[X] Action Plan: Three Scenes, One Plan

If Takahashi will leave the village to meet Kei, Mari can use Lost in the Fog. Be mostly honest that we discovered his village hides something that can end the world to see if he will cooperate to the best of Mari's discernment or delete memory of the conversation. Maybe can give him blackmail material or hostage to prove we are serious.

Not sure if safer to hide or be open about EM. Open the offer by asking him to ban a seal then ask to ban a few more seals + jutsu to hide which of them is the important one, high odds EM is on the banning table.

Before EM is dangerous, it makes ice. Can track EM spread by ice sales. Three years to slowly level, making ice after one year. Better if replacement EM cannot make ice to not weaken this signal but trades off with people who think of making ice trying real EM. Still works for combat if it is better at heating than cooling.
Never to my knowledge has a settlement of four hundred ninja been completely killed to the last."
Think it was one hundred ninja + three hundred humans.
The drawback "can't be leveled above level 10" should make it easier to create, and our best TH is likely better than the Isan TH'r who made it.
Note that we are expressing some jutsu as stunts, meaning 'one and done, cannot be leveled', so you could use that as a mechanic.

How do the QMs (@Paperclipped @eaglejarl @Velorien) feel about us voting about how to continue this meeting and what to do next in two different plans for this (extended) cycle?
Could you expand on that? I don't understand the question.
Nope, 400 ninja + 100 civvies. It was originally 80 ninja + 20 civvies, but the QMs figured out there would be too much inbreeding in a settlement that small.
Keiko's report:
  • 400 villagers (but evasive about numbers)​
  • 100 ninja (but evasive about numbers)​
  • Allegedly no contact with the outside world​
  • Predominantly hunting and foraging for food, limited agriculture​
  • Highly-trained tapirs assist with aforementioned tasks through superior sense of smell and self-defence abilities​
  • Regular patrols, but not too far afield​
Today's act of faflec.
Could you expand on that? I don't understand the question.
We have/had a plan to talk to Cannai. Now are option are:
  • Punt it to another cycle with the associated risks of punting a plan to another cycle in favour of engaging with Asuma and Shikamaru
  • Let Pilot handle Asuma and Shikamaru and go talk to Cannai
I think that there are a few pressures intersecting here, namely that the Cannai thing is time-sensitive, this voting cycle feels a little wonky to the playerbase, and that we have the Asuma-Shika issue right in front of us.
We have/had a plan to talk to Cannai. Now are option are:
  • Punt it to another cycle with the associated risks of punting a plan to another cycle in favour of engaging with Asuma and Shikamaru
  • Let Pilot handle Asuma and Shikamaru and go talk to Cannai
I think that there are a few pressures intersecting here, namely that the Cannai thing is time-sensitive, this voting cycle feels a little wonky to the playerbase, and that we have the Asuma-Shika issue right in front of us.
Alternatively, we can twist time and make the Asuma/Shikamaru update after the Cannai update.
Alternatively, we can twist time and make the Asuma/Shikamaru update after the Cannai update.
Technically, the QMs can do this, not us.

(While I appreciate the 'laugh' reacts, I think this is actually important to note: we can't just declare that we, the playerbase, are doing this. I don't think?)
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I feel like EM has existed for hundreds of years and no apocalypse. It also is self-destructive and thus hard to discover. AND it needs to level a temperature control jutsu for practically no reason AND to use the cold version. Simulationist-wise it should never happen.
It's existed as a utility jutsu of an isolationist clan without clanless ninja. The second that jutsu gets put in the hands of a ninjutsu spec that doesn't have anything better to level they'll find the battlefield control benefits, keep leveling it, and eventually kill themselves.

Hell, maybe the secret is to proliferate a *better* fire technique of each category that doesn't scale into apocalypses
Posting in thread as well as discord:

I propose we propose the following to Asuma:
Leaf puts together a jutsu package of three jutsu of each element. Okay to good stuff, not trash. Then we make these techniques freely available, no questions asked. Missing-nin, Leaf-nin, other Village ninja, whatever. Make it a propaganda thing that Leaf is so strong now that we're at peace we'll power up our enemies so they can protect their civvies better.

This way it doesn't matter if Elemental Mastery spreads, no one is going to train it to 60 if they have three immediately far better jutsu to level. Bonus points if we include a stunt temperature jutsu that localizes the warming effect to the ninja rather than the zone. Selfish ninja would much rather have that than "make the entire temple comfortable no jutsu"
Posting in thread as well as discord:

I propose we propose the following to Asuma:
Leaf puts together a jutsu package of three jutsu of each element. Okay to good stuff, not trash. Then we make these techniques freely available, no questions asked. Missing-nin, Leaf-nin, other Village ninja, whatever. Make it a propaganda thing that Leaf is so strong now that we're at peace we'll power up our enemies so they can protect their civvies better.

