TH apprenticeship?Maybe we can shadow Oro making a substrate jutsu and get some earth jutsu bonus XP
TH apprenticeship?Maybe we can shadow Oro making a substrate jutsu and get some earth jutsu bonus XP
Hmm, maybe... The primary issue with TH is yet more further divergent XP but if we could get it for free (or get bonus xp to spend after buying the stunt) then it wouldn't be as much of a problem. Really want to stick around for 3 months though?
We'll be healing for 2 months. Really the biggest problem is how poorly it plays with our unstagnation timelines.Hmm, maybe... The primary issue with TH is yet more further divergent XP but if we could get it for free (or get bonus xp to spend after buying the stunt) then it wouldn't be as much of a problem. Really want to stick around for 3 months though?
Yeah, the proposed direction I want to take would be distinct from apprenticeship in what I believe to be the most crucial ways. Being an apprentice puts us under his power, obligates us to follow his commands, our work is for his gain, etc. No matter what benefits we gain from that, the costs of becoming Orochimaru's subordinate are vast and varied in their unpleasantness.I feel like we've had this conversation so many times, Ami has successfully used this exact conflict to determine that Hazo is a hivemind. Nobody sane (or even insane in the usual ways) would bring this up again, and yet here we are.
Any Hazo that is consistent with the Hazo we've been enjoying reading about could not become Oro's apprentice under any circumstances. A Hazo that, despite himself, tried, would be a miserable, self-loathing wreck of a person who would not be enjoyable to read about. The quest, if it somehow survived the attempt, would likely become a full-blown horror story of many various shades.
Please don't do that.
You should definitely tell him that. To his face, in small words.Right now, he thinks that individual people fundamentally don't matter, because they'll cease having an impact on his agency within a negligible portion of his life. We want everyone to be immortal. Those two ideas are absolutely completely incompatible, and if Oro isn't careful he'll only realize that as we're sealing him away
I don't disagree, but Orochimaru's still a cut above in terms of wild effects. The cannibal seal for one, as well as whatever seal apparently identified Hazou as a relative of the Uchiha and whispered in his ear. Even on the more conventional side of things, his demonstration in the Orbularium is very much not how we would approach the creation of a high-yield destructive seal.
It's not that Orochimaru has ideas that we're fundamentally incapable of thinking of, to be clear. It's that we tend to aim for the most reasonable-sounding version of a given idea, because the only real lever we have to reliably make seals easier is minimalism: strip down the extra features, pare it all down to the minimum viable sealtech. Orochimaru, by contrast, seems to have the knack for just figuring out which bells and whistles are most compatible with a given seal idea, and which esoteric seal ideas can be realistically done without even any of that minimalism. I'm not saying that we'll be locked out of figuring out creative effects without watching him, but it'll sure be a heck of a lot easier if we can just watch him venture off to some distant point in concept-space because he happened to see a path there, and then we trace that path itself and figure out all the ways we can branch off of it.
While I cannot know exactly how he reconstructed his sensoria after Nagato's resurrection," Orochimaru-sensei said, "detection of seal and jutsu effects is so basic I cannot believe that even one as foolish as he would skip it. No, I am confident that he was aware of it. In a way, he was foiled by Sasori, who uses infinitesimal threads of chakra for detection purposes. Irrelevant as it is to optimize for chakra efficiency in seal effects at this scale, Sasori's aesthetic sense prefers thread-lattices for detection webs. Kakuzu must have seen the webs with their relatively low chakra density – for the Five Seal Barrier is not particularly chakra-intense for all that it abuses spacetime – and assumed it was a detection field around the Hokage's office. In his defense, it is an entirely reasonable countermeasure to take. He is well aware that severing fields are a mainstay among a sealmaster's defensive tools, and had he known that this was such an effect, he may have even elected to take another course of action. Instead, he was caught off-guard, then struck down in his moment of surprise. In a way, it's a fitting end."
Yes, Kabuto," he said once the laugh had died away. "Yes, he is, was, that uncreative.
What an excellent way of putting it. Downright poetic, really."Immortality is always an aspiration, never a fact," Orochimaru said.
We have no problem with y'all breaking the setting. Indeed, it's fun and exciting when you do. You simply need to do it in ways that Hazō choose reasonably think of (i.e. no meta- or modern information) and that would plausibly not have been thought of already by someone else (eg, not "run fast, Substitute with knife, knife go VERY fast, city go boom").Y'all still haven't tried going "this thing is allowed to break the setting in one way. We tried to munchkin proof it, but it still feels like there's edge cases where it gets weird. Find one, choose it, and as a community prevent the rest from being broken"
Maybe because it's only a good idea from a player perspective, that could def be it lol. I still wanna try it
Note that you're assuming there's free XP to be had. I'm not commenting on whether there is or isn't, simply pointing this out.
