Chapter 661, Part 2: The Grind Never Stops
- Location
- Pronouns
- He/Him
"Have you made progress on the time-shifting runes?" Kei asked.
Hazō looked up from where he had been ladling beans into his bowl before scurrying back to his calculations. The calculations that sprawled messily across two dozen pages and thirteen scraps of paper pinned under a rock near Hazō's workspace.
"Hm?" he asked, beans dribbling from the side of the ladle as he looked up in surprise. "What? Oh. Yeah, I have." He dropped the ladle and started spooning the beans into his face, eyes looking blankly into the distance.
Kei waited. After a few seconds she cleared her throat.
"Huh? What?"
"On the knoll, you mentioned a time-shifting rune and said we would discuss it later. I confess that my surprise at the topic of discussion caused me to be distracted to the point that I did not remember to pursue the issue at the time. Tell me more about your progress on the time-shifting rune, please."
"Oh...right., right now I'm looking at the latest iteration of the Temporal Rune and yes, that is what I have finally decided to call it." He brightened. "I had this cool idea actually, regarding an extended naming pattern. I haven't decided if I actually like it yet, but it was interesting. See, a lot of times something gets called 'version 1', 'version 2', and so on, but I was thinking I could name it by the percentage. The first version was about a 3% speedup so it would be the T103 rune, and the next one will hopefully be the T125, and then after that—"
"The nomenclature pattern is clear, thank you. I note that the purpose of this expedition is weapons research. I suppose the temporal rune is intended to give you more time for researching the things that will actually be fit for purpose?"
"Exactly! Plus, they'll be even more useful once we've dealt with Akatsuki. Free training time that no one else gets except the Gōketsu and their allies."
"My concern is that the effort invested must more than repay itself or it is a poor choice of investment."
"It will."
"...Very well. You are the expert and I shall trust your assessment. So long as you are pursuing this path, have you considered reversing the effect? If you could trap Akatsuki in a region of sufficiently slow time we could simply ignore them from then on."
"I have, yes. It's on my list, a couple items down, and I expect to get to it in a few days. And yeah, sticking them in stretched time sounds great. I have so many ideas." His eyes began to shine with a demonic fever as he looked off into imagination. "We could set up explosives around the perimeter and detonate them in series. Can they dodge the blast of an explosive tag at short range with their stupid S-ranker bullshit? Probably."
Sitting across the fire with his own bowl of beans, Kagome-sensei stopped chewing long enough to grunt in dissatisfaction at Hazō impugning his preferred problem-solving technique.
"On the other hand," Hazō continued, "can they dodge a thousand explosive tags, one after the other, each coming what seems like a fraction of a second after the last one and from a slightly different direction? They'll be in slow time so they won't be regenerating chakra, but we can sit out here throwing whatever we want through the boundary, then go off and have a nap and regen some chakra before going back to it. How do you feel about being known as the woman who killed Itachi with a shuriken through his stupid cheating eyeball? I bet we could get you ten or fifteen thousand shuriken and you could spend a couple of days filling the entire area with an absolute wall of steel."
"I grant that the idea is appealing, yet I suspect there will be some practical challenges."
Hazō waved dismissively. "Eh. It'll be fine."
"I find your confidence both charming and well supported by the historical record. I strongly urge you to commence a newsletter, which I feel certain will be filled with wit and insight."
"Awww, thank you!" Hazō said, surprised. "That's one of the nicest things you've said to me in months."
Kei closed her eyes and breathed deeply.
"You look like crap."
"Thank you, Noburi. Your concern is touching, and I'm fine." The sharp words were given the lie when Hazō was suddenly overtaken with a jaw-cracking yawn.
"Crap that's been run over by a wagon, shoveled up, and thrown onto a bigger pile of crap. Seriously, Hazō, get some sleep before you destroy the world."
"I've been pushing a little hard to get some of these calculations done, that's all. Don't worry, I always make sure to be well rested for infusion day. The work is pretty interesting stuff, actually. I came up with a new theorem that proves the maximum number of connections between two field tensors of opposing localizations is three, but if you introduce a third tensor at the halfway point then it increases to twelve. I'm working on extending it to an arbitrary number of tensors; I think it's going to turn out that the maximum in higher-level interactions is the square of the number of tensors plus the number of tensors but there are other possibilities that I need to rule out. If I'm right then—"
"—it would revolutionize the study of—"
"...I was nerd dumping, wasn't I?"
