Sure what Ami thinks kei's best interests are will be different than what others think they are. Ami is smart though, so her idea of kei's best interest are the best idea. Above even what kei thinks her own best interests are. Although Ami being wrong about keeping distance with kei during chuunin exams is one ping against her

now that i think about it. kei would be willing to die for uplift. even if kei might start hating hazou due to family drama like what happened with mari, i don't expect her conviction in uplift to change. so ami acting in kei's best interest means acting in uplift's best interests, even if not necessarily in hazou's best interests. so we should trust ami too.
on the other hand, although ami is helping uplift (like AMITY) she's not optimizing for it. if she were optimizing for it, she wouldn't be having fun. since having fun means you haven't devoted all your energy to optimization. but kei if asked would not want ami to optimize for uplift at the expense of being depressed so that explains itself.
if ami was optimizing for uplift over kei's life. she wouldn't try to kill mari. because that would hurt uplift. unless she thinks kei is so much better for uplift than mari that the chances that kei cause kei to die cause expected value to prefer certainty of killing mari. but ami might have been just speaking emotionally instead of rationally with hazou at that time. kei was able to convince ami to not do stuff and her arguments were just a subset of hazou's. or if she was speaking rationally with hazou, making speaking with kei made her emotionally/irrationally prioritize kei's feelings over kei's best interests.

Having fun is part of optimization if your net productivity from improved regular R&R increases due to better self-care. And it's definitely part of the optimization if it keeps you from snapping and giving up, or going Bad Ending.
Hazō (Calligraphy): 35 + 3 (IN) + 3 = 41
Hazō (Sealing): 48 + 22 (SSA) + 6 = 76

Hazō has finished the second seal in the jinchuuriki seal chain with a grand total of two research cycles and 10 days total. He is starting to understand the purpose of the Fourth's seal series -- namely, to construct machinery out of pure chakra for... some purpose or another. The ideas are brilliant, yet surprisingly easy to replicate with some effort, and Hazō thinks the next few seals might take him a similar amount of time to this one.

Apparently the next few seals will be of similar complexity, if not difficulty.
Apparently the next few seals will be of similar complexity, if not difficulty.
I'm actually confused about the rolls here @Velorien, Hazou doesn't seem to be generating bonuses to Callig or Sealing on the second roll, did he take an extra 4 days research time on the first roll? That would get to 10 days, otherwise it should be 6, 3 days per cycle.

Time and difficulty are related too, since an extra 3 TN means one less shift per roll. Although Complexity matters much more. Since it appears the "natural" complexity of a seal is the TN, the same way the "natural" Callig check is 2/3 the TN
Hazō has finished the second seal in the jinchuuriki seal chain with a grand total of two research cycles and 10 days total. He is starting to understand the purpose of the Fourth's seal series -- namely, to construct machinery out of pure chakra for... some purpose or another. The ideas are brilliant, yet surprisingly easy to replicate with some effort, and Hazō thinks the next few seals might take him a similar amount of time to this one.
We should test to see if Noburi's Vampiric Dew bloodline lets him detect the chakra here, and/or if this is safe for him to absorb.'s probably not safe.
We should test to see if Noburi's Vampiric Dew bloodline lets him detect the chakra here, and/or if this is safe for him to absorb.'s probably not safe.
Detecting it is probably safe to test, I wouldn't go with absorbing it, though, at least not without checking with the toad sages.
when we asked oro about summoning. he said he didn't have anything to add that we shouldn't have already realized as a summoner. that suggests there is low hanging fruit experiments we can conduct as summoner for learning stuff.
I mean, we (the players) don't actually know much about summoning in comparison to Hazou (the character), so we can't really judge that.
I'm actually confused about the rolls here @Velorien, Hazou doesn't seem to be generating bonuses to Callig or Sealing on the second roll, did he take an extra 4 days research time on the first roll? That would get to 10 days, otherwise it should be 6, 3 days per cycle.

