Shika is trying to save humanity from Em nukes. Given his goals, was/would killing Akane a mistake? If there's even a 0.001% chance, that she leaks it, killing her saves a staggering number of lives.
If she wasn't our family, I think we would have advocated killing her, because the risk wasn't worth it.
There is an important sense in which killing Akane was clearly the right move. That doesn't mean I'm not very upset, but being upset doesn't change what's right.
Absolutely, cuz killing Akane would get his ass fried when it inevitably comes out.

As to your second point. Knowing Akane's personality, as Shika does. I wouldn't have advocated for her death if she wasn't family.

Which is to say, you're completely wrong about killing Akane having been the right move in some sense.
It's pretty funny/impressive on how the the thread can go from "conspiracy theories 101 and why Shika is untrustworthy" to "Shika defense 101 and why he is one of the few people who is objectively good".
That's just a consequence of the long-term disagreement in the thread about how likely he is to be conspiring against us. This isn't our first rodeo on the topic, and people still remained suspicious/skeptical of the suspicion, so naturally you would observe in the future arguments fervently casting doubt on his character matched with arguments fervently defending his character. If it looks like the thread as a whole is flip-flopping back and forth, that's probably just different people having more to say at different times, creating clumps of pro-Shikamaru and anti-Shikamaru discourse.

Like, I can point at the various people in this debate and recall when they held a similar position last time we had a Shikamaru debate, and I can look to myself and notice that I've held a pretty consistent opinion over these debates, and the only thing I struggle to recall is anyone with strong opinions on one side shifting to strong opinions on the other side, which I wouldn't really expect to happen anyways because we haven't gotten much new information on the matter to properly change anyone's minds with.
Shika's most obvious mistake, from his perspective, is not giving everyone more time to think after telling everyone updates on the situation. Ex: if he had told hazou about the containment failures earlier

Edit: I can see not giving us time after talking about isan genocide, in case someone defects. But he coulda given us time to think after knowing containment failures, he gave Kei that
We brought a lot of these ideas to his attention, but he gladly acted on them.

So it's indistinguishable from a political move and thus we can't tell if he's really dedicated to them?

I wouldn't call him a good person for saying yes to a political ally's proposition.

Shika is trying to save humanity from Em nukes. Given his goals, was/would killing Akane a mistake? If there's even a 0.001% chance, that she leaks it, killing her saves a staggering number of lives.
If she wasn't our family, I think we would have advocated killing her, because the risk wasn't worth it.
There is an important sense in which killing Akane was clearly the right move. That doesn't mean I'm not very upset, but being upset doesn't change what's right.

Nah. I wouldn't. Killing someone because there's a small chance they can cause destruction is silly and it's how tyranny justifies atrocities. Shikamaru is a horrible person the likes of the worst killers for suggesting to wipe out a culture just because there was a chance they would do something they hadn't done in thousands of years because he just found out about it.

And he was pushing for it too. Heavy. It wasn't reluctant, it was basically what he jumped to.

He's a borderline monster, along with Asuma. At least by my personal standards/morals.
It seems more likely that Hidan smelled all the deaths Asuma caused by nuking Isan than he was involved in Akane's murder
[X] [PS] Lithosealer

Omake for the Omake Pile: Hazou unintentionally troubleshoots Leaf sealmaster's Sealing research. There is now a mad scramble in Leaf's wider sealmaster community to get on the Great Seal Research Team, because it's known that Hazou will answer a question or two. Hazou, of course, is unaware of all of this. He's just happy to see them taking the Dragonwar seriously.
It's pretty funny/impressive on how the the thread can go from "conspiracy theories 101 and why Shika is untrustworthy" to "Shika defense 101 and why he is one of the few people who is objectively good".

That aside, I think we are jumping the gun here. There's no clear indication yet as to why Hidan smelled something in the last chapter after all.
That's just a consequence of the long-term disagreement in the thread about how likely he is to be conspiring against us. This isn't our first rodeo on the topic, and people still remained suspicious/skeptical of the suspicion, so naturally you would observe in the future arguments fervently casting doubt on his character matched with arguments fervently defending his character. If it looks like the thread as a whole is flip-flopping back and forth, that's probably just different people having more to say at different times, creating clumps of pro-Shikamaru and anti-Shikamaru discourse.

