nothing we can do for them. But are we supposed to ignore Pantsā pissing all over Haiwarai's memory?"

"I am no more enthusiastic about Pangolin's territorial claims than you are, whether urinary or otherwise," Kei said. "Yet, I do not see a clear way for any intervention on our behalf to ensure Hyena's safety as the Seventh Path's various leaders disengage from the Conclave. Perhaps Bear will decide they have spent too long at peace, or Hornet will decide they have not bled enough. Perhaps Dog will overcome their grudges against Hyena solely to spite Pangolin. Given the likely assignment I will be given, I do not relish the thought of being made to kill Cannai's people on the battlefield."

"I see," Hazō said. "Well, Cannai said he'd talk with the others. Hopefully he can make Enma or Kamehameha or even Yamaraja see sense, and hopefully Pangolin's other allies don't decide to escalate."

"We cannot be the ones to escalate and yet blame others for matching our every step," Kei said. "Nonetheless, Cannai has achieved the impossible with his words once before. Foolish as it may be, perhaps I shall share in your hope, for a moment. I am certain a more realistic discussion on the matter will follow."


"Kagome-sensei?" Hazō asked, knocking on the door to Gōketsu compound's most fortified room.

"Mmph?" came through the door, then it cracked open. Kagome surveyed Hazō up and down through the crack in the doorway, then swung the door open fully. His hand was occupied with a half-eaten slice of cake, so he wiped the crumbs off his mouth with his wrist. "Hazō. What do you need from me? How did the fight against the Dragons go?"

"About as well as could have been expected," Hazō said. "One of the Bosses died in the melee, another was devoured by the Dragons and we're still waiting to figure out what that means for their clan. The Dragons are all dead, though, and that means that the butte is easy to access now. We should fortify it as much as we can before any more Dragons arrive. Kumokōgō wants to set up a permanent aerial skyslicer net around the butte to catch any Dragons that come out, and I wanted to get your opinion on how to design a defense array that'll give us good warning that a Dragon is coming, and maybe even slow it down or kill it."

Kagome watched Hazō for a second, then quickly nodded. He turned to his desk, gulped down another bite of cake, then swept the papers covering it away to let Hazō set down the paper and start explaining his defense plans to one of the greatest defensive sealmasters in the Elemental Nations.


"And then I went around to the various members of the Crusade I knew, offering my condolences," Hazō said.

"A sensible choice," Gaku said, copying down a few strokes in shorthand. "May I ask why this is important to transcribe?"

"Tactical information," Hazō said. "For the most part, running around the Crusade asking about who died and giving condolences to people I barely knew was somewhere between irritating and offensive, but it seemed important to figure out which clans lost a greater or lesser amount of combat power. The Bosses will be heading back home soon, so the window of opportunity to collect this information is limited.

"So, the clans that were hit particularly hard were Hyena, Kangaroo, and Capybara obviously. Pangolin, Turtle, Crow, Condor, and Snake also lost some extremely strong fighters, apparently on the level of the Toad Sages. I also got some names. Hailaite, of the Hyena Clan. Haikeru, of the Hyena Clan. Haiemale of the Hyena Clan…"

Cannai also agreed to bring up the idea of a second, smaller Conclave (including: Arachnid, Condor, Kangaroo, Shark) in Arachnid to fight against any solo Dragons that pop out of the Great Seal.

After nightfall, Hazō receives a missive from Hyūga Neji, saying that he traveled to Capybara on foot and confirmed that the skies are already black. He has not found a Capybara yet, but will search tomorrow.

XP Award: 3 XP

Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on .
Chapter 649: The Message

Hazō jerked awake.

He blinked and rubbed his eyes. Why did he feel so strange?

He'd dreamt of yesterday. When he'd gone out with Kagome-sensei and tried to… retrieve a message from the future? Except, instead of nothing, in his dream he'd received a message. But he'd woken up, and when he fell asleep again, he'd dreamt of the same thing again, yet subtly different. Something about it didn't feel right though, and he kept waking and falling asleep, and each time the message he received from the future got stranger and stranger and stranger. His dreams twisted away from the message, sometimes overwhelming and other times underwhelming.

Was he really awake now?

He pinched himself. Yep, he was definitely awake. He felt awful from waking up a half-dozen times during the night, but he was awake.

It had been quite the fever dream. Why had he planned to take the message while dramatically infusing a rune anyway? Or with Kagome-sensei, brilliant sealmaster and walking OPSEC leak, present? If his future self ever managed to crack time travel, surely he would be able to send the message somewhere better suited? Somewhere like…

Hazō pushed himself upright in his bed, only for a letter to fall into his lap.

He picked up the letter, a chill going down his spine. He turned it this way and that in his hands, considering. It was good paper, heavy and rich, with even color and thickness. Paper suitable for a sealmaster. It had been tri-folded, the edges sealed with wax to form an envelope.

He turned it over and the blood drained from his face at the words written on the front, above a wax seal with the Gōketsu family crest pressed into it.

He couldn't help it. He tore the envelope open.

Lord Hazō,

The housekeeper said you had difficulty sleeping during the night, so I took the liberty of rescheduling most of your morning appointments. If you do rise before 10, do proceed to the parlor with all due haste to meet with Lord Kurusu.

Your Chancellor, Gaku

Hazō rubbed his eyes, then stared out the window, gauging the angle of the sun. It looked later than 10.


He blinked. He was late for morning training with Kei and Noburi in the Forest of Death.


He swung himself out of bed, feeling the faintest of twinges in his back, as he remembered that he was also late for his technique hacking training with Ino and Haruhisa.


Sloth fled before the haste of a well-trained Mist-nin; he was out of the door in ninety seconds flat.


Hazō couldn't see Kei through the dividing wall of the Gōketsu estate hot springs, but he could infer she had her head in her hands by the muffled sound of her voice as she spoke.

"So, in summary: you desire additional Summoning scrolls for the Gōketsu Clan. The locations and leads on known scrolls at present appear insufficient, and furthermore, the Hyena Clan will shortly be engaged in a fight for its life against the Pangolin Clan. Consequently, you wish to propose Yuno as the Hyena Summoner, for her jōnin-level combat skills and specialization fighting against armored chakra beasts will likely make her highly effective at dispatching pangolin fighters."

"That's right," Hazō said. "And I want to check with Yuno first to see if she would be okay opposing the Pangolins, because the hyenas would definitely make her do so."

"That will certainly be the case," Kei said. "In fact, you are wholly correct that the Hyena Clan would be ecstatic to have Yuno as a summoner in a vacuum, as her particular combat specialization would indeed make her highly lethal against pangolin invaders. As an aside, let us dispose of pleasant fictions such as 'opposing' the pangolins – Yuno's combat style is a syncretic mixture of styles from Isan, Leaf, and her own bellicose imagination, but it is invariably lethal. Nonetheless, there are additional circumstances to consider.

"Your ability to navigate interpersonal relationships is far superior to mine, so I shall set aside the fact that the way you frame the subject to Yuno must be done carefully if you wish her to continue growing past the traumas she endured in Isan, as you may desire not to suggest that her primary value to you or to the Hyenas would be her ability to kill things – despite the fact that, from the initial presentation of your proposal, that does appear to be the case. Rather, I would highlight that, to my best understanding, Yuno's religious beliefs are only slightly less syncretic than her fighting style, combining Isan's folk religion with Jashinism and, again, gory figments of her imagination.

"While I cannot predict exactly how she would respond, I expect she continues to believe pangolins to be holy ambassadors of the divine – while not gods themselves, incalculably purer than even the most sinless of mortals. While I have attempted and by this point certainly succeeded in disabusing her of the notion that I, as the Pangolin Summoner, am divine, I do not believe that she will have lost her belief in the divinity of the Pangolin Clan. While her understanding of the Seventh Path is superior to the average Leaf shinobi, it is far from complete. The only way in which I believe she would be willing to slaughter Pangolins en-masse is if she went beyond accepting Jashinism and let it become the central, overriding tenet of her life philosophy. I do not believe it is necessary to explain why that would be undesirable.

"I believe that covers the primary issues on Yuno's side. With Mio removed from the clan compound, the rest of the Gōketsu are unlikely to complain about Yuno being granted greater power and survivability and if other clans object to the Gōketsu acquiring another scroll, I expect Naruto will simply suggest that they acquire the scrolls themselves if they so desire them."

"That's good to hear," Hazō said. "I think Asuma said at some point that people were getting pissed that we had so many scrolls, and said that he would have preferred it politically if we could give a scroll to an ally instead of keeping it for ourselves."

"Politically, such a course of action would certainly suit Naruto as well," Kei said. "Fortunately, having received training from Jiraiya for many of his formative years, he is a believer in earning one's power. Or, as he might put it, 'get good'.

"Regardless, I will set aside the fact that the Hyenas will likely want anyone but a Gōketsu summoner – your proposed preemptive negotiations via Cannai will likely resolve any such concerns in the positive or negative. Instead, my final objection is how it will affect my own relationship with Yuno.

"I will begin with the most concrete objection: I will be ordered to eliminate her, and she will be ordered to eliminate me, and both of these orders will be eminently reasonable from the perspective of the Pangolin and Hyena Clans. I know of no prior case where two Seventh Path clans in active conflict have had allied summoners, but neither Pangolin nor Hyena are known for their generous and compromising nature. Perhaps we will somehow negotiate to not be required to take such action on the Human Path – though action on the Human Path against the clan's enemies is one of the prime examples of duty required of me as Pangolin Summoner. What, then, will happen if we meet on the battlefield? Are we to kill each other's allies, but ignore one another? Will one of us retreat, and let the other slaughter our comrades? What will our summon clan ask of us then, after such cowardly actions? I do not see a satisfactory solution.

