Dark Miasma - The entire scene gains the Aspect "Dark Miasma", making sight beyond the current Zone nearly impossible. Additionally, deeper in the caves, the miasma thickens, weakening those that have to pass through it. Once per combat, enemies may tag "Dark Miasma" against you.
Everyone must make a Physique check:
- 19 or less: Temporary Mild Consequence (until leaving Zone with Aspect).
- 20-39: 2 boxes of stress track filled for the duration.
- 40-59: 1 box of stress track filled; enemies may not tag "Dark Miasma".
- 60+: no stress, no tags.
(reusing rolls from last chapter)
- Hazō's stress track only heals down to 2.
- Noburi is still at 2 stress!
- Kei is still at 2 stress!
Violet Flame Shades
Incorporeal Form - Can only be harmed by ninjutsu, physical fighting skills do nothing. Ninjutsu-enhanced physical fighting skills do half their usual amount of stress, capped by the ninjutsu's Effect. When physical stress is ignored, the Violet Flame Shade instead takes the fragile Aspect "Flickering Flame" until the start of its next initiative, upon which the attacker gains a tag.
Vicious Flames - Attacks roll at +AB (this is a substitute for boost). Attacks have Weapons:1 and deal Energy:Fire damage.
To The Aether, You Return - Shades are not bound strongly to the world. They have no Consequence slots above Mild, and are Taken Out if they take damage beyond that.
Chakra Sense - Shades perceive the world by sensing chakra, not through conventional senses.
??? - (more attributes not yet discovered by Team Gōketsu)
Some plan preambles…
- Inform summons about their heightened vulnerability and put them in the center of our travel formation.
In FtD, there's no opportunity attacks, so "center of formation" means nothing by default. To represent this, I'll say that if an enemy targets the summons while the formation is reasonably intact (by my judgment), the summon will get a tag on "Bodyguard Support" to dodge or defend. Formation is Hazō-Kei-Yuno-Noburi left to right – Kei and Yuno in the center as they have the best dodges so will be best equipped to take incoming attacks. Satsuko is already out.
- Yuno: Give her an Electrocution Seal for Saksuko
Making a ruling: Yuno can produce another layer of wraps for Satsuko's handle to keep her hands safe from the electrocution effect, at the cheap price of -3 on her Melee Weapons rolls due to the unwieldiness of the new handle size. The result is that of her attack, 1 shift of success is converted to stress on the shade. Not great for filling up the stress track, great for dealing Consequences or finishing blows.
- Or any other of her ninjutsu (Nara) that could be effective.
- Don't say Nara outright in case she's being cagy
While Shadow Guardians could be useful even at moderate levels, 10 is just too low. Nothing else really applies.
Everyone gets one tag on "Known Opposition" when fighting against a shade that they've seen fight before that's on this list, as Hazō lists off the opponents and the characters make plans against them. People that haven't seen the enemy fight get a half-tag (rounds down).
Chakra totals after rebalancing:
- Noburi: 500
- Hazō & Kei: 206
Combat 4: Neck Chūnin
Thanks to the PCs' inability to see in the Dark Miasma, Kishigami blitz into melee is a surprise by default! …except chakdar, right. So he doesn't get to make an attack before combat starts, and initiative instead begins when he enters the Zone with the rest of the PCs.
Round 1 Initiative (Gōketsu get chakdar bonus):
?? Yuno
?? Kishigami
?? Kasai
54 Kei
?? Gamantilla
45 Noburi
?? Canun
40 Hazō
Just saw and felt Kishigami run into the Zone.
Supplemental: Activate Electrocution seal
Supplemental: Trigger a Flashbang seal (no effect on these guys)
Standard: Attack Kishigami!
Yuno (Melee Weapons): ?? - 3 + ? (boost) + ? (tag "Electrified!") + 3 = ??
Kishigami (Melee Weapons): ?? + ? (boost) + 6 = ??
Kishigami takes 1 stress and is "Flickering"! Shame that his initiative is next… Now the characters know how the Electrocution seal will work. I'm not sure how it'll ground out narratively, but they're aware that someone else needs to fill the shade's stress track before Yuno can finish.
(In retrospect, perhaps "Flickering Flame" should have lasted until the start of the inflicting character's next turn for balance reasons, as that would guarantee that other characters would have the chance to use the tag. The narrative - that the shades are momentarily disrupted and need to pull themselves back together - made sense this way, though. Ah well, what's done is done.)
