[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty

The main thing that feels missing out of this is a contingency for if the situation is more chaotic and unwilling to listen to us as we expect. How does Keiko make them shut up and listen if they're shouting that Keiko tried to poison them and insisting that she be arrested?
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty

The main thing that feels missing out of this is a contingency for if the situation is more chaotic and unwilling to listen to us as we expect. How does Keiko make them shut up and listen if they're shouting that Keiko tried to poison them and insisting that she be arrested?
What do you think "Let Mari lead" means :p
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty

The main thing that feels missing out of this is a contingency for if the situation is more chaotic and unwilling to listen to us as we expect. How does Keiko make them shut up and listen if they're shouting that Keiko tried to poison them and insisting that she be arrested?
I'd think Panda's presence would de-escalate the situation with Azai. Plus, from all Azai Shusuke's appearances he's a pretty unflappable and hard-to-read guy. Blaming the summoner is a dangerous high-risk game for Isan. He can be more surgical probing Panda, which Keiko purposefully did for transparency and as a show of good faith.
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty
Word Count: 298

  • Let Mari lead
  • Don't unsummon Panda. Ask him what they say after the meeting.
  • Describe their reactions and facial expressions to Mari
    • Does she think this was a poisoning attempt? If so, send Snowflake instead.
    • Enact any contingencies for Snowflake popping
    • Quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Keiko seem in control of the situation.
    • Have Keiko return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. She "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.
    • Don't try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Don't commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how alliance benefits them.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread religion to, etc. are all possible for them from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Akio's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come. Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering large quantities of seals to Isan team during check-ins
@Velorien Could you take a look at the plan and give feedback so that we can smooth out any confusion?
Suggestion (298 words):

  • Let Mari lead.
  • Don't unsummon Panda. Ask him what they say after the meeting.
  • Describe their reactions and facial expressions to Mari
    • Does she think this was a poisoning attempt? If so, send Snowflake instead.
    • Enact any contingencies for Snowflake popping
    • Quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Keiko seem in control of the situation.
    • Have Keiko return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. She "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.
    • Don't try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Don't commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how alliance benefits them.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread religion to, etc. are all possible for them from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Akio's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come. Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering large quantities of seals to Isan team during check-ins
Wort mentioning that she should not eat anything if the meting resumes.
Describe their reactions and facial expressions to Mari
Reactions to what?

Edit: Or do you mean you should wait for Pandā to come back to the Kannagi estate and question him about how the guests reacted to Snowflake's disappearance?
She "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further
"Left swiftly" how, should they ask?
Begin delivering large quantities of seals to Isan team during check-ins
Which seals, and what do you mean by large quantities?
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Have Keiko return to the dinner
  • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. She "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.

Keiko did vanish in the middle of her sentence:
She shot to her feet. "Excuse me. I suddenly find… myself… feeling unwell. If we could resche—"

I kinda doubt they believe that she used a teleportation jutsu to get away. And Arikada might just know that the SC technique creates pretty realistic clones. Only the memory and maybe the chakra transfer are a secret after all, the technique is decades old and the second Hokage was pretty famous for it's creation.

Also, was Pandaa aware that she was a Shadow clone? He might spill the beans if asked, which might actually be good, at least it proofs to them that this wasn't an actual assassination attempt.

We could just wait 20-30 minutes send another SC, "apologize for the deception" and argue that we send a SC as food tester, because the Inoue and Aida were likely going to be present. They did try to kill us last time, while going behind the clan council, and while we had a base with protection.

Them trying to kill us again isn't really a stretch.