"Set aside any direct, violent conflict between Yuno and myself, as the result of such a conflict is wholly predictable. My summons will never be willing to cooperate with the powerful Hyena Summoner who has murdered dozens of their brothers-in-arms, and likewise her summons will refuse to cooperate with me. Future Gōketsu missions will only ever feature either myself or Yuno, or if we are both to attend, neither may act as summoners. This reduces the benefit to Gōketsu's power available from the Hyena Scroll.

"Then, consider what use Yuno will be to the Hyenas. Summoners must be primarily deployed offensively; this is one of the great weaknesses of the Sage's design. Perhaps the nature of the war will primarily allow Yuno to attack isolated Pangolin squads, but once the Pangolins become aware that any group below a certain size is vulnerable to being attacked, their armies will move in battalions large enough to deter opportunistic raids. Instead, I expect Yuno will primarily attack Pangolin soft targets – non-combatants, to be explicit. While defended, they will not be densely defended enough to deter a summoner's raid. While perhaps some deserving non-combatants, say, from the Ministry of Doctrine, may be killed, the bulk will be ordinary pangolins. Indeed, I dread orders to do the same at Pantsā's behest.

"Finally, I note a slight apprehension regarding the risk of introducing a Gōketsu summoner to a clan at war: namely, that the result may somehow result in using our clan's unique advantage to engage in arms-dealing on the Seventh Path once more. I believe this also does not require explanation."

"So…" Hazō said, after processing Kei's speech, "Your second objection isn't an objection to Yuno specifically, but to any Gōketsu becoming the Hyena Summoner, if I understood that correctly. Supposing the Hyenas knew where their scroll was, what would you have us do with it?"

"I do not know," Kei said. Hazō half-expected the words to be punctuated by a sharp gesture and a splash of hot water, but instead he just heard her quietly grinding her head deeper into her palms. "I will be set on a likely-lethal collision course with any Hyena summoner just as surely as I was set against the Condor Summoner. Perhaps that is only the case while open hostilities exist between the Hyena and Pangolin Clans. It is impossible now that a summoner could be trained before hostilities resume, but if a Leaf-allied Hyena Summoner were to arrive just as Hyena surrenders to the Pangolins, it may grant the Hyenas some power and leverage in their capitulation, similarly to how the Condors obtained gains, however slight, from Ruri's presence. Perhaps I would advocate granting the scroll to some foreign ally – Sand is viable – which I would be more easily able to oppose.

"Regardless, selecting a Hyena Summoner from within the Gōketsu is certain to cause drama or bloodshed within the family. I would not recommend it."

"I see," Hazō said. "Well, thank you for your feedback. I'll have to talk with Cannai about whether it's viable at all in the first place, and then getting the Hyena's consent and acquiring the scroll might be a whole adventure in itself."

"It is rather unlikely that it languishes in some nameless cavern, yes," Kei said. "It does not even seem like a particularly wise target for another scroll hunt mission, given that we have far superior intelligence on other scrolls."

"Right," Hazō said. Well, he had plans to acquire the Squirrel and Otter scrolls, but if his lust for ancient artifacts didn't end there, there was no need to put the cart before the firegoat and cause drama around the Hyena Scroll before it was well in hand. "I suppose I can just speak to Cannai about generally directing where the scroll goes, and see what he says. No need to bring Yuno into it, if you think it's going to be sensitive.

"Speaking of which," he said, stepping out of the hot springs and grabbing a towel, "I think I'm about due on the Seventh Path. Enjoy your soak, Kei."

"Truly exquisite of you to turn my thoughts to Pangolin's expanding conquests, then leave me alone to ruminate on the matter. If ever you commit a treason that forces Naruto to strip you of the title of Clan Lord, you will find satisfactory employment in Torture and Interrogation, I expect."

"Love you too."


Pale yellow smoke dispelled, revealing the silver-blue skies over Dog.

"Greetings, summoner," Cannai said, tongue lolling out. Hazō shot a glance at the Dog Boss' foreleg – while Cannai's skin had grown back, the whole area remained hairless.

"Welcome back, Cannai," Hazō said, bowing respectfully to Cannai and letting his puppy escort down to the ground. "Have you been back for long?"

"This is the first day of my return to the land," Cannai said. "The other Bosses say they don't like talking about meaningless things, yet it seems to me they do so incessantly, as well as snapping at one another about some perceived offense or another. If there is a silver lining to Haiwarai's death at the Crusade, it is that I did not need to negotiate passage from the Hyena on my return here."

"That's good," Hazō said. "I'm sure everyone wanted you back as soon as possible. Dog wouldn't be the same without you here."

"How could it be?"

Hazō didn't respond, instead taking a few seconds to walk around looking for a soft patch of grass where he could lie down. He settled himself down gingerly, but instead of pain, he only felt the new skin of his back stretch uncomfortably. While Noburi wasn't quite ready to pronounce Hazō field-ready yet, Hazō was finally feeling better after his misadventure in the sealing failure cave.

"Speaking of the Hyena Clan," Hazō said after sprawling himself out on the grass, "I wanted to ask you a question."

The familiar flumph of Cannai settling to the ground signaled that the Dog Boss had plenty of time to spend idly. "Indeed, you said as much. Whatever could it be, that wasn't fit to discuss in front of the other lords of the Seventh Path?"

"Well, it looks like the Pangolins and Leopards might end up in conflict pretty soon," Hazō said. "I don't want to overstep my bounds, but this is all just how I see things. Dog's sworn to help the Hyenas, but I don't think we want to be the ones suffering the brunt of Pangolin's offensive, even without skywalkers. Still, we don't want to put in a token effort and let Hyena collapse either, since then we might become the next target for the Pangolins. I was thinking we should angle our support of Hyena to try to support them as a buffer state between Pangolin and Dog. On the Human Path, that's how things ended up after the Second World War – a bunch of relatively small weak states popped into existence to keep the major powers from being able to immediately launch attacks on each other."

"I am well aware of the Human Path's history of conflict," Cannai said. "Kakashi was a student of history when he wasn't being ruled by it. You are right that I do not wish to see Hyena fall to Pangolin. Pangolin and Dog may have no history of conflict the way Pangolin does with Condor, Hyena, and Rat, but Leopard would be well-described as our enemies. Even with Pangolin's support, Leopard will not attack us – Bear is our ally, and the Pangolin Empire will be far from their place of power, never mind that Pantsā will fear the possibility that you may arm the Dogs with seals, if we are to be invaded.

"Of course, the question may end up moot. I offered Leopard and Hyena formal alliance against the Pangolins. They have not yet replied, and while I expect Leopard will continue their alliance with Pangolin, Hyena may yet accept. I would hope that Pangolin will be wise enough not to press their attack across a mountain range into the teeth of our clans combined. My impression of Pantsā is that he would rather roll over an enemy unable to defend themselves than engage in a fair fight.
"Foreoffpaw, if Hyena does not accept the alliance then things will grow…complicated. Pantsā will not soon forget the challenge my words gave, and I would not wish this situation upon the dogs of future generations. If Dog must stand alone… well, even if Pantsā will not attack while you are our summoner, he only has to await your death. Once Pangolin has consolidated its power in its new territories, once you are no longer our summoner to provide the threat of seal-based resistance and retaliation… I cannot say what might happen.

"Even if Hyena accepts, there is difficulty. I would not call Hyena our enemy, but we have had little fondness for one another. They might well attempt to use our volunteered warriors as fodder for the front lines, rather than care for their lives as allies. Given that they will likely accept my offer, I will need to be very careful in defining the terms of alliance to ensure the good of Dog."

"Good," Hazō said. "I was thinking that it would be a shame if Haiwarai, after risking her life for the good of the Path and dying for it, were repaid by everyone standing by and letting her clan be conquered. Do you think anyone else would be willing to bolster the hyenas?"

"I know not, summoner," Cannai said. "Bear, perhaps, though I would not bet on it. Kamehameha and Enma both seemed willing to stand up to Pantsā, but they are far from where Pangolin would make war upon us, and their only way to stand up on Hyena's behalf would be to directly attack Pangolin and open up another front of the war. I expect that would be too much for them to stomach."

"Hm. We need to coordinate better, which I can take care of as a summoner. Actually…" Hazō trailed off. "Can we meet with the new Hyena Boss and figure out how we ought to proceed? I'm sure they know better than we do how to support them. Or are they still choosing their new Boss? If so, could we somehow influence the selection to benefit Dog?"

Cannai panted in amusement. "Very funny, summoner. I do not believe the Hyena Clan is yet so desperate that they would debase themselves like that. I do not know if they have a new Boss. They certainly did not try to stop my passage, if they exist. If indeed one has been selected, I suspect they will lie low for their month of peace while they come into their power. That said, we must be cautious about following their wishes – remember that bloodshed between Hyena and Dog was a common occurrence for the past several decades, and their feelings regarding my people will be complex at best.

"I see," Hazō said. "Maybe we can tie our clans closer together. Tell me Cannai, is there a Hyena summoner?"

"Not at present to my knowledge," Cannai said. "There was a Hyena summoner a decade ago, an old man who I believe hailed from the Elemental Nations rather than from the east. While I heard occasional tales of his achievements, I believe he had in turn heard of Kakashi's strength, and took efforts not to draw too much of our attention. Perhaps he is dead now, or merely too old to effectively fight on Hyena's behalf, because I do not believe any summoner would hesitate to fight on the behalf of their clan against the Pangolin and Leopard advance. Regardless, he must not have chosen a successor, or if he did, not a very strong one."

"I see," Hazō said. "Do you think the Hyenas would be interested in getting a more active summoner? Someone to give them faster communications. The Gōketsu clan has several strong combatants that would help the Hyena's fight as well, since the summoner could teleport to wherever they're needed on the battlefront. Of course, we also have a great deal of experience in digging up otherwise-hidden scrolls."

"You wish to strengthen your clan with yet another summoning contract?" Cannai said. Hazō glanced over to see the massive dog's tongue lolling out. "Do you ever intend to stop expanding your clan's grasp on the Seventh Path?"

"I wasn't planning on it," Hazō said.

