Hazou is now eligible to buy the 250 XP "Chakra Adept" stunt which makes the Technique Hacking skill available for purchase. Levels of Technique Hacking require a teacher to purchase until level 10 is reached. Additionally, the Toad Sages require that Hazou complete a technique hacking project under their supervision to prove that he is ready to leave their instruction. You may vote in a project at your leisure (or multiple, and the Toad Sages will pick the most beginner-appropriate one). TH mechanics are forthcoming.
I'm on board with the first two steps, but I don't know why you think the latter two steps are important. I was under the impression that at PS 26 we max out our bonus from normal sealing. And I'm skeptical that putting a couple of extra levels into sealing and PS (beyond PS 26) will help us very much in the short term (i.e. to defeat Akatsuki).
Also, yeah, I also worry that we'll need BoC (or ES 60? optimistically).
Sure, that adds another 1000XP to this total (and a combat unstagnation), and slows down our growth for runes. I admit I want to see if TH 10 gets us the "header" for Minatosealing so to speak. It certainly might be something we do, but IMO it's not as high a priority as this.
I'm on board with the first two steps, but I don't know why you think the latter two steps are important. I was under the impression that at PS 26 we max out our bonus from normal sealing. And I'm skeptical that putting a couple of extra levels into sealing and PS (beyond PS 26) will help us very much in the short term (i.e. to defeat Akatsuki).
Also, yeah, I also worry that we'll need BoC (or ES 60? optimistically).
Getting our Sealing up increases the level at which PS is capped the final PS step is simply raising it to the new softcap. Increasing our Sealing AB to 9 gets us an additional prep day for paper sealing, and increases the bonus we get from RRBs to +10. It's a small step as builds go (250ish XP since we have free note XP), and it represents the limit past which I never intend to raise sealing again.
Theres some arguments to be made that ES 60 might be better (higher number already, PS callig equivalent, depends if ES is tweakable with TH mechanics, etc.) if we really need to choose one or the other. Though BoC being tailor-made to interact with substrate might be more advantageous for some of those as well.
Theres some arguments to be made that ES 60 might be better (higher number already, PS callig equivalent, depends if ES is tweakable with TH mechanics, etc.) if we really need to choose one or the other. Though BoC being tailor-made to interact with substrate might be more advantageous for some of those as well.
ES in a 60s slot is unbelievably bad for long term builds. Plus there's no guarantee that we'll get substrate then. PS/ES checks seem to be following the 2/3 rule for Sealing. I think that buying BoC 30 is probably inevitable at some point, but I suggest we hold off until we need the ES for runes to level it to 60.
Long-term plan is something like Ath to 70s and Tai to 60s, reasonable mid-term plan is Ath 60s, Tai 59, Alt 49. So yeah, gotta reserve that 60 slot as much as I enjoy the meme of ES 60.
Long-term plan is something like Ath to 70s and Tai to 60s, reasonable mid-term plan is Ath 60s, Tai 59, Alt 49. So yeah, gotta reserve that 60 slot as much as I enjoy the meme of ES 60.
I put him at 2XP/day. That's based on learning TH stunt + TH 10 in 6 months.
Earth Element is certainly into the 30s. Say 40 to be generous. Needs 1420 XP to get the 60. That's 2 years of XP. Plus the other pyramid supports to get it up and stagnations? Probably 4ish years total. Maybe 5
It'll still take him a few years after that to level SC to 40 and Resolve sufficiently high. CR is probably in the 30s, considering he was a chunnin ninjutsu spec before he lost his leg.
Have we had Noburi feel out Kagome's reserves? Frankly I'm in favour of telling him that he's going to get our training trick in a year, Hokage approval or no, but letting him know that he'll need good reserves for it to work.
At the very least we could figure out, without significant cost, whether he'll need to do any training to start WHOOSHing.
Have we had Noburi feel out Kagome's reserves? Frankly I'm in favour of telling him that he's going to get our training trick in a year, Hokage approval or no, but letting him know that he'll need good reserves for it to work.
At the very least we could figure out, without significant cost, whether he'll need to do any training to start WHOOSHing.
A profoundly drenched Kei ducked under the tarp covering Hazō and his work desk, which he'd decided to move outdoors to take advantage of the nice sunny weather less than an hour ago. Hazō wordlessly unsealed the changing screen, towel (not the lavender-scented one–he wasn't that insensitive), and mug of hot chocolate.
