It's not, but the effective skill is what matters for determining things like number of allowed prep days and bonuses that key off of AB of Sealing. Goo Bombs roll at 60, for example.
Don we lose a day of SSA research for every Hazou!Rocketboot we make? Or can we do whole batches with one SSA use? How big of a batch can we do? What are SSA!Hazou and Kagome's respective rocketboot bonuses?
Don we lose a day of SSA research for every Hazou!Rocketboot we make? Or can we do whole batches with one SSA use? How big of a batch can we do? What are SSA!Hazou and Kagome's respective rocketboot bonuses?
We haven't researched the seal so I'm unsure about the answer to the first couple questions. The rules as written so far state that the effective Sealing is what the RBs key off of. That would mean Hazou's RBs would give a +8 compared to Kagome's +6.

Infusing a seal takes 30s, Hazou doesn't get the SSA headaches until he goes for many minutes (hours) of continuous use. If I was a QM I'd probably rule that Hazou can't do hundreds of RB infusions in a day w/o provoking SSA, but a reasonable amount (dozens) won't provoke it, and therefore I would not bother to track it.
Infusing a seal takes 30s, Hazou doesn't get the SSA headaches until he goes for many minutes (hours) of continuous use. If I was a QM I'd probably rule that Hazou can't do hundreds of RB infusions in a day w/o provoking SSA, but a reasonable amount (dozens) won't provoke it, and therefore I would not bother to track it.
Also, Hazou doesn't need to use SSA on a seal design he's familiar with even if he used SSA to learn it. Even if it's a Jiraiya tier seal, once he's made it a few times, he will not need SSA to keep making more. If he becomes familiar with the "better" version of Rocket Boots I presume he could make them without needing to proc SSA for RB at all.
Also, Hazou doesn't need to use SSA on a seal design he's familiar with even if he used SSA to learn it. Even if it's a Jiraiya tier seal, once he's made it a few times, he will not need SSA to keep making more. If he becomes familiar with the "better" version of Rocket Boots I presume he could make them without needing to proc SSA for RB at all.
Right, I think the issue raised is since RB keys of effective Sealing, does that mean eff Sealing at the time of research or time of infusion.

The fact that it continues to scale with increased Sealing (i.e. if you learned it at Sealing 50 and raised your Sealing to 60) points to eff Sealing at time of infusion.

But like, is it really worth tracking this? Just slap a +8 on that bad boy and call it a day.
This def shouldn't be the plan for Noburi. We need to raise his physique to 40 to make a play for sage mode. After that I would want to raise his athletics & awareness to 49.
I'm not trying to convince you. When you push your proposed build I push an alternative because I don't want it to seem like your plan is the only option. I don't want people to pick your path simply because it's the only one that they have seen for years.
My take on Noburi's build is that we should get MedNin to 50 and then stop leveling his medical skills until Tsunade scoops him up. He'd be good enough to pass her test by then, and we can redirect focus to impressing the Toads & getting Sage Mode. Truth be told a Tsunade apprenticeship is the most valuable thing he actually gets out of medicine right now, given that he's hanging around Leaf in a relatively "dry" period for medicine, dry enough that Tsunade left to be more useful elsewhere. We may want to re-ask Noburi if he still wants to continue focusing solely on medicine once he gets there. Honestly as a player it does feel hard to justify the medical purchases mechanically sometimes, despite the narrative incentives, given that medicine doesn't do much for us.

The Toads are impressed by being a strong warrior so I'd suggest things like getting WDB to 49 (49 + 5 (jutsu bonus) + 8 (6 boost + 2 ACE) = 5 attacks at 62), getting WW to 59, Hozuki's mantle to 39, improving Rapport to persuade the Toads, and naturally, leveling Physique to 40+. (I suspect we will need minimum Physique 50 personally.)