"Little bit, yeah."
"Sorry." He glanced at the barrel. "Um."
"It's okay," Noburi said, sliding his arms out of the barrel's straps and setting it on the table of the house in Toad that had been arranged as quarters for the Horizon Chasers and a meeting point for the human summoners. "I got you, bro." He dampened a finger and touched Hazō's wrist for a moment, then dipped out a cup of water and started to pass it over, then pulled it back when Hazō reached for it.
"Before you drink up and vanish on me, I've got a juicy bit of gossip for you."
"Oh?" Hazō struggled not to fidget. His calculations would wait. His brother was important. His calculations would wait. His brother was important. His calculations would wait. His brother was important.
"Yeah. Word just came that there's a new Kage over in Sand. Apparently Tō Fura just got chosen as the Sixth Kazekage. Get this: she's clanless!"
"Whoa, really?"
"Yup. Tō Fura, clanless jōnin of Sand. Her bingo book is pretty out of date but it says she's a weird blend of jutsu and weapons. Created the 'Severing Winds Style' of jutsu-enhanced swordmastery, whatever that means."
"'Jutsu-enhanced swordmastery'," Hazō mused. "Maybe something like that Cloak of the Wind God jutsu that Orochimaru gave us? Wrap wind chakra around a weapon to make it cut better, fly farther."
"Could be, I guess. Seems like there's got to be more to it than that. The intelligence report says that it 'emphasizes mobility and invisible attacks' but there weren't any more details about the combat style. There were, however, details about her. Want to guess?"
"Tell me," Hazō said, struggling not to seem impatient. His brother mattered, and being interested in what Noburi had to say was important. The calculations would wait. Tensor field arrays weren't going to change their maximal connection numbers, not even if he didn't finish creating his masterwork of nonspace mathematics for a few extra minutes.
Noburi could clearly see the insufficiently-hidden impatience in Hazō's eyes, because a grin spread across his face. "Wellll," he said, dragging the word out. "Turns out to be quite the barn-burner. Really impressive, you know? I mean, sure, it's a little thin on details but who would have thought the intelligence department would use language like that in a formal document? It's like imagining Mari volunteering for dish duty. Oh, hey, speaking of: did you by any chance take the blue mug with you? Mari was looking for it, and—"
His cruel, thoughtless, mean, ugly, nasty brother cracked up. "Yeah, yeah. The jacket said she is Sand's Hatake Kakashi, less the Dog summons and plus social skills. Which, granted, doesn't say a damned lot on the social front since Hatake was about as social as a mudsnake, but in this case it actually means something. She's quite capable of just slicing up anyone who got in her way to the hat but instead she was unanimously elected and it doesn't even look like it was grudging on anyone's part. Who'da thunk it?"
"A Leaf intelligence briefing said 'who'da thunk it'?"
"Yeah. I don't know for sure, but I think Mitarashi might have written it." He finally passed over the mug of chakra-rich water.
"...That tracks." Hazō accepted the mug and knocked it back, feeling the energy flood back into his body. "Thanks for this, bro. I needed it to infuse this second rune."
"No worries, man." Noburi clapped him on the shoulder. "Go save the world."
"Doing my best."
Author's Note: @Paperclipped might write the conversation with Canabisu or it might get offscreened.
Happy Memorial Day to our American players! I hope you have a good holiday filled with delicious food and good fellowship.
Brevity XP: 10
"GM had fun" XP: 0 No strong feelings
Day 1
Prep Temporal Rune 125.
Prep Time Stretch.
Day 2
Prep TR125.
Prep Time Stretch.
Day 3
[Hazō buys 1 FP, bringing him to 3 FP.]
Infuse TR125:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) - 6 = 42
Hazō thinks he's just a little bit away from finishing this rune. Another cycle should do it.
Infuse Time Stretch:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 3 = 50
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) - 9 = 39
Hazō completes the Time Stretch Rune! It works identically to the Fast Forward Rune, except time within the radius flows 3% slower, and this rune lasts for 1 week instead of 1 month. There are no noticeable boundary effects.