"What news, Hazō?" Kei greeted him as he urgently turned away from the screen on general principles. (That Kei was willing to trust him this far was stunning progress, but "don't invade Kei's privacy" was the same kind of family rule as "don't startle Kagome-sensei with loud noises" and "don't touch Satsuko without her explicit permission".)
"I noticed that your eyebrows have returned well ahead of schedule," she commented. "Also, is that piece of avant-garde art the product of a self-inflicted haircut?"
"Yeah," Hazō said. "The time rune prototype glitched out a bit. Suddenly I was dangerously starving, sleep-deprived, and with longer nails and hair than a hardcore mountain ascetic. I had to do some emergency maintenance work before Noburi turned up and took the story back to Mari and the others with his usual embellishments."
"It would seem to have considerable non-lethal incapacitation potential," Kei said approvingly, "as well as bypassing most standard defences. Sasori might perhaps be unimpressed, but I doubt Hidan's immortality will be of much service when starvation and sleep deprivation have left him as weak as a kitten."
"That still leaves him as a lethal threat to commoners," Hazō noted. "Anyway, I think it happened because I forgot to carry the two while the moon was in its third phase, so I'm in no hurry to try it another day in case next time it comes out still user-targeted and less friendly."
"That would be unwise," Kei agreed, stepping out from behind the changing screen in a red-and-green uniform she wouldn't normally be caught dead wearing outside a Gōketsu formal occasion. "Especially when your other hairdressing options are to trust me to wield a blade around your face during a period of extensive physical contact or to rely on Kagome's personal grooming expertise."
"I think I'll play it safe and stick with turning the laws of nature inside out in a large area, thanks."
"Blessed am I to be on another plane of existence during your infusion days," Kei said. "Is that the productive activity to which the nature kami have taken very reasonable exception?"
"Actually, no," Hazō said. "I figured I needed a little time off after that disaster, so I've been tinkering with the Imagawa converter. It's such a generically useful piece of kit, and I'd feel bad if the runecrafters of future generations never had a chance to use it because they didn't get much training in paper sealing, so I'm trying to create a rune version."
"I see. Well, it is an improvement on those square grid number puzzles that have Shikamaru so entranced. However," she said, wringing out her clothing onto the grass with a grimace, "considering the vast differences in format, can it truly be said that much of the original would survive even if analogous functionality is attained? It seems to me it would be more of a Gōketsu converter at this stage."
"Don't say it!" Hazō exclaimed. "If you say it, the power of kotodama might make it catch on–that's very important in sealing, just like sprinkling your notes with moth dust if you're going to infuse on a Tuesday–and I'm saving it for something really amazing that I want history to remember me for."
"Other than reinventing the entire discipline, you mean."
"Right. Trust me, you have to take control of these things in advance, before it's too late. There's nothing I can do about the Hazōlators anymore, not short of a clan head direct order, and if I start coming down on the research teams for creativity, I'm afraid that they might retreat back into their 'keep your head down and don't anger the scary ninja' shells and that'll be the last bold innovation I see out of them."
Kei nodded.
"On a more pessimistic note," she said, "I did not in fact take a stroll in the bracing weather for the good of my health. Today there is a matter I wish to consult you about."
"Gee, thanks," Hazō said with mostly mock petulance.
"It is the matter that is inviting of pessimism," Kei clarified," not your utility of consultation. In that respect, in fact, you are more qualified than any being in existence–perhaps even more than Ami, though that of course is by virtue of her lack of engagement with the subject, not lack of capability."
"I'm mostly honoured and a bit alarmed," Hazō said. "Hit me."
"I wish to reprioritise my training in the direction of improving my excruciatingly feeble social skills, at least for the moment."
"We can do that," Hazō said. "Not easily, maybe, considering your options are training in the middle of nowhere with two sealmasters who are too busy to be of much use and training on the Seventh Path with pangolins whose own social skills you're apparently unimpressed with. Still, I know this is your secondary specialisation, after combat and Frozen Skein stuff I'm not allowed to optimise for you, so it's not like I didn't already have a few thoughts."
"Hazō," Kei said almost pleadingly, "why are social skills my secondary specialisation? I do not mean to gainsay you, for indeed my balance of blissful paperwork versus wrangling recalcitrant humans collapses further every day, but I am a logistician by training, a flatfish by natural aptitude, and the girl who spent her lunchtimes reading alone in the library by inclination. Where did my life go wrong?"