Cannai panted. "Very well, summoner. Though, would it not be… dangerous, to have the Hyena Summoner in your clan, working against the Pangolin Summoner, also of your clan, though in a rather more complicated situation I can't be troubled to wrap my head around? It sounds like it could be challenging to navigate."

"Perhaps," Hazō said. "We're discussing how it might work."

"It may not be within your power to make it work, summoner. The Pangolins and the Hyenas are both belligerent by nature. But I shall have faith you will find a resolution. Would the Hyenas take your offer? I suspect not – the very last thing they may want is a Gōketsu summoner, given the effect the Gōketsu have had on their clan so far, and the possibility of a Gōketsu summoner being secretly endorsed by the Pangolin Clan to execute a devastating backstab. In that regard, your familial bond with the Pangolin summoner will itself be an obstacle in terms of ensuring Dog's alliance with Hyena, and it is fortunate that you would not fight on the front lines regardless of the circumstances."

"I would be willing to fight for the Dog Clan, Cannai," Hazō said, propping himself up on his elbows to look the Dog Boss in the eye. "I remember what you told me when I first became summoner, and since then, I've only come to love the Dog Clan more."

Cannai pawed at the ground, then rested his nose on his paws. "Summoner, you do not need to make such claims. You know you are not Kakashi. I know you are not Kakashi. That is fine. You are enough as yourself. We dogs know that everyone has their role in the pack. It is fine for your role not to be fighting. Not everyone needs to fight. You contribute your share to our clan and more.

"The seals you provided have given the Dog Clan mobility in ways no other summoner of ours has ever managed. The trade network has granted us access to wealth from across the Path. In fact, as your actions were a key part of its execution, the entire Crusade is arguably the fruits of your labor. That is an incredible accomplishment. Take pride in your strengths, summoner."

"I… thank you, Cannai," Hazō said.

"You are welcome. Now, back to the original topic – I intend to be cautious in determining our degree of cooperation with Hyena, and proposing a Gōketsu summoner would burn too much social capital too quickly. If you wish it, I shall inquire very lightly about such a thing once our relations have had time to mature into something more than mere hostility. I would not expect much to result. Is that satisfactory?"

"Of course," Hazō said. "I'll follow your lead absolutely. While this would benefit my clan, my main motivation here is to help the Hyena Clan. I'd want to do that however I can."

"How noble," Cannai said. "I would expect nothing less. Did you have any other questions for me?"

"Yes, actually. I wanted to ask, regarding the Capybaras…"


"My sincerest condolences," Gaku said. "I'm sorry that my words cannot do justice to the immensity of the tragedy that must have happened."

"It's not your fault, human," Gamatatakai said. "I didn't know too many of the Capybaras. Still, it was one thing to hop into the trading hall one day and hear that Hidrosera had lost her soul. It was another to go and visit her accommodation and see her grunting and shying away from the crowd in her room, nosing at the ground and pissing herself in fear."

"That sounds deeply disturbing, yes," Gaku said.

"It was fucking unnatural, is what it was," Gamatatakai said. "She was a poet, you know? She shared her poems with me. They were beautiful. And now she's… well, you wouldn't get it."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Whatever. What did you need me for, huh?"

"Well, the Capybara Clan had several outstanding contracts," Gaku said, gesturing to the lengthy sheet of paper in front of him. "I have a list of those contracts here. I was hoping you could convey to the various clans listed here that they will not be receiving their goods. They should be aware already, but I believe it's for the better for them to be contacted explicitly."

"I mean, I think everyone knows they're not getting anything out of the Capybaras. Maybe once the other clans expand into the Darkfall, some of that stuff'll end up in the network again, but not anytime soon. I figure you had something more important than that, right, human?"

"Correct," Gaku said, gesturing to Atomu, who tapped a storage seal to reveal a modest-sized crate. The injured ninja had no difficulty opening the crate's top to reveal tightly packed dried yellow-orange fibers.

"We had several deliveries to the Capybara Clan transferred through the Human Path, pending delivery at the Conclave since our last delivery the day before the Crusade. Now, we have no buyer. So, we'd like to offer these goods to you, for the Toad Clan or for your own reselling."

"Are they even good anymore?" Gamatatakai said. "That was like two weeks ago."

"Storage seals are timeless," Gaku said. "Now, shall we discuss prices?"


A knock came at the door to Hazō's office. Before he could raise his head, the door swung open and Noburi poked his head in.

"Hey," he said. "Busy?"

Hazō glanced down at the creative writing essay that Haruhisa had assigned to him and Ino to help get them in the right 'open-minded' state for actually pulling a technique apart. It was a nonsense exercise, completely imprecise and unfit for a sealmaster like him.

"No," Hazō said. "What's up?"

"Well…" Noburi said, stepping into the office and swinging the door shut behind him. "We may want some of the seals on for this."

Hazō raised an eyebrow. A few minutes later, with the office considerably more secured, he leaned back in his chair. "What's the matter?"

"You know the Crusade? Remember how Naruto got all the genin and chūnin together so that I could drain them to fill up Tsunade and Orochimaru's shadow clones? And remember how their shadow clones played a pivotal part in the battle playing defense and saving like a half-dozen Bosses from being devoured by the Dragons?"

"I don't know what you expect from me here, Nobby," Hazō said. "I wasn't there for any of it, but I do remember listening to the report. I was following it pretty closely."

"Yeah, I know," Noburi said. Hazō narrowed his eyes. Noburi normally was pretty laid back when talking with Hazō, leaning back in his chair, kicking his legs up, or something similar. Instead, his younger brother was sitting ramrod straight like he was back in the Academy.

"I think we're in trouble. Actually, let me be clearer. I think Naruto saw all that happen and had a brainwave: 'What if Noburi's refills for shadow clones are effective on the home front too?'"

"Oh, no," Hazō said, the realization slowly dawning on him.

"Yeah," Noburi said. "I got a special assignment this morning. He had me fill up shadow clones from Ruri and Sasuke, and those shadow clones were on this Path. I'm not supposed to talk about this with anyone, but I figure I can do a little treason to protect our 'clan secrets'. Given that I'm supposed to head back to the same place again tomorrow, I think there's only one thing those shadow clones are gonna be used for."

There was only one thing they could be using it for. The Gōketsu's secret path to power had finally started to crack.


The capybaras seemed to become kvthsss nearly instantly. When Markimarku returned to his territory, he apparently attempted… something, with capybaras that had been forcibly moved into Mara territory from the Conclave in Pangolin. Unfortunately, it did not work. Currently, Capybara's territories are likely to be divided approximately evenly between Turtle, Otter, and Toad. All three have pledged to treat any former members of the Capybara clan with the utmost respect.

Hazō commits to working as hard as possible on time travel to the past so that he can come back to this moment to help present-Hazō. He's not going to throw everything away to monofocus time travel if he can't currently do it, but to keep Hazō's commitments credible, we will have Hazōpilot periodically throw a prep day at a backwards time-travel seal/rune to see if he feels like he can satisfy the commitment yet. After all, he may not see the fruits of his future-labor immediately appear in front of him, but depending on the timeline structure, he may be the first Hazō, and time travel never happens unless he's willing to trailblaze on his own.

Consequently, Hazōpilot adds two checks to the prep day stack:
  • Inverted Time Capsule Seal – As seals don't easily affect living/chakra-containing objects, this seal instead transports an attached tiny object (berry! Always use berry!) backwards in time by 1 minute.
    • Difficulty: Jiraiya
  • Time Reversal Rune – A rune that sends the infuser backwards in time by 1 minute.
    • Difficulty: Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.

As for the remainder of the prep days:
  • Light Shift
    • Trivial
  • Reality Eater
    • Hazō formulates this as a storage effect that grabs everything in a radius. This is very likely to fail against living opponents, but could be good (e.g.) for tunneling through solid material.
    • Difficulty: Jōnin
    • (Kagome would be beyond disappointed in Hazō for attempting to replicate a sealing failure)
  • Explosive 2.0:
    • Hazō goes for a minimal improvement on explosives to test the waters.
    • Difficulty: Genin
  • Severing Field
    • Difficulty: Jōnin
  • Crystal Transformation
    • Difficulty: Jiraiya
  • Colored Strobe
    • Difficulty: Chūnin
  • Powered Strobe
    • Difficulty: Jiraiya
    • It seems like pumping up the power input is the main limitation. Unfortunate that these are meant to be combat seals, because Hazō's shiny PS stat gives him a nice answer to power-limited seals.
  • Reverse Dampeners
    • Difficulty: Jiraiya
    • Hazō isn't sure, but suspects that however hard these were going to be, having them affect living things definitely pushed them over the top.
  • Mirror Dragon Seals
    • Difficulty: Jiraiya
    • What did you expect?
  • Chakra Potential Raising Rune
    • Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.
  • Chakra Potential Lowering Rune
    • Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.

In the process of preparing for the "Mirror Dragon" seal, Hazō ventured out to the site of the battle against the Dragons (inasmuch as it can be called a site, rather than a stretch of countryside larger than some daimyos' demesnes) on skywalkers and gathered a scale the size of his forearm with a pair of heavy iron tongs. Those tongs have now joined with the Will of Fire, but the scale rests in an Earthshaped stone vault deep underneath Hazō's office.

Canabisu and the squad of dogs formerly stuck in Arachnid have returned home, and a new squad of dogs have been left in Arachnid for diplomatic relations and Hazō's reverse-summoning needs. We'll flesh them out when we need to.

Hazō has transcribed your conversation with Kamehameha and stored it in the Gōketsu Dark Vault (Kagome's room).

Hazō does not currently have access to infused Instant Darkness Dome seals, and so cannot test their interaction with Nara ninjutsu.

Hazō and Kei perform the test with Geode Coffin. It appears that Shadow Possession can in fact connect with the shadow of someone inside a Geode Coffin if their shadow falls outside the coffin.