Time and difficulty are related too, since an extra 3 TN means one less shift per roll. Although Complexity matters much more. Since it appears the "natural" complexity of a seal is the TN, the same way the "natural" Callig check is 2/3 the TN

No prep was used. However, Hazo got a headache.
Here are a few. I'll likely do more later.
Updated with the following:

Fire Eruption
  • Strength:
    • Seems like a pretty useful jutsu, especially for Taijutsu builds
    • The fact that the enemy must dodge with Athletics against FE's level means that it's useful as a capstone, or in genin-level fights, (as most ninja seem to have Athletics as one of their top 3 leveled skills)
    • Since the stress dealt is (FE Level)/3, higher levels make this jutsu a "dodge or die" jutsu. However, given the fact that the jutsu's AoE is restricted to melee, and that Athletics is so highly leveled within the world of the EN.
  • Exploit potential:
    • Other than the standard Fire Elemental stuff (set off flammable traps, burning through seals, etc), I can't really think of anything.
    • A Taijutsu user with this as their capstone would be OP once they hit jonin.
      • of course, if they're jonin, then they're likely to fight other jonin, who may specialize in RW (or else have a high enough Athletics to dodge)
      • This could be the build of a jonin who fall to the new-jonin meatgrinder?
  • Combination potential:
    • Can't really think of anything.
  • Edge cases:
    • Would this burn through the seals in a CHAOS suit?
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, strain calcs are correct, and mechanics are clear to me

Flame Wave
  • Strength:
    • It's Range is tied to its Effect, which is tied to its AB. Always a potent combo, if you have the pyramid-freedom to level it.0
  • Exploit potential:
    • Could set off traps at a long range, cause environmental hazards, hit medics who are healing teammates (provided that the medic is within Melee Range of their wounded ally, rather than providing the healing from range)
  • Combination potential:
    • May tie well with jutsu that allow for a certain degree of fire resistance (blacksmith's blessing, depending on if the Aspect is strictly Fire related, or if there's a Heat factor). Caster has the buff up and running, casts Fire Wave, and is able to endure/dodge the new Aspects.
  • Edge cases:
    • How would this work against jutsu such as MEW, or other elemental jutsu Blocks?
      • I would recommend it come down to jutsu AB, with the higher AB winning out (though, perhaps the Elemental Supremacy Chart would raise the "winning" Element by an AB or two?).
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, strain calcs are correct.
    • Slight question about the mechanics: It says that the Fire Wave may target [Effect] targets in [Effect] zones, assuming said zones are in a straight line.
      • Does this mean that if the AB is 2, then the caster may designate two targets within the same Zone as the caster?
      • Does this mean that the jutsu spits out one Wave per target, or that a single wave goes from Target to Target?

Blast Palm
  • Strength:
    • Pretty decent strength, with some range (with the option to hit multiple targets if they're clumped together)
    • I'm still not quite sure what having a Weapons Rating in addition to the normal Effect damage does, but I'm presuming that it heightens lethality in some way.
    • All in all, it looks like a solid genin-to-chunnin jutsu. Not crazy, but not horrible.
    • I love the imagery the name evokes
  • Exploit potential:
    • Other than the standard Fire Elemental stuff (set off flammable traps, burning through seals, etc), I can't really think of anything.
  • Combination potential:
    • Can't really think of anything.
  • Edge cases:
    • Can't really think of anything.
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, strain calcs are correct, and mechanics are clear to me.

Burning Cloud
  • Strength:
    • The damage scales to Effect (AB?), and the Duration is tied to Effect. This makes it doubly powerful the more you invest in it.
    • Good opening cast.
  • Exploit potential:
    • I can't think of anything off the top of my head.
  • Combination potential:
    • Wind jutsu might extend Burning Cloud into the next zone, or increase the volitivity of the environmental Flame Aspects, but that's already stated within the text.
    • Vacuum Step might leave a singular trail of fire behind the caster, creating a sort of Fire Wall behind them... or it might simply extend the range of the environmental Aspects.
    • Would Tunneler's Friend help in this scenario?
  • Edge cases:
    • How would traversing through/out of this Zone look like? Vacuum Step and Substitution, in particular?
    • Would a Misterator be enough to put the flames out, or would we have to create a specialized Misterator that creates more "explosion of water" than "Creates Mist"?
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, strain calcs are correct, and mechanics are clear to me
    • I believe that the Effect is meant to be "1 to AB," instead of "1 to Effect"

