Mari has no way of knowing what's going through Ami's head in the aftermath of a complex metaphysical experience way outside Mari's field of expertise, though a mental breakdown is a definite possibility. She's not convinced that leaving Ami alone under such circumstances would necessarily be a good idea, but she also doubts you'll have much luck tracking a jōnin with knowledge of your abilities, access to skywalkers, and no desire to be tracked. She doesn't think Ami's run off because the elaborate measures she's taken make no sense if we're just going to see her pop up as a traitor in another village anyway.
To add on to this (and keeping in mind that Hazou would definitely keep things in a deep OPSEC compartment): does Mari think Ami could have found out about Isan/EM nukes, and is bailing to escape the inevitable Akatsuki response?
To add on to this (and keeping in mind that Hazou would definitely keep things in a deep OPSEC compartment): does Mari think Ami could have found out about Isan/EM nukes, and is bailing to escape the inevitable Akatsuki response?
I think it's against Ami's characterization to allow Kei to be killed like that. Even if we disregard her stated feelings for Hazou as manipulation, she wouldn't let Kei die if it was at all within her power to stop it.

Which means if she thought Leaf's destruction was imminent and Akatsuki was coming, she would knock Kei out and kidnap her if Kei refused to leave.
I'm trying to model what Ami could have figured out where the result of the train of thought is so complex that it can't be transmitted even via written word to her future self.

It would need to be something that required Ami to be unchained in real time. A series of trials of some sort would make sense, especially now that we have confirmation there are puzzles in CSI to solve. Hey bets that's where she's running? I give it a solid 20% actually. Hmm a series of trials close enough to Leaf for Ami to take with her barely castable shadow clone - she could definitely be in our fire dungeon.

Lastly, unchained Ami might be willing to delve the basement with Oro out of town, ignoring her usual self preservation due to realizing how large the gains actually are.

Hey why did we blindly accept the premise that this letter wasn't written by unchained Ami when we have absolutely no reason to think that?

We should summon a dog, do our due diligence. See if she passed out on our roof from unexpected shadow clone strain or something. Note, she didn't actually tell anyone to tell us to not go after her. She didn't decide she was too dangerous to be around, she tried to bring Kei with her! Lmao she's just focused on the power up and only spared a thought to try to get Kei it as well.
If I'm not dead, I'm gone. Maybe that "transcendent but broken" thing happened and I decided I've become too much of a danger to my loved ones. If that's the case, trust my judgement and don't try to find me. More likely, the unchained brilliance of Ami was enough to come up with some sort of unprecedented uberplot, or maybe to recognise some Dragon-tier threat or opportunity from clues any sane person would miss. Whatever it is, I am literally unable to imagine it as I am now, much less predict why I would disappear without getting you involved.

If there's one thing I want you to believe, it's this. You're family. That's a choice I've made. Whatever the uberplot or the threat or the opportunity, your welfare is part of the calculations. Even if the price is leaving you to deal with the Dragons, Akatsuki et cetera without my support, I must believe it will be worth it to you in the long run. (Then again, who am I kidding? You're going to win anyway.
She just didn't invite us.... except she did? She's a Mori. True loves kiss. Giving a puzzle is a courting ritual. The entire letter is the puzzle. It's an invitation y'all. If the letter was written by normal Ami, I think she's probably down in the fire dungeon. If it was written by unchained ami, then I think she's on her way to CSI. Maybe stealing a skyslider?

She knows about the grue, and is actively trying to communicate with us. She's stepping aside the grue as much as we are! Notice the we talk bit? Sprinkling hints where she can so even if the bulk of her message gets wiped, she can still make implications that might last.

Think about what happens if we get that gift plan through. Hazō will have no idea why he's compelled to get these specific, strange and unrelated items. He won't be bothered by it, he'll just kinda do it. It's only if someone questions him that his actions become weird, and Ami would probably be able to recognize that the meat sack can't contain memories that the gestalt can. CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?!