Reo has been instructed to stop shadowing Gaku around and return to Orochimaru's notes. He clearly feels a little whiplashed, but agrees. Atomu has begun shadowing Gaku around. Gaku comments that Atomu's good at handling people, but he's not very sharp with numbers.

The Tower provides notes for an as-yet-unspecified amount of OPSEC and static defense seals to Hazō, under the usual condition that if he researches the seals, he must provide a small tithe of said seals back to the Tower. Suggestions regarding said seals are welcome.

This update covered 13 days. Hazō's Severe Consequence has cleared as of the end of this update.

XP Award: 39 + 10 (brevity) XP
GM-fun Award: 7 XP, one for each of the entertaining The Message-themed omake.

Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on .
Chapter 650: Meetings, Meetings, Everywhere, Nor Any Foe To Punch

"To be clear, did you mean 'for now'?" Kei asked, suspicion in her tone.

"No, Kei," Hazō said, struggling not to let the laughter out. "That is not what I meant. When I said 'Kei, thank you for your thoughts the other day, I have taken them to heart and the Gōketsu will not be pursuing the Hyena Summoning Scroll further', I meant that the Gōketsu will not be pursuing the Hyena Summoning Scroll further. Not now, not next week, not next month."


"Yes, it is true that since becoming a Clan Head I have learned not to make universal statements and I therefore will not rule out the possibility of new information arising that causes me to reevaluate that decision at some point in the distant future, but I currently have no idea what such information might be nor any reason to believe it will arise. Therefore, after careful consideration, in my aforementioned role as Clan Head and supreme dictator of the Clan Gōketsu, I have decided that for the foreseeable future and based on all the information I have at this time and the wise advice of my wisest advisors, which might I add includes yourself, the Gōketsu will not be pursuing acquisition of the Hyena Summoning Scroll."

She seemed nonplussed.

"Seriously?" Hazō asked, the laughter bubbling up in his throat. "You're seriously surprised that I'm taking your advice?"

"Another Summoning Scroll would be of tremendous advantage to the Gōketsu," she said. "I simply thought that—"

"Oh, stop being an idiot," Hazō said with a dismissive wave. "You told me not to do it, you explained why, you were right. You usually are. That's why I talk to you before I do big and important things."

Mari, who had been sitting quietly across the table from Kei, burst out laughing. "He's got you there."

Kei gave her a 'Set You On Fire With My Brain' look, but it was barely half-hearted. More of a 'Warm Your Skin To A Mildly Unpleasant Degree With My Brain' look.

"Moving on," Hazō said. "Noburi told me that Naruto had him refill shadow clones of Ruri and Sasuke."

Silence ruled the table for a moment.

"Well, it was nice while it lasted," Mari said with a sigh.

"You think the secret is definitely out?" Hazō asked.

Mari nodded. "Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long. There's only four parts to our special WHOOSH training method: having access to the Shadow Clone jutsu, recognizing that shadow clones can be used for training, recognizing that resistance to clone shock is a thing that can be trained, and having access to someone who can refill the chakra of a Shadow Clone user. Naruto must have already known the first three parts of that—there's no way he's gotten so strong so young unless he's been using massive numbers of shadow clones to train, which he can do because he's got the chakra reserves of a jinchūriki. Until now he hasn't had access to part four, the chakra transfer bit, so he couldn't let anyone else in on the secret. I'm not sure why he's waited this long."

"I'm not thrilled about losing our competitive advantage," Hazō said. "Isn't this theft of clan secrets?"

Mari snorted. "First, he's the Hokage so what are we supposed to do? Second, none of that is a clan secret. The Shadow Clone jutsu doesn't belong to us, knowing that they can be used for training is already widely known, and knowing that clone shock resistance can be trained is a fairly obvious discovery that anyone would make after pushing themselves a little too hard during training. Anyone who rises high enough to be given the good ol' SC is going to be the kind of person who rides on the edge of overtraining at all times. They'll notice that they're able to handle more and more hours of clone time."

"I agree. This is most definitely not something we can claim as clan secrets."

Hazō sighed and scrubbed his hands through his hair in frustration. "Okay, fine. Anything further to say on the subject?"

Kei shook her head. Mari shrugged helplessly.

"Fine. Moving on. Kei, you mentioned you've been feeling like you lost your edge lately. Have you thought about going back and checking out those caves with the violet shades we saw?"

"The ones where I cannot make effective use of my weapons, my shadow clones, or my summons? The ones that are filled with extremely dangerous monsters that nearly killed us last time?" She paused a beat until Hazō's mouth started to open in panicked self-defense, then smiled. "I have, yes. They would be an excellent opportunity to test out my mastery of the Nara jutsu. Unfortunately, the caverns are empty of anything larger than a vole. The shades are gone."

"Oh. Rats. ...Well, what about a monster hunt? Would that work?"

"It would indeed. As it happens, I had been planning to leave on Tuesday and I wished to ask you for permission to invite Yuno."

"Yuno? I'm sure she would like that. Go for it."

"Thank you. Now, unless you have anything else...? No? Excellent. There were a few matters I wished to bring to your attention relating to interactions of the Gōketsu and the Nara clans. The first is a disciplinary offense..."

'A few matters' stretched to encompass the rest of a three-hour meeting, throughout which Mari remained mostly silent. Only after Kei had been walked to the door and waved on her way did she take him by the arm and lead him back to the secure meeting room. No sooner were all the privacy seals activated than she turned to Hazō, her purple eyes intense.

"If you're going missing and you want to bring Noburi, you need to go now," she said. "You were planning to do some sort of long-term mission that we simply don't come back from, right? Take the team, go off on a scroll hunt or something that would logically take a couple months so that people don't start looking for us right away. Once Naruto sees how much faster Noburi is letting Leaf's jōnin train, and how fast the chūnin will be turning into desperately-needed jōnin, he is never going to let Noburi go off on a long-term mission. He can't...well, he won't force Noburi to be a water slave, chained to a desk and doing nothing but moving chakra around all day, but he's definitely not going to want him out of town for long stretches."

"You just said he won't stop us."

"I said he won't chain Noburi to a desk. Naruto will use every tool at his disposal to make Noburi sit at that desk voluntarily, and he's got the tools. Fat stacks of coin, honors, public praise, maybe jutsu for the clan. We'll get the best teachers available for our younglings, our projects will get approved for Tower resources unless they're completely insane. Probably more, but that makes the point. But only as long as Noburi is on the home front doing this."


"Yeah. That was the plan, right? Take the family on a long term mission, then bounce so that you can keep doing rift research?"

"Mari, I'm shocked that you would ask such a thing. I am, as you know, a loyal ninja of Leaf and would never consider going missing. Although yes, taking the whole family on a long-term mission so that we could spend some time together away from the pressures of the city does sound nice."

"Right. Good answer."

Author's Note: I'm tired and not feeling it, so I'll summarize the rest:

  • With Cannai's approval, you spoke to the Toad Sages. They have no problem with the Horizon Chasers coming to Toad, although they aren't going to host them per se. Basically they'll arrange for their visas (to the extent that such things are things, on which subject no comment), housing, etc, but they aren't going to have the dogs sleeping in the guest room
  • The Horizon Chasers agree that getting out of Pangolin is a good plan and they're on their way to Toad. They don't need an escort
  • You talked to Cantahapuyu. She's willing to try teaching a human technique hacking but she's not optimistic after Hazō's failure at learning the jutsu she had explicitly adapted for humans
  • You did all the research. We'll get you details later
Great Seal:
Now that he has his wits about him, Hazō will again do a prep day to try to figure out what's going on with the Great Seal:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 11 + 25 (cross-disciplinary bonus from Sealing) - 6 = 30

He still can't quite wrap his head around it. The Great Seal is just too complex for him to understand.

Light Shift:
Easy peasy, no prep required.

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampener) - 6 = 44
Hazō (Sealing): 51 - 6 = 45

Ouch, just barely missed completing it. Ah well, no point burning a reroll here.

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampener) - 6 = 44
Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 3 = 54

Done! Unfortunately, this seal doesn't achieve the intended benefit of making it easier to see camouflaged enemies, as it only outputs a single color of light in the same way as the other Lantern-derived seals.

Substitution Seals:

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampener) - 12 = 38
Hazō spends a FP to reroll!
Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampener) + 6 = 56
Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 3 = 54

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampener) + 6 = 56
Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 3 = 54

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampener) + 6 = 56
Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 3 = 54

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampener) + 3 = 53
Hazō (Sealing): 51 - 3 = 48

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampener) + 0 = 50
Hazō (Sealing): 51 - 3 = 48

Setting aside one point early in the project where he really took it easy with his seal scribing and barely caught a potentially-dangerous error, Hazō finds the Substitution seal to be an entertaining puzzle – somewhat challenging but not too strenuous to work on. He thinks he'll be done in one or two more days of research at this pace.

Force Walls:
No prep, SSA on.

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampener) + 6 = 56
Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 24 (SSA) + 6 = 81

Hazō thinks he's very close to getting this seal finished up.

Reusable Rocket Boots:
[This is @Paperclipped's comment]
The plan says to invoke as much as possible. In the past, we've occasionally granted Aspects like "Team Uplift" and "Lord of Clan Gōketsu" on sealing research, but I think this was rather generous – Hazō's sealing-related Aspect is "Out-Touched Sealing Genius", and these other ones really are meant to fill other roles (LoCG representing his social position, primarily for social-combat reasons, and Team Uplift… I'm not exactly sure).

I'm increasingly inclined to be very stingy about granting Aspects for sealing research (particularly as a result of trying to model other top-end researchers like Orochimaru and Sasori, and wanting their highest-achievable-sealing-rolls to be reasonably low), so I do not expect that I would grant these Aspects in the future. Still, the players didn't know this before the plan and Hazō is flush with justly-earned FP, so I'll grant "Team Uplift" while Hazō is working on RRBs (since Hazō's primary motivation with this seal is to keep TU safe if/when he goes missing). Just be aware of this for the future.

Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (IN) + 12 (prep) + 3 (Dampeners) + 3 = 68
Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 24 (SSA) + 16 (prep) + 8 (Invoke "Out-Touched Sealing Genius") + 8 (Invoke "Team Uplift") + ? (Kazushi's assistance) - 6 = 101 + ?
Hazōpilot would probably reroll here, for progress rather than safety, but the plan overrides him.

Kazushi is well out of his league here, but he's still helping! Together, they make pretty substantial progress on RRBs. Hazō thinks he's about a third of the way done.

XP AWARD: 32 XP This update covered 10 days.

Brevity XP: 10

"GM had fun" XP: 0
Nothing terribly exciting in here, but maybe that's just me being low-energy. The Toad Sages could probably have been fun.

Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on Wednesday, .
Last edited by a moderator:
Chapter 651: Preparing for Treason

"Mari, I'm shocked that you would ask such a thing. I am, as you know, a loyal ninja of Leaf and would never consider going missing. Although yes, taking the whole family on a long-term mission so that we could spend some time together away from the pressures of the city does sound nice."

"Right. Good answer."

Hazō sighed and scrubbed his hands through his hair. "Right. Okay. If we were going to do this—which, obviously, we are not—but if we were going to, I would need to have some things lined up." He stared at the floor as though there were pearls of wisdom engraved there.

"Like?" Mari asked.

"Like Cannai. I need to know what his take would be. If losing my role as the Dog Summoner is the price, it's too high. I would have to figure something else out."

"When can you speak to him?"

Hazō glanced at the clock on the mantel, doing conversions in his head. "Should still be daylight for him. I'll go now."

She nodded seriously. "I'm glad you're moving on this. It needs to be put to bed one way or the other."

"Yeah, I'm on it." He hesitated, eyeing her for a moment, then shook his head slightly. "Stick around, okay? I'm going to need more advice in a bit."

Her head cocked, fiery hair shifting even as emerald eyes narrowed. "You're hiding something."

"I'm a Clan Head, Mari. I'm hiding lots of things." He tried to make the words sound light and humorous but the best he managed was to clear the 'dirge-like' hurdle; the main thing he was hiding was that Naruto had suggested he go missing. He would tell Mari, because he would need her to know if she was going to help with planning, but there was no point in telling her until he was certain he had Cannai's support. If he didn't then he would abort the 'go missing' plan and there would be every reason to keep it from her.

"Uh-huh. Okay, off you go. I'll be in the living room, fretting myself down to a nub. I'll probably have all grey hair by the time you get around to filling me in."

"Don't be such a drama queen." This time the laughter was honest. "Summoning Technique: Cantelabra."

There was a pamf! of blue smoke and the fuzzy little puppy (no longer quite so little as when first they met, Hazō realized with a start) appeared from the aether.

"Hi Uncle Hazō!"

"Hello, Cantelabra. You remember my clanswoman, Mari?"

"Eeeee!" Mari said, clapping her hands together under her chin. "All grown up and still so cute! Can I pet you?"

Cantelabra responded by jumping on her; she caught all sixty pounds of him out of the air with the reflexes of a trained ninja and a moment later he was on his back, cradled in the crook of her arm and having his belly rubbed. His tongue-lolling, head-tipped-back, blissful expression made Hazō wish, just for a moment, that he could stop being a Clan Lord and a sealmaster and a ninja and someone with responsibilities.

"Okay, Cantelabra, time to go," he said after it became obvious that the woman and the dog were settling in for the long haul.

"Nooo!" Mari said, half-turning away as though shielding Cantelabra with her body. "Bad Hazō! No taking the adorable fuzzy pup away from me!"

"You can pet him later, Mari," he said patiently.

Her eyes got bigger, sad and soulful. The carefully-applied kohl that emphasized their rich emerald color threatened to smudge as a tear welled up. Her lip trembled. "But...but..."

"Holy crap, how am I the grownup here?!" Hazō demanded, throwing his hands in the air. "Cantelabra, get your tail moving. I need to talk to the Alpha. Chop chop."

Cantelabra gave a brief doggy pout, licked Mari's face, and then wiggled out of her arms and scampered to Hazō's side.

"Back in a bit," Hazō said to Mari. "Stay close."

The humor fell away and was replaced with the serious expression of a woman who knew that the lives of everyone she loved might soon be in danger based on the decisions of the young man—the young Clan Lord who stood before her.

"Whatever you need," she said quietly.

He nodded and disappeared.


"Good morning, Hazō," Cannai said.

"Evening for me," Hazō said with a grin. "It was 9:30 when I managed to pry Cantelabra out of Mari's belly-rubbing arms."

Cannai's tongue lolled out in amusement. "I would imagine he was quite displeased with you. Humans give excellent belly rubs, or so I gather."

"Yah, well...tough noogies," was the best that Hazō could come up with. "There was work to do."

"I see." Cannai settled onto the grass, paws crossed in front of himself and ears perked up in interested. "May I ask what sort of work?"

Hazō rubbed his ear nervously. "I need to talk to you, and I need it to be private. Can we do that?"

Cannai nodded slowly. "None are listening. None shall hear."

"Right, good." He settled cross-legged onto the grass, sighing tiredly.

Hazō is going to explain how he intends to maybe-kinda-sort commit just an eensy-weensy bit of treason, maybe, depending on your point of view. This isn't a social combat, it's a roll to see how he does. As a reminder, the rankings are:

  • -20 Terrible
  • -10 Poor
  • +0 Mediocre
  • +10 Average
  • +20 Fair
  • +30 Good
  • +40 Great
  • +50 Superb
  • +60 Fantastic
  • +70 Epic
  • +80 Legendary
Hazō, Presence (20) - 4 (2 Mild Consequences from seal research) + 3 (invoke "Lord of Clan Gōketsu") + 3 (dice) = 22

Hazō does a Fairly good job of pitching this to Cannai.

"Some of this you know," Hazō said. "But—"

"But bear with you as you wish to lay the groundwork for the novel material," Cannai said, doggy-laughing. "I am familiar with your conversational style, Hazō. Do not worry; I have nowhere to be today."

"Right. Yes. Thank you." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay, here we go. I told you about the rift to the afterlife and I told you about Akatsuki. They are trying to open the rift so that they can retrieve their leader, Pain. The last thing they did before he died was a ritual. We aren't quite sure what the ritual would have done but we think it was some kind of mind control. World-wide mind control. Something that would fundamentally modify human nature and link all humanity. It's what led to that giant battle where so many people died, people like Captain Hatake—Kakashi, as you knew him." He broke off, licking his lips nervously.

"Here's the thing..." He paused. "Here's the thing. I want to open the rift too. There are people I want to get back, like Jiraiya. He was powerful, and he was a good man."

Cannai cocked his head.

"He was the best man that a ninja can be."

Cannai panted in amusement.

"Getting him back would mean a lot to me, and to Leaf. Possibly to the world. I can do it, too. Kagome-sensei figured it out, and I can make it happen. And then there's Akane. I need to get her back."

"Given that a moment ago you mentioned that group of what you have previously referred to as quote evil demigods end quote, I assume that they are not merely working in parallel, much less cooperating."

"They are not, no."

"They are in fact opposing you."

"They threatened to kill me if I kept working on it."

"Mm. And you are bringing this to me want to summon me to fight them?"

"No. Well, yes, that would be great. That's not it, though. I'm coming to you because I intend to keep doing that research, but I can't do it in Leaf. If I continue in Leaf then they will come, they will find out, and they will kill me. They might also raze Leaf, either in order to make an example or in the process of killing me, because I'm a Sagedamned sealmaster on my own home ground and I will not go fucking quietly."

"I would be displeased were they to kill you," Cannai noted. "Extremely. Displeased."

"I am appreciative of that and, were I capable of summoning you, I would be delighted to let you express that displeasure with whatever degree of violence might be in your doggy heart. Unfortunately, I don't have the chakra reserves.

"Speaking of chakra reserves: in order to power their ritual, Akatsuki kidnapped all nine of the jinchūriki. Three of them died in the process, so it's possible that the ritual can't be replicated."

"On the other hand, perhaps it is possible," Cannai noted, following the implication in Hazō's voice. "Or perhaps they have some other ritual."

"Right. It's a threat to the entire Human Path, and the only ones working on it are the bad guys and me."

"Is there no one else who could work on it?"

Hazō wobbled his hand in a so-so gesture. "Maybe? Kagome-sensei might be able to do it. Aburame Manjiro, maybe? Probably not. Orochimaru could, but..."

"But he is evil and untrustworthy. Intelligent enough to cooperate against an existential threat such as the Dragons, although that perhaps makes him more worrisome instead of less."


"If you don't want me to fight them, how can I help?"

Hazō took a deep breath, preparing himself for the plunge. "I can't do the work in Leaf. If I try, Akatsuki will kill me and might destroy Leaf as a whole. If I go off to some offsite research facility they'll show up, demand to know where I am, and if no one tells them they'll burn Leaf to the ground. If I succeed in opening the rift, or moving it, or even closing it so that they can't open it, then they'll burn it all down as a punishment. We can't fight all of them and the other villages hate us so we can't invoke the AMITY accords. The only solution we've come up with is for me to...look, this is an important secret. Naruto, our Hokage? He suggested that I 'go missing'. Abandon Leaf, be branded a traitor. When Akatsuki shows up, Naruto can say 'oh, gosh, that Hazō sure is a terrible guy but don't worry, I'm doing everything I can to track him down.' He sends out the hunter-nin looking for me, cooperates in every way possible. Hopefully Akatsuki doesn't burn Leaf simply out of pique, or as an object lesson."


"That's a really big secret," Hazō said again. "That Naruto would suggest such a thing, I mean. Can you please promise not to tell anyone?"

Cannai had been looking off into the distance; he tossed his chin slightly in irritated dismissal, still lost in thought. "Obviously," he said, looking back to Hazō. "First, whom would I tell, and why? Second, it is no business of mine and I have no desire to become involved in Human Path politics."