As in life, Yuno is not a priority target – the summoners are. He doesn't even need to pick Hazō or Kei since they're in a tight formation to protect the summons - so he can use Sweeping Strikes and hit both. Combine with Relentless Offense.
Supplemental: Sweeping Strikes
Supplemental: Relentless Offense
Standard: Attack Hazō & Kei
Hazō and Kei really want Substitution targets, but their field of view is so small… Let's roll a check with their Substitution scores to see if they can find a target. TN 30. Otherwise… it may be worth substituting the summons into the attack so that the humans don't get hurt.
Hazō (Substitution): 20 + 3 = 23
Kei (Substitution): 20 + 3 = 23
Nope, neither of them can find suitably sized boulders in the fractional second that they have. Tactically, both of them know the next step of the plan the shades will follow – namely, that Kasai will slam an AoE ninjutsu down on the area. The summons won't survive that. Instead, they opt to substitute with the summons, accepting that they'll pop in exchange for giving the humans a better lease on life.
Kishigami (Melee Weapons): ?? + ? (VF) + ?? (2x invokes) + ? (tag "Dark Miasma") + 3 = ??
[NB: Hazō can dodge or counterattack – with a now-decent Substitution score, dodging is better, especially since without GS he's not going to do damage if he counterattacks]
Hazō (Athletics): 40 + 5 (boost) + 8 (RBs) + 10 (Substitution) + 5 (tag "Known Opposition") + 5 (invoke "(Formerly) Marked for Death") + 5 (invoke "Lord of Clan Gōketsu") + 5 (invoke "Team Uplift") + 6 = 89
Kei (Athletics): 50 + 6 (boost) + 8 (RBs) + 10 (Substitution) + 6 (tag "Known Opposition") + 6 (invoke "Team Uplift") - 3 = 81
Kei spends a FP to reroll!
Kei (Athletics): 50 + 6 (boost) + 8 (RBs) + 10 (Substitution) + 6 (tag "Known Opposition") + 6 (invoke "Team Uplift") - 6 = 78
Kei spends a FP to reroll!
Kei (Athletics): 50 + 6 (boost) + 8 (RBs) + 10 (Substitution) + 6 (tag "Known Opposition") + 6 (invoke "Team Uplift") - 3 = 81
Kei spends a FP to reroll!
Kei (Athletics): 50 + 6 (boost) + 8 (RBs) + 10 (Substitution) + 6 (tag "Known Opposition") + 6 (invoke "Team Uplift") - 9 = 75
Kei spends a FP to reroll!
Kei (Athletics): 50 + 6 (boost) + 8 (RBs) + 10 (Substitution) + 6 (tag "Known Opposition") + 6 (invoke "Team Uplift") + 9 = 93
Hazō takes 3 stress! His stress track is full! Relentless Offense triggers! Hazō is "Overwhelmed" and Kishigami gets a tag!
Kei takes 2 stress! Kei is "Overwhelmed" and Kishigami gets a tag!
Hazō and Kei both are down to 2 FP total.
Canun (Athletics): lol
Gamantilla (Athletics): lmao
Both summons are popped!
Incidental thing that makes this fight harder – Hazō and Kei didn't get the chance to Substitute out of the Zone, since Dark Miasma prevents them from seeing targets outside of the Zone. That means they're still in the AoE for this attack…
AoE ninjutsu specialist gonna AoE. Damn, AoE ninjutsu is
good, huh? While she could try setting up her ultimate combo this time, it would involve friendly-firing Kishigami. In a ninja fight, it's better to go fast, I think.
Standard: Second verse, same as the first - Sin-Shattering Hammer. Except this time, she hasn't burned through all her FP dodging Yuno, and this time, she doesn't have a Mild… Kishigami passes her the "Overwhelmed" tags, which will be framed as a malus on Hazō and Kei's rolls.
I'm saying that everyone can use Substitution outside the Zone, as the flames momentarily illuminate the darkness, except Yuno, who used both her Supplementals. SSH's ability to prevent Substitution does not apply here. Everyone who substitutes, substitutes backwards away from the attackers.
Kasai (Sin-Shattering Hammer): ?? + ? (VF) + ?? (2x invokes) + 0 = ??