She'll dump him full of dangerous lore that he'll be able to act on without remembering! (I like to dream)

(pls no threadban, :<)
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Unlike previous grues, where everyone was prevented from knowing something. it seems only hazou is prevented from knowing the hivemind. Ami at least was allowed to hypothesize. Suggesting letting the rest of team uplift know and manage hazou is a possibility, albeit a risky one if the grue gets uppity
I'm trying to model what Ami could have figured out where the result of the train of thought is so complex that it can't be transmitted even via written word to her future self.
I think a very plausible answer here is something that would be grued out in some way, either by the typical grue or by the frozen skein (plausible since it took unchained Ami to realize?)

I dont really know how actionable that thought really is, given that could be almost anything from finding a way to get henge back just for her to passing on limited immunity like Kagome has to things we cant even think of, but just thought Id throw it out there.
I think a very plausible answer here is something that would be grued out in some way, either by the typical grue or by the frozen skein (plausible since it took unchained Ami to realize?)

I dont really know how actionable that thought really is, given that could be almost anything from finding a way to get henge back just for her to passing on limited immunity like Kagome has to things we cant even think of, but just thought Id throw it out there.
Kagome would let her into the family if she figured out how to make henge work for grue immune people.

He could be an eagle again :=]

Edit: waaaait a minute: Kei is an unreliable narrator. She described ami speaking in nonsense fits and bursts... but that's what happens when grued info is shared. All the actual content goes poof. She tried to tell Kei, and couldn't.
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[] Action Plan: Do Other Stuff But Also Welcome Ami Back
Word Count: Look some things in life are more important than exp okay?

  • Do super important clan head and dragonwar stuff.
    • Don't fuck it up.
  • When Ami gets back, welcome her back with a special assorted gift basket.
I ask that anyone who wants their name in the list says so, and includes a suggested gift (reasonably short description please). I have some suggestions in there mainly based on on what I read on this page, and also names I read on this page, but if you don't want to be up there either say so or just don't provide/confirm a gift before the future return of Ami and I'll assume you're not interested and remove it.

Can mine be an Earthshaped statuette of an Anatomically Correct Jiraiya with a tag saying 'please regift for Mari's birthday'?

KURENAI: I now hunger for Mori flesh.

Kurenai as part of the Kittensphere? I don't see it :V

@Rafin A sentiment re: the update I share. Very well said.
Considering past QM statements about henge (to the effects of 'henge is never ever coming back in any way, shape, or form whatsoever') I'm confident that the answer is definitely no.
Given the way @cog-nito phrased it, the answer is technically yes, as in "yes, he is incapable of casting the jutsu that will not be named." Still, quibbles of grammar aside, you get an "all the this!!!" from me.
I'm thinking more and more that this letter was written by unchained Ami. It's a plot! She saw how impossible it was to transmit info to Kei, wrote a letter while Kei was sitting there confused from the grue eating her memories, and had her give us the letter to try to get assistance, without being able to explain absolutely anything at all at risk of destroying the message or herself. Any response from Hazō needs to be from him pulling bullshit out of nowhere, much like she's doing right now.