"Akatsuki are summoners," Hazō reminded him. "Many of them, anyway. They could come here and ask in person. If they don't like the answers or they feel like you aren't cooperating, they might get violent."

Cannai's jaw dropped open and he panted in something that was only technically a smile. "They are most welcome to try."

"Yeah, I suppose that wouldn't be a great idea. Clan Boss on his own ground and all... I saw what Kumokōgō did."

"Indeed. I should note, however, that Kumokōgō...what is the human expression? 'Pulled out all the stops'? What she did during that battle left her exhausted, perhaps even injured, and it will be some time before she recovers. We are not invincible, Hazō, not even in our own land. I say this because I do not wish you to believe that you have a completely unassailable bastion here. I would assume that these 'Akatsuki', also being summoners and senior in experience to yourself, will be aware that challenging me is not an ontologically unwinnable fight."



"Right." He looked down at his hands, surprised to find them slowly shredding a blade of grass. "Well, um, I haven't decided yet if I'm going to follow Naruto's suggestion and go missing. I'm not sure it's the best path, but I know I can't do it without your support." He looked up hopefully. "We can't let them win, Cannai. Pain is beyond powerful. By all reports, he could have soloed most of the force at Nagi Island. Right now, all of the Hidden Villages are...well, cowering is the only word."

He pushed himself to his feet and began striding back and forth. "They're cowering, Cannai! Hidan murdered the Hokage in his own office and we did nothing! We gave them everything they wanted. Clans coughed up secrets they wouldn't even share with each other and handed them over. I coughed up secrets and handed them over. We are factoring their approval into every decision. Will it upset Akatsuki if we do this? Will it upset Akatsuki if we say that? Do we dare wipe our noses or will that get the city burned?"

"It is indeed no way to run a government."

"We have to do something," Hazō said. "Break their grip on power, restore some degree of autonomy back to everyone else on the Human Path. I think I can do that, but I can't do it without your support, Cannai. I don't know if I want to do it, but I can't. What do you think?"

Cannai considered carefully before speaking, his words slow and heavy.

"I dislike the idea of betraying one's oaths, which is what I understand 'going missing' to mean," he said. "You are abandoning your pack, leaving them to fend for themselves in a dangerous world where you have actual enemies working to harm your people—the Hagoromo a lesser threat close to hand, the Akatsuki a greater threat at a greater distance."

Hazō's stomach clenched.

"At the same time, I understand your situation," Cannai continued. "These outsiders are threatening your pack, both your immediate Gōketsu pack and the 'Leaf' pack to which the Gōketsu belong. Were they in fact benevolent perhaps it would be worth allowing their control, but they are not. Furthermore, your Hokage has granted you permission, even suggested the idea, so you are not in fact breaking your promises to him. Yes, you must do something. And yes, Dog will stand behind you. How can we help?"

Relief flooded through Hazō.

"I've got a few ideas, but I would welcome any suggestions," he said. "First..."


Mari had clearly taken his 'stay close' instructions to heart, because she was still waiting in the meeting room when he reappeared. She clearly had not been here the entire time, since she had a tray beside her and was sitting with her feet up on the table, ankles crossed as she read through her copy of Icha Icha: Stolen Heart. The cheap paper was starting to look a bit battered and one corner had torn. Beside her sat Naruto.

"Naruto?" Hazō asked, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Mari said I could wait," the blond said. "Mari, could you give us the room? I have some words for Hazō about the latest Gōketsu shenanigans and I figure he'll appreciate it if I don't do it in public."

The woman in question dropped her feet from the table and rolled upright, stretching up onto her toes until her back cracked. "You kids have fun," she said. "Hazō, I'll expect a full report on all of your latest dirty dealings and why Naruto is angry with us this time as soon as he's done."

Hazō rolled his eyes as Naruto laughed.

"What's up?" Hazō asked as soon as Mari was out of the room.

"Put up the privacy seals," Naruto said. "All of them."

Hazō nodded in unsurprised and vaguely doom-filled acknowledgement, then moved around the room rendering it as secure as three Gōketsu sealmasters (one of them now dead) could make it. Once he was done he took his seat beside Naruto and waited, fingers laced patiently and an attentive expression on his face.

Naruto flicked through rapid handseals. "Wind Element: Breath Detection. Wind Element: Silence Shell. Fire Element: Sense of the Living. Fire Element: Confounding Shimmer. Wind Element: Whisper on the Breeze."

The temperature of the room rose only slightly but the air began to shimmer and shift, blurring everything around them just enough to make Hazō's eyes ache. Naruto cocked his head for a moment as though listening, then nodded in satisfaction. He covered his mouth with one hand, the other resting on the table beside him.

"Listen carefully," said Naruto's voice in his ear. "I do not want you working on the rift anymore."

Hazō opened his mouth to protest, only to be interrupted by a raised hand.

"I told Orochimaru everything about the rift and ordered him to find a way to move it," Naruto continued. "I don't want you duplicating his efforts, I want you working on a way to kill Akatsuki. They're eventually going to roll up to check on you and whether you're doing anything they don't like; they probably won't care that you're doing weapons research, but they will care very much if they learn that the weapons are intended to kill them. I'm not willing to take a chance on you accidentally leaking that, or leaking that Orochimaru is working on the rift, since either of those could get Leaf destroyed. As a result, you need to be out of here. Tomorrow, you are going to come to the Tower and inform me that you are working on a new seal project. This project is a clan secret so you are not going to tell me any of the details except that, in your expert opinion, it is too dangerous to work on anywhere near Leaf. As such, you are going offsite for a couple of months. Have paperwork for me showing that you've delegated your authority and that you are leaving in a smooth and well-prepared way, not leaping out the window with your pants half-on."

Hazō's eyebrows rose. He frowned in deliberate puzzlement and cocked his head in a silent question.

"Leaf cannot tolerate this situation," Naruto's jutsu-borne voice explained in his ear. "They have already shown their willingness to murder Kage and blackmail villages. The other Villages should find this intolerable but they are either too weak to matter or they are gleefully watching Leaf get spanked." His eyes narrowed with anger. "Plus, they killed Grandpa, and Uncle Jiraiya, and fucking tortured me. So yeah, I've got a little bit of beef with them and would love to see them dead. Orochimaru is a better sealmaster than you, so he can move the rift. You're a better weapons designer than him—he's three times your age and he's never come up with a single paradigm-shifting idea—so you get to kill those bastards. It'll fuck up AMITY and cause all kinds of upheaval, but it's better than being ruled by insane tyrants, and I've got some ideas on how to deal with it when it happens.

"I, unfortunately, have to play nice with them when they come around to check on you. I need to be able to scowl and tell them how that high-handed bastard Hazō went off on his own with barely a word and he's only checking in once a week or so by way of the Seventh Path. I'll promise to send you a message but, oh no, so unfortunate that you checked in just this morning so it will probably be at least another seven days before you get the message.

"You can get to Toad, right?"

Hazō nodded. He had discussed it with Cannai and with the Horizon Chasers pack; the Horizon Chasers had decided that, since war between Dog and Pangolin might be starting at any moment, it was probably a good idea to decamp. They were currently safely ensconced in Toad, beneficiaries of the benign neglect that constituted Shima and Fukasaku's attitude towards guests.

"Good. I'm going to have Noburi carry some packages of pipeweed and stuff to Ma and Pa. There will be a series of sealed and coded orders hidden inside. I'll give the code keys to Noburi in a few days; he can give them to you on the Seventh Path. You are to keep them on you at all times and destroy them rather than let them fall into anyone else's hands. Understood?"

Hazō nodded.

"Each set of orders will have an innocuous code phrase associated with it; the phrases will be with the code keys that Noburi gives you. If I leave a message containing one or more of those phrases, you do whatever is in the relevant envelope. Any actual messages I leave for you will contain a recognition code meaning 'this message wasn't coerced, everything is fine on the Akatsuki front, nothing to do.' Any message that has no code words in it, you open envelope number one. Got it?"

Hazō nodded.

"Good. Figure out what or who you need to take with you in order to make this work. I strongly do not want you to take Noburi, but if you are completely certain that you can't do the mission without him then I'll give you a chance to convince me. I understand that it might take a few days to get everything done, but I want you gone as soon as possible. They were here yesterday asking about Isan's destruction and they're gone now, so this is the maximum amount of time we're likely to get before they come back."

Hazō nodded again, struggling to maintain a calm expression despite feeling that his world was starting to spin.

"Now, as soon as we're done with this conversation I'm going to tell you that one of your ninja got into a fight with a KEI ninja in the market—it happened, I set it up. I'll tear strips off you about controlling your people better and then I'm out of here. Before that, I know you might have some questions. We're under extreme privacy, but I would still prefer not to have you speak about this aloud at all, even here. Still, do you have anything critical that really needs to be discussed?"

Author's Note: Does Hazō have any questions?

Author's Note 2: The Excuse: The phrase 'pulled out all the stops' is a reference to pipe organs, where you can increase the volume by literally pulling all the knobs outwards, thereby letting the maximum amount of air into the pipes and using all the available voices of the organ. This is obviously anachronistic for the Elemental Nations but please recall that you are reading a translation from ElementalNationsese to English and sometimes idioms suffer in the process.

Author's Note 3: Return of the Excuse: There has been a debate among the playerbase regarding how to address the rift. Overgeneralizing and expressing only my own understanding so I might be getting it wrong, one side has been saying that Hazō needs to go missing in order to do rift research without being either killed by, or turned into a loot piñata for, Akatsuki. The other side has been of the opinion that doing so would be tantamount to destroying everything that the players have built over the course of the quest—their relationships in Leaf, the Gōketsu clan and all their good works, etc.

The Naruto scene is the result of two hours of QM discussion yesterday in which we went back and forth on how Leaf and the other Hidden Villages would be responding to Akatsuki's recent actions and how Naruto in particular would respond. This update is what we sincerely believe Naruto would do and it hopefully resolves the debate among the players. The Leavers get to go off on their own and do research without being (too) vulnerable to Akatsuki, the Remainers get to know that their absence is not permanent and Leaf will welcome them back once they return.