Also Oneiros is right that we should start tracking his notes again. I think the reason we didn't was that we were discussing how to invest his time. My final suggestion was ACE, 1 block of notes, and 1 block at the hospital, with Noburi override on the notes if they have a busy day at the hospital (but again, supposedly it's a slow period.)
My take on Noburi's build is that we should get MedNin to 50 and then stop leveling his medical skills until Tsunade scoops him up. He'd be good enough to pass her test by then, and we can redirect focus to impressing the Toads & getting Sage Mode. Truth be told a Tsunade apprenticeship is the most valuable thing he actually gets out of medicine right now, given that he's hanging around Leaf in a relatively "dry" period for medicine, dry enough that Tsunade left to be more useful elsewhere. We may want to re-ask Noburi if he still wants to continue focusing solely on medicine once he gets there. Honestly as a player it does feel hard to justify the medical purchases mechanically sometimes, despite the narrative incentives, given that medicine doesn't do much for us.

The Toads are impressed by being a strong warrior so I'd suggest things like getting WDB to 49 (49 + 5 (jutsu bonus) + 8 (6 boost + 2 ACE) = 5 attacks at 62), getting WW to 59, Hozuki's mantle to 39, improving Rapport to persuade the Toads, and naturally, leveling Physique to 40+. (I suspect we will need minimum Physique 50 personally.)

Also Oneiros is right that we should start tracking his notes again. I think the reason we didn't was that we were discussing how to invest his time. My final suggestion was ACE, 1 block of notes, and 1 block at the hospital, with Noburi override on the notes if they have a busy day at the hospital (but again, supposedly it's a slow period.)

I'm okay with all of this, honestly.
We should really be learning the defensive array-like seal that Asuma has tasked us with, doubly so because it sounds like something we could modify (or might not even need to) to keep the inside of the protected area warm and protect against EM nukes.

We could just cover all of Leaf within a protective bubble and then also develop sensory arrays (that mark chakra signatures in a large area) which would help village security quite a lot if we could man those 24/7 with, for example, Goketsu sealsmiths, maybe coordinating with some Yamanaka if they can latch onto the chakra signatures provided by the array and use them to send instant long-distance messages / run remote mind scans.
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We should really be learning the defensive array-like seal that Asuma has tasked us with, doubly so because it sounds like something we could modify (or might not even need to) to keep the inside of the protected area warm and protect against EM nukes.

We could just cover all of Leaf within a protective bubble and then also develop sensory arrays (that mark chakra signatures in a large area) which would help village security quite a lot if we could man those 24/7 with, for example, Goketsu sealsmiths, maybe coordinating with some Yamanaka if they can latch onto the chakra signatures provided by the array and use them to send instant long-distance messages / run remote mind scans.

Very unlikely that we make a seal that covers a 2 mile radius with paper seals. IIRC paper seals have a power limit, and covering a whole city is significantly over that power limit.
Very unlikely that we make a seal that covers a 2 mile radius with paper seals. IIRC paper seals have a power limit, and covering a whole city is significantly over that power limit.
I mean the barrier seal in question was quite huge in canon, and the naruto wiki article on it got referenced with a link by the QMs.. we should probably ask to know what we'll working with.

@Paperclipped does Hazou know approximately how large an area the Fourfold Violet Flame Barrier can cover?
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We could just cover all of Leaf within a protective bubble and then also develop sensory arrays (that mark chakra signatures in a large area) which would help village security quite a lot if we could man those 24/7 with, for example, Goketsu sealsmiths, maybe coordinating with some Yamanaka if they can latch onto the chakra signatures provided by the array and use them to send instant long-distance messages / run remote mind scans.
Even if a large impenetrable barrier is possible, it's not a solution to EM attacks.

The EM-user just needs to infiltrate to inside the barrier. Leaf's city security is super porous, in a way that can't be fixed without a banning all foreigners with chakra coils and having Hyuga checking everyone who enters/exits.
This is my main concern.

I'll excuse myself from writing up my full analysis of the implications and options of a siege where a skywalking EM-user covers the surrounding area in EM, but TLDR; it'd be a bad time, unless the barrier is truly impenetrable, and leaf would need to cede from the world, give up almost all external power, and only interact through the 7th path. Still a lot better that dying. If it turns out that we can make an impenetrable city-scale defense, we should totally discuss the option. Still think that unless we preemptively sealed off leaf on the Human path EM-attackers would just infiltrate.

(Also, who are we defending against EM attacks from? Asuma? Hazou?)

I still think researching 4FSP is a great idea, and want to prioritize researching it, but it probably isn't a city-protecting bubble, and if it is "city-protecting bubble" has serious strategic inadequacies as a defense against EM-nukes specifically.