@Velorien, was Pandaa aware that it was Keiko's Shadow Clone?
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I believe that the QMs finally landed on the idea that the anti-Byakugan seal is in fact public domain, it's simply very difficult so only the best can learn it safely. @Velorien ?
That's right. Furthermore, only Tower-approved sealmasters are allowed to make them, and all of the output must be sold to the Tower. The Tower then sells them on but restricts the number that any individual clan can buy per month. Obviously, making them for yourself is a crime.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Did Keiko/Mari/etal have any contingencies for what we should do if Snowflake got popped during the meeting?
It was assumed that this would be an assassination attempt (on Keiko), so the contingencies were to the effect of "they'll be coming for us next; full defence".
@Velorien, was Pandaa aware that it was Keiko's Shadow Clone?
Do we think Panda would reveal anything major in that brief window?
I do!
I think the plan should have Keiko unsummon Pandaa immediately, if you must, she could wait a minute then resummon him for intel. I don't expect him to hold up to any sort of probing for information. I don't expect his observations would be particularly useful either. Nice to have, but not worth the risk. Keiko also needs a refill from Noburi, she's running at 65 cp right now.
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IIRC, combat seals (banshee fuckers, Kagome's Bliss, macerators, etc) and "Kagome's heading to war" amounts. Just in case things in Isan escalate and we need to pull a LotRoL's Glacier.
Note that the family, including Kagome, does not know of a "Kagome's Bliss" seal. Whatever that was, it was Jiraiya's creation.

I give you my word that Haru has not killed a single civilian in his quest for information.
Six 'Funny' ratings as of now? Harumph. It's like you people don't trust me or something.
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Note that the family, including Kagome, does not know of a "Kagome's Bliss" seal. Whatever that was, it was Jiraiya's creation.
Oh, I thought it was one of the seals Kagome gave to Jiraiya but hadn't bothered/had time to name. Not gonna lie, this knowledge makes me tear up a little bit.

After we get done with the eater/Isan arc, I propose we try to speed run necromancy. Investigate the portal as a first step, maybe study how Summoning works since it involves interactions between the Paths?
Reactions to what?

Edit: Or do you mean you should wait for Pandā to come back to the Kannagi estate and question him about how the guests reacted to Snowflake's disappearance?

No, it was included to mean "have Keiko relay their reactions to Snowflake's sickness, does Mari think that they tried to poison her?" but I will remove it to make it less confusing. It's kind of covered already by the line "does mari think this was a poison attempt"

"Left swiftly" how, should they ask?

I would assume Mari would pick the best option for Keiko to say with the line "let Mari lead", but just so that you're not having to come up with all the ideas, I would propose she imply it was either a high-speed movement technique, a teleportation technique such as a hacked variation of substitution that doesn't require you to leave something behind, a secret seal Hazou/Jiraiya/Kagome created similar to the substitution technique that Keiko can trigger whenever she needs to escape, or a pangolin stealth jutsu that let her go outside quickly to vomit. And if they keep trying to pry she can always say they could learn it if they were allies lol

Which seals, and what do you mean by large quantities?

Probably mostly explosives, I'll change the wording somewhat. I'll also remove large quantities, since it's pretty much a given with Kagome SOP.

[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty
Word Count: 296

  • Don't unsummon Panda. Ask him what they said in Keiko's absence at the end of chapter.
  • Let Mari lead
    • Does she think this was a poisoning attempt? If so, send Snowflake instead.
    • Enact any contingencies for Snowflake popping
    • Quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Keiko seem in control of the situation.
    • Have Keiko return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. She "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.
    • Don't try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Don't commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how alliance benefits them.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread religion to, etc. are all possible for them from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Aizo's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come. Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering seals to Isan team during check-ins, for emergency ARMAGEDDON purposes
Wort mentioning that she should not eat anything if the meting resumes.
Good point

It was assumed that this would be an assassination attempt (on Keiko), so the contingencies were to the effect of "they'll be coming for us next; full defence".
Hmm, in that case I kinda want to remove that line

I don't expect him to hold up to any sort of probing for information.
He's been receiving training in the Diplomacy Corps for a while now hasn't he? Or whatever it's called. I'm also not sure how much he could really give up since I'm not sure how many secrets he's been told. Does anyone else have any strong feelings about Panda staying or not? Personally I think it's less sus if he stays