Hazō (Athletics): 40 + 5 (boost) + 10 (Substitution) - 2 (recently substituted) + 5 (tag "Known Opposition") - ? (Overwhelmed) - 6 = 52 - ?
[NB: Okay… this is really bad. If this attack went through, it would deal 14 stress. That would one-shot Hazō from full (3 stress track + 2 Mild + 3 Moderate + 4 Severe leaves 2 left over). Worse, Hazō's stress track is already full, so he can only take Consequences. He needs to get a ~+15 on this roll, or else he will take more than 9 stress and die.
To start, he'll reroll. In expectation, this gets him a 0 on the dice, which reduces the problem to finding ~+9 points on the roll, which is… hard, but maybe possible?]
Hazō spends a FP to reroll!
Hazō (Athletics): 40 + 5 (boost) + 10 (Substitution) - 2 (recently substituted) + 5 (tag "Known Opposition") - ? (Overwhelmed) - 6 = 52 - ?
[NB: Okay. Things are looking terrible for our hero. He will
die from this attack unless we can find something miraculous to save him.
He has 1 FP now and 153 CP. He used all the remotely combat-relevant Aspects on his character sheet on the last attack. I don't think he has any relevant tags on the environment to use. Despite the fact that he has loads of chakra, none of his jutsu would help. He has used both his Supplementals (2x Substitutions), so he doesn't have any action economy available. The other Gōketsu's reflexive tools (Water Whip, Gale Repulsion) don't apply. The summons are down. Everyone is in the AoE of the attack, so it's not like anyone could Substitute him out of danger if anyone happened to have a bodyguard Block on him.
Unfortunately, there's no mechanical solution here, I think. I don't see any way for Hazō to survive here other than to reroll and hit a +9 or +12. 94% of the time, Hazō's taking the fast way to the afterlife. He sends a prayer to Jashin for salvation.]
Hazō spends a FP to reroll! 0 remaining
Hazō (Athletics): 40 + 5 (boost) + 10 (Substitution) - 2 (recently Substituted) + 5 (tag "Known Opposition") - ? (Overwhelmed) + 9 = 67 - ?
Kei (Athletics): 50 + 6 (boost) + 10 (Substitution) - 2 (recently Substituted) + 6 (tag "Known Opposition") - ? (Overwhelmed) + 6 = 76 - ?
Kei spends an FP for the flat +3 bonus! 1 remaining
Kei (Athletics): 50 + 6 (boost) + 10 (Substitution) - 2 (recently Substituted) + 6 (tag "Known Opposition") - ? (Overwhelmed) + 3 (FP flat bonus) + 6 = 79 - ?
Noburi (Athletics): 45 + 7 (boost) + 10 (Substitution) + 8 (RBs) + 2 (tag "Known Opposition") + 5 (invoke "Team Uplift") - 3 = 74
Noburi spends a FP to reroll! 3 remaining
Noburi (Athletics): 45 + 7 (boost) + 10 (Substitution) + 8 (RBs) + 2 (tag "Known Opposition") + 5 (invoke "Team Uplift") + 3 = 80
Yuno (Athletics): ?? + ? (boost) + 8 (RBs) + ? (tag "Known Opposition) - 6 = ??
Yuno spends a FP to reroll! 3 remaining
Yuno (Athletics): ?? + ? (boost) + 8 (RBs) + ? (tag "Known Opposition) + 3 = ??
Hazō takes 9 stress! His stress track is full! He takes a Mild (2), Medium (3), and Severe (4) Consequence! He survives!
Kei takes 5 stress! She fills her stress track and takes a Mild Consequence!
Noburi takes 2 stress!
Yuno dodges!
Damn! Still no kills. That's okay, Hazō will die soon at this rate.
[Some rolls elided related to destroyed seals and sealing failures. Nothing combat-relevant came up]
She needs to survive the next few seconds.
Supplemental: Activate Combat Frozen Skein. Target bonus: +12. TN 24 check needed.
Kei (Frozen Skein): 30 + 3 = 33
Success! Kei takes 3 Apathy. Until the start of her next initiative, Kei gets a +9 (12 - 3) to all rolls.
Standard: Full Defense
Standard: Hōzuki's Mantle
No need for Supplementals. He'll stand and fight beside his wife.
A Medium is the condition to leave. He's well past that. He summons a puppy.
Takes Hazō back to the Seventh Path.