Yes, it's a little bit of a railroad, for which we apologize. On the other hand, as with any Campbellian hero, you can always refuse the call to adventure. Now that Hazō knows about Orochimaru, he is a risk to Leaf. If you aren't willing to leave then you can say so; Naruto is willing to talk about implementation so long as you aren't a risk when Akatsuki show up.

XP AWARD: 3 This update was a few hours long.

Brevity XP: 0

"GM had fun" XP: 2
  • Cannai is always a delight, even more so when you are interacting with him over something that has important stakes to it
  • Naruto calling you to adventure

It is now about midnight.

Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on Wednesday, .
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Chapter 652: Preparing for Service
"Now, as soon as we're done with this conversation I'm going to tell you that one of your ninja got into a fight with a KEI ninja in the market—it happened, I set it up. I'll tear strips off you about controlling your people better and then I'm out of here. Before that, I know you might have some questions. We're under extreme privacy, but I would still prefer not to have you speak about this aloud at all, even here. Still, do you have anything critical that really needs to be discussed?"

Hazō nodded.

Naruto made the Bird hand seal.

"Yeah, I was afraid you would," he said the normal way. "Sorry about the ninjutsu, by the way. I know it can cause eye strain in the target after a while. You'd think ear strain, but no. Chakra can be so weird sometimes. All right, hit me."

"I need to know that I've got my team," Hazō said. "If at all possible. That's Noburi, Kagome-sensei, Mari, Kei, and Yuno."

"Not happening," Naruto said instantly. "And that's not me being a hardass either. Hazō, Jiraiya once said that summoners are in the same basket as S-rankers when it comes to counter-intelligence priorities. Every enemy spymaster wants to know where they are and what they're doing at all times because a mature summoner is like a jōnin squared: they've got the tools to clear any mission and counter any type of enemy, and that's on top of their personal specialisation. And, of course, everybody wants the scroll.

"If I send half of Leaf's summoners, including Gōketsu 'Zoo Rush' Noburi, out on a mission under a veteran jōnin, people will ask which minor nation Leaf's about to conquer, and they won't all be kidding. Factor in all the other kinds of crazy firepower your team represents, and AMITY will be asking which minor nation Leaf's about to conquer. That's to say nothing of Akatsuki's informants. Even odds that the bastards will be out through the village gates before you are."

"I can't go alone," Hazō interrupted. "That's just not safe, not to mention that it'll kill my research efficiency and then the whole thing will be pointless."

"Nobody said you'd be going alone," Naruto said with a slightly exasperated shake of the head. "My point is that every extra person raises the mission's profile, and keeping it low-profile is how we buy you time and stop Akatsuki deciding it's happy fun massacre hour while we're still waiting for you to deliver the goods.

"The fact is, every single one of your people is famous in one way or another–even Yuno. She's damn good at what she does, and she's got the kind of extreme personality that makes people want to keep watching to see what she does next, the same way Maito Gai did. Unlike me, a retiring wallflower stuck as a celebrity from the day I was born, you guys have no one but yourselves to blame here.

"What that means is if you want to bring someone, you give me your case for why their contribution outweighs how much they'll shorten the fuse."

"All right," Hazō said. "The first one's a no-brainer. I need Noburi. Making rune blanks is chakra-intensive like you wouldn't believe. Without Noburi, I can make maybe one a day, assuming I don't need to do literally anything else ninja-like."

"What about paper seals?" Naruto asked. "No chakra costs there."

"No," Hazō agreed. "But when it comes to paper sealing, we're on an even playing field with multiple top-tier sealmasters who already have plenty of tricks up their sleeves. Or would if they had sleeves in combat mode. If we want paradigm-changing weaponry that they can't possibly see coming, runes are the way forward."

"Fair," Naruto said. "But I don't hear anything that Noburi can't do from here in the village, via the Seventh Path. In fact, he has to be here because he needs to drain his chakra from somewhere before he can give it to you. If he goes, either he drains your team, and then there's no point taking combatants along because they'll be dry when trouble hits, or he scavenges from chakra beasts and risks getting caught.

"Noburi's staying. Leaf needs him here, and literally everybody knows he's one of Leaf's major superweapons, so his absence will be noted. Besides, what's a super valuable military asset famous for his chakra transfer skills doing on a bog-standard sealing research mission? Either the research mission's a cover, which draws attention, or you're doing some kind of sealing research that needs tons of chakra, which draws even more attention. Everyone, including Akatsuki, already knows you're researching 3D sealing so you can fix the Great Seal."

"What if we change the cover story? Hazō asked. "For example, we have it on relia- good authority that the Forbidden Dungeon on Crimson State Island holds some valuable lore, and I was thinking of sacking it while we were out, though I guess that might be less viable with a smaller team. Could we combine the missions with that as the cover?"

Naruto smirked. "Because of course you hear the name 'Forbidden Dungeon' and you instantly want to delve it. You know, it's moments like these that make me feel like you and I could get along as just two guys, as opposed to political allies or Hokage and minion or whatever.

"As a cover story, though, it misses the point. A team of Leaf heavy-hitters heading to a legendary location on a quest for ancient lore? That gets plenty of attention, especially from the kind of people who know how powerful ancient lore can be. But what else is appropriate for Gōketsu Hazō? Offensive operations aren't on the table against anyone that matters right now. You're not a diplomat and you're way not an infiltrator. A sealmaster doing sealing research, though? Nobody's going to blink an eye.

"As for the dungeon, if you really think the lore is super valuable, go for it. Realistically, though, the research matters more."

Damn. Not off to a good start.

"I need Kagome-sensei as a fellow sealmaster," Hazō said. "We have plenty of experience working together, and he's a weapons specialist who can speed things up for me when it comes to paper sealing."

"How much do you need him?" Naruto asked. "No beating about the bush, you're a sealing genius. You came up with skywalkers–the theory, anyway–at fourteen, and even if you were in the right place at the right time, a new sealing paradigm at sixteen is ridiculous. I'm sure Dad would be so mad if he heard.

"Kagome… isn't a sealing genius. If he's come up with any game-changers since he joined the village, he hasn't let the Tower know. Can you tell me you're confident he can come up with some now, enough to outweigh sending out two summoners and sealmasters?"

Could Hazō, in all sincerity? Hazō and Kagome-sensei both knew he'd long since outgrown his sealing master. They both knew he'd long since stopped seeking him out for collaborative research, or even to double-check the theory behind his ideas before prototyping began in earnest. But still, Kagome-sensei had never stopped being Kagome-sensei, and Hazō had only recently realised how important it was for his master to know that.

"I can see why you'd want Mari," Naruto said, mercifully moving on. "Everybody wants Mari."

Hazō silently raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, shut up."

"Mari's the clan's strongest fighter," Hazō said. "I trust her more than anyone to keep me safe. It was brought to my attention a while back that I must be a priority capture target for half the world by now, between the sealing and the scroll, and AMITY should stop people from coming after me in theory, but still, I'd be crazy to go out there without a bodyguard who can handle the worst.

"Also, she's one of my two full-time sanity checkers. It may have come to your attention that sometimes when I'm in the grip of creativity, I… miss stuff. Minor details that somehow stop being minor at the worst possible time. Mari is Leaf's shield against that happening, and I think I could do with one of those when I'm making paradigm-changing superweapons."

"Best case yet," Naruto said. "Sage's ballsack, best case yet.

"Mari's not a summoner, either, so that helps. Sending her with you isn't a no-brainer, though, considering the state of Leaf right now. Ami's unavailable, and Kurenai's not up to a ton of travel right now for multiple reasons, and that suddenly leaves Mari as our top negotiator in the age of international diplomacy. Kei Ruri's helping pick up the slack, which is why Mari's not in Cloud right now, but she's also hella busy coordinating the Great Diaspora for the Condors, and is going to get even busier once the first wave is done. Oh, and our spies in Wind say something big is about to go down, and what'd you wanna bet that's going to mean all hands on deck at the Diplomatic Corps?

"Anyway, she's not your only sanity checker, right? Kei and I may not hang out as much as we used to, but I've been there for her drowning her sorrows with carrot cake more than once."

"Scurrilous exaggerations!" Hazō exclaimed. "What you don't hear about is all the day-to-day sanity checks during which I bring her sensitive clan head stuff and she shrugs and says something like, 'I perceive no obvious disasters that could result from this course of action, testimony though this may be only to my failure of imagination', and then I go ahead, and look, no disasters happen.

"Anyway, yes, she's the other person I trust to catch me before I fall. In fact, some of my most critical failures happened on occasions where I decided not to consult her first for whatever reason."

Like the Elemental Mastery experiment and everything that followed.

"Also, she's a very competent fighter in her own right, and a summoner with all the advantages that entails."

"And one of the most famous people in Leaf," Naruto noted, "as well as essential to the running of the KEI now she's its most senior member. Speaking of which, when's the victory party? I don't recall being invited."

"Victory party?"

"For the KEI elections," Naruto said.

"Huh," Hazō said. "She never even mentioned it to me."

"Weird. You'd think even Kei would feel good about having all those people choose her to be their leader.

"Anyway, sorry for getting us off topic. That just leaves Yuno. Honestly… I'm pretty OK with sending Yuno with you. She'd make a good bodyguard, and I won't say her unique hunting expertise isn't valuable, but Leaf won't collapse without her either."

Naruto thought for a moment.

"Yuno plus two out of Kagome, Mari, and Kei. In my judgement, that's about as far as we can afford to push our luck right now."

"I'd rather not take Yuno without Noburi," Hazō said as his heart sank. "They're important stabilising influences on each other."

"Your mission, your call," Naruto said. "Just don't forget that Yuno's a Leaf ninja, just like the rest of us. She goes where the village needs her to go. If it ever looks like we can't trust her to do that…"

Hazō didn't know what the implied end of that sentence was, and he decided he didn't want to ask.

