In an utterly transparent attempt to avoid a dreaded Meetings Chapter: Is Noburi comfortable with poisons? Such answers may look like...
Yes. Noburi is a medic, but he's also a combat ninja. He'd be okay with making poisons, since they're made with the honest intention of harming others (in contrast to Hazou's idea about weaponizing chakra scalpels).
Yes, but hesitant. Noburi is a medic, but he's also a combat ninja. Unfortunately, Noburi sees how much time Hazou and Kagome devote to researching seals, and is hesitant to leave his hospital and clan duties for that long.
Yes, but conditional. Noburi is a medic, but he's also a combat ninja. He's willing to research poisons, but asks if there's a way to make the recipes public domain. Noburi, it seems, has been inspired by Hazou's charity.
Yes, but conditional. Noburi is a proud medic, but also understands the realities of ninja combat. He'll only make them if you promise that they won't be used against Leaf citizens. Noburi works hard to keep Leaf healthy, and he doesn't want to undermine that work.
Maybe. Between ACE, his hospital duties, his Clan Duties, and now reading Medknow notes, Noburi's time is full. He's a bit uneasy at the thought, but tells Hazou to ask him again once he's done reading Orochimaru's Notes. Noburi says that This gives him more time to think about it, and it would be the earliest he could begin making poisons, anyway (assuming he agrees).
No. Noburi is a medic, and is proud of his bloodline's ability to bypass drugs, which often have nasty side effects. Inflicting those effects on people feels like a betrayal.
No. Noburi is a medic, and is uncomfortable about using that knowledge to rot someone's body. Normal ninja combat is more honest than what you're asking for (lizardbreath, he admits, was an exception that he has mixed feelings about).