Round 2 Initiative
?? Kishigami
?? Yuno
?? Kasai
49 Kei
40 Noburi
Supplemental: Follow Kei
Supplemental: Prepare Relentless Offense
Standard: Attack
Finish off Kei.
Kishigami (Melee Weapons): ?? + ? (VF) + ? (tag Mild) + 0 = ??
Kei (Athletics): 50 - 3 (Mild) + 6 (boost) + 6 (Full Defense) + 9 (Combat Frozen Skein) + 10 (Substitution – as she ran through the tunnel, I'm saying she found a target or two) + 0 = 78
Kei spends a FP for the half-bonus! She is out of Fate Points!
Kei (Athletics): 50 - 3 (Mild) + 6 (boost) + 6 (Full Defense) + 9 (Combat Frozen Skein) + 10 (Substitution – as she ran through the tunnel, I'm saying she found a target or two) + 3 (FP flat bonus) + 0 = 81
Damn, she lived! How unfortunate…
Supplemental: Run towards Kasai.
Standard: Block her from using any ninjutsu that might target Kei or Noburi. Narratively, Yuno and Satsuko are forcing her to move, or make her flicker before any flame constructs can form. However, given Yuno's primarily physical-damage skillset, it's going to be really hard to fence in a shade that can just phase through your attacks…
Yuno (Melee Weapons): ?? + ? (boost) + 12 = ??
There's no way she's going to beat that roll, so… Don't bother bypassing the Block – just step backwards and target
Yuno with the ninjutsu.
Supplemental: Retreat out of range.
Standard: Attack Yuno
Kasai (Heaven's Scythe): ?? + ? (VF) + 3 = ??
Yuno (Athletics): ?? - 3 (Supplemental Sprint) + ? (boost) + ? (invoke "Pest Exterminator") + 0 = ??
Yuno dodges!
Refresh CFS as a free action! Again, target bonus +12. TN 24
Kei (Frozen Skein): 30 - 3 (Apathy) + 0 = 27
Kei takes 3 more Apathy (6 total). She has a +6 to all rolls until the start of her next initiative, thanks to CFS.
Supplemental: PKH
Standard: Attack Kishigami
Supplemental: Retreat backwards yet another Zone.
Kei (Ranged Weapons): 46 + 6 (CFS) + 12 (PKH) - 6 = 58
Kishigami (Athletics): ?? + ? (invoke) + 9 = ??
Haha, not a chance.
Attack Kishigami!
Noburi (Water Whip): 50 + 7 (boost) + 7 (HM) + 3 (tag "Known Opposition") + 9 = 76
Kishigami (Melee Weapons): ?? + ? (VF) - 9 = ??
Noburi deals 5 stress, dealing a Mild. He calls this fact out. Yuno tells him to kill the shade.
Round 3 Initiative
?? Kishigami
?? Yuno
?? Kasai
49 Kei
40 Noburi
Kei at 2 Zones away is too far to effectively attack, so fight Noburi
Supplemental: Prepare Relentless Offense
Standard: Attack
Kishigami (Melee Weapons): ?? - ? (Mild) + ? (VF) - 12 = ??
Noburi (Water Whip): 50 + 7 (boost) + 7 (HM) + 6 (tag Mild) + 9 = 79
Kishigami is epically annihilated! Noburi calls this out to Yuno, saying that Kishigami is done and they should regroup.
Yuno (Alertness): ?? + 3 = ??
Can feel the power of Heaven's Scythe coalescing around her and wants none of that. She tries to Sprint away:
Yuno (Athletics): ?? + ? (boost) + 3 = ??
? shifts, letting her move only ? Zones due to the Heaven's Scythe limitation. Still good enough to regroup with Noburi! Save both Supplementals.
Her prey escaped and is now 3 Zones away – too far to attack with Sin-Shattering Hammer, and Heaven's Scythe nerfs itself! What a conundrum! She'll move in with Full Defense, preparing a new offense.
Kei needs to sustain CFS. Target bonus: 0. She's up to 7 Apathy.
Supplemental: End CFS. TN 21.
Kei (Resolve): 69 - 7 (Apathy) + 0 = 62
Easy success! She lowers her Apathy down to 3 (# rounds active).
Standard: Sprint away. With her Mild and her Apathy, she doesn't want to fight any longer.
Full-round: Swaps out his Rocket Boots.
Round 4 Initiative
?? Yuno
?? Kasai
40 Noburi
Noburi is temporarily vulnerable as he swaps his RBs. She needs to Block Kasai again.