Like, I can point at the various people in this debate and recall when they held a similar position last time we had a Shikamaru debate, and I can look to myself and notice that I've held a pretty consistent opinion over these debates, and the only thing I struggle to recall is anyone with strong opinions on one side shifting to strong opinions on the other side, which I wouldn't really expect to happen anyways because we haven't gotten much new information on the matter to properly change anyone's minds with.
I've pretty consistently been in both camps at once. I think it's very likely Shika was involved in Akane's murder, and fairly likely Asuma was involved. But I find Shikamaru's hypothetical reasoning very hard to form a principled objection to.

I really don't know how to handle this, and am invested in finding a satisfactory solution to this toy-problem version before I next need to make a similar choice in my life.

And if the Nara collectively decide to commit suicide, it would also plausibly result in human extinction. Yes, risk exist, behaving like a sociopath and assassinating fellow human that believe in not destroying humanity is not a solution.
Again, this is literally the same reasoning of the Hidden Villages, burning pragmatic and possible ways to improve the world in exchange for the fixiation on a theoretical risks, it's a mathematician way of seeing the world that just ends in a lot of people ready to stab each other in the back like now.

At the end of the day, you cannot play "what better option is there", if the option chosen does not have a good outcome.
You outright said, twice, that there were better options.
Tell me what they are.

Remember that "don't kill anyone, ever, including Isan" results in the word ending in EM nukes.
And if you can't think of a better outcome, blaming Shika for picking the least-bad outcome seems extremely dishonest.

Absolutely, cuz killing Akane would get his ass fried when it inevitably comes out.

As to your second point. Knowing Akane's personality, as Shika does. I wouldn't have advocated for her death if she wasn't family.

Which is to say, you're completely wrong about killing Akane having been the right move in some sense.
(Non-central, but I want to clarify that Akane having a breakdown and choseing to mass-murder(mostly) isn't what I'm worried about, it's if she gets captured and interrogated.)

Thanks for the reasonable objection.

It motivated me to run a few sets of Fermi estimates. I still think Shika might have made the right play if he was gurranteed to get away with it.

"This was a bad choice only because Goketsu Hazou is a world-changing agent, and it's vital that he be able to cooperate with the Nara, or at least not go to war with Leaf" makes a lot of sense. You may have convinced me.

I suspect his plausible worst-case outcome is commitimg suicide and letting Kei take over the Nara. I also assume he's at least modestly confident he thinks he can stop things from going that far. This seems like it *might* make the risk of angering Hazou acceptable to him.

Thank you.
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I really don't know how to handle this, and am invested in finding a satisfactory solution to this toy-problem version before I next need to make a similar choice in my life.
by satisfactory solution do you mean how to choose something between deontology and consequentialism that feels right, in the general sense?
or do you just mean for this specific example, what is a plan that a smarter (not more moral) shika would come up with that makes everyone happier and no one sadder?
by satisfactory solution do you mean how to choose something between deontology and consequentialism that feels right, in the general sense?
or do you just mean for this specific example, what is a plan that a smarter (not more moral) shika would come up with that makes everyone happier and no one sadder?
Great question

That qoute was specifically about reconciling the position of "don't be the kind of person who lets people [wrong me/mine]" with "what if they had a really good reason, and I endorse thier decision in abstract".
Which, interestingly, I don't nessicarialy see as a deontological/utilitarian conflict. I suspect that good enough Deontology and Utilitarianism basically converge.

I do also happen interested in the question of "were guilty!shikamaru's actions actually correct?". It affects what we do in this game.

But whether Shika played reasonably optimally or not, I need to figure the first thing out.
I would like medical ninjutsu to be at least somewhat stronger, and treatment seconds after an injury should probably be somewhat better than treatment days after the injury. Yet, there is no mechanic for treatment in this way. In the absence of time to discuss it, I'll just make rolls for Noburi's treatment attempts for Hazō and Kei, and figure out what to do with the rolls later. Possibly, that will be nothing, and we just use the normal Consequence rules we always have! Who knows.