Rising Sun Dragon
  • Strength:
    • Very strong, it's Range scales with its Effect, which scales with its AB, and its AoE means that it hits everything within all of the Zones it can reach.
  • Exploit potential:
    • Standard Fire Elemental stuff (set off flammable traps, burning through seals, etc).
    • Since it's hot enough to create a "glassed" Aspect, then it might be hot enough to boil Water Elemental traps and constructs
  • Combination potential:
    • Wind jutsu boost
    • Earth jutsu that alters the terrain into something more easily "glass-able."
  • Edge cases:
    • What if it comes across a sufficiently powerful Water Block jutsu (i.e. The target wreaths themselves in a Water Prison Jutsu with a higher AB than the Rising Sun Dragon).
      • I would recommend that the RSD flow over them and onto the next Zone (if applicable).
      • Depending on the details of the Water Block may cause the caster Heat/Steam damage from the RSD, and it may prevent the Glassing of Terrain within the target's zone.
    • How would this jutsu be boosted, if it was cast in conjunction with an Ally's wind jutsu?
      • I would recommend raising the jutsu's AB by a point or two, and maybe stretch the definition of what can be "glassed" if the resulting AB is sufficiently high.
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, strain calcs are correct, and mechanics are clear to me.
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Here are a few. I'll likely do more later.

Updated to include:

Flame Sphere
  • Strength:
    • It scales up to Effect/AB, and its Duration Scales accordingly
    • Supplemental Action allows for a second attack
    • Pretty awesome, though I'm not sure how much being restricted from Chakra Boost is an adequate nerf. Could be a doublecost level?
  • Exploit potential:
    • Standard Fire Elemental stuff (set off flammable traps, burning through seals, etc)
    • Shadow Clone fuckery
      • Can Prime move a SC's FS?
      • Can SC1 move SC2's FS?
  • Combination potential:
    • Shadow Clone awesomeness
  • Edge cases:
    • Other than the question of Shadow Clone v Prime, I can't think of any
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, and mechanics are clear to me
    • I think the Effect is meant to say "1 to AB," rather than "1 to Effect"
    • Strain calculations are off
      • Missing 10 strain/2CP
      • 110, 135, 170...
      • 22, 27, 34...

Chain Bullet Swarm
  • Strength:
    • Pretty straightforward, solid jutsu.
    • Able to attack more targets as the AB increases.
    • Decent Range, too.
  • Exploit potential:
    • Can't really think of anything.
  • Combination potential:
    • Other than the standard Fire Elemental stuff, I can't really think of anything.
  • Edge cases:
    • Can't really think of anything.
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, strain calcs are correct, and mechanics are clear to me

Blazing Dive
  • Strength:
    • Pretty strong Effect, with some strong synergy with Leaf's natural environment + the various Sky Seals.
  • Exploit potential:
    • If the caster uses Rocket Boots right before hitting the ground, they may be able to reduce the fall damage.
    • Ghost Scales may reduce fall damage.
    • Earthshaping beforehand could provide a sandpit to fall into, reducing fall damage
    • Syrup Trap may reduce fall damage (it's Water Element, and the thick consistency could distribute the force of impact better than solid ground
    • MEW or other Earth Element Jutsu could "raise" the ground, and end the fall prematurely (thus causing the jutsu to expel above ground-level, and with a lesser bonus).
  • Combination potential:
    • Standard Fire Elemental stuff (flammable traps, heat-triggered seals, etc)
    • Rocket Boots, Skywalkers, Skytowers, Skygliders, Earth Pillar Jump, would all increase the height the caster could fall (and thus, more easily reach the Maximum multiplier).
  • Edge cases:
    • What happens if the caster is caught, mid-air, while the jutsu is active (ex: enemy uses Water Whip to grab them as they fall)?
      • Suggestion: the jutsu treats being grabbed mid-air as a successful "fall" and the jutsu is cast. The height bonus only counts the caster's starting height, to the point where they were grabbed.
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, and strain calcs are correct.
    • The Blazing Dive roll gets a bonus of +1 for every meter that the caster falls vertically as part of their Taijutsu attack, to a maximum of 3*(Effect).
      • The Effect of the jutsu is 3, meaning that the maximum bonus (3*(E=3)) that the caster could achieve is +9. However, in the example given, it suggests that a bonus of +10 is achievable.
    • "Immediately after the Taijutsu attack, a wave of flame rushes outwards from the target."
      • This states that the wave of fire expels from the target who was hit, rather than from the caster.
      • Having your jutsu cause effects from the enemy's body opens up a barrel of questions ("can the target's chakra fight off the effect," "if the target has armor jutsu, does the effect rebound onto solely them," "does the caster's chakra infest the target's body like a genjutsu to achieve this," and so on)
oh for plans that involve finishing seal. that could involve multiple research cycles. which can involve use of FP in each cycle. we might not regenerate enough FP to pay for that.
we didn't use prep days? then before i forget. action plans that use max prep days for sealing research when we have enough FP, or don't due sealing research, will be a big bonus factor for me voting for them.
can change mind if someone does an analysis of the risk factor of not using prep days.
If Hazo elected not to use prep days, it's a sign of Hazo's confidence, which says a lot.