Run forward 1 Zone, then Block Kasai's advance.
She's fine to attack Yuno, especially if it helps set up her ultimate combo.
Kasai (Heaven's Scythe): ?? + ? (VF) + 3 = ??
Yuno (Athletics): ?? - 3 (Supplemental Sprint) + ? (boost) + 6 = ??
Yuno's takes ? stress! She takes a -? to Athletics for the next ? rounds!
Kasai backs away 1 Zone.
Needs to engage. Sprints forward.
Noburi (Athletics): 45 + 5 (boost) + 3 = 53
Plenty of movement, he's right on top of Kasai.
Round 5 Initiative
?? Yuno
?? Kasai
40 Noburi
Substitutes Noburi backwards, so they don't end up in the same Zone.
Again, Block Kasai from doing anything dangerous.
Engaged with Yuno? Ugh. Back off and attack her again. Finally, she gets to use her ultimate combo!
Kasai (Sin-Shattering Hammer): ?? + ? (Divine Kami's Bellows) + ? (Heaven's Scythe) + ? (VF) + 0 = ??
Yuno (Athletics): ?? + ? (boost) + ? (invoke "Wedded to Hope") + 6 = ??
Yuno takes ? stress! Yuno barely dodges a Consequence.
Substitute with Yuno, then run forward into melee with Kasai.
Noburi (Water Whip): 50 + 7 (boost) - 2 (Substituted recently) + 7 (HM) + 8 (RB) + 6 (invoke "Star of the Show) + 3 = 79
Kasai (Athletics): ?? + ? (invoke) - 9 = ??
Noburi inflicts ? stress – dispelling Kasai's shade!
Chakra tally after the fight and rebalancing:
- Hazō: 30 (back to the Seventh Path)
- Kei: 30 (back to the Seventh Path)
- Noburi: 200
- Yuno: ???
The surviving heroes (Noburi and Yuno) arrive at Yūma's final location. They inspect Yūma, find that he's still alive. Yuno activates Thunderburst just in case, then goes into the well to retrieve him, where she's attacked. Irritatingly, chakdar
still keeps it from being a surprise. Instead, we have…
FP Net:
- Hazō:
-1 (-5 in the fight, +1 from "winning", +3 from taking Consequences) As the players have pointed out to me, Hazō's "Defy Death" ability means that he could have saved 1 FP from the point where he spent 2 FP to reroll and survive. As a result, his net is actually -0.
- Kei: -5 (-7 in the fight, +1 from "winning", +1 from taking Consequences)
- Noburi: -2 (-3 in the fight, +1 from winning)
- Yuno: -2 (-3 in the fight, +1 from winning)
Combat 5: Final Boss
Round 1 Initiative (Gōketsu get chakdar bonus):
?? Jōtarō
?? Komori
?? Yuno
45 Noburi
Attacks Yuno:
Jōtarō (Melee Weapons): ?? (all bonuses, invokes included) + 6 = ??
Yuno (Melee Weapons): ?? (all bonuses, invokes included) - 9 = ??
Yuno spends a FP to reroll! She is out of Fate Points!
Yuno (Melee Weapons): ?? (all bonuses, invokes included) + 3 = ??
Yuno takes ? stress! She takes a Mild Consequence!
Makes a Block preventing Yuno from leaving.
Komori (Taijutsu): ?? (all bonuses included) + 6 = ??
Supplemental: Grabs Yūma
Standard: Dashes out of the well.
Yuno (Athletics): ?? - ? (Mild) - ?? (Carrying Yūma) + 6 = ??
Easily enough movement, but… can she beat Komori's Block? Not with the Yūma-carrying penalty. She can't Substitute and take him with. Either she gets stuck in the well and has to take Jōtarō's next attack, or she drops Yūma and keeps going. Unfortunately, I think there's only one sane option, and Yuno is tactically aware enough to know what she needs to do. She drops Yūma and puts all her movement towards running away.
Run away. He's already ahead, at the top of the well.
Noburi (Athletics): 45 + 5 (boost) + 6 = 56
With a Substitution or two? He's outta there.
Round 2 Initiative
?? Jōtarō
?? Komori
?? Yuno
45 Noburi
Jōtarō (Athletics): ?? + 3 = ??
Komori (Athletics): ?? + 0 = ??
The heroes get away!