This way it doesn't matter if Elemental Mastery spreads, no one is going to train it to 60 if they have three immediately far better jutsu to level. Bonus points if we include a stunt temperature jutsu that localizes the warming effect to the ninja rather than the zone. Selfish ninja would much rather have that than "make the entire temple comfortable no jutsu"
Need to run this by them first or they'll be mad we scooped a jutsu they could have sold.
Need to run this by them first or they'll be mad we scooped a jutsu they could have sold.
Who, Isan? We don't include Isan or elemental mastery in this at all, the point is to draw all possible attention away from them. The goal is to solve the EM issue 'by happenstance' with a completely unrelated set of actions. Hell, Isan will love the fact that they get 15 free techniques lmao

We're definitely not propagating elemental Mastery ourselves, that'd be asking for something to go wrong
Protoplan: Kindness Is Its Own Reward, But In This Case We Have An Ulterior Motive

Asuma & Shikamaru meeting continued:

General plan:
  • Hack a safe jutsu ("Weather Control", hereafter WC) that is strictly better than EM for utility
    • Can only raise temperature to just above boiling or just below freezing, but raises 10C/level, or make it cheaper, last longer ect.
    • The drawback "can't be leveled above level 10" should make it easier to create, and our best TH is likely better than the Isan TH'r who made it.
  • In Isan negotiations, as a "side item" ask for Jutsu exclusivity for a period of time to stall. (Make sure it's worded that they can't sell it.)
  • Have Hazou/Mari commission WC along with several other non-combat jutsu as a smokescreen.
    • Option: have Hazou ask to buy utility jutsu from every Leaf summon clan.
    • Asuma subtly recoups Goketsu the costs if they prove onerous
  • Give them out to all AMITY member nations, give an uplift speech like during the Chunin exams.
  • Extra Options:
    • Use this to get other nations to contribute some, too. Maybe leaf can get some new utility jutsu out of this, too.
    • Have Kei bribe a pangolin to lie to Isan and claim our WC jutsu is what Ui really used, and EM is just a simple copy. Have the pangolin learn WC and teach it to any Isan ninja willing to learn. Hand out jutsu scrolls drawn by pangolins.
    • Deniably assassinate those who refuse to use the new version, arrange for old jutsu scrolls to be ruined, ect.
  • Rapid propagation of a jutsu better than elemental mastery.
  • Avoids destroying Isan.
  • Use Hazous reputation as Uplift crazed to obscure why leaf is doing this.
  • Advance Uplift

I think we can 100% solve this diplomatically, and it even creates a reason for Hazou to go to another high stakes politically assembly!

I'm now leaning towards not informing the Isan leaders about the dangers of EM in order to prevent the spread of info completely. Smokescreening EM into irrelevance by creating and trading away more useful jutsu and then slowly destroying any reference of EM seems to be the best plan of action imo.

The biggest dangers with this plan imo are Isan leaders still passing down EM and Isan still spreading around EM to other nations under the table which seem hard to solve without an impossible level of constant surveilance.
I'm now leaning towards not informing the Isan leaders about the dangers of EM in order to prevent the spread of info completely. Smokescreening EM into irrelevance by creating and trading away more useful jutsu and then slowly destroying any reference of EM seems to be the best plan of action imo.

The biggest dangers with this plan imo are Isan leaders still passing down EM and Isan still spreading around EM to other nations under the table which seem hard to solve without an impossible level of constant surveilance.
Right, the problem with this is it spreads knowledge that EM is important to Isan, who now has a reason to hold onto it. If we treat EM as a mostly worthless curiosity and just happen to make it completely irrelevant then no one has a reason to keep it.
Who, Isan? We don't include Isan or elemental mastery in this at all, the point is to draw all possible attention away from them. The goal is to solve the EM issue 'by happenstance' with a completely unrelated set of actions. Hell, Isan will love the fact that they get 15 free techniques lmao
I'm suggesting that we say something like 'oh, we came up with this technique we were always planning on releasing, we just found out that you taught it to Akane, because of this unfortunate coincidence we want to offer you SOME_RECOMPENSE as you can no longer make any money from EM as we're releasing our superior version for free'.

The last thing we want is Isan to get upset over EM. This smooths things out.
I'm suggesting that we say something like 'oh, we came up with this technique we were always planning on releasing, we just found out that you taught it to Akane, because of this unfortunate coincidence we want to offer you SOME_RECOMPENSE as you can no longer make any money from EM as we're releasing our superior version for free'.

The last thing we want is Isan to get upset over EM. This smooths things out.