The correct answers, of course, were Mari, Jiraiya and Lord Shikaku, and Ami, in that order, but two were dead, one was above reproach, and the other had only reconciled with Kei less than a year ago and Hazō would sooner try to infuse a rune without a single lucky dance than deliberately put strain on that relationship.
"Sometimes these things just happen," Hazō said vaguely. "Could anyone ever have imagined Noburi spending his life faithful to a single woman?"
"Considering that his originally intended woman was myself, and that I have since been cornered into extensive polyamory, I suppose you have a point."
"Anyway," Hazō asked, "what brought this on? Just the other day you were complaining about your combat skills getting rusty."
"Something I only wish I could expect of my socials," Kei said. "Hazō, in the unlikely event that I survive not only this mission but its immediate aftermath, I am to travel to Mist… on a diplomatic mission."
Thunder rumbled ominously in the background.
"Well, quite," Kei muttered, looking at the darkened heavens.
"A diplomatic mission?" Hazō repeated in the hope that he'd misheard and she was about to correct him.
"A diplomatic mission," Kei confirmed in the voice of a liberal atheistic polyamorous lesbian of foreign birth announcing her engagement to Hagoromo Ritsuo.
"I know Naruto said Leaf is hard up for diplomats right now, but no offence, Kei, are you sure you're the best choice? Did you maybe feed a fox to Jūchi Yosamu in front of him or something?"
"I take better care of my familiar than that, thank you," Kei said scornfully. Hazō was unclear on what made the yellow-eyed mass of alternating apathetic indolence and simmering, barely-contained destruction a familiar rather than a mere pet, but he and Kei were in agreement that one was strictly superior to the other.
"No," Kei went on, "this is, allegedly, a task only I can perform. In Ami's ongoing and likely long-term absence, it has been decreed that I must travel to Hidden Mist to reaffirm our bonds of friendship and, more pertinently, explore the extent of the influence Ami's legacy can still exert on the Mizukage and the AMI. My main qualification, other than being Ami's sister, is not being Ami–or, differently put, the expectation that I will use any influence achieved to the benefit of Leaf and not in service of my own power maximisation. I confess this latter part is a touch optimistic on the Hokage's part, for when power begets responsibility, responsibility also begets the need for additional power. My priorities are Uplift, my family, and the people in my care. All benefit from the welfare of Leaf, but it exists in their service, not vice versa."
Thunder rumbled again.
Kei looked up, glaring.
"Not being my brother, I am aware when I am arguably speaking treason, thank you very much. Kindly do not interrupt."
"Uh, Kei, are you sure it's a good idea to provoke the weather kami? We are currently on a small island."
"Reverence only encourages them," Kei said. "If need be, we can reverse-summon and wait on the Seventh Path until they have exhausted themselves.
"Now, this is the actually important part, Hazō. While none of the aforesaid lacks utility as a data-gathering exercise, I confess I am inclined to view it realistically.
"Hazō, I am prepared to grant you an immense amount of trust, but I require your word that this next information will go no further, not even to the family until matters are settled and I judge it appropriate."
"Obviously," Hazō said. "Nary a syllable will pass my lips."
"The actual reason Shikamaru and I proposed this to the Hokage," Kei said after an anxious second, "is that while the Mori teachings as filtered through a mediocre genin have been of some value to the Nara, it has been judged time to implement a proper program of intellectual exchange, the shadow of an ancient bond weakened by space and time and then weakened again by the demands of the Village Era."
"And this isn't treason how?" Hazō couldn't help asking.
"No clan secrets are being exchanged," Kei said," nor village secrets, nor ninjutsu or seals, nor material goods of any significant value. Recall that we are speaking of clans renowned for their intelligence, caution, and having written the majority of their respective villages' laws.
"Nevertheless, the Hokage might perceive matters differently, which is why, on paper, this is but a brief personal diversion, even as it features a much more challenging, much more terrifying task.
"Hazō, I must face my birth family."
She paused, waiting for the thunder, but it did not come. In fact, the rain appeared to be easing off.
Kei looked pleased with herself.
"OK," Hazō said, "I'm starting to see why you want all the social skills you can get."
"In fact," Kei said, "it is worse than that. I must also introduce Snowflake to them. She, too, is their creation in her own way."
