I propose we pitch to Shikamaru and then Asuma how they can use the dragon remnants as a bargaining chip with Cloud to prove that hey, Leaf is trying to stop the end of the world. Would be nice if they could back us up on that and help gett Rock off of our backs.
Oh no. That shit is ours, we killed the fucking thing in call dibs valuable research material.

Assuma can dismiss it and any negotiation with senk man is banend until we can trow him in the sun.
Oh no. That shit is ours, we killed the fucking thing in call dibs valuable research material.

Assuma can dismiss it and any negotiation with senk man is banend until we can trow him in the sun.
We didn't get enough to turn into a cape :(

I'd suggest hanging onto a single scale so that we can see what will penetrate it, and passing the rest off as physical evidence of the Dragon threat.
We didn't get enough to turn into a cape :(

I'd suggest hanging onto a single scale so that we can see what will penetrate it, and passing the rest off as physical evidence of the Dragon threat.
Exactly we have very few things from it so oro himself its an out.

We can show it to assuma to make a point that yeah dragons are real but those are our stuff to expolith so we can have more power.
If we're scared of Oro and don't want to trade with him we can just give it to Asuma and ask him to keep us in mind when he gets whatever benefits he gets after trading it to Oro for his own/Clan Sarurobi/the Tower's/Konoha's benefit.
Exactly we have very few things from it so oro himself its an out.

We can show it to assuma to make a point that yeah dragons are real but those are our stuff to expolith so we can have more power.
IMO the best way to get more power is to use this stuff to convince skeptics that the Dragon threat is real. Skeptics like Oro, the other Clan Bosses, and even Asuma and Cannai in their suspicious moments. We finally have actual physical evidence that the Dragons are real.
IMO the best way to get more power is to use this stuff to convince skeptics that the Dragon threat is real. Skeptics like Oro, the other Clan Bosses, and even Asuma and Cannai in their suspicious moments. We finally have actual physical evidence that the Dragons are real.

How do those parts proof that the Dragons are actually real? But yes, show it to whatever summons are willing to see them.

And us killing them makes them look less of a threat not more.
How do those parts proof that the Dragons are actually real? But yes, show it to whatever summons are willing to see them.
It's not unimpeachable proof to those inclined to doubt. But look at the description
The Arachnids managed to recover five scales, one tooth, and parts of three claws. The longest of those is four feet long and curved like a sickle. The other two are fragments peeled away from the claw itself, the first one twelve inches long and the second nine inches. The largest of the scales is taller than Hazō, four inches thick, and the bottom edge is a razor-sharp serrated nightmare. The other scales are smaller, ranging in size from two feet across to the size of Hazō's palm.

All of the body parts shimmer with an oily iridescence that makes Hazō very uncomfortable and his vision slightly blurry if he looks directly at them.
What else could have produced those body parts? Hazou has been screaming about Dragons for a while. He reports that they killed one and that they recovered a few body parts. These are the parts. They're impossible to damage (I assume) with the strongest ninjutsu and intensely corrosive and have Out-effects. Do you think people aren't going to take him more seriously? It's not a head, but still....

EDIT: The scale is taller than Hazou. That implies that the beast is absolutely massive. Especially Asuma knows that there's no way Hazou got the scale on anywhere besides the Seventh Path. Asuma can do the work of convincing the others, Enma will probably believe him. Oro, we don't know, but he should be able to figure out that Hazou of all people couldn't fake it.
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How do those parts proof that the Dragons are actually real? But yes, show it to whatever summons are willing to see them.

And us killing them makes them look less of a threat not more.
No guarantee they prove it. But the Sannin have seen weird shit and their tools to stratify weird shit are better than ours.
I propose we pitch to Shikamaru and then Asuma how they can use the dragon remnants as a bargaining chip with Cloud to prove that hey, Leaf is trying to stop the end of the world. Would be nice if they could back us up on that and help gett Rock off of our backs.
It's Asuma's call what to do with Dragon parts politically. Shouldn't speculate about how other countries will react to the information. An apocalypse isolated to the seventh path hurts Leaf summoners more.
"Doesn't obey QueenMotherBelovedGoddess!"
"Ha! Slow and stupid worker!"
"Slow! Lazy! Can't do its share!"
This has big 'your mother smells of elderberries' energy. If I hadn't been racked with nerves I would have laughed.
"Silly Summoner. Think you only one skyslicer we would use?"
I love, love, love having smart, capable allies.
In the previous update, Hazō retroactively decided to work on the Light Relay seal. His clones spent 5 days doing prep work (giving him a +10 bonus) and on the 6th day Hazō rolled +9 for his research on Light Relay; he ended up working late into the night and completed the seal just before needing to fall into bed and sleep the sleep of the deserving hero.
Can you explain what the Light Relay does? It seems, from the name, that it's a seal that emits a flash of light when it detects light, and to make it useful for the intended purpose (which I really hope we specified) that it's possible to fold the seal in half such that the light-emitting element is contained within one half and the light-detecting element is contained within the other.