That said, it does not hurt if we continue to upgrade Hazo's sealing and caligraphy at every opportunity. It can only help us.
Here are a few. I'll likely do more later.

Jutsu Audits Updated

Volcanic Blast
  • Strength:
    • Strong jutsu, though somewhat mechanically complex (RIP QMs)
    • The jutsu appears within melee of the caster, and must be moved via the caster's supplemental. A bit bad for action economy.
  • Exploit potential:
    • Introduces concentration mechanics, allowing for interesting jutsu to be Hacked
  • Combination potential:
    • Other than the standard shadow clone fuckery, I can't think of anything.
    • FOOM and "Toughened Mind" Stunt boost Resolve, meaning that jutsu that have such concentration mechanics are useful.
  • Edge cases:
    • Can a Shadow Clone spend chakra to boost Prime's VB Orb?
    • If the caster has an armor jutsu up, and the armor jutsu absorbs stress, does that count as "taking stress" by the jutsu's description, thus invoking a roll for Resolve
  • Overall soundness:
    • Strain calcs are correct.
    • Effect row states "1 to Effect," but I think it might mean to say "1 to AB"
    • When this jutsu is cast, a massive orb of fire appears in melee with the user. As a Supplemental, the user may fire this jutsu at a target in range. The user rolls Volcanic Blast, and the target and anyone in melee of the target must defend against the user's attack roll. The jutsu then ends.
      • Does this mean that the chakra construct dispels? Does this mean that, in order to give the orb more charges, the jutsu must sit idle?

Blacksmith's Blessing
  • Strength:
    • Good utility jutsu, though the duration is a bit short for noncombat usage.
    • Possible target for THing?
  • Exploit potential:
    • "Narratively, the user is unaffected by some situations that would otherwise be harmful due to heat"
      • Does this mean that the 1 point of non-ablative armor is cold to the touch?
      • If it's cold to the touch, that might be leveraged for other purposes (though, admittedly, I can't think of any at the moment)
    • Could be used to mitigate environmental aspects related to Heat in Combat?
  • Combination potential:
    • Could be used to mitigate feedback from Flame Aura (though not substantially so, and it would require time enough to cast both jutsu back-to-back... which is only really possible when you have prep time, since an enemy isn't going to let you stand around and cast repeated buffs).
    • (IIRC) Macerators with sawdust cause a wave of hot fire whose damage mostly comes from heat? Would BB negate damage like that?
  • Edge cases:
    • Would this negate Heat-activated Seals?
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, strain calcs are correct, and mechanics are clear to me.

Burning Fist
  • Strength:
    • Good buff jutsu that scales with AB.
    • Short duration is mitigated by being able to cast as a Supplemental
    • High chakra cost keeps everyone from using it
  • Exploit potential:
    • Standard fire jutsu stuff (flammable traps, Heat-activated seals, etc)
  • Combination potential:
    • If a wind jutsu is cast while this is active, would it synergize as a normal Wind/Fire jutsu combo?
      • Fists are on fire, if the wind jutsu involves the hands (such as the known Wind Shaper) then it could set the Wind Jutsu Construct aflame.
  • Edge cases:
    • Does this allow for jutsu to be cast while this is active?
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, strain calcs are correct, and mechanics are clear to me.