It's probably worth adding the words "at least three" there, as I can think of others and I feel like your current phrasing could easily lead to tunnel vision.We have three routes to necromancy right now:
1. We convince Akatsuki to let us help. I have ideas for this, but it's a hard sell. We'd need some unlikely things to happen. The ability to smack down Hidan and have it stick, even for a round or two, would help a *lot*
2. We kill Sasori, and open the rift at our leisure, assuming we survive the counter-attack. We probably don't unless we go Uber missing, but we'd need to go to the rift anyways.
3. We sneak into the rift, avoiding conflict with Akatsuki. Close the rift behind us. Then we find our loved ones, run back to the exit, and hope Akatsuki isn't sitting there waiting for us.
Tsunade made no official statement to Hazō before Naruto was elected.Also pinging @Velorien @Paperclipped Did lithosealing ever get super classified? If so, is anyone in the know besides Hazou, Kagome, Tsunade, Shizune, Mari, and Naruto?
Hazō would likely assume that a severing field is any static defense that cuts things which pass through it, such as Kagome's Force Walls. Hazō has in fact seen a similar defense of Orochimaru's:Does Hazou and or Kagome know what a severing field is? If it's a mainstay among a sealmaster's defensive tools you'd think one of them would have heard of it somewhere. From a colleague, or Jiraiya's notes, or Oro's notes etc.
Orochimaru did not instantly materialize from thin air, so Tsunade picked up the broken door, ripped it the rest of the way apart, and hurled the top half up the corridor towards the living room. Within ten feet it passed through some unseen grille that effortlessly diced it into thumb-sized splinters.
Hazō would probably do 3-5 prep days the first time he tried it with the Severe, even though he thinks it would probably be fine.@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped
How does Hazou feel about his reduced Calligraphy after succeeding at a couple of these infusions?
Is he confident that a 42 + 3 (Dampener) - 10 (Severe Consequence) = 35 will be enough for this?
To be fair, I think we've raised our Resolve by 20 since we've last felt Orochimaru's Aura? We seem to endure Tsunade's Aura just fine, lately, at least.We also have a historic tendency to fold like a wet napkin under the pressure of his Jonin aura.
I don't think this is the case. Itachi used the phrase "assistant" and not "appprentice" for a reason.My understanding of apprenticeship in the MFD world is that it implies full subordination and subservience.
FWIW I thought there was a distinction between student/sensei and apprentice/master. A jounin night have many genin students over their career (student/sensei). They'd teach them but not necessarily give them their secret techniques, and their relationship is mostly professional. In fact they're even assigned by the tower!I don't think this is the case. Itachi used the phrase "assistant" and not "appprentice" for a reason.
@eaglejarl , @Velorien , @Paperclipped
Can we get cultural info regarding student/sensei, Master/Apprentice dynamics with regard to the Elemental Nations (and Leaf, specifically)?
Hazou didn't have that dynamic with Harumitsu, Kagome didn't have that dynamic with Hazou, and Tsunade (for all her faults) wasn't that way with Noburi during his trial apprenticeship.
Maybe Kabuto is just weird like that?
Directional Explosives.
They release an explosion (heat and force) that exists only within a single conical area and exerts no force on the seal itself.
The heat is roughly equivalent to a campfire, so it will set paper and other tinder on fire, but the duration is generally not long enough to do more than scorch thick wood. (Yes, you have seen him use a shaped charge to light the campfire.)
The force is sufficient to kill a person very, very thoroughly.
You have never seen the intensity of the heat or the force vary.
The shape and size of the cone is set at seal creation time. The point of the cone is at the center of the seal and the height of the cone (i.e. the range of the blast) is normal to the surface of the seal. The base of the cone may be either a circle or an ellipse.
Kagome typically creates three settings:
You've seen him make ones with a range of 1-6 meters. (i.e. Melee or Medium range)
- Circular with a 160 degree angle at the point. Used for splatting close-in opponents that are good at dodging.
- Very flattened elliptical cone that is effectively a blade. Used for his not-suicide belts so that they don't catch your own arms when they go off
- Very flattened short-range cone that he uses as a force axe for cutting firewood.
I think my personal pitch would be this:Oro trade deal asks (this is not saying we should ask for all of these things, just a compilation of things we would potentially want that have at some point been mentioned):
- Protection from Akatsuki, now that they've shown a vested interest in grabbing Hazou for their own research.
- Apprenticeship ranging from full thing, to more like a few hours of shadowing akin to Noburi with Tsunade.
- Assassinating one or more members of the Akatsuki. Probably Sasori and/or Itachi. Would need to have a good explanation, based on last time we talked to him would probably lead to explaining the Rift.