"And that isn't treason how? Kei, I want to be supportive, but Snowflake is a walking Shadow Clone Technique OPSEC failure."
"I fear to say," Kei said, "that ship has not merely sailed; it has returned from a lengthy journey to the eastern continent, laden with exotic goods from a dozen countries, and also trailing a school of chakra koi which will be a hazard to shipping in the region for decades to come. Hazō, I am a person of interest in Leaf. This is certainly true for the general public, for whom I have been a reliable source of piquant gossip ever since Shikamaru dramatically announced our entirely consensual engagement before the eyes of every power in the world, displaying himself to be hopelessly lovestruck and establishing us as either star-crossed lovers in a Tears of Red fashion, save that we were successfully defying our destiny, or the most successful act of seduction by a foreign agent in the Village Era and perhaps beyond."
"Hold up," Hazō protested. "What about Mari and Jiraiya?"
"There are indeed proponents of that argument," Kei said, "considering that Jiraiya was a prize an order of magnitude greater than the Nara heir. Perhaps two. On the other hand, Mari outed herself as an I&S jōnin in the process–the absolute worst failure mode, short of treason, for a seduction mission–and failed to ever secure a wedding.
"However, more relevant is that I am naturally a person of interest to every faction across the world with a stake in Leaf politics. As an inescapably public figure, I may be under more scrutiny than even yourself, and I assure you that the Nara and, to a lesser extent, the KEI, are beset by optimistic civilian infiltrators no less than the Gōketsu.
"In other words, every spymaster in the world is by this point aware of Snowflake. Certainly, I will eat Lord Hagoromo's beard if Mori Ryūgamine is not. Nor can it be claimed that the basics of the Shadow Clone Technique are not public knowledge, considering Naruto's extensive application of them during the Great Collapse and also since his accession. Besides, the Mori are the most likely in the world to understand that cognitive Bloodline Limits suffer from unpredictable interactions with cognitive ninjutsu, and that broader inferences from the data point of Snowflake may be unproductive.
"No, our concern is everything else. Will the Mori exalt her as I do, as the path to freedom and true humanity that we have sought in vain for centuries? Will they reject her as an abomination whose very existence perverts that which they hold holiest about themselves? How will my parents treat an additional version of a daughter who was already surplus to requirements?
"And, even as Snowflake fights her own battle, what of me, the child they never reached out to over all these years, the child they reared in a way that I am coming to understand could have been different, the child their choices shaped into this… this?
"Hazō, I am afraid."
The clouds parted, as if in celebration, as she finished speaking, and the sun's rays descended on them like a mocking parting shot.
"I hate to say this," Hazō said, "but this is really a job for Mari. Remember how she helped us prepare for more or less this exact scenario before the Chūnin Exams?"
"She may not be trusted with the truth," Kei said, "and I doubt my ability to explain the personal element of the situation while fully concealing the part which is actually important from a woman of her skill. I was able to persuade Shikamaru to obtain your assistance only because he recognises your capacity as a trainer–doubly so since he observes my progress, yet is unaware of WHOOSH–and I would waste months of potential preparation time if I failed to train effectively while on this mission."
She hesitated.
"You could also consider it an olive branch of sorts. While his personal relationship with you is complicated, he is aware of the additional tension between our clans due to the conflict between our duty of secret-keeping and your voracious hunger for dangerous lore. I believe that it is his hope that trusting you with a Nara secret of the modern day, a secret which will eventually serve Uplift indirectly, through advancements in human understanding, will strengthen a spirit of cooperation that does not violate aforementioned duty.
"I dearly hope for this to be the case, though I recognise that such simple wishes tend to be naive at best.
"To conclude that mess of an explanation, Hazō, will you help me?"
"Well," Hazō said after feigning extensive thought, "my original plan was to take my sisters who were both out to face one of the greatest emotional challenges of their lives, all while handling diplomatic objectives that could have an impact on world peace and the good of the village I live in, and who'd just gone out on a limb because they trusted me, oh, and there's some Gōketsu-Nara relationship stuff in there as well, and just leave them hanging, but you know what, maybe I could take a little time out of my research and see what I can do."
"Thank you," Kei said. "Truly. There has been a part of me that sees our inevitable death at Akatsuki's hands, before my journey can commence, almost as a blessing."
"Don't worry," Hazō said. "You help me send Akatsuki back to Naraka where they should have stayed, and I'll help you put your past to rest once and for all."