Day 4
SSA recovery.
Day 5
SSA recovery.
Day 6
Prep TR125.
Prep Runic Air Dome. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.
Day 7
Prep TR125.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 8
Infuse TR125:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) + 3 = 51
Hazō completes Temporal Rune 125! He thinks that, contrary to his expectations, reducing the duration has increased the difficulty.
This rune accelerates time by 25% for objects and creatures within its AoE. This is very visible – a clone within the rune's area of effect moves and speaks noticeably faster. There is no partial acceleration of a single target – as long as a target's center of mass is within the AoE, it's accelerated. Hazō thinks that trying to cheese this (e.g. by tying a string to a lead weight to extend the time acceleration very far from the rune) could cause a runic failure.
There are no unusual boundary effects (e.g. red/blue shifting of light, weird air pressures, etc). It works in roughly the way Hazō-the-character would want and expect it to work. If you think physics should have it work a different way, feel free to make your argument for why that should be the case, but chakra may simply raise the middle finger.
Hazō won't get any benefit from this rune in this update, as he'll be safety-testing it with clones and miscellaneous lifeforms collected from around the island. If you want him to start using the time runes in the future (while that term still has meaning), you'll need to vote in a plan specifying how you're using them.
The area of effect is 3 Zones in every direction of the central rune (so if Zones are laid out in a square grid, a 7x7 of Zones). Assuming a sufficiently open area, that's around 100 meters from the central rune in any direction.
Infuse Runic Air Dome:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) + 0 = 48
Hazō is making progress on the Runic Air Dome! He thinks he's a quarter of the way through with this rune.
Day 9
SSA recovery
Day 10
SSA recovery
Day 11
Prep TR150 (Temporal Rune 150 = 50% time dilation). Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 12
Prep TR145. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 13
Prep TR140. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune.
Infuse Runic Air Dome:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) - 3 = 45
Steady progress. Hazō thinks he's a bit less than halfway.
Day 14
SSA recovery
Day 15
SSA recovery
Day 16
Prep TR135. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 17
Prep TR130. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 18
Prep TR130.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
(the first day of prep on Runic Air Dome is nullified as Hazō can only take 2 prep days with Primordial Sealing 18, but Hazōpilot would rather waste that clone-day and get full prep on the Temporal Rune)
Day 19
Infuse TR130:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) - 3 = 44
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) + 6 = 54
These runes are definitely getting hard, especially with Hazō's strict limitation on how long the rune can last. Still, thanks to his steady buildup of veterancy on the time-related runes, things are starting to come together. Hazō thinks he's a little over halfway done with this rune.
Infuse Runic Air Dome:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) + 12 = 60
Progress continues. Hazō thinks he's over halfway done. Two more cycles should do it, maybe one with Jashin's luck.
Day 20
SSA recovery
Day 21
SSA recovery
Prep Temporal Rune 125.
Prep Time Stretch.
Day 2
Prep TR125.
Prep Time Stretch.
Day 3
[Hazō buys 1 FP, bringing him to 3 FP.]
Infuse TR125:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) - 6 = 42
Hazō thinks he's just a little bit away from finishing this rune. Another cycle should do it.
Infuse Time Stretch:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 3 = 50
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) - 9 = 39
Hazō completes the Time Stretch Rune! It works identically to the Fast Forward Rune, except time within the radius flows 3% slower, and this rune lasts for 1 week instead of 1 month. There are no noticeable boundary effects.
Day 4
SSA recovery.
Day 5
SSA recovery.
Day 6
Prep TR125.
Prep Runic Air Dome. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.
Day 7
Prep TR125.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 8
Infuse TR125:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) + 3 = 51
Hazō completes Temporal Rune 125! He thinks that, contrary to his expectations, reducing the duration has increased the difficulty.
This rune accelerates time by 25% for objects and creatures within its AoE. This is very visible – a clone within the rune's area of effect moves and speaks noticeably faster. There is no partial acceleration of a single target – as long as a target's center of mass is within the AoE, it's accelerated. Hazō thinks that trying to cheese this (e.g. by tying a string to a lead weight to extend the time acceleration very far from the rune) could cause a runic failure.