Good thing we aren't likely to be EM-nuked.
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I want to work on Rocket Boots for that +8 Bonus for our Goketsu Ninja, and then I want to divert to work on CATEARS. CATEARS would be an insane boost... And we could make Reusable Rocket Boots for instances where our non-Team Uplift Goketsu ninja aren't allowed to use skywalkers due to opsec.
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Even if a large impenetrable barrier is possible, it's not a solution to EM attacks. The EM-user just needs to infiltrate to inside the barrier. Leaf's city security is super porous, in a way that can't be fixed without a banning all foreigners with chakra coils and having Hyuga checking everyone who enters/exits.
By itself its not a solution no, but it keeps anyone without clearance out. A nigh-impenetrable physical barrier makes for a very secure perimeter when combined with a sensory seal that pings nearby chakra signatures, especially with Yamanaka and Hyuuga on standby to man it and screen anyone entering the bounds. Between the ability to detect powerful chakra users from afar and lock onto them across vast distances with the Byakugan + telescope combo, and the surface mind scans the Yamanaka can then run... yeah, sneaking or forcing your way in past that is difficult.

At minimum you can use this combination to secure some vital areas like the Tower itself and prevent events such as the Collapse from repeating themselves, but that measure could feasibly be expanded to cover the entirety of Leaf, if the seal can be made large enough.
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@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Paperclipped

Can we get this threadmarked and added to the Player Known Jutsu Doc?
[slides over a cookie as a totally-not-a-bribe]

Nara Clan Ninjutsu

This is a summary of Kei's potential Nara ninjutsu, to be presented to Hazō next time the two meet (unless Hazō dies before then, in which case ignore this post).

Shadow Imitation – You know it, you love it. The user's shadow stretches out to ensnare an opponent's own shadow. If the connection is made, the user can control the opponent's body, making them imitate everything the user does.
Shadow Guardians – A defensive technique that is particularly effective against ranged weapons and in single combat.
Shadow Step – An enhancement to Substitution that hinders enemy movement.
Shadow Betrayal – A moderate debuff that hinders enemy movement.
Shadow Visage – A general-purpose defensive technique.

While she cannot share more details with you (even this much is pushing it), she, as always, defers leveling decisions to you. If you do not give specific instructions, she'll make decisions of her own volition. Please vote in a Kei training plan for this coming cycle spending at least 500 XP into these ninjutsu.

In Kei's opinion, she thinks Shadow Guardians suits her style, Shadow Imitation is generally strong, and Shadow Visage is appealing personally.
Adhoc vote count started by Velorien on Jun 21, 2023 at 1:16 PM, finished with 254 posts and 27 votes.

Voting is closed.

Adhoc vote count started by Velorien on Jun 21, 2023 at 1:16 PM, finished with 254 posts and 27 votes.

Voting is closed.

Is there a good way to view really long spoiler titles? They always get cut off in a "..." for me
Here's another jutsu audit
Dunno if you want pings for jutsu audits

Will O' The Wisp
Exploit potential:
Considering I think normal fire is the electromagnetic radiation emitted by hot soot/particulates (although there are fire variants where it's actually something else). Moving the ball of flame means moving the soot. Therefore acting as telekinesis. Normal fire is teardrop shaped, so altering the shape into a ball also uses telekinesis. Zephyr's Reach already exists but this gives telekinesis to Fire element users as well.
Or if it is a chakra construct. Presumably chakra construct fire still has force? Even light produces force. If so then it's still telekinesis.
Overall soundness:
The jutsu does not have the Permanent advantage but is also not listed as a chakra construct. Does that mean it is real fire?
Fire will normally consume fuel and oxygen to generate heat, particulates, and CO2. The jutsu does not mention any fuel visible in the ball of flame so if it is real fire presumably it just spawns particles and directly heats them up. Since no chemical reaction means oxygen is no longer required, when the ball of flame moves does the gas move along with it or only the particles move?
After the jutsu, if real fire, do the particles just fall to the ground? What particles are they? Wood ash, charcoal, etc.?
The flame can be moved up to 5 zones apart. But how far can it be spawned?
What happens if you spawn, or move the ball of flame into, solid rock? What happens if you then move it out of the solid rock?
Can it be spawned inside people? If so, how does the "No combat effect" disadvantage work?