Blazing Fists
  • Strength:
    • Good buff jutsu that scales with AB.
    • Longer duration is compounded by being able to cast as a Supplemental
    • Buff is less than Burning Fists, but the chakra cost is lower (and thus more accessible to taijutsu specs)
  • Exploit potential:
    • Standard fire jutsu stuff (flammable traps, Heat-activated seals, etc)
  • Combination potential:
    • If a wind jutsu is cast while this is active, would it synergize as a normal Wind/Fire jutsu combo?
      • Fists are on fire, if the wind jutsu involves the hands (such as the known Wind Shaper) then it could set the Wind Jutsu Construct aflame.
  • Edge cases:
    • Does this allow for jutsu to be cast while this is active?
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, strain calcs are correct, and mechanics are clear to me.

Wrathful Grasp
  • Strength:
    • Good buff, extends range of taijutsu at the cost of decreasing your ability to hit with taijutsu
  • Exploit potential:
    • Standard fire jutsu stuff (flammable traps, Heat-activated seals, etc)
      • Traps/Heat-activated seals at range?
  • Combination potential:
    • Does it boost wind jutsu that are cast while this is active?
  • Edge cases:
    • Does this allow for jutsu to be cast while this is active?
  • Overall soundness:
    • No typos, and mechanics are clear to me.
    • Doesn't have taijutsu penalty strain present
      • I suggest (-20)
      • Lifted from MfD's jutsu design rules: "-20: Major penalty to relevant-but-noncritical skill, or minor penalty to a skill that is likely to be important while the jutsu is being used (e.g., combat jutsu that mildly penalizes Athletics)"
    • Calculations are not present within the table
      • Strain with my above suggestion: 40, 80, 130, 190...
      • Strain without my above suggestion (leaving the strain from Skill Penalty blank):
      • Chakra Cost with my above suggestion: 8, 16, 26, 38...
      • Chakra Cost without my above suggestion (leaving the strain from Skill Penalty blank):

Phoenix's Talon
  • Strength:
    • Increases any weapon up to a possible Weapons:3 (which, as per the MfD rules, puts it on par with "really large and/or 'magic' weapons such as Kisame's sword, Samehada"
    • It's not really worth leveling beyond 30, but it's really good for taijutsu users
  • Exploit potential:
    • I can't really think of anything off the top of my head, save for the standard fire jutsu stuff (flammable traps, heat-activated seals, etc)
  • Combination potential:
    • I can't really think of anything
    • Maybe chakra metal weapons would raise it to Weapons:4?
  • Edge cases:
    • Does this jutsu damage the weapon's durability?
      • I would suggest that improvised weapons (doors, planks, tree limbs, chairs) burn up after a round or two, that civilian tools (scythes, pitchforks, hammers) melt once the duration ends, that normal ninja weapons (kunai, swords, spears) last for a few years, and that chakra metal weapons suffer no notable damage
    • What happens when the user doesn't grab a weapon? Grabs a doorknob, or a wall... or a person, or even a clone? What counts as a "weapon?"
      • I recommend "weapon" be defined as "whatever the caster intends to use as a melee weapon" and that sentient beings (including clones and Summons) are not counted as a "weapon" under this jutsu.
  • Overall soundness:
    • Spelling, mechanics are all clear and correct.
    • Strain Calculations are off by +15
      • Strain: 155, 215, 305
      • Chakra Cost: 31, 43, 61

Divine Odachi
  • Strength:
    • Gives taijutsu users a ranged option
  • Exploit potential:
    • I can't really think of anything off the top of my head, save for the standard fire jutsu stuff (flammable traps, heat-activated seals)
  • Combination potential:
    • Heat-activated seals at range?
  • Edge cases:
    • Does this jutsu damage the weapon's durability?
      • I would suggest that improvised weapons (doors, planks, tree limbs, chairs) burn up after a round or two, that civilian tools (scythes, pitchforks, hammers) melt once the duration ends, that normal ninja weapons (kunai, swords, spears) last for a few years, and that chakra metal weapons suffer no notable damage
    • What happens when the user doesn't grab a weapon? Grabs a doorknob, or a wall... or a person, or even a clone? What counts as a "weapon?"
      • I recommend "weapon" be defined as "whatever the caster intends to use as a melee weapon" and that sentient beings (including clones and Summons) are not counted as a "weapon" under this jutsu.
  • Overall soundness:
    • Calculations, spelling, and mechanics are all clear and correct.
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