There are no unusual boundary effects (e.g. red/blue shifting of light, weird air pressures, etc). It works in roughly the way Hazō-the-character would want and expect it to work. If you think physics should have it work a different way, feel free to make your argument for why that should be the case, but chakra may simply raise the middle finger.
Hazō won't get any benefit from this rune in this update, as he'll be safety-testing it with clones and miscellaneous lifeforms collected from around the island. If you want him to start using the time runes in the future (while that term still has meaning), you'll need to vote in a plan specifying how you're using them.
The area of effect is 3 Zones in every direction of the central rune (so if Zones are laid out in a square grid, a 7x7 of Zones). Assuming a sufficiently open area, that's around 100 meters from the central rune in any direction.
Infuse Runic Air Dome:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) + 0 = 48
Hazō is making progress on the Runic Air Dome! He thinks he's a quarter of the way through with this rune.
Day 9
SSA recovery
Day 10
SSA recovery
Day 11
Prep TR150 (Temporal Rune 150 = 50% time dilation). Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 12
Prep TR145. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 13
Prep TR140. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune.
Infuse Runic Air Dome:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) - 3 = 45
Steady progress. Hazō thinks he's a bit less than halfway.
Day 14
SSA recovery
Day 15
SSA recovery
Day 16
Prep TR135. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 17
Prep TR130. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
Day 18
Prep TR130.
Prep Runic Air Dome.
(the first day of prep on Runic Air Dome is nullified as Hazō can only take 2 prep days with Primordial Sealing 18, but Hazōpilot would rather waste that clone-day and get full prep on the Temporal Rune)
Day 19
Infuse TR130:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) - 3 = 44
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) + 6 = 54
These runes are definitely getting hard, especially with Hazō's strict limitation on how long the rune can last. Still, thanks to his steady buildup of veterancy on the time-related runes, things are starting to come together. Hazō thinks he's a little over halfway done with this rune.
Infuse Runic Air Dome:
Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 18 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 4 (prep) + 0 = 47
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 + 4 (prep) - 6 (timeladdering down) + 12 = 60
Progress continues. Hazō thinks he's over halfway done. Two more cycles should do it, maybe one with Jashin's luck.
Day 20
SSA recovery
Day 21
SSA recovery
Kagome has finished the Scenery Clone Seal Array and has started work on the Silence Shell Seal Array.
Hazō has spent so long working on seals massively below his Sealing score that seal scribing hasn't been an issue. Luckily, Reusable Rocket Boots fixes that. He'll timeladder 3x for Sealing (making infusions take 10 minutes) and 2x for Calligraphy (making scribing take 30 minutes). Thanks to the Iron Nerve, he only needs to make the Calligraphy check once, as long as he does his infusions with Prime hours.
Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (IN) + 12 (2x timeladder) + 3 (Dampeners) + 3 = 68
He'll make 9 sets – 3 for each of the 3 team members. If someone gets in more than 3 combats in a day, there's no helping them. That's 18 seals.
Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 24 (SSA) + 24 (3x timeladder) = 99
Hazōpilot will reroll -9 and -12:
18xFudge Dice = [3, 9, -3, 3, 6, -6, 6, -6, 0, 3, -3, 6, 9, 6, 6, -6, 3, -6]
Lowest roll: -6 = 93
No rerolls used. No sealing failures hit.
Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (IN) + 12 (2x timeladder) + 3 (Dampeners) + 3 = 68
He'll make 9 sets – 3 for each of the 3 team members. If someone gets in more than 3 combats in a day, there's no helping them. That's 18 seals.
Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 24 (SSA) + 24 (3x timeladder) = 99
Hazōpilot will reroll -9 and -12:
18xFudge Dice = [3, 9, -3, 3, 6, -6, 6, -6, 0, 3, -3, 6, 9, 6, 6, -6, 3, -6]
Lowest roll: -6 = 93
No rerolls used. No sealing failures hit.
The Light Relay seal can indeed output visible light when the input is tuned to past-blue and exposed to a past-blue HOWS. Hazō tests a variety of output colors across the rainbow and finds they all work, so long as the input tuning matches the tuning of the relevant HOWS.
Hazō has purchased 1 FP and refreshed 1 FP, and is now at 4FP.
A huge thank you to @Paperclipped for doing all the seal research rolls.
Vote time! What to do now?
Voting ends on Wednesday, .
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