Treating Kei:

Noburi (Medical Knowledge): 50 + 3 = 53
Noburi (Medical Ninjutsu): 44 - 6 = 38

Treating Hazō:

Noburi (Medical Knowledge): 50 + 6 = 56
Noburi (Medical Ninjutsu): 44 - 6 = 38
"They said it helped that I was onhand when Mari brought him out. I did some minimal work to stabilize him, but he was pretty far gone. If he survives, he's going to have a lot of rehab to do, and he might be permanently MSD."
@Paperclipped @eaglejarl @Velorien
Noburi's initial stabilization of Yūma seemed helpful, which hints that the immediate treatment mechanics Paper mentioned above might end up implemented.

Is the topic still under discussion? We're trying to calculate the length of Hazō's MSD and need to know if the immediate treatment has any mechanical effects.
wouldn't the obvious alternative to killing akane (if the central concern is capture and interrogation) be to have the hokage order her to become a skinwaste?
Great question

That qoute was specifically about reconciling the position of "don't be the kind of person who lets people [wrong me/mine]" with "what if they had a really good reason, and I endorse thier decision in abstract".
Which, interestingly, I don't nessicarialy see as a deontological/utilitarian conflict. I suspect that good enough Deontology and Utilitarianism basically converge.

I do also happen interested in the question of "were guilty!shikamaru's actions actually correct?". It affects what we do in this game.

But whether Shika played reasonably optimally or not, I need to figure the first thing out.
Consequences don't need to be an eye for an eye even if you want to dissuade people from acting against you and yours. Also doing the right thing doesn't mean that an action doesn't have consequences. I suggest you reframe this away from 'if Shikamaru is responsible, how should he be punished?'.
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"She will alert the Hokage," Kei said. "We will have a heavy combat team ready to back up Mari and the others."
I wholly approve of Kei/Snowflake's unilateral decision.

Who ended up going with Mari?

The good news was that running hurt.

"You didn't answer the question. How. Is. He?" Hazō demanded.
I really hope Yūma makes it. Both for the pragmatic reason that this will bond the Gokētsu closer together, which is to our advantage, and for the sentimental reason that there have been more than enough family deaths for my taste.

Noburi stepped into his brother's hospital room and paused, one eyebrow going up as he found Gaku sitting at the bedside taking dictation.

"Check with the smiths about the latest batch of ore," Hazō was saying. "They complained about the previous batch and I want to make sure the issue is resolved."

"Yes, sir."

"Has Osamu had any more disciplinary issues?"

Gaku winced. " one has officially made a complaint, sir."

Hazō sighed and rolled his head back and forth in annoyance. "Tell him that if he doesn't stop caterwauling in the showers at night we're going to put him on latrine duty regardless of whether anyone makes a formal complaint."

"Yes, sir."

"Do you have the latest silk sales data from the Meiori?"

"Of course, sir." Gaku bent to rummage up the appropriate document from his satchel.

Stuff like this makes me really damn proud of Hazō. Like, he definitely takes his Clan Head duties seriously, including the off screen parts.

Hidan strolled through the door after him, his three-bladed scythe draped over one shoulder.
Oh hello there. How's it hanging?

Also, I had to look up what a chevrotain is. Never heard that word before. Cute little critter.

"We've been hunting down whoever killed that Akane chick," Hidan said
You're getting my hopes up, Hidan. Be careful about that.

"It's been a complete—" Hidan broke off, sniffing the air.

No one moved.

"Hidan?" Kakuzu said after a moment. He was tense, the words tight.

Asuma shifted his weight as subtly as he could, preparing himself to run for the door if needed. He had no idea what was happening, but when a psychotic S-rank ninja starts acting weird it's probably not a good sign.

Hidan's eyes clicked onto Asuma like a sight hound pointing. "Well, now don't you smell nice?" he murmured, lips spreading wide in a psychotic smile.
Well, fudge. Either Asuma was personally involved in the assassination of Akane (unlikely), or Hidan can smell death counts and smells Isan all over him (sounds plausible), or some other thing that we don't actually have enough information on to guess (my bet is that it's this one).
But if Asuma dies, and if Hidan kills him, and if it becomes known that Hidan killed him because he killed Akane...where does that leave the village, politically? A Goketsu-Sarutobi feud? Who takes the hat - I don't think Ritsuo would have a chance in hell, but it might be Shikamaru. Having Akane's death over him would be helpful. Maybe Tsunade would step up - that's not impossible, and it would be good for us.
I would be against a feud. We do not control Hidan and can't truly be considered the party in the wrong, so familial enmity makes no sense. And with Asuma dead we have no one else from among his family and friends who deserves the blame. No, the biggest risk is that no one believes Hidan and that people take the rumors that Hazō is a Jashinist seriously. In which case we might be fucked.

