The Zero-G effect has now kicked in. The seventh letter (g) is forbidden in post text.
Hazō has experienced a seal failure! The effect of this failure is a loss of skill and memory, but the players have an opportunity to make it less bad. From now until the next update (the one scheduled for December 1, 2022) drops, any use of the seventh letter in a player post will cause Hazō to lose 1 XP. This will be recorded on his
character sheet as a sub-zero XP award in column T.
We do NOT include the standardized text that comes at the bottom of your post, the part that shares a name with when you scribble your name on a document.
We do NOT include usernames.
We do NOT include QM posts, direct or quoted.
We do NOT include troll posts, which are posts that we (the QMs) define as people posting solely in order to penalize Hazō.
And, of course, we do NOT include Discord. Feel free to use all the letters when typing in Discord.
If someone wants to be dickish and/or rules lawyer / game the system and they wish to ask "Will this count?", then the answer will be FAAFO.
EDIT (ironically): Due to some players going back and editing their posts in order to remove the forbidden letter, we have had to institute a
"No edits, no deletes" policy. Any player post we see that has been edited will be assumed to have had Gs removed. It will count as -10 XP on top of the -1 for every G that still remains.
We'll make an exception for editing 'infrastructure' posts such as votes, plans, SC XP, sealing XP, and other things that would reasonably have been edited for non-G-related purposes. Those posts do still need to avoid the forbidden letter.
If we believe that a post has been deleted, that will also be -10 XP.
We recognize that this will seem annoying to some people. We understand that, but it's not a whim on the part of the QMs because we don't want you to have fun. It's the effect of a seal failure; it's supposed to have consequences.