Boots that leave the toes exposed, or gloves that leave the fingers exposed? Might do it either because it simplifies chakra emissions for use of wall-walking, or simply because it makes it easier to feel details, or improves your grip.
I meant the sandals they use in Naruto. Which are basically boots but for the opening at the front.
@Shrooms Do you think keeping Panda around to talk to the Preist is a positive? He's not an idiot, and we can weaponize him being adorable, so It might make the Preist lower his guard. Now that I think about it, releasing Panda immediately might set alarm bells off.

Of course, only Keiko and Mari know better.
If you're going to make a meme vote can you not do one that will kick our reputation even further down the gutter?

1: If we come back from a diplomatic mission having killed our potential ally (likely at the expense of at least one of our own) Asuma's faith will break entirely and Goketsu will lose independence, since clearly they can't be trusted to run their own operations.

2: I highly doubt 1 jonin and 3 chunin are going to be able to take down the entire village without some of them dying, considering there's like 80 ninja here on the level of the chunin and the fact that your meme vote doesn't even have any clever tactics to make up for this.

3: Yuno probably wouldn't even help with this plan and will likely despise us if we somehow succeeded, or even sabotage it to save her home.

4: We gain pretty much nothing from the meme vote besides ending the arc sooner.

There's probably even more reasons it sucks and i'm kind of annoyed that people who are dissatisfied with the current plans aren't really putting forward any effort to amend them or run counterplans with actual effort and purpose behind them.
I actually have no idea what's going on In Isan or what we're trying to accomplish with the dogs. I do have plans to deal with the bank run and yakuza once we can move on that
@Shrooms Do you think keeping Panda around to talk to the Preist is a positive? He's not an idiot, and we can weaponize him being adorable, so It might make the Preist lower his guard. Now that I think about it, releasing Panda immediately might set alarm bells off.

Of course, only Keiko and Mari know better.

Well it's probably going to take Keiko at least 10 minutes to throw together an apology with Mari and Yuno and run back over. They might try to grill Panda while we're gone but I think it would look less suspicious to leave him there and for Keiko to awkwardly come back in. Also, they might attempt to strike deals with Panda which he can tell Keiko about later.

Do we think Panda would reveal anything major in that brief window?
Well it's probably going to take Keiko at least 10 minutes to throw together an apology with Mari and Yuno and run back over. They might try to grill Panda while we're gone but I think it would look less suspicious to leave him there and for Keiko to awkwardly come back in. Also, they might attempt to strike deals with Panda which he can tell Keiko about later.

Do we think Panda would reveal anything major in that brief window?
Didn't we have a pangolin that was supper small? , we can claim that that one was who reverse summoned keiko.
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty
Word Count: 292

  • Don't unsummon Panda. Ask him what they say after the meeting.
  • Describe their reactions and facial expressions to Mari
    • Does she think this was a poisoning attempt? If so, send Snowflake instead.
  • Keiko, quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Keiko seem in control of the situation
    • Have Keiko return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. She "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting.
    • Do not try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Do not commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how much they have to gain from this alliance.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that can boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread his religion to and more are all possible for the High Priest from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Aizo's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come and Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering large quantities of seals to Isan team during check-ins

Added some misc word changes and also added the highlighted sections
Didn't we have a pangolin that was supper small? , we can claim that that one was who reverse summoned keiko.
Summon physical size has been increased to better reflect canon. All summons are now two to four times larger than before. Summons' society and personalities have been changed to reflect their greatly increased physical superiority over humans (especially for previously small pangolins such as Pandā, who is now 6'6'' (2 m) tall).
Didn't we have a pangolin that was supper small? , we can claim that that one was who reverse summoned keiko.
I think Panda is our smallest summon. Also, I don't think Keiko should say that she was reverse summoned because they would know if that was true or not. If she keeps it vague and just says she left quickly, it implies Leaf or at least Keiko have access to secret jutsu that let her move quickly without needing to substitute (which is actually kind of true considering the memory transfer property of SC)
Also all summons on the Human Path pop when a summoner reverse summons themselves. If we leave Pandaa in there it implies Keiko did not reverse summon herself.
Well it's probably going to take Keiko at least 10 minutes to throw together an apology with Mari and Yuno and run back over. They might try to grill Panda while we're gone but I think it would look less suspicious to leave him there and for Keiko to awkwardly come back in. Also, they might attempt to strike deals with Panda which he can tell Keiko about later.

Do we think Panda would reveal anything major in that brief window?
I think he'll be alright. He owes Keiko too much for getting him in the diplo corps to screw this up.

Plus him being apart of diplo core should give him a foundation for knowing proper opsec and protocol.

And lastly, I believe the Azai are the beastmasters (Tapirs) and craft clans. Us offering him some time alone with Panda should be considered a huge favor to him, especially if it give him some idea of what the Pangolins are up to after taking out the Condors. We should play on this being a huge gift we just gave him.
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty
Word Count: 291

  • Don't unsummon Panda. Ask him what they say after the meeting.
  • Describe their reactions and facial expressions to Mari
    • Does she think this was a poisoning attempt? If so, send Snowflake instead.
    • Quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Keiko seem in control of the situation
    • Have Keiko return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. She "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.
    • Do not try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Do not commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how alliance benefits them.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread religion to, etc. are all possible for them from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Akio's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come. Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering large quantities of seals to Isan team during check-ins
Added the implication that Keiko was doing them a favor by leaving Panda there
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty

Will be perfectly honest and say that I don't know how this is going to turn out, but I have no idea what I would do beyond a false-flag operation [assassination attempt on Keiko under banner of truce] to trigger civil war within Isan in order to purge the High Priest's faction. Which is its own level of wtf.
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty

Will be perfectly honest and say that I don't know how this is going to turn out, but I have no idea what I would do beyond a false-flag operation [assassination attempt on Keiko under banner of truce] to trigger civil war within Isan in order to purge the High Priest's faction. Which is its own level of wtf.
Basically this. I guess we could add a line about "if Mari has a better idea, go wild, just remember we can't kill them all without Asuma being upset."
Last edited:
I don't think there's room really
Suggestion (298 words):

  • Let Mari lead.
  • Don't unsummon Panda. Ask him what they say after the meeting.
  • Describe their reactions and facial expressions to Mari
    • Does she think this was a poisoning attempt? If so, send Snowflake instead.
    • Enact any contingencies for Snowflake popping
    • Quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Keiko seem in control of the situation.
    • Have Keiko return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. She "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.
    • Don't try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Don't commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how alliance benefits them.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread religion to, etc. are all possible for them from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Akio's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come. Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering large quantities of seals to Isan team during check-ins
Was it ever confirmed whether Isan had tenuous connections to the Tapir clan or was the domestication of the Tapir's just a coincidence?