- Bioseals installed on person of choice
- Bioseal designs we can research ourselves, or donated to Leaf library
- Biosealing seal chain similar to the Minato chain, to us or Leaf library.
- Bioseal handbook that lets people acquire the stunt, to us or Leaf library.
- "A rank jutsu"
- Specific jutsu to help Mari complete S rank kit, e.g. "A-Rank barrier jutsu of element lightning, water, or wind that also allows for genjutsu to be used through it."
- The above but as a paper seal.
- Some recurring amount of Oro's time for Hazou to be allowed to discuss philosophy with him without Oro calling it a waste of time and doing something else.
- The above but just time to talk in a more general sense with him.
- Useful medical jutsu. Buffs, combat techs/paralyzing touch, MedNin that makes training more useful on your muscles (bonus to Athletics per day or something), etc etc.
- Training jutsu that aren't MedNin affiliated
- Narratively justified, ongoing invokable aspect for research.
- Useful stunts (not really sure how we would request this in-universe)
- Pull a prank on Tsunade
- Substrate jutsu + jutsu that allows runes to be moved
- Highly potent poisons + recipes or directions to source
Has Tsunade auraed you recently?To be fair, I think we've raised our Resolve by 20 since we've last felt Orochimaru's Aura? We seem to endure Tsunade's Aura just fine, lately, at least.
Purely ponwog, but I doubt that there is very much carryover between the "throw pointy thing" and the "shoot gun" skills. That said, Barrett was able to take me from "never fired a rifle" to "can consistently hit a torso-sized target at 600 yards and can hit a torso-sized target at 1,000 yards ~20% of the time" in a weekend. (Note: accuracy such as this is helped a lot by using a weapon precision-engineered with modern materials/techniques for the explicit purpose of being a sniper rifle, and is helped further by firing from prone with only 0-5mph wind and all the time you want.)E. If Ranged Weapon specialists are able to group attacks on a stationary 100 yard target to within one inch, the level of ballistics knowledge required to be that consistent extends itself to higher maximum range weapons. Shooting at targets returns clear feedback, how close you were to the center, high or low, too far left or right. Clear feedback helps engineer better firearms, practice better aim. Ten inch groupings at 1000 yards miss chest sized targets less than 50 percent of the time. For more information, search shot grouping.
NB: Not sure how much this counts."Fuck you and your wishes," she blazed, her feet coming off the desk and chair slamming forward onto all four legs as she leaned onto the desk, the mountain boiling up around her for an instant before she caught control of herself and stuffed her soul back in the bottle. She sat back in the chair but did not lean the chair again.
Why not training in the biosealing stunt?Biosealing seal chain similar to the Minato chain, to us or Leaf library. (Don't word it this way, just ask for an increasingly complex chain of useful bioseals. My preferred domain would be regeneration boosting seals so Hazou isn't bedridden as long and maybe we could heal some crippled ninja but am open to other suggestions. Gives us an idea of the potency of low level biosealing as well.)
We don't qualify for it and don't intend to buy those skills in the next few hundred xp
My position on this would be that the actual physical movements are very different, but stuff like mindset or perception skills would translate over very well. I don't spend a lot of time on the mechanics of the quest (which have changed a fair number of times over the years (I'm currently rereading and am at the chunin exams(Hi early Ami!))) so what I'm suggesting might be outdated and the terminology is probably wrong, but... something about skill pyramids? Attribute requirements for skill thresholds? Basically I think 'shoot guns' as a skill should benefit from previous 'throw pointy thing' skills in that you wouldn't have to train up any new attributes, and it could perhaps slot into the pyramid without needing some other skill to prop it up. It piggybacks not in terms of actual skill level, as again the physical motions are different and need to be trained separately, but in other requirements which have already been met. Am I making sense?Purely ponwog, but I doubt that there is very much carryover between the "throw pointy thing" and the "shoot gun" skills
We could ask for training in it when we do qualify.We don't qualify for it and don't intend to buy those skills in the next few hundred xp
Hmm, that is true. Delay it til later
Hmm my point there was more along the lines that given Jiraiya Battle-Kit level seals, I really would expect the thread to be able to break the world in a few different ways, just by having an eagle-eyed view of all of his various effects. They're an s rankers specialty, shouldn't they include/be one of his s rank tricks? Why'd he use them if not?We have no problem with y'all breaking the setting. Indeed, it's fun and exciting when you do. You simply need to do it in ways that Hazō choose reasonably think of (i.e. no meta- or modern information) and that would plausibly not have been thought of already by someone else (eg, not "run fast, Substitute with knife, knife go VERY fast, city go boom").