I'm also partial to the idea that the unchained ami - hey remember how the letter is from THE Ami? A Singular rather than plural? Hmmmmmm. Anyway, that unchained Ami is pushing past the grue in whatever her discovery is. If this theory is true, I think it makes the letter being written by her far more likely as well - the skills used to create the letter are probably the same she's using to resist the grue. If you see a strong artifact, something Hazō subconsciously likened to a summoning Scroll, I think it's not too far of a leap to think it's made by the most skilled varient of the person possible. She'd remember the letter and know ways to improve it after all.
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Oro trade deal asks (this is not saying we should ask for all of these things, just a compilation of things we would potentially want that have at some point been mentioned):
  • Protection from Akatsuki, now that they've shown a vested interest in grabbing Hazou for their own research.
  • Apprenticeship ranging from full thing, to more like a few hours of shadowing akin to Noburi with Tsunade.
  • Assassinating one or more members of the Akatsuki. Probably Sasori and/or Itachi. Would need to have a good explanation, based on last time we talked to him would probably lead to explaining the Rift.
  • Bioseals installed on person of choice
  • Bioseal designs we can research ourselves, or donated to Leaf library
  • Biosealing seal chain similar to the Minato chain, to us or Leaf library.
  • Bioseal handbook that lets people acquire the stunt, to us or Leaf library.
  • "A rank jutsu"
  • Specific jutsu to help Mari complete S rank kit, e.g. "A-Rank barrier jutsu of element lightning, water, or wind that also allows for genjutsu to be used through it."
  • The above but as a paper seal.
  • Some recurring amount of Oro's time for Hazou to be allowed to discuss philosophy with him without Oro calling it a waste of time and doing something else.
  • The above but just time to talk in a more general sense with him.
  • Useful medical jutsu. Buffs, combat techs/paralyzing touch, MedNin that makes training more useful on your muscles (bonus to Athletics per day or something), etc etc.
  • Training jutsu that aren't MedNin affiliated
  • Narratively justified, ongoing invokable aspect for research.
  • Useful stunts (not really sure how we would request this in-universe)
  • Pull a prank on Tsunade
  • Substrate jutsu + jutsu that allows runes to be moved
  • Highly potent poisons + recipes or directions to source
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Oro trade deal asks (this is not saying we should ask for all of these things, just a compilation of things we would potentially want that have at some point been mentioned):
  • Protection from Akatsuki, now that they've shown a vested interest in grabbing Hazou for their own research.
  • Apprenticeship ranging from full thing, to more like a few hours of shadowing akin to Noburi with Tsunade.
  • Assassinating one or more members of the Akatsuki. Probably Sasori and/or Itachi. Would need to have a good explanation, based on last time we talked to him would probably lead to explaining the Rift.
  • Bioseals installed on person of choice
  • Bioseal designs we can research ourselves, or donated to Leaf library
  • Biosealing seal chain similar to the Minato chain, to us or Leaf library.
  • Bioseal handbook that lets people acquire the stunt, to us or Leaf library.
  • "A rank jutsu"
  • Specific jutsu to help Mari complete S rank kit, e.g. "A-Rank barrier jutsu of element lightning, water, or wind that also allows for genjutsu to be used through it."
  • The above but as a paper seal.
  • Some recurring amount of Oro's time for Hazou to be allowed to discuss philosophy with him without Oro calling it a waste of time and doing something else.
  • The above but just time to talk in a more general sense with him.
  • Useful medical jutsu. Buffs, combat techs/paralyzing touch, MedNin that makes training more useful on your muscles (bonus to Athletics per day or something), etc etc.
  • Training jutsu that aren't MedNin affiliated
  • Narratively justified, ongoing invokable aspect for research.
  • Useful stunts (not really sure how we would request this in-universe)
  • Pull a prank on Tsunade
  • Substrate jutsu
I think that poisons useful for combat and recipes for their making would be good too. He has to have some bangers.
Oro trade deal asks (this is not saying we should ask for all of these things, just a compilation of things we would potentially want that have at some point been mentioned):
  • Protection from Akatsuki, now that they've shown a vested interest in grabbing Hazou for their own research.
  • Apprenticeship ranging from full thing, to more like a few hours of shadowing akin to Noburi with Tsunade.
  • Assassinating one or more members of the Akatsuki. Probably Sasori and/or Itachi. Would need to have a good explanation, based on last time we talked to him would probably lead to explaining the Rift.
  • Bioseals installed on person of choice
  • Bioseal designs we can research ourselves, or donated to Leaf library
  • Biosealing seal chain similar to the Minato chain, to us or Leaf library.
  • Bioseal handbook that lets people acquire the stunt, to us or Leaf library.
  • "A rank jutsu"
  • Specific jutsu to help Mari complete S rank kit, e.g. "A-Rank barrier jutsu of element lightning, water, or wind that also allows for genjutsu to be used through it."
  • The above but as a paper seal.
  • Some recurring amount of Oro's time for Hazou to be allowed to discuss philosophy with him without Oro calling it a waste of time and doing something else.
  • The above but just time to talk in a more general sense with him.
  • Useful medical jutsu. Buffs, combat techs/paralyzing touch, MedNin that makes training more useful on your muscles (bonus to Athletics per day or something), etc etc.
  • Training jutsu that aren't MedNin affiliated
  • Narratively justified, ongoing invokable aspect for research.
  • Useful stunts (not really sure how we would request this in-universe)
  • Pull a prank on Tsunade
  • Substrate jutsu