The big danger here is that Isan may still just spread EM for their next generations because of cultural significance/ease. Although they have had it for hundreds of years and it hasn't been a problem yet.
The big danger here is that Isan may still just spread EM for their next generations because of cultural significance/ease. Although they have had it for hundreds of years and it hasn't been a problem yet.
I think that the odds of them doing this if Leaf makes nice etc. are lower than in the counterfactual world where Leaf just spams the superior technique.
This update covers three days.
the giga tracker (I will make sub bullets in the kids sections when they actually get to the second batch)

  • Sealing:
    • Jiraiya Sealing Notes:
      • 1: 1500 XP
    • Orochimaru Batch 1 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: 200 XP / 100% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: 200 XP / 100% Learning Rate
    • Orochimaru Batch 2 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: 150 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: 150 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: 100 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: 100 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: 50 XP / 25% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: 50 XP / 25% Learning Rate

  • MedKnow:
    • Orochimaru Batch 1 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #1: 100 XP / 100% Learning Rate
    • Orochimaru Batch 2 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #2: 100 XP / 100% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: 75 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: 75 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: 50 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: 50 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: 25 XP / 25% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: 25 XP / 25% Learning Rate

  • MedNin:
    • Orochimaru Batch 1 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #1: 100 XP / 100% Learning Rate
    • Orochimaru Batch 2 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #2: 100 XP / 100% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: 75 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: 75 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: 50 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: 50 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: 25 XP / 25% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: 25 XP / 25% Learning Rate

  • Hazou:
    • Sealing:
      • Jiraiya's Sealing Notes: S:1500, B:0, R:0
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: S:200, B:0, R:0
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: S:200, B:0, R:0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:24, B:126, R:0
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0 B: 69 R:81
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50
    • MedKnow
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • MedNin:
      • Oro Batch 1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
      • Oro Batch 2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 400
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25

  • Noburi:
    • Sealing:
      • Jiraiya's Sealing Notes: S:0, B:0, R:1500
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: S:0, B:0, R:200
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: S:0, B:0, R:200
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50
    • MedKnow
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow Notes #2: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow Notes #2 : S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: S: 65, B: 10, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 18, R: 57
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • MedNin:
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #1: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedNin Notes #2: S: 93, B: 7, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 0, B: 30, R: 45
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25

  • Akane:
    • Sealing:
      • Jiraiya's Sealing Notes: S:0, B:0, R:1500
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: S:0, B:0, R:200
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: S:0, B:0, R:200
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50
    • MedKnow
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow Notes #1: S: 98, B: 2, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #2: S: 0, B: 100, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: S: 0, B: 75, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 9, R: 66
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • MedNin:
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedNin Notes #1: S: 65, B: 35, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2:
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #2: S: 0, B: 100, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 0, B: 59, R: 16
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25

  • Kei:
    • Sealing:
      • Jiraiya's Sealing Notes: S:0, B:0, R:1500
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: S:0, B:0, R:200
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: S:0, B:0, R:200
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50
    • MedKnow
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • MedNin:
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
Hazou Notes XP: 4 * 3 * 3 = 36 Sealing XP
  • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0 B: 105 R:45
Noburi Notes XP: 3 * 3 = 9 MedNin, 9 MedKnow
  • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 27, R: 48
  • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 0, B: 39, R: 36
Akane Notes XP: 3 * 2 * 3 = 18 MedNin, 18 MedKnow
  • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 27, R: 48
  • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 0, B: 75, R: 0
  • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 0, B: 2, R: 73

@Paperclipped @eaglejarl @Velorien
Shadow Clone XP
Hazou: 15*1.5 = 22.5 XP
Kei: 15*1.7 = 25.5 XP
Accounted for it this time but imo we should have Hazou using his full 1.8x until the Conclave is over
[X] Training Plan: Hazou Notes
Sealing 48 -> 50
Spend 198 Notes XP

[X] Training Plan: Noburi Notes
MedKnow 35 -> 36
Spend 36 Notes XP
MedNin 32 -> 33
Spend 33 Notes XP

[X] Training Plan: Akane Notes Plus Extra Ten Stat
Rapport 8 -> 10
Spend 19 Regular XP
MedKnow 17 -> 26
Spend 198 Notes XP
MedNin 15 -> 25
Spend 205 Notes XP
Def disagree it's only 1.2 extra xp per day compared to the 12 we're getting for sealing
1.2 × 30 days which could be clutch (extra 3 FP for fights or speeches for example.) Compared to Sealing xp we won't get mileage out of in time for the Conclave anyways (next level is 102 XP by itself, so we'd be getting it right at the end of our deadline.)

Hazou is also nearly on 2/day notes so really it's 6 extra Sealing xp a day (because prime will still study them)
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