List of specific questions:
  • Does sunlight or ambient light trigger the seal? (Ideally: no, it does not, you need a burst of intense light. The amount of light required to trigger would be somehow linked to the amount of 'background' light - a little light in the dark would trigger it. However, I'm not sure how this stuff actually works, and if it works like that and we extend this to radio then it would give us an advantage because the amount of ambient radio would be pretty low.)
  • Does the seal trigger itself if it's lying flat and it's triggered once? (I'm hoping that it doesn't trigger itself because the light it emits is directional, or that you'd at least have to work hard to get it to trigger itself, i.e. folding the seal in on itself.)
  • What is the (approximate) delay between trigger and light? (Is it noticeable? I'm imagining it isn't, but if we chained several relays, we might start to notice a delay.)
  • What light does the seal emit? (Is this the same thing as HOWS where you pick the colour at the time of infusion?) Is it random or consistent?
  • What's the lifetime of the seal? Is it measured in time, a number of activations, or do both have maximum values and whichever one is reached first determines the lifetime?
  • What light does it trigger off of? Is it colour-sensitive, or will it simply trigger on any light of sufficient intensity?
I realize that's a lot of questions and that they have potentially far-reaching implications. Please don't feel any pressure to answer any of them right now.

All of the body parts shimmer with an oily iridescence that makes Hazō very uncomfortable and his vision slightly blurry if he looks directly at them. He refused to put them in storage seals, but they were light enough that he was able to simply wrap them up in some heavy tarps and carry them back to Gōketsu Sealing Research Facility #6. Interdimensional transport is effectively instantaneous, but the tarps were partially eaten away by the time Hazō arrived on the Human Path. He dropped them and backed away fast, watching as the heavy canvas blackened and dissolved as though someone had poured acid on it.
Wild. How did the Arachnids move them? (Similar deal - tarps/spidersilk and pulling at them?) Did any of them try to touch them? Are they slowly chewing through the ground, or are they on some granite that they're not eating through so quickly as to be noticable?

I agree with everyone that we need to show this stuff to folks. Asuma seems like a good first candidate. Shikamaru should be high on that list, too. Relaying the tale to Cannai and asking if he wants to bring this stuff into his domain would be smart, and maybe we can bring some to the Conclave to focus them.

That said, I think that we should formally surrender/turn all or most of the body parts over to the Tower, maybe with a caveat that if Kumokogo wants them back, we need to give them up. They're not very useful to us and it might be a good political move.
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How do those parts proof that the Dragons are actually real? But yes, show it to whatever summons are willing to see them.

And us killing them makes them look less of a threat not more.
They're parts from something massive, they damage things by touch, they're super hard and have some weird mojo about them. That should be enough to send Mari into crazy giggles and Leaf experts into alert mode.
They're not very useful to us
WHAT? Of COURSE they are. They have a magical "destroy things by touch" essence thing going on and they're painful to look at. We can weaponise this so hard... Operation: "make a corrosive bomb that people can't look at" is go
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That said, I think that we should formally surrender/turn all or most of the body parts over to the Tower, maybe with a caveat that if Kumokogo wants them back, we need to give them up. They're not very useful to us and it might be a good political move.
We can test weapons to see if anything else will damage a Dragon's scales. It would be good to keep one scale for a bit to test all of our seals on it. Can a Force Wall damage it? Etc.
That said, I think that we should formally surrender/turn all or most of the body parts over to the Tower, maybe with a caveat that if Kumokogo wants them back, we need to give them up. They're not very useful to us and it might be a good political move.
I get that our natural inclination is to just give up every cool thing we get. These are our spoils and we should get value from them instead of just giving them away.
WHAT? Of COURSE they are. They have a magical "destroy things by touch" essence thing going on and they're painful to look at. We can weaponise this so hard... Operation: "make a corrosive bomb that people can't look at" is go
This is a sealing project. It will be a complicated one. I expect by the time we get to it, we'll have another Dragon corpse. I'm also reluctant to try to mess with reality that hard.
I get that our natural inclination is to just give up every cool thing we get. These are our spoils and we should get value from them instead of just giving them away.
Again, this isn't going to be the only dragon corpse we get. I am 100% on team 'mount a Dragon skull above Hazo's desk'. That said, I don't think that the Tower is stupid enough to lock it all up and prevent us from actually doing our job. I think that we can, at the very least, formally present Asuma with a four-foot section of Dragonclaw and reap some benefits from this action. I further think that the issue of 'they're our spoils' might get pretty blurry pretty fast if Asuma decides that it's weird that we're keeping them. We can run it by Mari, but I think that defusing that tag before it can go off has merit.
I get that our natural inclination is to just give up every cool thing we get. These are our spoils and we should get value from them instead of just giving them away.
IMO they are just as much Kumokugo's and the Hornet Queen's as Hazou's their people died for our victory. We just provided the seals and idea - they went into danger.