You're forgetting something obvious and important:

A (probably earth element) jutsu that allows one to move infused runes, it would be something he'd undoubtably at least try to make himself regardless, it's vital for us if we ever actually want to use Lithosealing for combat fullstop.

And finally, due to it being fairly likely that the Lithosealing stunt and fair amount of levels in it is a requirement if one wanted to make such a jutsu, makes it something that for the foreseeable future only Orochimaru could conceivably make due to it probably also requiring decently high Technique Hacking skills.

So in conclusion, if we're going to sell Lithosealing to Orochimaru then such a jutsu should be our number one request.
You're forgetting something obvious and important:

A (probably earth element) jutsu that allows one to move infused runes, it would be something he'd undoubtably at least try to make himself regardless, it's vital for us if we ever actually want to use Lithosealing for combat fullstop.

And finally, due to it being fairly likely that the Lithosealing stunt and fair amount of levels in it is a requirement if one wanted to make such a jutsu, makes it something that for the foreseeable future only Orochimaru could conceivably make due to it probably also requiring decently high Technique Hacking skills.

So in conclusion, if we're going to sell Lithosealing to Orochimaru then such a jutsu should be our number one request.
I don't think this is something anyone has forgotten. From a completely meta standpoint I just don't think it's going to happen and I suspect many voters feel the same, but I'll add it to the list. Should be trivial to ask about at the least.
I think that poisons useful for combat and recipes for their making would be good too. He has to have some bangers.
Just a reminder that poison creation scales off of Medknow, and Noburi was hesitant to weaponize chakra scalpels. I do not think he'd be willing to make poisons.

If we want poisons, we'd likely need to either have Hazou raise medknow to make them, himself, or find a willing adoptee, ask them to learn medknow via notes, and offload the project to them.
Just a reminder that poison creation scales off of Medknow, and Noburi was hesitant to weaponize chakra scalpels. I do not think he'd be willing to make poisons.
...He provided the poison used on lizardbreath tho🗿

And also helped acquire the butterfly paralytic, and so on

I think the specific issue with chakra scalpels was using a thing designed to heal people to instead kill people. If he's making poison which from the get-go is not designed to heal, it's different (IMO). It's not like he's going to pass up WDB because it's a thing that kills people. But you know, we could just... ask

EDIT: Though, cart before the horse anyways bc we don't even have poison recipes from Oro
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@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Paperclipped

In an utterly transparent attempt to avoid a dreaded Meetings Chapter: Is Noburi comfortable with poisons? Such answers may look like...
  • Yes. Noburi is a medic, but he's also a combat ninja. He'd be okay with making poisons, since they're made with the honest intention of harming others (in contrast to Hazou's idea about weaponizing chakra scalpels).
  • Yes, but hesitant. Noburi is a medic, but he's also a combat ninja. Unfortunately, Noburi sees how much time Hazou and Kagome devote to researching seals, and is hesitant to leave his hospital and clan duties for that long.
  • Yes, but conditional. Noburi is a medic, but he's also a combat ninja. He's willing to research poisons, but asks if there's a way to make the recipes public domain. Noburi, it seems, has been inspired by Hazou's charity.
  • Yes, but conditional. Noburi is a proud medic, but also understands the realities of ninja combat. He'll only make them if you promise that they won't be used against Leaf citizens. Noburi works hard to keep Leaf healthy, and he doesn't want to undermine that work.
  • Maybe. Between ACE, his hospital duties, his Clan Duties, and now reading Medknow notes, Noburi's time is full. He's a bit uneasy at the thought, but tells Hazou to ask him again once he's done reading Orochimaru's Notes. Noburi says that This gives him more time to think about it, and it would be the earliest he could begin making poisons, anyway (assuming he agrees).
  • No. Noburi is a medic, and is proud of his bloodline's ability to bypass drugs, which often have nasty side effects. Inflicting those effects on people feels like a betrayal.
  • No. Noburi is a medic, and is uncomfortable about using that knowledge to rot someone's body. Normal ninja combat is more honest than what you're asking for (lizardbreath, he admits, was an exception that he has mixed feelings about).
@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Paperclipped