[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty
Word Count: 299

  • Don't unsummon Panda. Ask him what they said in Snowflake's absence at the end of chapter.
  • Let Mari lead
    • Does Mari think they attempted poisoning?
    • Quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Snowflake seem in control of the situation.
    • Refuel with Noburi. Have Snowflake return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. Keiko "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.
        • Apologize in advance, she still feels sick and will not be eating more
    • Don't try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Don't commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how alliance benefits them.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread religion to, etc. are all possible for them from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Aizo's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come. Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering seals to Isan team during check-ins, for emergency ARMAGEDDON purposes
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He's been receiving training in the Diplomacy Corps for a while now hasn't he? Or whatever it's called. I'm also not sure how much he could really give up since I'm not sure how many secrets he's been told. Does anyone else have any strong feelings about Panda staying or not? Personally I think it's less sus if he stays
Sure, but it's Pandaa, he's been repeatedly characterized as "not very bright" and "blurts stuff out sometimes". He knows "Keiko" is a Shadow Clone, and that she popped, not whatever bullshit we're going to pretend happened. (That could also be made clearer in the plan). I expect him to tell everyone that Snowflake was a Shadow Clone with 60% confidence. Now we've given away intel on Shadow Clones. Maybe they'll work out its secrets, maybe they won't. I can't predict what's going to happen in that case, but it's bad. Let's just dismiss Pandaa and avoid it. There is a benefit to keeping him there, but it's outweighed by the risks IMO.
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty
Word Count: 292

  • Immediately unsummon Panda
  • Let Mari lead
    • Does Mari think they attempted poisoning?
    • Enact any contingencies for Snowflake popping
    • Quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Snowflake seem in control of the situation.
    • Refuel with Noburi. Have Snowflake return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. Keiko "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.
        • Apologize in advance, she still feels sick and will not be eating more
    • Don't try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Don't commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how alliance benefits them.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread religion to, etc. are all possible for them from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Aizo's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come. Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering seals to Isan team during check-ins, for emergency ARMAGEDDON purposes
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty
Word Count: 296
  • Let Mari lead
    • Does Mari think they attempted poisoning?
    • Unsummon Panda if Mari thinks we should
    • Enact any contingencies for Snowflake popping
    • Quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Snowflake seem in control of the situation.
    • Refuel with Noburi. Have Snowflake return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. Keiko "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.
        • Apologize in advance, she still feels sick and will not be eating more
    • Don't try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Don't commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how alliance benefits them.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread religion to, etc. are all possible for them from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Aizo's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come. Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering seals to Isan team during check-ins, for emergency ARMAGEDDON purposes
Does Mari think they attempted poisoning?
Can we make sure to mention Arikada the possible biology freak and everybody's funny facial expressions regarding the boar tongues? I realize there isn't much space left in the word count, but this is serious business.
Begin delivering seals to Isan team during check-ins, for emergency ARMAGEDDON purposes
Can we also add something like "After chakra is plentiful, make another Snowflake and test that she pops from the same kind of pepper after a similar amount of time" and something like "Noburi normalizes buying chakra from Isan ninja, as long as he thinks they won't be freaked out by it". That way when we inevitably have to steamroll the place we can do some summoning and refill chakra first.
Sure, but it's Pandaa, he's been repeatedly characterized as "not very bright" and "blurts stuff out sometimes". He knows "Keiko" is a Shadow Clone, and that she popped, not whatever bullshit we're going to pretend happened. (That could also be made clearer in the plan). I expect him to tell everyone that Snowflake was a Shadow Clone with 60% confidence. Now we've given away intel on Shadow Clones. Maybe they'll work out its secrets, maybe they won't. I can't predict what's going to happen in that case, but it's bad. Let's just dismiss Pandaa and avoid it. There is a benefit to keeping him there, but it's outweighed by the risks IMO.

Honestly, I would leave this up to Kei.

Yes Panda's is overly curious about taboo subjects, but on our first meeting with him, he was cognizant enough to know we were in deep crap back in Isan and performed admirably in playing along with Kei's script for our benefit.

He should know the dynamics at play here as a part of the Diplo core. Furthermore, his prestige as Kei's first summon is tethered to her success. Screwing up here has consequences.

I don't think revealing info about our jutsu is going to be a worry for us, especially when he comes from the kind of militaristic culture he comes from; that would be a no-no. Probing or revealing anything about our jutsu is like asking about a pangolin technique particulars.

I'd be more worried about the child summons of other clans, but less for Panda.\

EDit: Ninjaed. Or follow Mari's lead like you say.
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[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty

This is a very strong plan. I haven't been super-engaged in the Isan stuff - not quite my cup of tea - but I'm really excited to see how this goes.