Personally I don't think they'll have much value as trophies, if we can figure out how to stop the scales from corroding everything, we could chop them up and use them as flack jacket inserts. Like ceramic plates in modern body armor. Otherwise I think we're best off using the body parts to convince people the Dragon threat is real.
Personally I don't think they'll have much value as trophies, if we can figure out how to stop the scales from corroding everything, we could chop them up and use them as flack jacket inserts. Like ceramic plates in modern body armor. Otherwise I think we're best off using the body parts to convince people the Dragon threat is real.
The other bugbear here is that we simply aren't going to do enough materials engineering research to make them useful. The big scale might give us inserts for 20-odd flak jackets: and that's assuming that they aren't so heavy as to make them unattractive in that regard. That's cool, we can equip all of Leaf's jonin, but that's not worldchanging.
The other bugbear here is that we simply aren't going to do enough materials engineering research to make them useful. The big scale might give us inserts for 20-odd flak jackets: and that's assuming that they aren't so heavy as to make them unattractive in that regard. That's cool, we can equip all of Leaf's jonin, but that's not worldchanging.
Yeah, it's not crazy. Which is why I think the first priority should be using the Dragon parts as physical evidence of the threat. Hazou has struggled to convince other beings in that regard. We can make flack jackets later. When (if) we kill the last Dragon we can use the entire body.
This is a sealing project. It will be a complicated one. I expect by the time we get to it, we'll have another Dragon corpse. I'm also reluctant to try to mess with reality that hard.
It's a joke more than a sealing project. There are more practical means to kill people.
Yeah, it's not crazy. Which is why I think the first priority should be using the Dragon parts as physical evidence of the threat. Hazou has struggled to convince other beings in that regard. We can make flack jackets later. When (if) we kill the last Dragon we can use the entire body.
[JK] instead of sealing Dragons in the butte, work on sealing Dragons in Hazō. We'll show up Naruto "look at me I can manifest like three tails" Uzumaki with Hazō "look at me I can manifest the mindbreaking undoing of the world" Gōketsu.
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Yeah, it's not crazy. Which is why I think the first priority should be using the Dragon parts as physical evidence of the threat. Hazou has struggled to convince other beings in that regard. We can make flack jackets later. When (if) we kill the last Dragon we can use the entire body.
To clarify something that might not have been clear from my initial posting: I think that the Tower having ownership over the Dragonbits makes the process of convincing others easier. Leaf is a more credible entity than Hazo.
To clarify something that might not have been clear from my initial posting: I think that the Tower having ownership over the Dragonbits makes the process of convincing others easier. Leaf is a more credible entity than Hazo.
I don't really want to turn over all of the parts, but the majority would be fine by me. I think we should hang on to at least one of the smaller scales to keep testing weapons on.
To clarify something that might not have been clear from my initial posting: I think that the Tower having ownership over the Dragonbits makes the process of convincing others easier. Leaf is a more credible entity than Hazo.
With who? They don't have more credibility than us internationally. And there's no one in village that Asuma should be able to convince that we can't.
I love love love this update. And now to conduct a thorough analysis of 7Path demographics by applying the German Tank Problem to the Hornet drone numbers to estimate the total number of Hornets and their requisite population density by cross-referencing with how long the continent took to cross. We have proven that Dragons can be slain, they do bleed, we can win this. We might not even need to wait for the Crusade!

Mentally add "The Dragonslayer" as one of our epithets.
This very much. Kei got "Dauntless" for helping fight a Boss Summon, we can take "Dragonslayer" for helping slay a Dragon. It's perfectly in-line with ninja culture and norms and swag as all get out.
I don't really want to turn over all of the parts, but the majority would be fine by me. I think we should hang on to at least one of the smaller scales to keep testing weapons on.
Here's my suggestion: we retain formal ownership of all parts, but we make them (most of them?) available for all parties to study, like we did with the GS replica. Orochimaru will hear of this and be interested enough to stick his snakey head out and investigate, and we'll get all the fancy knowledge we want out of his studies (we can stipulate that all results from study of it is made public), but at the end of the day it's still our loot by right of conquest and when Orochimaru's gotten everything he can out of it we can mount the heckhuge scale in our main hall for the swag factor.

Sound good?
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