In an utterly transparent attempt to avoid a dreaded Meetings Chapter: Is Noburi comfortable with poisons? Such answers may look like...

Yes. Noburi is a medic, but he's also a combat ninja. He'd be okay with making poisons, since they're made with the honest intention of harming others (in contrast to Hazou's idea about weaponizing chakra scalpels).
Yes, but hesitant. Noburi is a medic, but he's also a combat ninja. Unfortunately, Noburi sees how much time Hazou and Kagome devote to researching seals, and is hesitant to leave his hospital and clan duties for that long.
Yes, but conditional. Noburi is a medic, but he's also a combat ninja. He's willing to research poisons, but asks if there's a way to make the recipes public domain. Noburi, it seems, has been inspired by Hazou's charity.
Yes, but conditional. Noburi is a proud medic, but also understands the realities of ninja combat. He'll only make them if you promise that they won't be used against Leaf citizens. Noburi works hard to keep Leaf healthy, and he doesn't want to undermine that work.
Maybe. Between ACE, his hospital duties, his Clan Duties, and now reading Medknow notes, Noburi's time is full. He's a bit uneasy at the thought, but tells Hazou to ask him again once he's done reading Orochimaru's Notes. Noburi says that This gives him more time to think about it, and it would be the earliest he could begin making poisons, anyway (assuming he agrees).
No. Noburi is a medic, and is proud of his bloodline's ability to bypass drugs, which often have nasty side effects. Inflicting those effects on people feels like a betrayal.
No. Noburi is a medic, and is uncomfortable about using that knowledge to rot someone's body. Normal ninja combat is more honest than what you're asking for (lizardbreath, he admits, was an exception that he has mixed feelings about).
Noburi has no ethical objections to poison use (although, as with any weapon, everyone has different limits on how much suffering they're willing to inflict on a person in the process of killing them). However, there are multiple reasons why all ninja don't poison their weapons by default even though it's a highly-intuitive idea (and in the real world, poison was the whole point of shuriken). The most important one is that among the earliest innovations of the Village Era was the villages merging the various forms of poison resistance conditioning known by their clans. Today, you will be very hard-pressed to find a village-trained ninja who can't resist most poisons at least for long enough to murder you in combat (if they don't just shrug them off because their village has particularly good counters to your poison of choice). This is why in the modern day, most poison users come from specialist clans which have centuries of secret poison-brewing lore (or use ninjutsu that just happens to be poison-like in its effects, like the one used by the mysterious jōnin who killed Minami). If you could just get a ninja to research an effective poison the way they research effective ninjutsu, everyone would already be doing it.

With no knowledge in the field, Noburi has no idea how long it would take him to research a poison if doing so somehow became viable, so he can't say if he'd be willing to take that much time out of his studies and medic-nin duties.
I don't think this is something anyone has forgotten. From a completely meta standpoint I just don't think it's going to happen and I suspect many voters feel the same, but I'll add it to the list. Should be trivial to ask about at the least.

I'd disagree from a meta standpoint actually, from what we know of the QM's (Eaglejarl especially) I'd consider it extremely unlikely that Lithosealing is in practice unusable for punching scenes that don't consist of Hazou batman'ing the shit out of someone.
I'd disagree from a meta standpoint actually, from what we know of the QM's (Eaglejarl especially) I'd consider it extremely unlikely that Lithosealing is in practice unusable for punching scenes that don't consist of Hazou batman'ing the shit out of someone.
If that were true I'm not sure runic drag would exist in the first place

I'd like to be wrong on this but I don't see it...