Personally I would vote to support Naruto for the hat if he wants it. And I would vote to support Tsunade if she wants it. I'm not quite sure who I'd support if neither wants to concede and make way for the other, though that seems unlikely. That said, the most obvious candidate for Hokage is Akamichi Chōza. He is the senior ISC and he managed to get a bit of conservative credential while also keeping close ties to the progressive block. And he is a mostly sane jōnin from the old generation where the title was harder to achieve, a rarity in today's Leaf.
...honestly, I think I'd vote Ami for Hokage. She's friendlier to us than a lot of other clans would be, she'll be good at it, and she's aligned with our goals. We'd immediately have a Leaf-Mist alliance which could be based on actual trust (because Ami is effectively Mizukage, anyway) and I think we could use that to enact a peace more formal than AMITY.
Don't be absurd. Ami has zero chance of winning right now and knows that. Every voting Clan but four would see it as a Mist takeover. And the other four know Ami well enough that they'd see it as an Ami takeover.
It's the closest you can get to being simulationist without redoing about three hundred chapters, though. That's why I suggested it in spite of being, as I said, a bit cheeky. I'm not gonna be bothered if they just give a flat no, but I'm disinclined to leave money on the table, so to speak, if it's there for the taking.

You're not wrong, though!
Nope. The grue usually eats stuff, but this time he spit out something. More ninja survive combat and at first mednin get more respect, until someone from among the mednin themselves starts wondering why they were so shit at helping people in the past. Quickly the latest innovation that happens to vaguely align with the timeline gets blamed and everyone considers whatever it is a wonder cure.
If she wasn't our family, I think we would have advocated killing her, because the risk wasn't worth it.
I'm pretty sure we would not have. As in, I think most players would have voted against having a hypothetical Rock Lee of Chōji with EM assassinated.

Anyway, just to clarify, are you currently hoping that Hidan kills Asuma? Seems like it would be the right thing to do, given that he seems even less trustworthy to not abuse EM than Akane.
Well, fudge. Either Asuma was personally involved in the assassination of Akane (unlikely), or Hidan can smell death counts and smells Isan all over him (sounds plausible), or some other thing that we don't actually have enough information on to guess (my bet is that it's this one).
Hidan visited after he nuked Isan so that wouldn't be new... but it occurs to me Asuma might have used EM nuke more since hitting Isan.
If she wasn't our family, I think we would have advocated killing her, because the risk wasn't worth it.
I'm pretty sure we would not have. As in, I think most players would have voted against having a hypothetical Rock Lee of Chōji with EM assassinated.

Anyway, just to clarify, are you currently hoping that Hidan kills Asuma? Seems like it would be the right thing to do, given that he seems even less trustworthy to not abuse EM than Akane.
We were pretty glad to hear that random rock(?) genin who traded for Em was killed, but yeah, that's pretty different.

In general, I now hold that claim much more weakly that when I first posted it.

The Asuma one is a tough question. It mostly comes down to if his succussor would take the dragon war as seriously, and thinking that an EM user might be very useful for fighting dragons.
On the other hand, Hokage!Naruto is much more convenient for necromancy.
The more I think about it, the less sense killing Akane makes. Fakeing(?) an injury and putting her on indeffinate MSD would be much easier and less risky. Among other options.

Slightly downgrading my odds that Shika/the tower is responsible, greatly upgrading thier expected blameworthyness if they are.
The more I think about it, the less sense killing Akane makes. Fakeing(?) an injury and putting her on indeffinate MSD would be much easier and less risky. Among other options.

Slightly downgrading my odds that Shika/the tower is responsible, greatly upgrading thier expected blameworthyness if they are.
It still leaves the risk of Akane getting tricked into teaching EM, and/or snapping and EM'ing something important. The former is a risk mostly in the sense of it spreading to other Leaf clans; the latter is a risk if Akane remains/remained mentally unwell.

And, well...we did comment to Asuma that we were concerned about Akane's mental well-being.
Every bijuu once they grow up is a risk to leaf if they rampage. They can't destroy leaf like EM, but they can decimate it.

Edit: or any s ranker. Itachi killed his clan
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