"Now," Naruto said, "it's getting late, so let's speed this up. What else are you worried about?"


A quick summary of the rest of the conversation:

  • Orochimaru knows everything that Naruto knows about the rift, and Naruto expects that he'll find you to get more details now that he's clued in. Give him the rift seals, but Naruto would prefer it if you kept his father's original work out of Orochimaru's hands whenever possible. Once you're out of Leaf, Naruto suggests minimising contact. He doesn't trust Orochimaru one bit and thinks anyone who did would be dangerously clueless for a ninja.
  • You Declared that you had a copy of the Akatsuki dossier on hand for 1 FP. Naruto was delighted to receive such valuable intel, but the building mood of camaraderie died an icy death when he realised that you'd failed to do the thing that should be obvious to any loyal Leaf ninja and pass it on to the Tower the instant you got it.
  • Naruto's certainly going to try to get Orochimaru's countermeasures out of him, but he fully expects to be deflected, and he can't put too much pressure on Orochimaru because if he goes missing now, Leaf loses the rift race by default.
  • Anti-ninjutsu techniques aren't quite a holy grail of the shinobi world because they do exist, and in fact Naruto knows some, but they're invariably either highly specialised or too weak to be useful in a high-level battle. He doesn't have any relevant Minato seals.
  • Speaking of Minato seals, Naruto's father didn't leave behind any useful sealing notes of the kind you're looking for. All the "good stuff" got passed on to Jiraiya years ago and you must have already seen it, but most of Minato's notes were only ever intended for personal use and have vast gaps where things were so obvious to him, or so well-memorised, that they didn't need writing down.
  • If you want to know Uchiha clan secrets, ask the Uchiha.
  • Naruto is fine with endorsing your Toad Sage training application, but only if you can explain to him what good it would do right now, considering that combat training wouldn't give results fast enough to affect the rift race and the sages can't teach you anything about sealing.


XP for this time period has already been awarded. You have purchased 3 FP and spent 1 FP.


What do you do?

Voting ends on .
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Chapter 653: Establishing Hierarchy
Chapter 653: Establishing Hierarchy

"What am I doing here, brat?" Tsunade demanded, dropping into the visitor chair with an angry sigh.

Naruto sat behind the desk commissioned by the Third, God of Shinobi, leaning back in the chair conjured from the dirt by the raw power of the First, the man who founded the village, with his fingers interlaced on his stomach. He studied her silently for a moment and then said, "Brat?"

Tsunade's face soured. She matched his gaze for a few seconds, then rolled her eyes and sketched out a trivial mockery of an elaborate bow. Somehow, she managed to do it without moving more than one arm and vaguely dipping her head.

"What am I doing here, O Great and Powerful Lord Hokage?"

"You're having tea with your Hokage while talking about strategic-level issues. Here, have some tea." He plucked one of the cups off the tray beside him and handed it over. She took it with narrowed eyes but raised it in response to his toast and took a sip.

"What are your plans for the next few months?" The words were calm, Naruto's usual verve and energy absent. So was the smile that normally crinkled his lips and danced in his eyes. He leaned back again, rolling the steaming mug between his hands.

Tsunade shrugged. "The usual. Terrify the new rack of doctors into losing some of their smugness. Inspire the new intake to the pipeline. Make sure the hospital is running right. Go and check the hinterlands to see what's happening so I can get out in front of any new diseases. Find cures where I can, quarantine where I can't."

"I like all of that except the last one," Naruto said. "I need you here."

She snorted.

"I do. Tsunade, Akatsuki killed Asuma basically where you're sitting. They blackmailed you for clan secrets and we ponied up. They'll do it again."

"You think I should have done something else?" Her teeth were gritted and the air trembled with the faintest hint of mountain.

"Reel it in, Auntie Sunny," Naruto said, waving a hand around the room. "I'm not one of your kid doctors and I'm not impressed. You're a grownup and you should be able to control your temper."

The mountain shimmered, trembled, and snapped away.

"I think you did exactly the right thing," Naruto continued. "We had two choices: pony up or get the city burned." His gaze drifted towards the ceiling in thought and he waved a hand. "Heck, even if we had somehow managed to catch and kill the bastard the rest of them would have hit us as soon as he didn't show up back at their little clubhouse. You can't defend a village against S-rank ninja."

"Gonna have to do something about that."

Naruto studied her. "I put Gōketsu on it. And I never said that to you."

One fine-lined blonde eyebrow rose. "You think that's smart?"

The trademark smile returned, peeking out at the corners of Naruto's eyes. "Are you doubting your Hokage, Auntie?"

"Yes. The kid's an unbalanced kunai. And smart as anything, which makes it worse."


"He'll have ideas. Might cause a major seal failure, which would suck. Might succeed, in which case I have no idea what happens next."

"What happens next is that we burn those fuckers off the face of the planet."

Tsunade studied him for several long seconds, her usual facial growl slowly unwinding into more like worry. " know it's not that simple, right?"

"It's exactly that simple," Naruto said. "The minute we're sure we can win, we kill them."

"Don't be an idiot. Have you even spent one moment thinking about the collateral damage?"

"We don't do it in the city, duh."

"FUCKING SAGE!" She exploded to her feet, her teacup hitting the wall so hard it puffed back as a wash of powder. "IT'S NOT THAT FUCKING SIMPLE, YOU LITTLE DIPSHIT!"

"Sit. Down."

From any other Hokage, the words would have been accompanied by a blast of psychic power. From Naruto they were short and sharp and no more.

Tsunade whirled on him. "Don't you—"

"Sit your ass down and shut your mouth."

Tsunade's fists clenched. She glared at him and the air around her shimmered as her rage strained against the bonds of her will.

"Jōnin Senju," Naruto said, eyes locked on hers. "Put your ass in that chair. That is an order from your Hokage."

Slowly, Tsunade settled into her seat.

"Here's the thing," Naruto said, leaning forward and interlacing his fingers. "In this room, you're not 'Auntie Sunny' and I'm not 'brat' or 'kid'. I am your Hokage, Tsunade. You will do as I tell you. If you have a problem with my orders, I'll listen. And then I will make a decision and that will be the end of the discussion. You know that's the way it is, and the way it has to be. Right?"

Her jaw clenched but she said nothing.

Naruto waited.

She said nothing.

Naruto waited.

"Yes," she said at last.

Naruto smiled and leaned back. "I could be an asshole and make you say 'Yes, Lord Hokage', but I think we've made the point." He gestured towards the window and the city beyond it. "This place is a disaster, and we've got a lot of work to do fixing it. I want your advice, but Leaf needs your service. Specifically, you need to stay in the city for a while. If those assholes come back we need to be able to wave a big enough stick in their faces to make them play nice, and you're one of the biggest sticks in the world."

The corner of her mouth twisted in amusement. "Stop trying to butter me up, kid."

"I'm trying to make a 'biggest stick of butter in the world' joke here, but it's not quite coming together. Hang on. Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Another Naruto poofed into existence and promptly sat down, leaning against the side of the desk with a frown of concentration.

"I assigned him to figure out the joke so I can stop thinking about it," Naruto explained to Tsunade's clear confusion.

She snorted in some unclear amalgam of annoyance and amusement. "Fine. So, you're locking me up in this old pile. What am I doing until you graciously permit me to see the outside of the walls again?"

"Basically, the things you said a few minutes ago. One more thing too, and this is not an order. It would be a big help to me but I'm not ordering it. You're the expert and I'm not going to overrule you in your own field."

"I can tell you're running Sensei's attack plans, but he was a lot smoother about it. Much less obvious. It made the guilt trips way harder to resist."

"Really? Thanks. Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!" Another Naruto popped into existence. "He'll sit here and think about how to be less obvious the next time I need to manipulate you."

She laughed in surprise, the sound for once unalloyed with anything else. "Fine. What's this thing that you're so carefully asking me for?"


"...What about him?"

"He's a good medic, right? I was told you gave him a shot at an apprenticeship and he almost made the grade."

"Miss by a foot, miss by a mile, you still missed."

"Yah, well, I need Noburi to be strongly motivated to stay in the city for the next...let's say year. Hopefully less, but let's say year. I would prefer it if he didn't want to take missions outside the city and if he would actively push back against any outside missions Hazō might assign him. So—"

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence, brat."

Naruto raised his hands in injured innocence. "Hey! You don't know what I was going to say!"

"You were going to say that I should take him on as an apprentice just because politics."

"Okay, maybe you do know what I was going to say."

"Sagedamnit, Naruto! I am not—"

"Oy! Take it down a notch, Auntie. I said I wasn't going to force you. It would be very convenient but I'm not going to force you."

"Sensei was guilt-tripping my patriotism before you were born, and he did it way better than you ever will."

Naruto shook his head and sighed in amusement. "Okay, okay. Still, I'm not pulling this thought off the top of my head. I did my research, and Kon Ai says that he's improved tremendously since you tested him. That he's been busting his ass and getting results."

"What is it with this kid? First Oro is pushing me at him, now you? He failed the test!"

"I'm just saying, you could retest him if you wanted. And hey, if Snakeboy is bothering to notice another human being and say nice things about them, maybe it's something to consider."

She folded her arms and glowered. Her glower bounced harmlessly off Naruto's invincibly sunny smile.

"If I retest him and he fails again, you're not going to keep pushing this, right? You'll stay off my ass?"

"If you retest him and he fails again, I will stay off your ass, yes."

She glowered some more.

Naruto waited patiently.

"Fine," she grumbled. "Is there anything else, O Great Lord Almighty Hokage?"

Naruto looked to the ceiling, tapping a finger on pursed lips in thought.

"Well?!" Tsunade snapped after a few seconds.

"Nah, I'm good," Naruto said with a chuckle. "You're dis—"

Tsunade was gone before Naruto could finish the word, much to his disappointment.

Vote time! What to do now?

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